440 research outputs found

    Cognitive Auditory Evoked Potentials: Advances and Insights in Neuroaudiology

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    [Clinicians can now assess the peripheral auditory pathway with fair precision and reliability. There are psychoacoustic methods, such as pure-tone and speech audiometry, physiological methods, such as otoacoustic emissions and immittance measures, and electrophysiological techniques such as auditory brainstem response. However, it is in the auditory cortex that auditory and language neuroprocessing takes place. Auditory event-related potentials (AERPs), interpreted via cognitive psychophysiology, provide a theoretical rationale for assessing and investigating auditory linguistic neuroprocessing. This is important when we wish to consider clinical conditions which display language and auditory processing impairments, such as certain neurodevelopmental disorders.]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Finite-size scaling of the stochastic susceptible-infected-recovered model

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    The critical behavior of the stochastic susceptible-infected-recovered model on a square lattice is obtained by numerical simulations and finite-size scaling. The order parameter as well as the distribution in the number of recovered individuals is determined as a function of the infection rate for several values of the system size. The analysis around criticality is obtained by exploring the close relationship between the present model and standard percolation theory. The quantity UP, equal to the ratio U between the second moment and the squared first moment of the size distribution multiplied by the order parameter P, is shown to have, for a square system, a universal value 1.0167(1) that is the same as for site and bond percolation, confirming further that the SIR model is also in the percolation class

    Estudo de caracterização de adultos idosos dependentes de substâncias

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    Mestrado em Psicologia - Psicologia Clínica e da SaúdeO principal objetivo da presente dissertação é caracterizar os utentes ativos do CRIA, com 50 anos ou mais, sociodemográficamente; relativamente aos consumos e do ponto de vista clínico, comparando-os consoante o programa de tratamento de manutenção opióide em que se inserem. O crescente envelhecimento da população traz novos desafios, como o envelhecimento da população com perturbações pelo uso de substâncias (EMCDA, 2010). Este grupo tem estado a aumentar e espera-se que continue até pelo menos 2020 (Han, Gfroerer, Colliver, & Penne, 2009). Apesar disso, o desconhecimento do fenómeno é grande e são necessários mais estudos, especialmente devido às vulnerabilidades específicas desta faixa etária. Dos 102 utentes ativos, desta faixa etária, 71 reúnem as condições necessárias para participar no estudo e 42 realizaram a avaliação psicológica. A bateria de avaliação consistiu nos seguintes instrumentos: BSI, MOCA, IAFAI, GDS e WHOQOL-Bref e a análise de dados foi realizada através do SPSS – Versão 20. Foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os dois programas de tratamento no MOCA, no WHOQOL-Bref (domínio 2 e 4) e no IAFAI (IE). Em todos esses casos o programa de manutenção com metadona obteve piores resultados clínicos que o programa de manutenção com buprenorfina. A amostra global diferiu significativamente da população normal no WHOQOL-Bref (domínio geral), obtendo piores resultados de qualidade de vida; e em alguns domínios do BSI, obtendo melhores resultados de sintomatologia psicológica. Apesar das diferenças encontradas, a amostra encontra-se melhor do que seria de esperar face ao contexto de vida em que se insere.The main goal of this dissertation is to characterize the active patients of the CRIA, with 50 or more years, social and demographically; in respect to their consumption and clinically, comparing them according to the program of opioid maintenance treatment received by them. The growing aging of the general population brings new challenges such as the increase of the age population with substance use disorders (EMCDA, 2010). This group has been increasing and is expected to continue until at least 2020 (Han, Gfroerer, Colliver, & Penne, 2009). Nevertheless, the ignorance of this phenomenon is huge and more studies are largely necessary, especially due to the specific vulnerabilities of this age group. Of the 102 active patients in this age group, 71 meet the necessary conditions for participating in the study and 42 underwent psychological evaluation. The assessment battery consisted of the following instruments: BSI, MOCA, IAFAI, GDS and WHOQOL-Bref and data analysis was performed using SPSS - Version 20. Significant differences between the two treatment programs were found at MOCA, WHOQOL-Bref (domain 2 and 4) and IAFAI (IE). In all these cases the methadone maintenance program got worse clinical outcomes than the buprenorphine maintenance program. The global sample differed significantly from the normal population in the WHOQOL-Bref (general domain), showing worst results of quality of life; and in some domains of the BSI, obtaining better results of psychological symptomatology. Despite those differences the sample is better than expected due the life context in which they are embedded

