122 research outputs found


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    The diversity of species of Cotesia Cameron, 1891 for the territory of Serbia is given as a faunistic survey. The paper presents the results of research in the period from 1902 to 2021. Literature, databases and new, unpublished records were combined for a comprehensive list of species, with notes on localities, dates, number and sexes of individuals. In total, 35 species are presented, of which 11 were registered in Serbia for the first time. The species most often collected were Cotesia ofella and C. tibialis


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    Ichneumonid Agrypon polyxenae is a solitary larval-pupal endoparasitoid developing within the caterpillars of the genus Zerynthia and distributed in the western Palearctic. Z. polyxena is the most common host, with its caterpillars feeding on highly poisonous Aristolochia species. Here we report A. polyxenae parasitising Z. polyxena for the first time in Serbia and provide a short species description. This parasitoid has also been recorded on Z. rumina in Spain. We suggest some evidence for its presence Ā in the newly described Z. cassandra in Italy

    Effect of interleukin-17 on nitric oxide production in murine fibroblast-like cell line L929

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    The ability of interleukin-17 (IL-17) to induce nitric oxide (NO) synthesis in murine L929 fibroblasts was investigated. L929 cells were incubated with IL-17 and/or LPS, interferon-g (IFN-gama), interleukin-1 (IL-1), or dibutyryl-cAMP. NO production was assessed indirectly, by measuring nitrite accumulation in 24 h culture supernatants. L929 fibroblasts did not produce NO constitutively, nor IL-17 alone induced NO production. Of all other stimuli tested, only IFN-gama significantly up regulated nitrite level in L929 cell cultures. However, when IL-17 was applied simultaneously with each of the tested stimuli, NO synthesis was markedly elevated, thus indicating involvement of distinct signaling pathways of NO induction by IL-17 and other tested agents. Production of NO by IL-17+LPS-treated L929 cells was dependent on synthesis and activity of inducible NO synthase (iNOS), as indicated by abrogation of nitrite accumulation with protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide or selective inhibitor of iNOS, aminoguanidine. A role for protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) and transcription factor NF-kB in iNOS activation is suggested by reduction of NO synthesis with PTK inhibitor genistein and an inhibitor of NF-kB activation, pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate (PDTC). In contrast, protein kinase C inhibitor staurosporine was ineffective in blocking IL-17+LPS-induced NO production in L929 cells. Taken together, our results for the first time showed an active participation of IL-17 in co-induction of fibroblast NO synthesis with LPS, cytokines (IL-1, IFN-gama), or cAMP analogue, and suggested that IL-17 up-regulated NO synthesis in fibroblasts through mechanisms involving PTK and NF-kB activation.Ispitan je uticaj interleukina-17 (IL-17) na produkciju azot monoksida (NO) od strane L929 fibroblasta. L929 ćelije su inkubirane sa IL-17 i/ili LPS-om, interferonom-gama (IFN-gama), interleukinom-1 (IL-1), ili dibutiril-cAMP-om. Produkcija NO ispitana je indirektno, merenjem koncentracije nitrita akumuliranih nakon 24 h u supernatantu ćelijskih kultura. Kultivisani L929 fibroblasti nisu produkovali NO konstitutivno, niti je sam IL-17 indukovao NO produkciju. Od ostalih ispitanih agenasa samo je IFN-gama značajno povećao nivo nitrita u kulturama L929 ćelija. Međutim, kada je IL-17 primenjen sa bilo kojim od testiranih agenasa, doÅ”lo je do snažnog povećanja NO sinteze, Å”to je ukazalo da su signalni putevi indukcije NO sa IL-17 i ostalim navedenim agensima različiti. Sprečavanje akumulacije nitrita inhibitorom proteinske sinteze cikloheksimidom ili selektivnim inhibitorom iNOS aminoguanidinom u ćelijama stimulisanim sa IL-17+LPS ukazalo je da NO produkcija zavisi od sinteze i aktivnosti enzima inducibilne NO sinteze (iNOS). Inhibitor protein tirozin kinaze (PTK), genistein i inhibitor aktivacije transkripcionog faktora NF-kB, pirolidin ditiokarbamat (PDTC), takođe su redukovali sintezu NO. Nasuprot tome, inhibitor protein kinaze C, staurosporin, nije blokirao NO produkciju L929 ćelija stimulisanih sa IL-17+LPS. U celini, naÅ”i rezultati su po prvi put pokazali aktivno učeŔće IL-17 u koindukciji NO sinteze sa LPS-om, citokinima (IL-1, IFN-gama), ili cAMP analogom u fibroblastima i ukazali da stimulacija NO sinteze sa IL-17 uključuje mehanizme zavisne od PTK i NF-kB.nul

    Cuticular chemoprofile of the fruit fly drosophila subobscura (diptera, drosophilidae)

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    In insects, cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) profile is involved in many important biological functions and may vary in different conditions. Among fruit fly species, Drosophila subobscura is one of the most frequently used in genetic, ecological and evolutionary research, because of its rich chromosomal polymorphism, specific behavioral repertoires and habitat preferences. In this work, we identified and quantified cuticular chemoprofile of D. subobscura. Using gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS), 25 chemical compounds were found in males and 23 compounds were found in females. Further, ANOVA confirmed significant sexual dimorphism in cuticular chemoprofile amounts. Knowledge of cuticular chemistry could contribute to further research in D. subobscura, starting from behavioral, up to ecological, since this species is recognized as an important model system for the study and monitoring of global climate changes

