3,345 research outputs found

    Gary Pallister on his Middlesbrough heroes & Ayresome Park highlights

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    It’s now 25 years since Boro played their final season at Ayresome Park. Former Middlesbrough, Manchester United and England defender Gary Pallister played at the much-missed venue at the start of his hugely successful career and he spoke about his memories of Ayresome Park, Old Trafford and how new stadiums compare with historic old grounds

    Hypocrisy in Higher Education: Racism and Transphobia as Barriers and Harm in Mental Health

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    Mental health involves acts of naming and noticing, thus the hypocrisy of harm within mental health programs is explored and discussed through interpersonal and structural means. In a space that is meant for safety and care, inaccessibility, pejorative terminology, pathologizing identity, and exclusionary tactics are riddled throughout the layers of the mental health field. From campus, to literature, to different forms of therapy racism and transphobia work against non-dominant groups through interlocking forms of oppression. The centering of Western, White ideology is harmful to students in these programs, as well as the clients of BIPOC, QTBIPOC, and trans* communities. Mental health professionals are unequipped to work with these demographics, as there is much less research and clinical practices to support them. By not attending to these issues, higher education and its research is complicate in cyclical racial and transphobic harm. Without acknowledging said issues and working towards more expansive forms of care, mental health professionals will continue to harm their clients

    Genre, ideology, and knowledge in academic research and public policy

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    Nos últimos 30 anos os estudiosos de gênero têm explorado a dimensão ideológica do gênero, ilustrando como os gêneros compelem os indivíduos a agir de determinada maneira, e como os indivíduos respondem a eles. O presente artigo enfoca a visão ideológica de gênero e analisa o problema da mobilização do conhecimento como uma negociação ideológica entre gêneros legais e de pesquisa. Usando a vontade de verdade de Foucault e a colonização de Bhatia, este estudo de caso analisa um questionário público canadense que usou pesquisa em psicologia e influenciou vários documentos legais e de políticas públicas. A análise da comissão relatora, transcrições de audiências preliminares, e entrevistas revelam a maneira como a ideologia jurídica esta inscrita nos gêneros jurídicos que regulam a extensão e o modo como se dá a mobilização do conhecimento.En los últimos 30 años los estudiosos de género han explorado la dimensión ideológica del género, ilustrando como los géneros impelen a los individuos a actuar de determinada manera, y como los individuos responden a ellos. El presente artículo enfoca la visión ideológica de género y analiza el problema de la mobilización del conocimiento como una negociación ideológica entre géneros legales y de investigación. Usando la voluntad de verdad de Foucault y la colonización de Bhatia, este estudio de caso analiza un cuestionario público canadiense que usó investigación en sicología e influenció varios documentos legales y de políticas públicas. El análisis de la comisión relatora, transcripciones de audiencias preliminares, y entrevistas revelan la manera como la ideología jurídica está inscripta en los géneros jurídicos que regulan la extensión y el modo como se da la mobilización del conocimiento.In the last 30 years genre scholars have explored the ideological dimension of genre, illustrating how genres compel individuals to act in certain ways and how individuals respond to them. This article takes the ideological view of genre and analyzes the problem of knowledge mobilization as an ideological negotiation between research and legal genres. Using Foucault’s will to truth and Bhatia’s colonization, this case study analyzes one Canadian public inquiry that used psychology research and influenced many legal and policy documents. The analysis of the commission report, transcripts from the preliminary hearing, and interviews reveal the manner in which judicial ideology is inscribed in judicial genres that regulate the extent and manner of knowledge mobilization

    Voting Rights, Reapportionment, and Majority-Minority Districts

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    The challenge is to navigate the untrodden area of reapportionment, in particular majority-minority districts. The Supreme Court has ruled in various reapportionment cases, yet these cases continue to plague the dockets of the United States Supreme Court. The focus of research is to evaluate the new phenomenon of majority-minority districts as it has progressed through constitutional amendments, civil and voting rights acts, and Supreme Court cases, all of which culminate in the 1992 elections. The 1990 Census and reapportionment were the birth of majority-minority districts. In creating these districts, one must look at the most effective percentage breakdowns in each district. Will the barest majority be sufficient or do states need to create safer majorities? Through research of past legislation and Supreme Court cases, analysis of current problems, and study of initial results of majority-minority districts, I will offer to political science information organized in such a way that is currently unavailable

    Academic research and public policy: rhetorical lessons from the Sophonow Inquiry

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    This dissertation is a language-based case study that examines the relationship between academic research and public policy to understand the role of language and rhetoric in how academic research influences public policy. Using one Canadian public inquiry (the Sophonow Inquiry) that clearly resulted in policy uptake of research, this study examines the manner in which academic knowledge and discourse enter public policy, the rhetorical transformation of these knowledge and discourse, and the relevant rhetorical and discourse factors that facilitate policy uptake of research. The analysis in this dissertation reveals that circulation of knowledge and discourse from academic research to public policy is mediated by what I call intermediary genres, and these genres simultaneously filter and validate academic knowledge and discourse into the policy domain through what Anne Freadman theorized as uptake. But this uptake process ironically obscures the epistemological origin of those knowledge and discourse by de-attributing them from academic genres and re-attributing them to other legal or policy genres. This process creates an impression that academic research is less influential than it actually is. Along with this description of the uptake process, this dissertation also identifies a number of rhetorical and discourse factors that facilitate this uptake process. Some of the factors are broad and theoretical (such as the configuration of the intertextual relationship), but others are much more specific (such as, rhetorical emphasis and discourse mode), providing potentially useful information for scholars who are interested in influencing public policy with their research

    Letter from Armando Tosh to Charlotte Michaud

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    Handwritten letter from Armando Tosh to Charlotte Michaud.https://digitalcommons.usm.maine.edu/michaud-1938-1964/1001/thumbnail.jp