13 research outputs found

    ZigBee-based wireless sensor network localization for cattle monitoring in grazing fields

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    This paper presents the design of a localization scheme in wireless sensor networks (WSN) for cattle monitoring applications in grazing fields. No additional hardware was required for distance estimation since they were performed using the link quality indication (LQI), which is a standard feature of the ZigBee protocol. The ratiometric vector iteration (RVI) algorithm was implemented and modified to work with LQI measurements instead of the usual received signal strength indication (RSSI). Experimental results show acceptable localization performance given the requirements of usual cattle monitoring applications at low cost and low power consumption. © 2010 Elsevier B.V

    Evaluation of a state program for the improvment of degraded andisols fertility in the Andean foothills, Araucania Region (South of Chile)

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    Cette thèse démontre l'existence de l'agriculture comme une activité importante du peuple mapuche à travers l'histoire, depuis la conquête jusqu'au XXIème siècle. La recherche démontre la capacité des mapuche pour résister et combattre des ennemis puissants et féroces, et également l'intelligente adaptation à toutes les invasions étrangères, même celles de l'Etat Chilien.La thèse montre les changements dans l'agriculture et la capacité du peuple mapuche pour innover, depuis l'invasion des incas au XVème siècle, la conquête des espagnols du XVIème au XIXème siècle et l'occupation chilienne jusqu'au XXIème siècle. Au moment de la conquête espagnole, les mapuche étaient un peuple en pleine sédentarisation qui occupait un territoire de façon autonome. Les communautés peuplaient des terrains délimités et pratiquaient une agriculture de subsistance culturelle, en plus de la cueillette, de la pêche et de la chasse. La société était organisée en groupes de lignées matricielles, ils avaient une cosmovision, une culture et une organisation sociale. Pendant la colonie, ils adoptent et s'approprient les technologies européennes, ils développent un élevage puissant qui s'étend à la pampa argentine. Cette activité génère un échange commercial puissant et diversifié entre le territoire mapuche et le Royaume du Chili, fait de produits animaux, d'objets manufacturés et de produits alimentaires. L'échange était défavorable aux mapuche et dut être régulé par des traités. La République commence à reconnaitre les territoires mapuche, mais ensuite, pour des raisons d'expansion économique, elle les envahit à feu et à sang. Les mapuche résistent mais sont mis en déroute par l'armée chilienne, qui a gagné la guerre du Pacifique.Les mapuche commencent le XXème siècle spoliés de 95% de leurs terres, de presque tout leur puissant élevage, de leurs biens capitaux, des machines, des équipements, des charrues, des semences et des plantations. Mais surtout ils sont exclus, mis en ségrégation et confrontés à des stratégies d'assimilation et d'extermination. Ils meurent d'inanition, de maladies et d'épidémies. C'est là qu'est générée la vraie dette historique de l'Etat du Chili envers les mapuche. Les Réformes Agraires, et particulièrement celles de l'Unité Populaire (1970-1973) soulèvent le problème des terres usurpées, elles proposent et mettent en œuvre des