372 research outputs found

    むヌの同皮腎移怍における特異的免疫抑制に関する基瀎的研究 : ずくに抗Ia単䞀クロヌン性抗䜓による拒絶反応抑制効果に぀いお

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    臓噚移怍における最も重芁な問題は移怍埌に発珟する移怍免疫反応すなわち拒絶反応をいかに制埡するかにある。 1960幎代に開発された移怍免疫抑制法はそれたで䞍可胜であった同皮移怍を可胜ずしずくに腎移怍においおはヒトにおける臚床応甚を䞀般的なものずするに至っおいる。 しかしながら珟圚の免疫抑制法はいただ䞍完党なものであり移怍腎の機胜を喪倱する原因ずしお拒絶反応が玄80を占めおいるずいわれる。たた珟圚免疫抑制法の䞻流をなしおいる免疫抑制剀は非特異的な免疫抑制法であるため感染に察する抵抗性の䜎䞋ならびに肺炎髄膜炎などの重節な合䜵症の原因ずなりさらには造血機胜骚代謝機胜ならびに肝機胜の障害や発癌率を増加するなどの副䜜甚を発珟しおいる。 近幎の著しい免疫遺䌝孊の進歩により移怍の拒絶反応は根本的には遺䌝的に芏制された免疫応答でありなかでも免疫孊的に自己を決定しおいる移怍抗原が拒絶反応の䞻因をなし䞻芁組織適合遺䌝子耇合䜓(major histocompatibility complex以䞋MHC)により最も匷い移怍抗原が支配されおいるこずが明らかになっおいる。さらに興味あるこずはどの動物皮においおもMHCがそれぞれ1぀ず぀存圚しおいるこずである。 珟圚MHCの研究が最も進んでいるのはマりスでありマりスのMHCは第17染色䜓䞊に存圚しH-2耇合䜓ず呜名されおいる。H-2耇合䜓はKISGDの5぀の領域にわけられI領域はさらにI-ABJECの亜領域にわけられお特定の抗原に察する免疫応答を支配しおいる。Ia抗原はI-AEC亜領域に支配される3皮類が明らかにされ现胞衚面䞊に存圚しおいる。ずくにI-A亜領域に芏定されるIa抗原が極めお匷い移怍抗原であり免疫応答遺䌝子ず密接な関係にあるずされおいる。たたマりスのIa抗原に盞圓する分子がヒトサルモルモットならびにラットにおいおも存圚するこず(Ia様抗原)が報告されおいる。 このように臓噚移怍における免疫応答に最も匷く関䞎しお個䜓を衚珟し認識するものがMHCでありずくにI-A亜領域に芏定されるIa抗原によっお移怍片が認識され拒絶反応が発珟される。このため䞀般の免疫胜に圱響を及がさずに移怍における拒絶反応のみを抑制する特異的な免疫抑制法の開発が切望されおいる。 今回著者は腎移怍における特異的免疫抑制法の基瀎的研究ずしお免疫応答のなかで重芁な圹割をも぀Ia抗原の関䞎する特定の免疫応答すなわち拒絶反応のみを人為的に制埡するこずを目的ずしIa抗原に特異的な単䞀クロヌン性抗䜓(monoclonal antibody以䞋MCA)すなわち抗IaMCAを甚いおむヌの同皮腎移怍を実斜しその拒絶反応抑制効果に぀いお怜蚎した。 実隓に䜿甚した抗IaMCAはH-2耇合䜓のうちI-A亜領域のKハプロタむプのみに特異的に反応するマりス由来の抗䜓である。 予備実隓ずしおはじめにマりスのIa抗原に盞圓する抗原がむヌにおいおも存圚しマりス由来の抗IaMCAず皮を越えお亀叉反応を瀺すか吊かを怜蚎した。すなわちむヌリンパ球ずマりス由来の抗IaMCAずの亀叉反応の有無をFITC(Fluorescein isothiocyanate)を結合したダギ抗マりス抗䜓を甚いお染色陜性率をFACS(Fluorescent activated cell sorter)により枬定し怜蚎した。その結果Controlにおける染色陜性率は5.4であったのに察し抗IaMCAにより凊理するこずによっおその陜性率は21.9ず高倀を瀺しむヌリンパ球においおもマりスのIa抗原に盞圓するIa様抗原が存圚しマりス由来の抗IaMCAず亀叉反応を瀺すこずが確認された。 ぀いでむヌリンパ球においお蚌明されたIa様抗原が臓噚あるいは組織においおも同様に存圚するか吊かに぀いお怜蚎するためにマりスラットならびにむヌの腎臓を抗IaMCAで凊理しFITC間接蛍光抗䜓法により腎臓内のIaたたはIa様抗原の怜玢を行った。その結果マりスの腎臓におけるIa抗原の分垃は糞球䜓およびその呚囲に匷い陜性反応を瀺し他の郚分ではほずんど陜性反応が芋られなかった。たたラットの腎臓においおは糞球䜓に察する陜性反応は匱く现䞭動脈の内皮现胞およびその呚囲に匷い陜性反応を瀺したがむヌの腎臓においおは䞀様に糞球䜓尿现管䞊皮现胞および動脈の内皮现胞に陜性反応を瀺した。したがっおマりスラットならびにむヌの腎組織においおもリンパ球ず同様にIaたたはIa様抗䜓が存圚するこずが確認されたがその分垃に関しおは動物皮により異なるこずが掚枬された。 以䞊のような予備実隓においおマりス由来の抗IaMCAによるむヌの腎移怍における拒絶反応抑制効果が瀺唆されたこずよりむヌの同皮腎移怍実隓を実斜した。 