1,482 research outputs found

    National Product Preferences and International Trade

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    We show that when two countries are the same size then the country with stronger preferences in favour of domestic varieties of differentiated goods produced under increasing returns (IRS) will be the net exporter of that good. It is also shown that strong preferences for domestic varieties reduce welfare in the other country and that unilateral trade barriers will necessarily improve welfare there. Moreover, the country with the weaker preferences for domestic varieties may benefit from trade restrictions even when this leads to a trade war. We also show that such preferences may explain low import penetration in IRS-goods. Finally, we discuss the policy implications of such preferences. It is argued that this model can be used to for example capture aspects of US-Japan trade in high-tech goods.national preferences; trade war; Japan

    Economic Geography, Comparative Advantage and Trade within Industries: Evidence from the OECD

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    A large share of world trade, especially among the OECD countries, is two-way trade within industries, so called intra-industry trade. Despite this, few attempts have been made to examine why countries export some products within industries, whereas they import others. We examine this issue, by means of regression analysis, by examining the shares of IIT that are vertical and horizontal and by examining price dispersion. The regression results suggest that an abundant human capital endowment as well as a large domestic market increases the quality of OECD-countriesÂŽ manufacturing exports, thus offering support for comparative advantage models as well as newer geography models. But, human capital becomes an increasingly important determinant of quality over time.comparative advantage; economic geography; intra-industry trade; vertical differentiation

    Identification of key factors for reducing N and P leaching from organic crop rotations

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    Leaching of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) for different 6-year organic crop rotations was examined in separately tile-drained field plots on two different sites in southwest Sweden. On each site, two different farming systems, one with dairy cows and one without stock, were evaluated to identify parts of the crop rotations with the greatest risks of N and P leaching and to examine the scope for improvement. Although organic farming methods themselves already led to a reduction in nutrient leaching, critical periods in the crop rotation could nevertheless be identified for the two soil types. While P leaching is of major importance on clay soils, sandy soils are strongly susceptible to N leaching. From the present study it could be concluded, that key factors for reducing N and P leaching from clay soils are late ploughing, avoidance of early incorporation of clover-grass leys in order to sow a winter cereal, the use of undersown crops and an even distribution of nutrients within the crop rotation. For the sandy soil, where measures like undersown crops and spring tillage were already integrated in the studied crop rotation, potato cultivation and application of farmyard manure were identified as the main sources of N losses to the drainage water

    On conjugacy classes of groups of Squarefree order

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    The problem of finding the largest finite group with a certain class number (number of conjugacy classes), k(G)k(G), has been investigated by a number of researchers since the early 1900's and has been solved by computer for k(G)≀9k(G) \leq 9. (For the restriction to simple groups for k(G)≀12k(G) \leq 12.) One has also tried to find a general upper bound on ∣G∣|G| in terms of k(G)k(G). The best known upper bound in the general case is in the order of magnitude ∣GâˆŁâ‰€k(G)2k(G)−1|G| \leq k(G)^{2^{k(G)-1}}. In this paper we consider the restriction of this longstanding problem to groups of squarefree order. We derive an explicit formula for the class number k(G)k(G) of any group of squarefree order and we also obtain an estimate ∣GâˆŁâ‰€k(G)3|G| \leq k(G)^3 in this case. Combining the two results we get an efficient way to compute the largest squarefree order a group with a certain class number can have. We also provide an implementation of this algorithm to compute the maximal squarefree ∣G∣|G| for arbitrary k(G)k(G) and display the results obtained for k(G)≀100k(G) \leq 100.Comment: 17 page

