16 research outputs found

    Black list and Alert list of the Aquatic Invasive Alien Species in the Iberian Peninsula: an action of the LIFE INVASAQUA

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    Resumen del trabajo presentado en VI Congreso Nacional sobre Especies Exóticas Invasoras y I Congreso Ibérico sobre EEI (EEI 2022) celebrado en Navarra del 20 al 23 de abril de 2022.One of the objectives of LIFE INVASQUA project is to develop tools that will be more efficient the Early Warning and Rapid Response (EWRR) framework for Invasive Alien Species in the Iberian Peninsula. Horizon scanning for high-risk IAS is basic in implementing measures to reduce new invasions, developing Alert lists, and to focus effort in the species already established, for instance making a Black list. We developed a trans national horizon scanning exercise focused on inland waters of Spain and Portugal in order to provide a prioritized lists (Black list and Alert list) of aquatic IAS that may pose a threat to aquatic ecosystems and socio economic sectors in the future. We followed a step approach of existing information about IAS (Plants, Freshwater Invertebrates, Estuarine Invertebrates and Vertebrates; 127 established taxa in Black list; 90 non established taxa in Alert list) combining with an expert scoring of prioritized taxa. IAS established in the Iberian aquatic system consistently highlighted as the worst included vertebrates (e.g. Cyprinus carpio, Gambusia holbrooki, Silurus glanis), freshwater and estuarine invertebrates (e.g. Procambarus clarkii, Dreissena polymorpha, Pacifastacus leniusculus, Ficopomatus enigmaticus, Callinectes sapidus, Corbicula fluminea) and plants (e.g. Eichhornia crassipes, Azolla filiculoides, Ludwigia grandiflora). Amongst taxa not yet established (Alert list), expert pointed to Perna viridis, Hydroides dirampha, Dreissena bugensis, Procambarus fallax f. virginallis, Perccottus glenii with higher risk of invasion, ecological and socioeconomic impacts. Over 20.6% of the taxa in the preliminary black list received no votes (no prioritization) by experts, 17.8% in the innitial alert list. Our horizon scanning approach is inclusive of all-taxa, prioritizes both established and emerging biological threats across trans-national scales, and considers not only the ecological impact, but also potential direct economic consequences as well as the manageability of invasive species.This work received funds from the LIFE Programme (LIFE17 GIE/ES/000515)

    Código de conduta. Prevenção da introdução e dispersão de flora e fauna exótica invasora: agentes ambientais

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    De forma intencional ou involuntária, o ser humano transporta espécies entre locais desde tempos imemoriais. No entanto, nos últimos 50 anos, o ritmo de introdução de espécies exóticas no meio natural acelerou de forma alarmante, tornando-se numa das principais causas de perda de biodiversidade. A globalização, juntamente com as alterações climáticas, a destruição de habitats, o aumento do trânsito de pessoas e o comércio, são hoje os principais responsáveis pela perda de biodiversidade a nível global, acarretando também graves prejuízos para a economia e a saúde humana

    Primera cita de Sander lucioperca (L.) (Actinopterygii, Percidae) en la cuenca del río Segura, SE de España

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    In this paper, the knowledge of the geographical distribution of Sander lucioperca (L.) has been extended to the basin of the Segura River. This represents the first report of its occurrence in the Segura River Basin, it seems to have a restricted distribution and might be a recent introduction. Two hypothesis are contemplated: a fish introduction as a consequence of ilegal sportfishing activities or another example of an introduced fish into this Basin by the Tajo-Segura River transfer system.Con este trabajo, el conocimiento de la distribución geográfica de Sander lucioperca (L.) es ampliado a la Cuenca Hidrográfica del Río Segura. Hasta el momento se ha obtenido una distribución localizada de la especie, lo que podría representar una introducción reciente de la misma. Dos hipótesis son contempladas: una introducción ilegal, de esta especie, realizada por aficionados a la pesca deportiva o bien es posible que este sea otro ejemplo de pez introducido en esta Cuenca a través del trasvase Tajo-Segur