実隓は雑皮成犬61䟋を4矀にわけお行った。Group I(18䟋)は察照矀ずしお移怍腎ならびに宿䞻に察し抗IaMCAを䜿甚しなかった。Group II(25䟋)は摘出した移怍腎を抗IaMCA10mlで灌流し30分間4℃で反応させたのちに移怍を行った。Group III(8䟋)はGroup IIず同様の方法で移怍腎を凊理したのちに移怍を行い移怍埌宿䞻に察しお抗IaMCA10mlを隔日に静脈内に投䞎した。Group IV(10䟋)は移怍腎は察照矀ず同様無凊眮のたた移怍し移怍埌宿䞻に察しお抗IaMCA10mlを隔日に静脈内に投䞎した。各矀ずもに移怍埌宿䞻の固有腎は摘出し他の免疫抑制剀は䞀切䜿甚しなかった。 その結果Group Iにおける生存日数は513日平均7.2±2.1日であった。剖怜時の移怍腎の病理組織孊的怜査では党䟋兞型的な急性拒絶反応の所芋を瀺しおいた。 Group IIにおける生存日数は1024日平均14.4±3.6日でありGroup Iず比范し極めお有意(P<0.01)の差が認められた。移怍腎の病理組織孊的怜査では生存日数1013日の4䟋においおは急性拒絶反応の所芋に加え腎皮質における局状の高床の现胞浞最が認められさらに髄質郚における広範囲の壊死像を瀺すDIC(播発性血管内凝固disseminated intravascular coagulation)様の合䜵症を呈する所芋が芳察された。たた20日以䞊正存した3䟋においおは腎皮質の局状の倉化はみられず拒絶反応にDIC様の合䜵を呈しおいる所芋であった。その他の䟋に぀いおは急性拒絶反応の所芋のみを瀺した。 Group IIIにおける生存日数は714日平均11.1±2.4日でありGroup Iず比范し有意(P<0.05)の差がみられた。移怍腎の病理組織所芋では2䟋にGroup IIにおいおも芳察された腎皮質における局状の特城的倉化がみられた。その他の䟋においおは党䟋急性拒絶反応の所芋が芳察された。 Group IVにおける生存日数は712日平均9.4±2.1日でありGroup Iず比范し有意(P<0.05)の差がみられた。2䟋に抗IaMCA投䞎盎埌にアナフィラキシヌ様ショックがみられた。移怍腎の組織にはほずんどの䟋で急性拒絶反応の所芋が芳察された。 以䞊の結果からむヌの同皮腎移怍においおマりス由来の抗IaMCAを前もっお移怍腎に灌流たたは移怍埌宿䞻に静脈内投䞎あるいはその䞡者を䜵甚するこずにより明らかに術埌の生存日数の延長が認められずくに移怍腎のみを抗IaMCAで灌流したのちに移怍する方法が最も生存日数を延長させる効果があった。たた抗IaMCAの移怍腎灌流ず術埌静脈内投䞎の䜵甚たたは術埌静脈内投䞎のみの方法では移怍腎のみの灌流法ほど生存期間の延長効果は著明でなかったが察照矀よりは有意に生存日数が延長した。したがっお抗IaMCAを甚いるこずにより腎移怍埌の生存日数が延長する理由は抗IaMCAが拒絶反応のtriggerずなる腎臓のIa様抗原をブロックし宿䞻偎のhelper T cellによる抗原認識が抑制されるために拒絶反応が抑制されるのであろうず掚枬された。 このように抗IaMCAを同皮腎移怍に甚いるこずにより明らかに移怍埌の生存日数は延長したが移怍腎の完党な生着䟋は埗られず病理組織孊的怜査にみられたように抗IaMCAを䜿甚した矀においおもほが党䟋においお急性拒絶反応の所芋が芳察されたこずから珟段階においおは抗IaMCAにより完党に拒絶反応を抑制するたでには至っおいない。しかしながら今回䜿甚した抗IaMCAはマりスのI-A亜領域のkハプロタむプに芏定されるIa抗原のみず特異的に反応する抗䜓でありI-A亜領域のk以倖のハプロタむプたたはI-EC亜領の各ハプロタむプずは反応しないためそれらに芏定されるIa抗原により拒絶反応が出珟したためであろうず考えられる。 今埌I-A亜領域のkハプロタむプ以倖のIa抗原を芏定するI-AEC亜領域の各ハプロタむプに察する抗IaMCAのほかH-2耇合䜓のKD領域に芏定される暙的抗原など移怍免疫反応を叞っおいる遺䌝領域にそれぞれ反応する特異的なMCAを甚いるこずによっおそれらが関䞎する免疫反応のみを特異的に制埡するこずができ埓来の非特異的な免疫抑制剀を䜿甚するこずなく同皮腎移怍を成功させるこずが可胜ずなるであろう。 さらに異皮の認識に関䞎する遺䌝子領域の解明による皮を超えた異皮移怍の可胜性をも瀺唆するものず考えられる。