    Semantic Change in Words Loaned to Swedish

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    This thesis examines the diachronic semantic development in terms of metonymization and metaphorization for 30 nouns loaned into the Swedish language between the 13th and 20th centuries from a cognitive-semantic point of view. Through the framework of Lexical Meaning as Ontologies and Construals (LOC) combined with a study of the occurrence of metaphorization, metonymization, widening and narrowing in semantic development, it examines to what extent metonymization can be said to be a more common mechanism of lexical semantic change than metaphorization, and to what extent words lose semantic width initially after the loaning period and then regain it over time. The results indicate that metonymization is the more frequent mechanism and that an initial narrowing occurs directly after loaning in most cases. However, the results also reveal that in order to reach a satisfactory understanding of this matter, the socio-cultural context of the loans must be considered to a greater extent than has been done in this thesis

    A comparison of the multicomponent model and the mixture averaged approximation

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    In this work the major models for calculating diffusion in simulations of a laminar premixed hydrogen flame, the mixture averaged approximation and the multicomponent model, are explained and compared. This is done in order to see if the accuracy gained in implementing the multicomponent model is enough to warrant the increased workload the transition will cause. The models are used to calculate the mean flame speed for a hydrogen flame, as that is the one most easily measured in experiments. But the results are inconclusive in comparison with experiment, since thermal diffusion was not implemented. Still, it does show a clear distinction between the results produced by the two models, as the mixture averaged model gives the flame speed as 239 cm/s while the multicomponent gives it as 250 cm/s, for a stoichiometric hydrogen flame with standard temperature and pressure. The calculation time is also significantly different, as the multicomponent calculation took 42 minutes, while the mixture averaged calculations only took 17 minutes. Worth noting is that the mixture averaged model was heavily optimized, which explains some of the difference

    Utlakning av kvÀve i fÀltmÀssig frilandsodling av sallat

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    VÄren 2003 anlades ett ca 0,8 ha stort observationsfÀlt pÄ sydsluttningen av BjÀrehalvön med syftet att under tre Är registrera kvÀvelÀckaget via drÀneringsvattnet frÄn en intensiv sallatodling. Jordarten var morÀnsand. Vattenflödet mÀttes kontinuerligt och vattenprov uttogs flödesproportionellt. Grödorna var bÀddodlad sallat i tvÄ kulturer per Är. Ca 75% av fÀltytan utgjordes av odlingsbÀddar. I den första kulturen odlades planterad sallat och i den andra s.k. babyleaf (spÀd bladsallat) som sÄddes med 12 cm radavstÄnd. TvÄ av Ären odlades fÄnggröda (havre) efter avslutad skörd av den sista kulturen. Odlingen sköttes av odlaren pÄ vanligt sÀtt, gödsling etc. och skördar rapporterades Ärligen. I medeltal var den Ärliga kvÀvetillförseln ca 350 kg/ha bÀdd (drygt 260 kg/ha fÀltareal). Total medelskörd per Är var 33 ton/ha fÀrskvikt och N-skörden 92 kg/ha. N-koncentrationerna i drÀneringsvattnet varierade mellan 11 och 103 mg N/liter, och Ärsutlakningen av total-N mellan 42 och 128 kg/ha. Den sammanvÀgda medelhalten under hela perioden blev för totalkvÀve 42 mg N/liter och för nitratkvÀve 38 mg N/liter. Den Ärsvisa medelutlakningen blev 95 resp. 87 kg N/ha. Sista Äret, 2005, genomfördes ett enkel demoförsök med isbergssallat dÀr effekten pÄ gröda och mineralkvÀve (ammonium- och nitratkvÀve) i marken av tre olika gödslingsstrategier och gödslingsnivÄer studerades. Resultaten visade bl.a. att man kan sÀnka startgivan vid planteringen till 1/3-del om man placerar gödseln enbart invid plantan, i stÀllet för att fördela den jÀmnt över hela bÀddytan, utan att plantvikten vid skörd minskade. Att placera en lÄg giva startgödsel bara omkring plantan gjorde ocksÄ att man hittade betydligt mindre restkvÀve djupt nere i marken vid skörd. Med stor sannolikhet gÄr det att fÄ ett bÀttre utnyttjande av kvÀve och att sÀnka kvÀveutlakningen genom att utveckla bÀttre gödslingsstrategi och gödslingsteknik. Men det behövs ocksÄ förbÀttrad kunskap om grödornas egentliga kvÀvebehov eftersom mÀngden kvÀve man behöver anvÀnda tycks vara starkt förknippad med vilken teknik eller strategi man anvÀnder att tillföra gödseln. Detta gÀller inte bara kvÀvet utan kan vara lika viktigt nÀr det gÀller andra vÀxtnÀringsÀmnen, som t.ex. fosfor. Metoden att placera en lÄg startgiva nÀra den spÀda plantan kÀnns vÀrd att utveckla vidare, men den mÄste kompletteras med lÀmpliga gödslingsnormer för hela vÀxtperioden. Genom att placera gödsel nÀra plantan sÀkerstÀlls den nysatta plantans tillgÄng till bÄde fosfor och kvÀve. Dessutom undviker man att gödsla markytor som Ànnu inte innehÄller nÄgra vÀxtrötter som kan ta upp nÀring och vatten. DÀrigenom minimerar man risken att gödselkvÀve frÄn startgivan som befinner sig vid sidan om den aktuella rotzonen lakas ner till markskikt nedanför grödans maximala rotdjup. Nerlakningen vid sidan om rotzonen förstÀrks av att det dÀr inte heller sker nÄgot vattenupptag som minskar den nerÄtgÄende vattenströmmen vid nederbörd och bevattning.