solutions, que la dictature militaire (1973-1990) annule. La Concertation pour la Démocratie (1990-2010) reconnait les spécificités du peuple mapuche et résout une partie des conflits pour la terre. Actuellement, les mapuche de la campagne sont confrontés à de puissantes stratégies d'assimilation et d'extermination de leur culture, cependant au niveau des communautés rurales, on observe la capacité manifeste du peuple mapuche de s'adapter aux changements, résister et imposer les termes de base des conditions nécessaires pour se reconstruire comme peuple originaire du Chili.This thesis demonstrates that, throughout history, since the Spanish Conquest until the 21st Century, agriculture has been an important activity of the mapuche people. Research conducted points out the ability of the mapuche to resist and battle against powerful and ferocious foes, and in addition, their intelligent adaptation to foreign invasions, including that of the State of Chile. The thesis demonstrates the changes that took place in agriculture, and the ability of the mapuche people to innovate, since the Inca invasion in the 15th century, the Spanish conquest through the 16 to 19th centuries, and the Chilean occupation that extends reaching the 21st century. At the start of the Spanish conquest, mapuches constituted people that autonomously occupied a territory, were fully sedentary, communities populated clearly delimited areas, and conducted agriculture of cultural subsistence, in addition to harvesting native vegetation, fishing and hunting. Society was matricially organized by lineages, by groups, had a cosmic view, culture and social organization. During the Colony, they adopt and appropriate European technology, develop a powerful animal husbandry that extends through the Argentinian pampa; this activity generates a strong and diversified commercial exchange between the mapuche territory and the Kingdom of Chile, of animal products, handicrafts and food products. Exchange was unfavorable for the mapuche and had to be regulated through parliaments. The Chilean Republic at first recognized the mapuche territories, but later, for reasons of economic expansion, occupies them through war. Mapuches resist and are defeated by the Chilean army that had recently won the Pacific Ocean War against Peru and Bolivia. The mapuche enter the 20th century deprived of 95% of their territory, almost the total of their powerful animal husbandry, their capital goods, machinery, equipment, annual and perennial crops. But above all, they are excluded, segregated, faced with assimilation and extermination strategies, they die from hunger, diseases and pests. The real historical debt of the State of Chile with the mapuche generates at that point. Agrarian reforms, in particular that of the Popular Unity (1970-73) political government faces the problem of usurped lands and initiates solutions, later reversed by the Military Government (1973-90). Concertation for Democracy governments (1990-2010), recognize the specificities of the mapuche people and partially solves land conflicts. At present, rural mapuche face powerful strategies of assimilation and cultural extermination; however, at the rural communities level, the ability of the mapuche people to adapt to changes, adequate, resist, and impose the basic terms of the conditions necessary to reconstruct themselves as a Chilean original people has become clearly evident