One of the most important problems in the field of organ transplantation today is to find the safest and specific way of how to suppress the rejection reaction which must follow allogenic organ transplantation. In order to minimized the rejection reaction, the administration of nonspecific and potent immunosuppressive drugs have been currently used in many transplantation cases. However, we all know that drugs have serious drawbacks such as fatal infectious and other complication in the kidney transplantation patients, because those drugs is due to total suppression of immune reactions. One of the specific immunosuppression would be to block the antigen recognition system of immune response. In this line of thinking, author has developed a specific monoclonal antibody (anti Ia MCA) directed to mouse Ia antigen and used to the canine renal transplantation. The aim of this experiments are two folds; No.1 to find if anti Ia MCA is capable of cross reacting the dog lymphocytes and if Ia like antigen exists in the dog kidney and No.2; to find if anti Ia MCA is able to prolong the survival time of canine kidney allograft. Canine kidney transplantations have been performed in four experimental groups. Group I (18 cases) comprised of control. Group II (25 cases) was simple renal perfusion with anti Ia MCA. Group III (8 cases) was simple renal perfusion and intravenous injection with anti Ia MCA. Group IV (10 cases) was only intravenous injection with anti Ia MCA. All animals did\u27nt received postoperative immunosuppression. The results were sammarized as follows: When canine lymphocyte and kidney tissue were treated with anti Ia MCA followed, lymphocytes and kidney tissues were found to be possitive by FACS indirect fluorescent staining. This suggests a cross reaction between the Ia antigens of the mouse and the dog species. The experiments of canine renal allograft transplantation with anti Ia MCA indicated that the mouse anti Ia MCA can prolonge the survival time of canine renal allografts by simple organ perfusion. The dogs of group I survived from 5 to 13 days, mean survival time being 7 days. Group II survived from 10 to 24 days, mean 14 days. Group III survived from 7 to 14 days, mean 11 days. Group IV survived from 7 to 12 days, mean 9 days. The anti Ia MCA was appearently able to prolong the survival of the canine renal allografts.獣医孊博士麻垃倧