    Auditory middle latency response in epilepsy

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    Introdução Os potenciais evocados auditivos de média latência (PEAML) reflectem actividade neuronal mesencefáfica, mais precisamente da região tálamo-cortical, dos colículos inferiores e da formação reticular. A epilepsia é caracterizada por variadas manifestações anormais do comportamento cerebral, sendo descrita como uma perturbação da função cerebral, tendo origem numa descarga anómala de um conjunto ou da totalidade dos neurónios do córtice cerebral. Está documentado, que as descargas eléctricas provocadas pelas crises de epilepsia podem levar a perdas neuronais, pelo que poderão existir alterações nos PEAML. Objectivos A escassa existência de literatura sobre o tema e a não investigação na população portuguesa, originou a execução deste estudo, que teve como objectivo investigar e documentar a existência de alterações ou achados nos componentes neuronais de média latência (PEAML), numa amostra de portugueses com epilepsia. Metodologia Foram realizados PEAML a um grupo de controlo (GC) composto por 16 participantes e a um grupo clínico (GCL) de 8 participantes com epilepsia, sendo analisados os componentes Na, Pa e Na-Pa quanto à sua morfologia, latência e amplitude. Resultados A morfologia das ondas e a presença de epilepsia não estão associados, no entanto, contrariamente ao GC que evidenciou latências e amplitudes de Na, Pa e Na-Pa dentro dos padrões de normalidade, a alteração ou ausência de respostas por parte do GCL é significativa na totalidade das medidas investigadas. Conclusão Em epilepsias generalizadas e focais do lobo temporal os PEAML evidenciam alterações, tal achado poderá ser eventualmente justificado pela propagação ascendente e descendente da informação auditiva se encontrar comprometida, devido a sequelas deixadas pelas crises epilépticas nas vias auditivas mesencefálicas. As alterações verificadas foram uma morfologia anómala das ondas ou ausência das mesmas.Introduction The auditory middle latency response (AMLR) reflects neural mid brain activity, more precisely of the region thalamus–cortical, of the inferior colliculus and of the reticular formation. Epilepsy is characterized by different anomalous manifestations of the behaviour of the mind, being described as a disturbance of the brain function, originated in an anomalous discharge of a set or totality of the neuron of the brain cortex. It is proved that the electrical discharges caused by epileptic seizures can lead to neuron losses and a hypothesis was considered of existing changes in AMLR. Objectives The scarce existing literature about this theme and no investigation in the Portuguese population motivated the present study, who´s aim is to investigate and document the existing changes or discoveries in the components of AMLR in a sample of Portuguese patients with epilepsy. Method AMLR were carried out with a control group (CG) formed by 16 participants and with a clinical group (CLG) of 8 participants with epilepsy being analysed the Na, Pa and Na-Pa components concerning its morphology, latency and amplitude. Results The observed results show that the morphology of waves and the presence of epilepsy are not associated, while the changes or absence of responses from the CLG is significant in all the studied variables, in opposition to the CG that showed latencies of Na, Pa and Na-Pa within the normal standards. Conclusions We can conclude that the presence of generalized or temporal lobe epilepsies the AMLR show changes. This discovery may be justified by the ascendant and descendant diffusion of auditory information compromised due to sequels of epileptic seizures in the auditory midbrain pathways. The verified changes were an anomalous morphology of waves or their absence

    Posturographic Assessment in Yoga Practitioners and Non-Practitioners: Balance Benefits

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    [Introduction: Balance is a complex process resulting from the interaction between the following systems: sensorial (input), central nervous system (coordinator), and motor (output).The aging of the vestibular system, central nerv-ous system, and the rest of the body systems may con-tribute to balance dysfunction.]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Emerging Ionic Soft Materials based on Deep Eutectic Solvents

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    PostprintIn the last five years, the use of deep eutectic solvents (DES) have been opening new perspectives towards the creation of novel ionic soft materials as alternatives to expensive ionic liquids. This Mini-Review highlights the progress and advances in soft ionic materials or gels, mostly composed by a DES immobilized within difference matrices, such as linear polymers, polymer networks, biopolymers, supramolecular compounds or organosilane networks. By taking advantage of the DES characteristics and properties in the solid state, this building system delivers a variety of tailor-made materials showing different functionalities (ionic conductivity, self-healing, stretchability and pH-responsiveness) and offers a way to circumvent drawbacks related to shaping and risk of leakage in many technological applications. In this context, we provide a judicious analysis of these emerging ionic soft materials, their properties and applications open in energy, (bio)electronics, drug delivery, analytical chemistry, and wastewater treatment. Perspectives and opportunities for future research directions on this blossoming field are also discussed.Liliana C. Tomé has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 745734. This work was supported by Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchanges (RISE) project under the grant agreement No 823989 “IONBIKE”

    Influência da educação musical avançada na discriminação auditiva com ruído competitivo

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    A organização neuronal para a música e linguagem tem sido alvo de inúmeras discussões nas áreas de audiologia, neurociência e arte musical. Vários estudos têm procurado investigar a influência da prática musical na discriminação da fala com ruído competitivo. Averiguar se a prática musical frequente promove uma melhoria significativa na capacidade de discriminação tonal e vocal em ambientes ruidosos. Material e métodos: 15 estudantes de música com prática instrumental (GE) e 15 não-estudantes de música (GC) realizaram medições audiológicas de discriminação de tons puros e de fala com ruído competitivo. Todos os participantes foram submetidos a um teste de discriminação de tons puros, o teste de mudanças de limiar determinado modificado (TMLDm), e outro de discriminação de fala (TMLDm vocal), ambos na presença de ruído competitivo. Todos os participantes eram normouvintes e tinham idades entre os 16 e os 33 anos (GE, M=19.1 anos, DP=4.2; GC, M=20.1, DP=5.4). O GE superou significativamente o GC em ambos os testes (valor p < 0.05). Tanto no ouvido direito como no esquerdo no TMLDm tonal o GE obteve uma média da relação sinal-ruído de -5 dB. No TMLDm vocal, os participantes do GC erraram em média a repetição de 8 palavras perante a média de 1 falha do GE. Os resultados sugerem que a prática musical pode melhorar o desempenho na discriminação da palavra em ruído competitivo, o que permite igualmente antever um melhor processamento auditivo central.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Leaf area estimation from tree allometrics in Eucalyptus globulus plantations

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    Data from five studies on the relationships between dendrometric measurements and leaf area of Eucalyptus globulus Labill. plantations were pooled and analyzed to develop regression models for the estimation of leaf area of individual trees. The data, collected at two sites in west-central and southwestern Portugal, varied in age from 2 to 19 years and in plant density from 481 to 1560 trees/ha and included both first and second rotation coppice stands. A total of 29 nonlinear regression models were tested and ranked with a multicriteria evaluation (MCE) procedure, based on goodness-of-fit statistics, predictive ability statistics, and collinearity diagnostics. The best models were validated using an independent data set. The final model selection was based on comparisons of prediction residuals data, statistical tests, and silvicultural and physiological considerations. One model is proposed as adequate for leaf area estimation of E. globulus plantation trees. This model contains four parameters and independent variables that quantify stem diameter, crown size, and stand density

    The development of the N1 and N2 components in auditory oddball paradigms: a systematic review with narrative analysis and suggested normative values

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    Auditory event-related potentials (AERPs) are widely used in diverse fields of today’s neuroscience, concerning auditory processing, speech perception, language acquisition, neurodevelopment, attention and cognition in normal aging, gender, developmental, neurologic and psychiatric disorders. However, its transposition to clinical practice has remained minimal. Mainly due to scarce literature on normative data across age, wide spectrumof results, variety of auditory stimuli used and to different neuropsychological meanings of AERPs components between authors. One of the most prominent AERP components studied in last decades was N1, which reflects auditory detection and discrimination. Subsequently, N2 indicates attention allocation and phonological analysis. The simultaneous analysis of N1 and N2 elicited by feasible novelty experimental paradigms, such as auditory oddball, seems an objective method to assess central auditory processing. The aim of this systematic review was to bring forward normative values for auditory oddball N1 and N2 components across age. EBSCO, PubMed, Web of Knowledge and Google Scholarwere systematically searched for studies that elicited N1 and/or N2 by auditory oddball paradigm. A total of 2,764 papers were initially identified in the database, of which 19 resulted from hand search and additional references, between 1988 and 2013, last 25 years. A final total of 68 studiesmet the eligibility criteria with a total of 2,406 participants from control groups for N1 (age range 6.6–85 years; mean 34.42) and 1,507 for N2 (age range 9–85 years; mean 36.13). Polynomial regression analysis revealed thatN1latency decreases with aging at Fz and Cz,N1 amplitude at Cz decreases from childhood to adolescence and stabilizes after 30–40 years and at Fz the decrement finishes by 60 years and highly increases after this age. Regarding N2, latency did not covary with age but amplitude showed a significant decrement for both Cz and Fz. Results suggested reliable normative values for Cz and Fz electrode locations; however, changes in brain development and components topography over age should be considered in clinical practice

    Uma abordagem projetual reversível centrada no estudo de valoes da pré-existência

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    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Arquitetura, com a especialização em Interiores e Reabilitação do Edificado, apresentada na Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre.Integrada no âmbito do protocolo de prestação de serviços de Investigação Aplicada assinado entre as instituições da Câmara Municipal de Torre de Moncorvo, Fundação Francisco António Meireles e Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa, a presente dissertação de Projeto Final de Mestrado pretende abordar determinadas temáticas da área da reabilitação que nos parecem relevantes para a prática de uma arquitetura mais sustentada na preservação da identidade e da memória para as gerações futuras. Temas como a reversibilidade e o estudo das pré-existências têm cada vez mais destaque na forma de pensar e projetar em arquitetura, particularmente quando se trata de intervir em edifícios ou espaços reconhecidamente qualificados, tais como o objeto de estudo. Posteriormente, iremos proceder à formulação de uma proposta de intervenção com o objetivo da sua futura implementação em obra, onde aplicaremos os princípios estabelecidos no decorrer desta investigação. Tomámos como objeto de estudo o edifício do antigo Asilo da Fundação Francisco António Meireles e a capela do Convento de São Francisco da Câmara Municipal de Torre de Moncorvo, situados em Torre de Moncorvo no distrito de Bragança, Portugal. Tendo ficado acordado entre os vários intervenientes a redefinição programática de ambos os edifícios e consequente reformulação em Enotel e Spa, revitalizando estes espaços e devolvendo-os novamente ao serviço da comunidade, tirando proveito dos produtos produzidos na região e da sua localização privilegiada no Vale da Vilariça - Alto Douro Vinhateiro. Entendidas as principais características dos edifícios e apoiado nos princípios retirados da análise dos conceitos e casos de estudo apresentados, pretende-se através de uma abordagem projetual reversível, explorar soluções que lhes permitam incorporar um novo conteúdo programático, mantendo a identidade e garantindo a preservação e valorização das pré-existências, bem como a sua sustentabilidade para possíveis futuras reconversões.ABSTRACT: Integrated within the Applied Research protocol signed between the institutions of Câmara Municipal de Torre de Moncorvo, Fundação Francisco António Meireles and Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa, this Final Master Project dissertation intends to address some issues in the area of rehabilitation which seems relevant to us for the practice of an architecture more focused in the preservation of the identity and memory of buildings for the future generations. Subjects like reversibility and the study of the pre-existences are playing an ever more important role in the way of thinking and designing in architecture, especially when intervening in qualified spaces or buildings, such as the case study. Later, we will proceed to the formulation of an intervention proposal for its implementation in site, where we will apply the principles set out in the course of this research. We took as a case study the former asylum of Fundação Francisco António Meireles and the chapel of Convento de São Francisco of the Câmara Municipal de Torre de Moncorvo, located in Torre de Moncorvo in the district of Bragança, Portugal. A programmatic redefinition of both buildings and consequent reformulation into a Wine Hotel and Spa was agreed between the various parties, revitalizing the area and returning it to the service of the community, by taking advantage of the products produced in the region and its prime location in Vale da Vilariça - Alto Douro Wine Region. Understood the main features of the buildings and supported by the principles drawn from the analysis of the concepts and case studies presented, and due to a reversible project-centered approach, we intend to explore solutions to enable them to incorporate a new program, while maintaining the identity and ensuring the preservation and enhancement of the pre-existences and their sustainability for possible future reconversions.N/