    Singlet oxygen generation by higher fullerene-based colloids

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    In this paper, the results of the synthesis and characterization of higher fullerene-based colloids is presented. The generation of singlet oxygen (1)O2 ((1)Delta g) by fullerenc water-based colloids (nC60, nC70 and nC84) was investigated. It was found by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy that the generation of singlet oxygen was the highest by the nC84 colloid. The amplitude of the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) signal was two orders of magnitude higher than the amplitude of the EPR signals which originated from nC60 and nC70. The surface morphology and the structure of the particles of the water-based colloids were investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The AFM study showed that the average size of the nC60, nC70 and nC84 were 200, 80 and 70 nm, respectively. In addition, the particle size distribution of the nC60, nC70 and nC84 colloids was determined by dynamic light scattering (DLS) measurements

    Removal of the As(V) and Cr(VI) from the Water Using Magnetite/3D-Printed Wollastonite Hybrid Adsorbent

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    In this study, the structure, morphology and composition of the synthesized magnetite/3D-printed wollastonite (3D_W/M) composite were characterized, and its adsorption performance with respect to As(V) and Cr(VI) were studied. Magnetite (MG) modified 3D printed wollastonite was obtained by two step procedure: modification of 3D_W with 3-aminoproylsilane (APTES) followed by controlled magnetite (MG) deposition to obtain 3D_W/M adsorbent. The structure/properties of 3D_W/M were confirmed by applying FTIR, XRD, TGD/DTA, and SEM analysis. The adsorption properties of hybrid adsorbents were carried out for As(V) and Cr(VI) removal-one relative to the initial pH value, the adsorbent mass, the temperature, and the adsorption time. Time-dependent adsorption study was best described by pseudo-second order equation, while Weber Morris analysis showed that intraparticle diffusion controled diffusional transport. Similar activation energy, 17.44 and 14.49 kJā€¢mol-1 for adsorption As(V) and Cr(VI) on 3D_W/M, respectively, indicated main contribution of physical adsorption. Determination of adsorption parameters was performed by applying different adsorption isotherm models, and the best fit was obtained using Freundlich model. The adsorption capacity of 24.16 and 29.6 mg g-1 for As(V) and Cr(VI) at 2o C, Co = 5.5 and 5.3 mg L-1, respectively, were obtained. Thermodynamic study indicated favourable process at a higher temperature. Preliminary fixed-bed column study and results fitting with Bohart-Adams, Yoon-Nelson, Thomas, and Modified dose-response model showed good agreement with results from the batch study

    Distinct cytotoxic mechanisms of pristine versus hydroxylated fullerene

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    The mechanisms underlying the cytotoxic action of pure fullerene suspension (nano-C-60) and water-soluble polyhydroxylated fullerene [C-60(OH)(n)] were investigated. Crystal violet assay for cell viability demonstrated that nano-C-60 was at least three orders of magnitude more toxic than C-60(OH)(n) to mouse L929 fibrosarcoma, rat C6 glioma, and U251 human glioma cell lines. Flow cytometry analysis of cells stained with propidium iodide (PI), PI/annexin V-fluorescein isothiocyanate, or the redox-sensitive dye dihydrorhodamine revealed that nano-C-60 caused rapid (observable after few hours), reactive oxygen species (ROS)-associated necrosis characterized by cell membrane damage without DNA fragmentation. In contrast, C-60(OH)(n) caused delayed, ROS-independent cell death with characteristics of apoptosis, including DNA fragmentation and loss of cell membrane asymmetry in the absence of increased permeability. Accordingly, the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine protected the cell lines from nano-C-60 toxicity, but not C-60(OH)(n) toxicity, while the pan-caspase inhibitor z-VAD-fmk blocked C-60(OH)(n)-induced apoptosis, but not nano-C-60-mediated necrosis. Finally, C-60(OH)(n) antagonized, while nano-C-60 synergized with, the cytotoxic action of oxidative stress-inducing agents hydrogen peroxide and peroxynitrite donor 3-morpholinosydnonimine. Therefore, unlike polyhydroxylated C-60 that exerts mainly antioxidant/cytoprotective and only mild ROS-independent pro-apoptotic activity, pure crystalline C-60 seems to be endowed with strong pro-oxidant capacity responsible for the rapid necrotic cell death

    Cuticular chemoprofile of the fruit fly drosophila subobscura (diptera, drosophilidae)

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    In insects, cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) profile is involved in many important biological functions and may vary in different conditions. Among fruit fly species, Drosophila subobscura is one of the most frequently used in genetic, ecological and evolutionary research, because of its rich chromosomal polymorphism, specific behavioral repertoires and habitat preferences. In this work, we identified and quantified cuticular chemoprofile of D. subobscura. Using gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS), 25 chemical compounds were found in males and 23 compounds were found in females. Further, ANOVA confirmed significant sexual dimorphism in cuticular chemoprofile amounts. Knowledge of cuticular chemistry could contribute to further research in D. subobscura, starting from behavioral, up to ecological, since this species is recognized as an important model system for the study and monitoring of global climate changes
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