    Evaluation du programme d'amélioration des sols dégradés de la Précordillère Andine de l'Araucanie (Sud du Chili)

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    This thesis demonstrates that, throughout history, since the Spanish Conquest until the 21st Century, agriculture has been an important activity of the mapuche people. Research conducted points out the ability of the mapuche to resist and battle against powerful and ferocious foes, and in addition, their intelligent adaptation to foreign invasions, including that of the State of Chile. The thesis demonstrates the changes that took place in agriculture, and the ability of the mapuche people to innovate, since the Inca invasion in the 15th century, the Spanish conquest through the 16 to 19th centuries, and the Chilean occupation that extends reaching the 21st century. At the start of the Spanish conquest, mapuches constituted people that autonomously occupied a territory, were fully sedentary, communities populated clearly delimited areas, and conducted agriculture of cultural subsistence, in addition to harvesting native vegetation, fishing and hunting. Society was matricially organized by lineages, by groups, had a cosmic view, culture and social organization. During the Colony, they adopt and appropriate European technology, develop a powerful animal husbandry that extends through the Argentinian pampa; this activity generates a strong and diversified commercial exchange between the mapuche territory and the Kingdom of Chile, of animal products, handicrafts and food products. Exchange was unfavorable for the mapuche and had to be regulated through parliaments. The Chilean Republic at first recognized the mapuche territories, but later, for reasons of economic expansion, occupies them through war. Mapuches resist and are defeated by the Chilean army that had recently won the Pacific Ocean War against Peru and Bolivia. The mapuche enter the 20th century deprived of 95% of their territory, almost the total of their powerful animal husbandry, their capital goods, machinery, equipment, annual and perennial crops. But above all, they are excluded, segregated, faced with assimilation and extermination strategies, they die from hunger, diseases and pests. The real historical debt of the State of Chile with the mapuche generates at that point. Agrarian reforms, in particular that of the Popular Unity (1970-73) political government faces the problem of usurped lands and initiates solutions, later reversed by the Military Government (1973-90). Concertation for Democracy governments (1990-2010), recognize the specificities of the mapuche people and partially solves land conflicts. At present, rural mapuche face powerful strategies of assimilation and cultural extermination; however, at the rural communities level, the ability of the mapuche people to adapt to changes, adequate, resist, and impose the basic terms of the conditions necessary to reconstruct themselves as a Chilean original people has become clearly evident.Cette thèse démontre l'existence de l'agriculture comme une activité importante du peuple mapuche à travers l'histoire, depuis la conquête jusqu'au XXIème siècle. La recherche démontre la capacité des mapuche pour résister et combattre des ennemis puissants et féroces, et également l'intelligente adaptation à toutes les invasions étrangères, même celles de l'Etat Chilien.La thèse montre les changements dans l'agriculture et la capacité du peuple mapuche pour innover, depuis l'invasion des incas au XVème siècle, la conquête des espagnols du XVIème au XIXème siècle et l'occupation chilienne jusqu'au XXIème siècle. Au moment de la conquête espagnole, les mapuche étaient un peuple en pleine sédentarisation qui occupait un territoire de façon autonome. Les communautés peuplaient des terrains délimités et pratiquaient une agriculture de subsistance culturelle, en plus de la cueillette, de la pêche et de la chasse. La société était organisée en groupes de lignées matricielles, ils avaient une cosmovision, une culture et une organisation sociale. Pendant la colonie, ils adoptent et s'approprient les technologies européennes, ils développent un élevage puissant qui s'étend à la pampa argentine. Cette activité génère un échange commercial puissant et diversifié entre le territoire mapuche et le Royaume du Chili, fait de produits animaux, d'objets manufacturés et de produits alimentaires. L'échange était défavorable aux mapuche et dut être régulé par des traités. La République commence à reconnaitre les territoires mapuche, mais ensuite, pour des raisons d'expansion économique, elle les envahit à feu et à sang. Les mapuche résistent mais sont mis en déroute par l'armée chilienne, qui a gagné la guerre du Pacifique.Les mapuche commencent le XXème siècle spoliés de 95% de leurs terres, de presque tout leur puissant élevage, de leurs biens capitaux, des machines, des équipements, des charrues, des semences et des plantations. Mais surtout ils sont exclus, mis en ségrégation et confrontés à des stratégies d'assimilation et d'extermination. Ils meurent d'inanition, de maladies et d'épidémies. C'est là qu'est générée la vraie dette historique de l'Etat du Chili envers les mapuche. Les Réformes Agraires, et particulièrement celles de l'Unité Populaire (1970-1973) soulèvent le problème des terres usurpées, elles proposent et mettent en œuvre des solutions, que la dictature militaire (1973-1990) annule. La Concertation pour la Démocratie (1990-2010) reconnait les spécificités du peuple mapuche et résout une partie des conflits pour la terre. Actuellement, les mapuche de la campagne sont confrontés à de puissantes stratégies d'assimilation et d'extermination de leur culture, cependant au niveau des communautés rurales, on observe la capacité manifeste du peuple mapuche de s'adapter aux changements, résister et imposer les termes de base des conditions nécessaires pour se reconstruire comme peuple originaire du Chili

    Evaluation du programme d'amélioration des sols dégradés de la Précordillère Andine de l'Araucanie (Sud du Chili)