    Small residential courtyards big problems : the density ideal's effects on the maintenance work and long-term sustainability

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    Av FN:s 17 globala mĂ„l för hĂ„llbar utveckling finns tvĂ„ mĂ„l av sĂ€rskilt intresse för landskapsarkitekturen i kontexten hĂ„llbar stadsplanering, mĂ„l 11: HĂ„llbara stĂ€der och samhĂ€llen samt mĂ„l 15: EkosystemtjĂ€nster och biologisk mĂ„ngfald. För att uppnĂ„ dessa mĂ„l krĂ€vs att stadsplanerare hittar lĂ„ngsiktigt hĂ„llbara lösningar. Den samtida stadsplaneringens vision om ett hĂ„llbart samhĂ€lle stavas förtĂ€tning, ett stadsbyggnadsideal som prĂ€glat den svenska stadsplaneringen i över 40 Ă„r. Med förtĂ€tade stĂ€der följer kompakta bostadsgĂ„rdar. I mĂ„nga kommuner tillĂ€mpas verktyget grönytefaktor, en rĂ€knemodell som hjĂ€lper planeringssektorn att tillgodose tillrĂ€ckligt med Ă€ndamĂ„lsenliga grönytor pĂ„ kompakta bostadsgĂ„rdar. Men i dagslĂ€get saknas uppföljning, tillika utvĂ€rdering, av de bostadsgĂ„rdar som gestaltats utifrĂ„n denna princip. Å andra sidan finns kunskap att hĂ€mta frĂ„n förvaltningssektorn, vars uppgift Ă€r att sköta om och utveckla dessa bostadsgĂ„rdar, som en del i ledet av en hĂ„llbar stadsutveckling. Genom kvalitativa djupgĂ„ende intervjuer med representanter frĂ„n förvaltningssektorn i Uppsala fĂ„r man ett nytt perspektiv av tĂ€thetsidealets och grönytefaktorns effekter. Slutsatsen Ă€r att till följd av förtĂ€tning och tillĂ€mpande av grönytefaktor skapas mĂ„ngfunktionella bostadsgĂ„rdar, vilket leder till en smĂ„skalig utformning. Det leder i sin tur till en komplex förvaltning. Detta Ă€ventyrar den hĂ„llbara stadsutvecklingen. Vidare forskning inom detta omrĂ„de blir viktigt för att finna lösningar pĂ„ hur samspelet kan stĂ€rkas.Of the UN's 17 global goals for sustainable development, there are two goals of particular interest to landscape architecture in the context of sustainable urban planning, goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities and goal 15: Ecosystem services and biodiversity. To achieve these goals, urban planners must find long-term sustainable solutions. Contemporary urban planning's vision of a sustainable society is called densification, an urban planning ideal that has characterized Swedish urban planning for over 40 years. With denser cities comes denser residential courtyards. In many municipalities, the green area factor tool is applied, a model that helps the planning sector to accommodate sufficient, and appropriate, green areas on densified residential courtyards. However, there is currently a lack of follow-up, as well as evaluation, of the residential courtyards designed based on this principle. On the other hand, there is knowledge to be gained from the maintenance sector, whose task is to look after and develop these residential courtyards, as part of the process of sustainable urban development. Through qualitative in-depth interviews with representatives from the maintenance sector in Uppsala, a new perspective is obtained on the effects of the densification ideal and the green space factor. The conclusion is that as a result of densification and application of the green space factor, multifunctional residential courtyards are created, which leads to a small-scale design. This in turn leads to complex management. This endangers sustainable urban development. Further research in this area will be important to find solutions for how the interaction can be strengthened

