68 research outputs found

    Cancer: New needs, new models. is it time for a community oncologist? another brick in the wall

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    Over the last few decades, thanks to early detection, effective drugs, and personalized treatments, the natural history of cancer has radically changed. Thanks to these advances, we have observed how survival of cancer patients has increased, becoming an ever more important goal in cancer care. Effective clinical governance of survivorship care is essential to ensure a successful transition between active and post-treatment life, identifying optimization of healthcare outcomes and quality of life for patients as the primary objectives. For these reasons, potential intervention models must consider these differences to rationalize the available resources, including economic aspects. In this perspective, analyzing the different models proposed in the literature to manage this type of patients, we focus on the possible role of the so-called “community oncologist”. As a trained health professional, also focused on longevity, he could represent the right management solution in all those “intermediate” clinical conditions that arise between the hospital specialist, frequently overworked, and the general practitioner, often biased by the lack of specific expertise


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    Patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) have an increased risk of 10%-15% developing colorectal cancer (CRC) that is a common disease of high economic costs in developed countries. the CRC has been increasing in recent years and its mortality rates are very high. Multiple biological and biochemical factors are responsible for the onset nad progression of this pathology. moreover, it appears absolutely necessary to investigate the environmental factors favoring the onset of CRC and the production of colonic healt. the gut microflora, or microbiota, has an extensive diversity both quantitatively and qualitatively. in utero, the intestine of the mammalian fetus is sterile. Al birth, the intestinal microbiota in acquired by ingestion maternal anal or vaginal organisms, ultimately developing into a stable community, with marked variations in microbial composition between individuals. the development of IBD is often associated with qualitative and quantitative disorders of the intestinal microbial flora (dysbiosis). the healthy human gut arbours about 10 different bacterial species distributed in colony forming units which colonize the gastrointestinal tract. The intestinal microbiota plays a fundamental role in helath and the progeression of diseases such as IBD and CRC. in Healthy subjects, the main control of intestinal bacterial colonization occurs through gastric acidity but other factors such as endoluminal temperature, competition between different bacterial strains, peristalsis and drugs can influence the intestinal microenvironment. the microbiota exerts diverse physiological functions to include; growth inhibition of pathogenic microrganisms, synthesis of compounds useful for the trophysm of colonic mucosa, regulation of the intestinal lymphoid tissue and synthesis of amino acids. furthermopre, mucus seems to play an important role in protecting the intestinal mucosa and maintaining its integrity. changes in the microbiota composition are mainly influenced by diet and age, as well as genetic factors. Increasing evidence indicates that dysbiosis favors the production of genotoxins and metabolities associated with carcinogeneasis and induces dysregulation of the immune response wich promotes and sustains inflammation in IBD leading to carcinogenesis. a disequilibrium in gut microflora composition leads to the specific activation of gut associated lymphoid tissue. the associated chronic inflammatory process associated increases the risk of developing CRC. Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's diasease are the two major IBDs characterized by an early onset and extraintestinal manifestations, such as rheumatoid arthtritis. the pathogenesis of both diseases is complex and not yet fully known. however, it is widely accepted that an inappropriate immune response to microbial flora can play a pivotal role in IBD pathogenesis

    Hematologic toxicity of radium-223 in elderly patients with metastatic Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer: a real-life experience

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    Background: Treatment with radium-223 has been shown to increase survival and to delay skeletal events related to bone metastases of patients with metastatic Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer (mCRPC). This treatment has also proved to be well tolerated, and hematological toxicity, in particular anemia, represents the most represented adverse event. Materials and methods: We evaluated the hematologic toxicity of Ra-223 treatment in a real-life experience of 38 patients from two Italian cancer centers, with bone metastases from mCRPC. The main endpoint of the study was the evaluation of the efficacy and tolerability of treatment with radium-223, with greater reference to hematological toxicity (especially anemia) as the cause of interruption of treatment, specifically in the elderly patient. Results: From August 2016 to October 2017, a total of 38 consecutive nonselected patients, 20 of them aged >75 years, with mCRPC symptomatic bone metastases, were enrolled for radium-223 at standard doses. Hematologic adverse events were recorded more frequently (72.4% with AE), and 36.8% had anemia. The most frequent cause of treatment discontinuation due to AEs was anemia [8/10 patients (80%)], followed by thrombocytopenia (2 patients) and neutropenia (1 patient). Hematologic AEs were more represented in elderly patients with greater disease burden and previously treated with docetaxel. Conclusions: Anemia is the most represented AE related to radium-223 treatment in elderly patients with greater disease burden and previously treated with docetaxel, besides representing the main reason for interruption of treatment. Correct patient selection, appropriate timing, and adequate supportive care are elements that could facilitate successful treatment with radium-223, preventing premature interruption of the same. The results of this experience support the opportunity to propose treatment with radium-223 mostly in patients in the earliest stages