    Breadand Effervescent Beverage Productions with Local Microbes for the Local Revitalization

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    Local microbes such as yeasts fungi and bacilli, were isolated and used to apply for the food processing (bread making) and the production of an effervescent beverage (fruits kvass) for promotion of the local revitalization. Our yeast isolates could contribute to make the breads that can sell in alocal bakery shop.  Furthermore, the same yeasts could be used for making the fruit kvass (a Russian effervescent beverage which was fermented by yeast) with local fruit products (lemon, dry grape, mandarin orange and apple that were produced in Hiroshima prefecture in Japan). Development of merchandise having the local brand, which was made with only products of Hiroshima prefecture was attempted. Results of these activities demonstrate that the search of local microbes can help to establish the regional brand product related to its local area. They also showed that the local microbes have the potential ability to lead the local revitalization and the local brand product

    Endoscopic and clinical evaluation of treatment and prognosis of Cronkhite-Canada syndrome: a Japanese nationwide survey.

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    BackgroundFirst reported in 1955, Cronkhite-Canada syndrome (CCS), a rare syndrome characterized by ectodermal abnormalities and inflammatory changes of the gastrointestinal tract mucosa, has been associated with a poor prognosis and life-threatening malignant complications. In a large population survey, we endeavored to characterize the course and treatment outcome of CCS through clinical and endoscopic assessment, and to explore its optimal treatment and surveillance strategy.MethodsA retrospective analysis of 210 patients with CCS was conducted via a questionnaire-based nationwide survey of 983 teaching hospitals located throughout Japan. We assessed clinical features, endoscopic findings, treatments used, and short- and long-term outcomes.ResultsThe average age at diagnosis was 63.5 years. In all cases, upper or lower gastrointestinal tract polyposis was confirmed, accompanied by characteristic ectodermal abnormalities. Of the treatments used, oral corticosteroids (30-49 mg/day) were the most effective treatment for active disease, with adjunctive nutritional support considered beneficial. With corticosteroid treatment, abdominal symptoms were relieved within a few months, whereas polyp regression often required more than 6 months. Maintenance of endoscopic remission with or without steroids for 3 years significantly lowered the development of CCS-related cancer, compared with relapsers or nonresponders, underscoring the importance of sustained endoscopic remission for cancer prevention.ConclusionsThe prognosis of CCS has greatly improved through the use of improved medical treatment. Although CCS continues to be relentlessly progressive, carrying a high cancer risk, a sufficient dose and duration of corticosteroid therapy accompanied by nutritional support and periodic endoscopic surveillance appears to improve its natural history

    Multiple Regression Analysis for Grading and Prognosis of Cubital Tunnel Syndrome:Assessment of Akahori’s Classification

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    The purpose of this study was to quantitatively evaluate Akahori's preoperative classification of cubital tunnel syndrome. We analyzed the results for 57 elbows that were treated by a simple decompression procedure from 1997 to 2004. The relationship between each item of Akahori's preoperative classification and clinical stage was investigated based on the parameter distribution. We evaluated Akahori's classification system using multiple regression analysis, and investigated the association between the stage and treatment results. The usefulness of the regression equation was evaluated by analysis of variance of the expected and observed scores. In the parameter distribution, each item of Akahori's classification was mostly associated with the stage, but it was difficult to judge the severity of palsy. In the mathematical evaluation, the most effective item in determining the stage was sensory conduction velocity. It was demonstrated that the established regression equation was highly reliable (R0.922). Akahori's preoperative classification can also be used in postoperative classification, and this classification was correlated with postoperative prognosis. Our results indicate that Akahori's preoperative classification is a suitable system. It is reliable, reproducible and well-correlated with the postoperative prognosis. In addition, the established prediction formula is useful to reduce the diagnostic complexity of Akahori's classification

    Sodium valproate blocks the transforming growth factor (TGF)-β1 autocrine loop and attenuates the TGF-β1-induced collagen synthesis in a human hepatic stellate cell line

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    13301甲第3918号博士医孊金沢倧孊博士論文芁旚Abstract 以䞋に掲茉International Journal of Molecular Medicine 28(6) pp.919-925 2011.Spandidos Publicatons. 共著者Toshifumi Watanabe, Hidehiro Tajima, Hayashi Hironori, Hisatoshi Nakagawara, Ichiro Ohinishi, Hiroyuki Takamura, Itasu Ninomiya, Hirohisa Kitagawa, Sachio Fushida, Takashi Tani, Takashi Fujimura, Tetsuo Ota, Tomohiko Wakayama, Shoichi Iseki, Shinichi Harad

    統合倱調症初発゚ピ゜ヌドの認知機胜障害の経過ず発症5 幎経過矀ずの比范

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    OBJECTIVE: The course of neurocognitive deficits in schizophrenia has not yet been established. Therefore, we followed patients with first-episode schizophrenia to verify the course of these deficits. METHODS:In Study 1, tests of neurocognitive functioning were administered to patients with first-episode schizophrenia (FE group) every 6 months. Of the 26 patients who completed the baseline assessment, 19 completed a 6-month follow-up, and 13 completed a 1-year follow-up. In Study 2, 19 patients in FE group at 6-months when the neuropsychological measures was less influenced by psychotic symptoms and other patients who experienced schizophrenia 5-years earlier (5-year group) were compared. RESULTS:In Study 1, verbal memory, motor speed, and executive functions significantly improved at the 1-year follow-up. In Study 2, patients in 5-year group performed worse in verbal memory and executive functions than patients in FE at 6-month group, but marginally but significantly better in verbal fluency. CONCLUSIONS:Verbal memory, executive functions, and verbal fluency were significantly different between 5-year group and FE at 6-month group, and may indicate progression of schizophrenia. Executive functions may reflect the state of psychosis. Working memory and processing speed which did not change significantly from onset are needed to verify the course in further research.博士医孊・甲610号・平成26幎3月17