    The Child-Schooling Effects of Microcredit: Evidence from Cambodia

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    Stadium AB Ă€r ett av de största detaljhandelsföretagen i Sverige, som designar, köper och sĂ€ljer sportutrustning samt sportmodeprodukter. I Stadiums butiker sĂ€ljs bĂ„de produkter frĂ„n mĂ€rkesleverantörer, exempelvis Adidas och Nike, samt varumĂ€rken med egen design, exempelvis SOC, 4D och Everest. Stadium befinner sig i en bransch dĂ€r kundernas efterfrĂ„gan stĂ€ndigt förĂ€ndras med mode och sĂ€song. Detta gör branschen komplex och medför att det stĂ€lls stora krav pĂ„ varuförsörjningen till butikerna sĂ„ att produkterna kommer i rĂ€tt volymer och vid rĂ€tt tidpunkt till respektive butik. Anledningen till detta Ă€r att undvika bristkostnader eller att bli tvungna att rea ut produkter med minskade intĂ€kter som följd. I dagslĂ€get anvĂ€nder sig Stadium av sĂ„ kallade boxar för att introducera och fylla pĂ„ butikerna med produkter. Boxarna innehĂ„ller ett förutbestĂ€mt antal av en produkt, exempelvis tjugo röda t-shirtar. AnvĂ€ndningen av boxarna medför att det Ă€r svĂ„rare att styra rĂ€tt produkt till rĂ€tt butik, vilket kan öka kostnaderna för brist och realisation. En mer precis styrning av produkterna till butikerna vore möjlig att uppnĂ„ genom att anvĂ€nda styckhantering istĂ€llet för boxar. Stadium Ă€r dĂ€rför intresserat av hur styckhantering som alternativ till boxar skulle pĂ„verka logistikflödet, med avseende pĂ„ kostnader och leveransservice, vilket Ă€r syftet med den hĂ€r studien. För att besvara syftet med studien kartlades först kostnaderna och leveransservicen för boxhanteringen i dagens distributionssystem genom intervjuer, tidsstudier och analys av historiska data. Sedan uppskattades hur kostnaden och leveransservicen förĂ€ndras om styckhantering anvĂ€nds istĂ€llet för boxar. Resultatet i denna studie Ă€r inte svart eller vitt utan hamnar i en grĂ„zon dĂ€r frasen ”det beror pĂ„â€Šâ€ skulle kunna anvĂ€ndas. Om Stadium ska anvĂ€nda boxar eller styck till sina produkter beror mycket pĂ„ den karakteristik produkten har. De tre viktigaste parametrarna som framkommit i denna studie som pĂ„verkar hur kostnaderna förĂ€ndras Ă€r: - Antal storlekar i boxen. - Antal produkter i boxen. - Volymen för produkterna. Antalet storlekar i boxen och antalet produkter pĂ„verkar hanteringskostnaden i distributionslagret vid en övergĂ„ng till styckhantering sĂ„ att den ökar. Volymen för produkten pĂ„verkar transportkostnaderna sĂ„ att den kan minska vid en övergĂ„ng till styckhantering.Stadium AB is one of the largest sports retail chain in Sweden, which designs, buys and sells sports equipment and sports fashion. The range encompasses both leading brand products, such as Adidas and Nike, as well as Stadium's own brands, such as SOC, 4D and Everest. Within the fashion industry the customer demand varies with changes in fashion and season. This makes the industry very complex which results in high requirements on distribution to the stores to deliver the right number of products at right time to each store. The reason for this is to avoid reduced revenue caused by bargain sales or cost of lost sales. One way that Stadium uses to introduce and refill stores with products is with boxes. The boxes contain a predetermined number of a specific product, for example twenty red t-shirts. Using boxes makes it difficult to distribute the right product to the right store, which can increase bargain sales and costs of lost sales. A more accurate way to meet demand from the customers can be to replace the use of boxes with piece by piece handling. The purpose of the study is to provide Stadium with a decision basis of effects to the supply chain, in view of costs and delivery service, caused by piece by piece handling as an alternative to boxes. In order to fulfil the purpose of this thesis, delivery services and cost in the current distribution system induced by boxes were examined through interviews, time studies and analysis of historical data. Then changes in costs and delivery service induced by the use of piece by piece handling instead of boxes were studied. The conclusion of this study is not unambiguous, it results in an undefined ”it depends on
”. If Stadium should use boxes or pieces to distribute their products depends on the characteristics of the products. Three parameters that affect changes in costs when use piece by piece handling instead of boxes and are important to review are: - The number of sizes in a box. - The number of products in a box. - The volume of the product