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    Objective: Nowadays, an optional and effective medical surgery remains the gold standard for perianal fistulas. Hereby we reported preliminary rsults in favor of using Argentum-Quartz solution for both primary and recurrent perianal fisrtulas. Methods: Three patients with intersphimncter and extrasphinteric fistulas were enrolled. Argentum-Quartz solution was administrated twice a week for sa period of 4 weeks, followed by a pause of 8 days and then another 4 weeks of treatment, totally 16 administrations. After treatment, all patients were monitored for 4-months follow-up. Results: Complete closures of 2 extrasphinteric fistulas and a partial closure with absence of inflammation and superative phenomena in the intraspinteric fistula were both manifested. Conclusions: Selective treatment of perianal fistulas with argentum-quartz solution is safe and effective. and may represent a reliable alternative

    Use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in cancer patients. An italian multicenter survey

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    INTRODUCTION: Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) include a wide range of products (herbs, vitamins, minerals, and probiotics) and medical practices, developed outside of the mainstream Western medicine. Patients with cancer are more likely to resort to CAM first or then in their disease history; the potential side effects as well as the costs of such practices are largely underestimated. PATIENTS AND METHOD: We conducted a descriptive survey in five Italian hospitals involving 468 patients with different malignancies. The survey consisted of a forty-two question questionnaire, patients were eligible if they were Italian-speaking and receiving an anticancer treatment at the time of the survey or had received an anticancer treatment no more than three years before participating in the survey. RESULTS: Of our patients, 48.9% said they use or have recently used CAM. The univariate analysis showed that female gender, high education, receiving treatment in a highly specialized institute and receiving chemotherapy are associated with CAM use; at the multivariate analysis high education (Odds Ratio, (OR): 1.96 95% Confidence Interval, CI, 1.27-3.05) and receiving treatment in a specialized cancer center (OR: 2.75 95% CI, 1.53-4.94) were confirmed as risk factors for CAM use. CONCLUSION: Roughly half of our patients receiving treatment for cancer use CAM. It is necessary that health professional explore the use of CAM with their cancer patients, educate them about potentially beneficial therapies in light of the limited available evidence of effectiveness, and work towards an integrated model of health-care provision


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    Inflammatory Bowel disease (IBD), such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, are pathologies characterized by a chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Their etiopathogenesis is not yet fully understood. Immune system and heat shock proteins (HSPs) dysfunctions are considered to be among the most likely causes of these diseases. Butyrate is a short-chain fatty acid produced by intestinal microflora. It has a trophic, benefical and protective role in the colonic mucosa, and it also induces changes in Hsp levels and localization. It may therefore be a valuable complementary therapeutic agent when used alongside trraditional drugs (mesalazine and corticosteroids) to treat the production of butyrate in the endoluminal environment may promote clinical remission in IBD patients. Due to these characteristics, there has been keen interest in the use of butyrate as a novel therapeutic supplement in the recent years. The current findings need to be validated through further clinical trials to better define the bbiomolecular dynamics of butyrate in the colonocytes of IBD patients

    Physician Attitudes and Perceptions of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM): A Multicentre Italian Study

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    Purpose: Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) interventions are widely used by patients with chronic disorders, including cancer, and may interact with cancer treatment. Physicians are often unaware of this, probably due to poor patient-physician communication on CAM. The purpose of this study was to evaluate physicians' knowledge, attitudes and practice patterns regarding CAM in a survey conducted in Italy. Methods: A questionnaire was administered to 438 physicians (11 Italian hospitals) who predominantly treat patients with chronic disease, to collect personal and professional data and information on attitudes toward CAM and its possible role in Conventional Medicine (CM). Results: Of the 438 participants, most were specialists in oncology (18%), internal medicine (17%), surgery (15%), and radiotherapy (11%). Most worked at university (44%) or research hospitals (31%). Forty-two percent of participants believed that CAM could have an integrative role within CM. Oncologists were the physicians who were best informed on CAM (58%). Physicians working at research institutes or university hospitals had a greater knowledge of CAM than those employed at general hospitals (p < 0.0001), and those who were also involved in research activity had a greater knowledge of CAM than those who were not (p < 0.003). Length of work experience was significantly related to CAM knowledge. Moreover, 55% of participants suggest CAM interventions to their patients and 44% discuss CAM with them. The best-known interventions were acupuncture, Aloe vera and high-dose vitamin C. Conclusion: CAM use by patients with chronic disease and/or cancer has become a topical issue for the scientific community and for physicians. Knowing the reasons that prompt these patients to use CAM and guiding them in their decisions would improve treatment and outcomes and also benefit healthcare systems. Our findings contribute to a greater understanding of CAM knowledge, attitudes, and practice among Italian physicians. Further research is needed to identify the more effective CAM treatments and to work toward an integrated healthcare model

    The Italian Rare Biliary tract Cancer initiative (IRaBiCa): A multicentric observational study of Gruppo Oncologico dell’Italia Meridionale (GOIM) in collaboration with Gruppo Italiano Colangiocarcinoma (GICO)