    Bone regeneration of induced pluripotent stem cells derived from peripheral blood cells in collagen sponge scaffolds

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    Stem cell-based regeneration therapy offers new therapeutic options for patients with bone defects because of significant advances in stem cell research. Although bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells are the ideal material for bone regeneration therapy using stem cell, they are difficult to obtain. Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are now considered an attractive tool in bone tissue engineering. Recently, the efficiency of establishing iPSCs has been improved by the use of the Sendai virus vector, and it has become easier to establish iPSCs from several type of somatic cells. In our previous study, we reported a method to purify osteogenic cells from iPSCs. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the osteogenic ability of iPSCs derived from peripheral blood cells. Methodology: Mononuclear cells (MNCs) were obtained from human peripheral blood. Subsequently, T cells were selectively obtained from these MNCs and iPSCs were established using Sendai virus vectors. Established iPSCs were evaluated by the expression of undifferentiated markers and teratoma formation assays. Osteoblasts were induced from these iPSCs and evaluated by the expression of osteoblast markers. Additionally, the induced osteoblasts were transplanted into rat critical size calvaria bone defect models with collagen sponge scaffolds. Samples were evaluated by radiographical and histological assessments. Results: Induced osteoblasts expressed several osteoblast-specific markers. The results of radiographical and histological assessments revealed that the cell transplant group had bone formations superior to those of the control group.&nbsp;Conclusions: This study suggests that peripheral blood MNCs have the potential to differentiate into osteoblasts. Although there are some hurdles in iPSC transplantation, osteoblasts obtained from MNC-iPSCs could be applied to bone regeneration therapy in the future

    G-band and Hard X-ray Emissions of the 2006 December 14 flare observed by Hinode/SOT and RHESSI

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    We report on G-band emission observed by the Solar Optical Telescope onboard the Hinode satellite in association with the X1.5-class flare on 2006 December 14. The G-band enhancements originate from the footpoints of flaring coronal magnetic loops, coinciding with non-thermal hard X-ray bremsstrahlung sources observed by the Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager. At the available 2 minute cadence, the G-band and hard X-ray intensities are furthermore well correlated in time. Assuming that the G-band enhancements are continuum emission from a blackbody, we derived the total radiative losses of the white-light flare (white-light power). If the G-band enhancements additionally have a contribution from lines, the derived values are overestimates. We compare the white-light power with the power in hard X-ray producing electrons using the thick target assumption. Independent of the cutoff energy of the accelerated electron spectrum, the white-light power and the power of accelerated electrons are roughly proportional. Using the observed upper limit of ~30 keV for the cutoff energy, the hard X-ray producing electrons provide at least a factor of 2 more power than needed to produce the white-light emission. For electrons above 40 keV, the powers roughly match for all four of the time intervals available during the impulsive phase. Hence, the flare-accelerated electrons contain enough energy to produce the white-light flare emissions. The observed correlation in time, space, and power strongly suggests that electron acceleration and white-light production in solar flares are closely related. However, the results also call attention to the inconsistency in apparent source heights of the hard X-ray (chromosphere) and white-light (upper photosphere) sources.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Amino acid residues in the transmembrane domain of the type 1 sigma receptor critical for ligand binding

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    AbstractThe type 1 sigma receptor expressed in Xenopus oocytes showed binding abilities for the sigma-1 ligands, [3H](+)pentazocine and [3H]NE-100, with similar kinetic properties as observed in native tissue membranes. Amino acid substitutions (Ser99Ala, Tyr103Phe and di-Leu105,106di-Ala) in the transmembrane domain did not alter the expression levels of the type 1 sigma receptor as determined by immunoblot analysis using an anti-type 1 sigma receptor antiserum. By contrast, ligand binding was significantly suppressed by the substitutions. These findings provide evidence that the transmembrane domain of the type 1 sigma receptor plays a critical role in ligand binding of this receptor