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    This thesis demonstrates that, throughout history, since the Spanish Conquest until the 21st Century, agriculture has been an important activity of the mapuche people. Research conducted points out the ability of the mapuche to resist and battle against powerful and ferocious foes, and in addition, their intelligent adaptation to foreign invasions, including that of the State of Chile. The thesis demonstrates the changes that took place in agriculture, and the ability of the mapuche people to innovate, since the Inca invasion in the 15th century, the Spanish conquest through the 16 to 19th centuries, and the Chilean occupation that extends reaching the 21st century. At the start of the Spanish conquest, mapuches constituted people that autonomously occupied a territory, were fully sedentary, communities populated clearly delimited areas, and conducted agriculture of cultural subsistence, in addition to harvesting native vegetation, fishing and hunting. Society was matricially organized by lineages, by groups, had a cosmic view, culture and social organization. During the Colony, they adopt and appropriate European technology, develop a powerful animal husbandry that extends through the Argentinian pampa; this activity generates a strong and diversified commercial exchange between the mapuche territory and the Kingdom of Chile, of animal products, handicrafts and food products. Exchange was unfavorable for the mapuche and had to be regulated through parliaments. The Chilean Republic at first recognized the mapuche territories, but later, for reasons of economic expansion, occupies them through war. Mapuches resist and are defeated by the Chilean army that had recently won the Pacific Ocean War against Peru and Bolivia. The mapuche enter the 20th century deprived of 95% of their territory, almost the total of their powerful animal husbandry, their capital goods, machinery, equipment, annual and perennial crops. But above all, they are excluded, segregated, faced with assimilation and extermination strategies, they die from hunger, diseases and pests. The real historical debt of the State of Chile with the mapuche generates at that point. Agrarian reforms, in particular that of the Popular Unity (1970-73) political government faces the problem of usurped lands and initiates solutions, later reversed by the Military Government (1973-90). Concertation for Democracy governments (1990-2010), recognize the specificities of the mapuche people and partially solves land conflicts. At present, rural mapuche face powerful strategies of assimilation and cultural extermination; however, at the rural communities level, the ability of the mapuche people to adapt to changes, adequate, resist, and impose the basic terms of the conditions necessary to reconstruct themselves as a Chilean original people has become clearly evident.Cette thèse démontre l'existence de l'agriculture comme une activité importante du peuple mapuche à travers l'histoire, depuis la conquête jusqu'au XXIème siècle. La recherche démontre la capacité des mapuche pour résister et combattre des ennemis puissants et féroces, et également l'intelligente adaptation à toutes les invasions étrangères, même celles de l'Etat Chilien.La thèse montre les changements dans l'agriculture et la capacité du peuple mapuche pour innover, depuis l'invasion des incas au XVème siècle, la conquête des espagnols du XVIème au XIXème siècle et l'occupation chilienne jusqu'au XXIème siècle. Au moment de la conquête espagnole, les mapuche étaient un peuple en pleine sédentarisation qui occupait un territoire de façon autonome. Les communautés peuplaient des terrains délimités et pratiquaient une agriculture de subsistance culturelle, en plus de la cueillette, de la pêche et de la chasse. La société était organisée en groupes de lignées matricielles, ils avaient une cosmovision, une culture et une organisation sociale. Pendant la colonie, ils adoptent et s'approprient les technologies européennes, ils développent un élevage puissant qui s'étend à la pampa argentine. Cette activité génère un échange commercial puissant et diversifié entre le territoire mapuche et le Royaume du Chili, fait de produits animaux, d'objets manufacturés et de produits alimentaires. L'échange était défavorable aux mapuche et dut être régulé par des traités. La République commence à reconnaitre les territoires mapuche, mais ensuite, pour des raisons d'expansion économique, elle les envahit à feu et à sang. Les mapuche résistent mais sont mis en déroute par l'armée chilienne, qui a gagné la guerre du Pacifique.Les mapuche commencent le XXème siècle spoliés de 95% de leurs terres, de presque tout leur puissant élevage, de leurs biens capitaux, des machines, des équipements, des charrues, des semences et des plantations. Mais surtout ils sont exclus, mis en ségrégation et confrontés à des stratégies d'assimilation et d'extermination. Ils meurent d'inanition, de maladies et d'épidémies. C'est là qu'est générée la vraie dette historique de l'Etat du Chili envers les mapuche. Les Réformes Agraires, et particulièrement celles de l'Unité Populaire (1970-1973) soulèvent le problème des terres usurpées, elles proposent et mettent en œuvre des solutions, que la dictature militaire (1973-1990) annule. La Concertation pour la Démocratie (1990-2010) reconnait les spécificités du peuple mapuche et résout une partie des conflits pour la terre. Actuellement, les mapuche de la campagne sont confrontés à de puissantes stratégies d'assimilation et d'extermination de leur culture, cependant au niveau des communautés rurales, on observe la capacité manifeste du peuple mapuche de s'adapter aux changements, résister et imposer les termes de base des conditions nécessaires pour se reconstruire comme peuple originaire du Chili

    Effect of the type of substrate on the chemical composition and productivity of a protein concentrate of yeast origin