    Gödselfibers för- och nackdelar för kornas hÀlsa

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    Att vĂ€lja rĂ€tt strömaterial till mjölkproduktionen Ă€r aldrig lĂ€tt. Det finns bĂ„de för och nackdelar med alla typer av strömaterial. MĂ„nga lantbrukare i Sverige har hĂ€lsa och vĂ€lmĂ„ende i fokus dĂ„ det gĂ€ller liggkomfort och minskning av skador hos kor. Gödselfiber Ă€r ett relativt nytt material som kommit pĂ„ marknaden. I dagslĂ€get Ă€r metoden pĂ„ framfart bland svenska lantbrukare, som vill hitta ett strömaterial som Ă€r bĂ„de billigt och kan ge korna bĂ€ttre komfort och hĂ€lsa. För att lösa det finns möjligheten att separera den torra substansen i flytgödseln och pĂ„ sĂ„ vis ta vara pĂ„ fibern och anvĂ€nda det att strö med i stallen. Den vanligaste metoden i Sverige Ă€r skruvpress som anvĂ€nds för gödselseparering. Studien Ă€r gjord med en litteraturstudie samt en intervjustudie med fem olika lantbrukare frĂ„n olika delar i landet. Varje lantbrukare har fĂ„tt svara pĂ„ samma frĂ„gor, dĂ€r resultaten sammanstĂ€lls och analyseras. Vid intervjun fick lantbrukarna svara pĂ„ ett fyrtiotal frĂ„gor, sĂ„som hur mĂ„nga djur som finns i besĂ€ttningen, har mjölkkornas allmĂ€nna hĂ€lsa blivit bĂ€ttre/sĂ€mre, hur lĂ€nge gĂ„rden har anvĂ€nt gödselfiber med mera. FrĂ„gorna har ett fokus pĂ„ vad lantbruken tycker om gödselfiber, om materialet har givit en positiv eller negativ utveckling vad gĂ€ller kornas allmĂ€nna hĂ€lsa och juverhĂ€lsa. UtifrĂ„n intervjuerna som gjordes verkade alla de intervjuade vara nöjda med gödselfiber. och har mycket positiva tankar om materialet. Lantbrukarna strör mer med gödselfiber jĂ€mfört med tidigare strömaterial dĂ€r man hade en tendens att snĂ„la in för att fĂ„ lagret att rĂ€cka lĂ€ngre. De största utmaningarna som finns Ă€r att göra hanteringen enkel och hur man planerar rutiner nĂ€r det gĂ€ller skrapning och utgödsling. Det vi om fram till i den hĂ€r studien var att lantbrukarna tycker att gödselfiber har ökat kokomforten, eftersom korna hade mindre liggskador, hĂ€ltor samt hasskador. Korna ligger i lĂ€ngre perioder och idisslar mer. Även juver och spenar har blivit renare och lĂ€ttare att torka av vid mjölkning. Spenarna har Ă€ven blivit mer mjuka och glatta. Det finns ingen ökning av mastiter pĂ„ gĂ„rdarna, och halter av bakterier, celler och sporer ligger pĂ„ ungefĂ€r samma som tidigare innan gĂ„rdarna bytte till gödselfiber. GĂ„rdarna i undersökningen anvĂ€nder sig av samma typ av gödselseparator, dessutom lĂ„ter tvĂ„ gĂ„rdar den separerade gödseln hygieniseras i en hygieniseringstrumma. MjölkmĂ€ngden har inte stigit vid övergĂ„ng till gödselfiber som strömaterial, förutom pĂ„ en gĂ„rd dĂ€r gĂ„rden bytte frĂ„n madrass i liggbĂ„sen till djup bĂ€dd i samband med övergĂ„ng till gödselfiber. Slutsatserna Ă€r att det egentligen inte finns nĂ„got rĂ€tt eller fel vad gĂ€ller val av strömaterial, utan det viktiga Ă€r att man tĂ€nker efter och har en strategi hur det fungerar för just