    Distribución y estado de conservación del Fartet, "Aphanius iberus" (Valenciennes,1846), en la Región de Murcia (S.E. de la Península Ibérica). Establecimiento de "Grupos Poblacionales Operativos"

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    Aphanius iberus (= Lebias ibera) is one of the most endangered Iberian vertebrates. It is an endemic fish and its drastic regression for the last two decades has involved the cataloguing of the species into the all national and international Red Listes. Because the area of this study is probably the area where the habitat´s species is most threatened, so the increment in conservation’s efforts on this species is absolutely necessary to secure its perpetuation. As a first step to develop a Recovery Plan for the species in the Murcian region, we have studied its distribution and assessed its conservation status of each locality in which it occurs. For that purpose, we reviewed historical references of the species and sampled all potential sites identified on 1:25000 scale maps using different sampling gears: trawls, fyke nets, minnow traps, hand nets and small bag seines. A.iberus occurred in 40 out of 266 localities visited, 39 localities (9 new records) were included in the Mar Menor coastal lagoon. We also found a new population for the species in the Chicamo Stream (30SXH749368), an isolated population outside of the distribution range known for the species in the Murcian Region. In the study area the regression of A. iberus is clear and coincides with the observed in other areas. Finally, we establish 6 Operational Population Groups (OPGs) as the management units to preserve the species in the Murcian region.Aphanius iberus (= Lebias ibera) es una de las especies de vertebrados ibéricos en mayor peligro de extinción. Su carácter endémico y la drástica regresión que ha sufrido en las dos últimas décadas ha conducido a la catalogación de la especie en todas las listas de especies amenazadas, nacionales e internacionales. El estado de conservación de la especie en el sureste de la Península Ibérica se ha visto deteriorado notablemente. En este sentido, como primer paso para la elaboración del Plan de Recuperación del Fartet en Murcia, se ha establecido la distribución de la especie y el estado de conservación preliminar de las localidades con presencia de la misma. Con esta finalidad han sido estudiadas 266 localidades, para lo que fueron visitadas la totalidad de zonas húmedas, litorales e interiores, con interés para esta especie en la Región de Murcia. Los muestreos fueron realizados con diferentes artes de pesca según las características del cuerpo de agua. A. iberus se presentó en 40 localidades, 39 dentro del área geográfica del Mar Menor y su entorno (9 nuevas citas para la especie). Resalta el hallazgo de una nueva población interior en el río Chícamo (30SXH749368). La regresión de la especie en la Región de Murcia es clara, y coincide con lo observado en otras zonas de la Península. Finalmente, han sido establecidos 6 Grupos Poblacionales Operativos (GPOs) como las unidades de manejo para la adecuada gestión de la especie en la Región de Murcia

    Effective monitoring of freshwater fish

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    Freshwater ecosystems constitute only a small fraction of the planet's water resources, yet support much of its diversity, with freshwater fish accounting for more species than birds, mammals, amphibians or reptiles. Fresh waters are, however, particularly vulnerable to anthropogenic impacts, including habitat loss, climate and land use change, pollution and biological invasions. This environmental degradation, combined with unprecedented rates of biodiversity change, highlights the importance of robust and replicable programmes to monitor freshwater fish. Such monitoring programmes can have diverse aims, including confirming the presence of a single species (e.g., early detection of alien species), tracking changes in the abundance of threatened species, or documenting long‐term temporal changes in entire communities. Irrespective of their motivation, monitoring programmes are only fit for purpose if they have clearly articulated aims and collect data that can meet those aims. This review, therefore, highlights the importance of identifying the key aims in monitoring programmes and outlines the different methods of sampling freshwater fish that can be used to meet these aims. We emphasize that investigators must address issues around sampling design, statistical power, species’ detectability, taxonomy and ethics in their monitoring programmes. Additionally, programmes must ensure that high‐quality monitoring data are properly curated and deposited in repositories that will endure. Through fostering improved practice in freshwater fish monitoring, this review aims to help programmes improve understanding of the processes that shape the Earth's freshwater ecosystems and help protect these systems in face of rapid environmental change