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    Introduction: About 90% of cholangiocarcinomas are adenocarcinomas with glandular or tubular structures lined by epithelial cells, with no bile production and with a variable degree of differentiation, arising in the background of desmoplastic stroma. The remaining 10% is represented by rarer histological variants of which there is little knowledge regarding the biological behavior, molecular characterization, and sensitivity to the various possible therapies, including molecular-based treatments. Such rare tumors are described only in case reports or small retrospective series because of their exclusion from clinical trials. This national initiative, here presented, aims to address the following knowledge gap: a) how much does histological diversity translate into clinical manifestation variety? b) are those chemotherapy regimens, recommended for conventional biliary tract cancers, potentially active in rare variants? Therefore, epidemiological, pathological, and clinical characterization of series of rare biliary histotypes/variants, for which therapeutic and follow-up data are available, will be collected. Methods: An Italian task force on rare tumors of the biliary tract (IRaBiCa) has been created, whose initiative is a multicenter retrospective study involving 34 Italian cancer centers. Clinical data from approximately 100 patients will be collected and analyzed. Continuous variables will be presented as median ± standard deviation, while categorical variables will be expressed in terms of frequency. Kaplan-Maier analyses will be used to compare disease free, progression free and overall survival, according to the different histotypes. Conclusions: We expect to gather novel data on rare histotypes of biliary tract cancer that will be useful to support their molecular and immunological characterization

    The CS1 segment of fibronectin is involved in human OSCC pathogenesis by mediating OSCC cell spreading, migration, and invasion

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The alternatively spliced V region or type III connecting segment III (IIICS) of fibronectin is important in early development, wound healing, and tumorigenesis, however, its role in oral cancer has not been fully investigated. Thus, we investigated the role of CS-1, a key site within the CSIII region of fibronectin, in human oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To determine the expression of CS-1 in human normal and oral SCC tissue specimens immunohistochemical analyses were performed. The expression of CS1 was then associated with clinicopathological factors. To investigate the role of CS-1 in regulating OSCC cell spreading, migration and invasion, OSCC cells were assayed for spreading and migration in the presence of a CS-1 peptide or a CS-1 blocking peptide, and for invasion using Matrigel supplemented with these peptides. In addition, integrin α4siRNA or a focal adhesion kinase (FAK) anti-sense oligonucleotide was transfected into OSCC cells to examine the mechanistic role of integrin α4 or FAK in CS1-mediated cell spreading and migration, respectively.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>CS-1 expression levels were significantly higher in OSCC tissues compared to normal tissues (p < 0.05). Also, although, high levels of CS-1 expression were present in all OSCC tissue samples, low-grade tumors stained more intensely than high grade tumors. OSCC cell lines also expressed higher levels of CS-1 protein compared to normal human primary oral keratinocytes. There was no significant difference in total fibronectin expression between normal and OSCC tissues and cells. Inclusion of CS-1 in the in vitro assays enhanced OSCC cell spreading, migration and invasion, whereas the CS1 blocking peptide inhibited these processes. Suppression of integrin α4 significantly inhibited the CS1-mediated cell spreading. Furthermore, this migration was mediated by focal adhesion kinase (FAK), since FAK suppression significantly blocked the CS1-induced cell migration.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These data indicate that the CS-1 site of fibronectin is involved in oral cancer pathogenesis and in regulating OSCC cell spreading, migration and invasion.</p

    Gemcitabine with or without continuous infusion 5-FU in advanced pancreatic cancer: a randomised phase II trial of the Italian oncology group for clinical research (GOIRC)

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    This study was performed to determine the activity of adding continuous infusion (CI) of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) to gemcitabine (GEM) vs GEM alone in advanced pancreatic cancer (APC). In all, 94 chemo-naïve patients with APC were randomised to receive GEM alone (arm A: 1000 mg m−2 per week for 7 weeks followed by a 2 week rest period, then weekly for 3 consecutive weeks out of every 4 weeks) or in combination with CI 5-FU (arm B: CI 5-FU 200 mg m−2 day−1 for 6 weeks followed by a 2 week rest period, then for 3 weeks every 4 weeks). Overall response rate (RR) was the primary end point and criteria for decision were planned according to the Simon's optimal two-stage design. The overall RR was 8% (arm A) and 11% (arm B) (95% confidence interval: 0.5–16% and 2–22%), respectively, and stable disease was 29 and 28%. The median duration of RR was 34 weeks (range 25–101 weeks) for GEM and 26 weeks (range 16–46 weeks) for the combination. The median progression-free survival (PFS) was 14 weeks (range 2–65 weeks) and 18 weeks (range 4–51 weeks), respectively. The median overall survival (OS) was 31 weeks (range 1–101 weeks) and 30 weeks (1–101 weeks). Toxicity was mild in both arms. This study does not show promising activity in terms of RR, PFS and OS for the double combination arm in APC