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    A. Velasquez, R. Arias, and M. Toneatti 2012. Effect of the type of substrate on the chemical composition and productivity of a protein concentrate of yeast origin. Cien. Inv. Agr. 39(3): 425-434. Extracts of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Sc) yeast were generated using a biotechnological solid-state fermentation method. The organic material used for fermentation consisted of a variety of fibrous substrates of agricultural origin, and their effect on the chemical composition and productivity of cellular biomass generated was evaluated. The substrates studied included the following: wheat straw, WS; barley straw, BS; chili stubble, CS; oat hull, OH and starch powder, SP (control). For incubation with Sc, 2 g of (dry) vegetable substrate were added to 12 mL of cultivation medium. The fermentation time was seven days under aerobic conditions (pH 5, 26 C). After extraction of the yeast biomass, its chemical composition and productivity were analyzed. The results showed an effect (P <= 0.01) of the type of vegetable substrate fermented on the crude protein (CP) and true protein (TP) contents of the yeast biomass. The highest concentration of CP was obtained by fermentation of the control TSP (treatment with the starch powder substrate) (506.3 g kg(-1) DM), followed by the treatment TOH (474.5 g kg(-1) DM). The productivity of the yeast biomass was affected by the type of substrate fermented (P <= 0.001). The highest value was obtained with TSP (327.10 mg g(-1)), followed by TOH (treatment with the oat hull substrate) (207.08 mg g-1). The lowest efficiency was measured in TCS (156.30 mg g(-1)). On the basis of these results, it may be inferred that an extract of high CP can be obtained from yeast (Sc) by the fermentation of fibrous substrates

    Simulation of the nitrogen use efficiency in pasture-finished steers in southern Chile

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    The high content of crude protein (CP) of pastures in southern Chile creates a nutritional imbalance that results in large amount of nitrogen (N) being excreted into the environment. Two regression equations and a dynamic model, available from the literature, were utilized to simulate the N use efficiency (NUE) in pasture-finished steers. A medium frame animal (Angus breed) with an initial and final body weight (BW) of 350 and 500 kg, respectively, was used to estimate nutrient requirements and excretions. Average DMI was fixed at 2.2% of animal BW with 150 days on feed (October to February). Energy and protein requirements, as well as the retained protein, were estimated by using Beef NRC software (tabular system level 1), while the nutritional characteristics of the pasture were obtained from studies based in Chile. The quality of the pastures was good enough to allow daily weight gain (GDP) of 1.0 kg/d. However, metabolizable protein balance was positive across the whole finishing period (average of 149 g/d). Total production of microbial protein increases with time because of the greater DMI, even when the PC content in forage decreases with time. This also explains the lower contribution of DIP during the last months of the finishing period. The estimated N intake was 123 g/d, whereas N excretion was 106 g/d. In summary, the combination of high levels of CP of Chilean southern pastures and the low NUE of the finishing cattle (13.4 - 16.3%), represent a strong challenge in terms of contamination and production

    Evaluation of yield component traits of Honeybee-Pollinated (Apis mellifera L.) Rapeseed Canola (Brassica napus L.)

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    Recent introduction of hybrid varieties raises the question if bees (Apis mellifera L.) contribute as pollinator agents in developing the full yield potential of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). In order to evaluate the yield achieved by B. napus cv. Artus pollinated by A. mellifera testing was carried out in the district of Freire, La Araucanía Region, Chile. This consisted in isolating or excluding rapeseed plants from pollinators with exclusion cages. Treatments applied were total exclusion (T1), partial exclusion (T2) and free pollination (T0) with a density of 6.5 hives ha-1, in order to determine the following yield components traits: grains per silique, siliques per plant, 1000 grain weight and yield. The experimental design used was randomized complete blocks with three treatments and three replicates. Results obtained show that the parameter least affected by bee intervention was the grains per silique variable. In contrast, siliques per plant and 1000 grain weight parameters presented significant differences, contributing to a yield greater than 5 t ha-1; which represented a figure 50.34% higher than in the treatment without bees. It may be concluded that the inclusion of bees in crops is fully justified as a production tool

    Evaluación de parámetros de rendimiento del raps ( Brassica napus L.) polinizado por abejas ( Apis mellifera L.).

