71 research outputs found

    Wastewater treatment : master's thesis

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    Naglim porastom ljudske populacije na Zemlji u zadnjih nekoliko desetljeća te razvojem urbanizacije i industrijalizacije, dolazi do sve većeg onečiŔćenja vodnih sustava. Jedan od gorućih problema su otpadne vode. Velike količine otpadne vode ispuÅ”ta se u mora, rijeke ili jezera bez prethodne obrade te ugrožavaju okoliÅ” i ljudsko zdravlje. U diplomskom radu su opisani izvori otpadne vode, procesi obrade otpadnih voda, te zakonska regulativa Republike Hrvatske vezano uz ispuÅ”tanje otpadnih voda u okoliÅ”.The rapid growth of the human population on Earth in recent decades, along with urban development and industrialization has resulted in ever increasing pollution of water systems. One of the main problems related to water systems pollution is wastewater discharge. Large quantities of wastewater are discharged into the sea, rivers or lakes without prior treatment, endangering the environment and human health. In this masterā€™s thesis the sources of wastewater, wastewater treatment procedures and national legal regulations on discharge of waste water are described

    Wastewater treatment : master's thesis

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    Naglim porastom ljudske populacije na Zemlji u zadnjih nekoliko desetljeća te razvojem urbanizacije i industrijalizacije, dolazi do sve većeg onečiŔćenja vodnih sustava. Jedan od gorućih problema su otpadne vode. Velike količine otpadne vode ispuÅ”ta se u mora, rijeke ili jezera bez prethodne obrade te ugrožavaju okoliÅ” i ljudsko zdravlje. U diplomskom radu su opisani izvori otpadne vode, procesi obrade otpadnih voda, te zakonska regulativa Republike Hrvatske vezano uz ispuÅ”tanje otpadnih voda u okoliÅ”.The rapid growth of the human population on Earth in recent decades, along with urban development and industrialization has resulted in ever increasing pollution of water systems. One of the main problems related to water systems pollution is wastewater discharge. Large quantities of wastewater are discharged into the sea, rivers or lakes without prior treatment, endangering the environment and human health. In this masterā€™s thesis the sources of wastewater, wastewater treatment procedures and national legal regulations on discharge of waste water are described

    Coastal Governance, Planning, Design & GI ā€“ Training Course

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    Dana je vijest o održanom Coastal Governance, Planning, Design & GI ā€“ Training Course

    XXVII. FIG kongres, 11.ā€“15. rujna 2022., VarÅ”ava, Poljska

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    Dan je prikaz XXVII. FIG kongresa, koji je održan 11.ā€“15. rujna 2022., u VarÅ”avi, Poljska


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    Tiskarstvo osječkoga Nutarnjeg grada iz 18. i 19. stoljeća relevantan je izvor oblikovanja kulturoloÅ”ke slike prostora grada toga vremena. Nakladničkom djelatnoŔću I. M. Divalda i njegovih nasljednika Osijek prerasta u srediÅ”te svjetovne i pučke književnosti, a izdanja Divaldiane oblikovala su trojezičnu slavonsku književnost i osobit put hrvatske kulturne i književne tradicije. Suvremenom informacijskom tehnologijom i procesom digitalizacije važno je osigurati vidljivost ovoga gradiva poÅ”tujući načelo demokratičnosti. Na taj način nastaju digitalni surogati. BaÅ”tina viÅ”e neće biti samo određena lokacijom, već će postati odrediÅ”tem. Digitalna zbirka dobiva svoju vrijednost tek s ispravno pridruženim metapodatcima koji imaju ključnu ulogu u razumijevanju identiteta zbirke kao i njezine uporabljivosti u globalnome druÅ”tvu. Svaki digitalni proizvod treba usmjeriti na korisnika, a vrednovanje treba poslužiti kao instrument promjene. Fragmentirana baÅ”tina digitalnom konvergencijom otvara put njezinoj cjelovitosti i razvoju fenomena grada.The 18th and 19th century printing industry of Osijek Inner City is a relevant source that gives insight into how the cultural images of the city were created in that period. The publishing work of I.M. Divald and his successors allowed Osijek to become a center of world and folk literature, while their publications, known as Divaldiana, shaped the trilingual Slavonian literature, as well as the direction of Croatian cultural and literary tradition. While adhering to the democracy principle, it is necessary to ensure the transparence of this material by means of modern information technology and the process of digitalization. That is how surrogates are created. Heritage will no longer be solely determined by its location; however, it will become a destination. By joining metadata properly, the digital collection becomes valuable as these data play a key role in explaining the collection identity, along with its usefulness in a global society. Every digital product should be user-oriented, and the assessment should serve as an instrument of change. By subjecting fragmented heritage to the process of digital convergence we are allowing for its integrity, and the development of the city phenomenon


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    Shipbuilding industry is generally considered as one of the key global industries. It consumes a significant amount of energy and leaves a strong footprint on the environment. It is therefore required to try to increase renewable energy sources in the shipbuilding industry in accordance with the adopted international legislation. This will improve energy efficiency of shipyards and reduce their impact on the environment. The present preliminary study contributes to those goals as application of sustainable renewable energy systems in ship production industry is considered. The analysis is performed for solar panels, tidal and wind turbines with respect to their technology readiness and investment costs, as well as for the total energy consumption. While in the present work the research hypothesis is studied on example of a typical Croatian shipyard, the general findings are expected to be widely applicable to all shipyards. The solar panels are considered as the most suitable renewable technology, while the investment return period for introducing solar panels to satisfy the entire electrical energy demand in this particular case is approximately seven years. The impact of introducing this green shipbuilding approach is considered beneficial in comparison with current conventional electrical energy production based on conventional energy sources

    Valuation of Agricultural Land Fragmentation

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    Fragmentacija zemljiÅ”ta kojim raspolažu poljoprivredna gospodarstva u Republici Hrvatskoj i njihova mala prosječna veličina jedan je od glavnih ograničavajućih faktora održivosti obiteljskih poljoprivrednih gospodarstava. S obzirom na prepoznato stanje u RH, novim politikama ruralnog razvoja donose se mjere zemljiÅ”ne politike kojima je svrha smanjivanje fragmentacije zemljiÅ”ta. Ovaj rad obuhvaća pregled i ocjenu literature o metodama i tehnikama određivanja stupnja fragmentacije zemljiÅ”ta, te pregled pokazatelja za određivanje fragmentacije zemljiÅ”ta. Prikazani su relevantni statistički podaci o prosječnim veličinama poljoprivrednih gospodarstava u RH i EU. Određen je stupanj fragmentacije poljoprivrednih gospodarstava testne katastarske općine pomoću poznatih indeksa fragmentacije primjenom automatiziranih postupaka analiza prostornih podataka te su prikazani dobiveni podaci.Land fragmentation of the agricultural holdings in the Republic of Croatia and their small average size are one of the limiting factors for the sustainability of family farms and the development of Croatian agriculture. Considering the present situation, implementation of rural development policy in the entire rural area of Croatia is a recognized need, and necessary land policy measures were made. This work includes a review and evaluation of the literature on the methods and techniques for determining the degree of land fragmentation, and an overview of indexes used for determination of the land fragmentation. Relevant statistics considering average householding size for the EU and for Croatia are presented. The degree of land fragmentation of the agricultural holdings is determined for the test area of one cadastral municipality, applying the spatial data analysis and the resulting data is presented
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