den gĂ„rdens förutsĂ€ttningar. Det Ă€r ocksĂ„ viktigt att ha bra rutiner vid skrapning och jĂ€mning av bĂ€dden, och att torrsubstanshalten i gödselfibern skall vara 36 - 42 % ts för att göra det enkelt att hantera.Choosing the right bedding material for the cows is never easy. There are both pros and cons to all types of all different types of bedding material. Many farmers in Sweden have focus on animal health and well-being, in terms of good lying comfort, and reduction of injuries. Recycled manure solids is a relatively new bedding material on the market. A growing number of Swedish farmers are starting to use it, they want a bedding material that is cheap and can give the cows better lying comfort and good health. One solution is to use the fiber from the manure as bedding. There are various separators used for manure separation, the most common used in Sweden is a screw press. The study was conducted through interviews with five farmers from different parts of the country. Each farmer had to answer all the questions, the results were compiled and analyzed. Farmers were asked forty questions, such as how many animals are in the herd, if the general health status of the dairy cows had become better or worse, for how long time the farm had used recycled manure solids, and more. The questions had a focus on what the farmers think about recycled manure solids as bedding material, and whether the bedding had positive or negative effects on the general health and udder health of the cows. All farmers interviewed seemed satisfied with the new bedding and they had very positive thoughts on the material. They used more bedding in the cubicles compared to previous used bedding (wood shavings) when there was a tendency to be sparing with the bedding material to make it to last longer. The farmer found challenges to make handling simple and to plan bedding and cleaning routines in the cubicles. The results show that farmers think that recycled manure solids has become an advantage for the cow comfort since the cows had less lameness and hook injuries. The cows were lying down for longer periods and ruminated more. Udders and teats have become cleaner and easier to wipe off at milking. The teats have also become softer and smoother. Somatic cell counts, amount of bacteria and spores in milk did not increase. There was no increase of mastitis on the farms; the levels were about the same as before the farms changed to recycled manure bedding. All farms had the same type of separator, in addition, two farms made a hygienisation of the material in a rotating drum. The conclusion is that there is no right or wrong when it comes to choose bedding material. However, it is important to have a strategy for each farm, since the conditions may. It is also important to have good routine on the farm for bedding and cleaning the cubicles. To make the bedding easy to handle, the dry matter content of the recycled manure solids should be 36 - 42%