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    Recent introduction of hybrid varieties raises the question if bees ( Apis mellifera L.) contribute as pollinator agents in developing the full yield potential of rapeseed ( Brassica napus L.). In order to evaluate the yield achieved by B. napus cv. Artus pollinated by A. mellifera testing was carried out in the district of Freire, La Araucania Region, Chile. This consisted in isolating or excluding rapeseed plants from pollinators with exclusion cages. Treatments applied were total exclusion (Tl), partial exclusion (T2) and free pollination (TO) with a density of 6.5 hives ha -1 , in order to determine the following yield components traits: grains per silique, siliques per plant, 1000 grain weight and yield. The experimental design used was randomized complete blocks with three treatments and three replicates. Results obtained show that the parameter least affected by bee intervention was the grains per silique variable. In contrast, siliques per plant and 1000 grain weight parameters presented significant differences, contributing to a yield greater than 5 t ha -1 ; which represented a figure 50.34% higher than in the treatment without bees. It may be concluded that the inclusion of bees in crops is fully justified as a production tool.La reciente introducción de variedades híbridas plantea la interrogante de la contribución que pueda tener la presencia de abejas ( Apis mellifera L.) como agentes polinizadores para desarrollar en pleno el potencial productivo del raps ( Brassica napus L.). Con el objetivo de evaluar el rendimiento alcanzado por B. napus cv. Artus polinizado por A. mellifera, se realizó un ensayo en la localidad de Freire, Región de La Araucanía, Chile. Éste consistió en aislar o excluir las plantas de raps de los polinizadores mediante el uso de jaulas excluidoras. Los tratamientos consistieron en la exclusión total (T1), exclusión parcial (T2) y libre polinización (T0) con una densidad de 6,5 colmenas ha-1 , con el fin de determinar los siguientes componentes del rendimiento: granos por silicua, silicuas por planta, peso de los 1000 granos y rendimiento. El diseño experimental utilizado fue de bloques completos al azar con tres tratamientos y tres repeticiones. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que el parámetro menos afectado por la intervención de la abeja fue la variable granos por silicua. En contraste, los parámetros silicuas por planta y peso de los 1000 granos experimentaron diferencias significativas contribuyendo a una producción que superó 5 t ha-1 , lo que significa un aumento de un 50,34% comparado con el tratamiento sin presencia de abejas. Estos resultados permiten concluir que la inclusión de las abejas en los cultivos está plenamente justificada como una herramienta de producción


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    Recent introduction of hybrid varieties raises the question if bees (Apis mellifera L.) contribute as pollinator agents in developing the full yield potential of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). In order to evaluate the yield achieved by B. napus cv. Artus pollinated by A. mellifera testing was carried out in the district of Freire, La Araucan a Region, Chile. This consisted in isolating or excluding rapeseed plants from pollinators with exclusion cages. Treatments applied were total exclusion (T1), partial exclusion (T2) and free pollination (T0) with a density of 6.5 hives ha(-1), in order to determine the following yield components traits: grains per silique, siliques per plant, 1000 grain weight and yield. The experimental design used was randomized complete blocks with three treatments and three replicates. Results obtained show that the parameter least affected by bee intervention was the grains per silique variable. In contrast, siliques per plant and 1000 grain weight parameters presented significant differences, contributing to a yield greater than 5 t ha(-1); which represented a figure 50.34% higher than in the treatment without bees. It may be concluded that the inclusion of bees in crops is fully justified as a production tool

    ZigBee-based wireless sensor network localization for cattle monitoring in grazing fields

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    This paper presents the design of a localization scheme in wireless sensor networks (WSN) for cattle monitoring applications in grazing fields. No additional hardware was required for distance estimation since they were performed using the link quality indication (LQI), which is a standard feature of the ZigBee protocol. The ratiometric vector iteration (RVI) algorithm was implemented and modified to work with LQI measurements instead of the usual received signal strength indication (RSSI). Experimental results show acceptable localization performance given the requirements of usual cattle monitoring applications at low cost and low power consumption. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved