61 research outputs found

    Markers of masculinity in Khanty, Russian, Kazakh and Chinese folklore: Pragma-Cognitive aspect

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    The article is devoted to the analysis of the psycholinguistic features of the male portrait in fairy tales in the different structural linguistic cultures: Khanty, Russian, Kazakh and Chinese. The choice is determined by the belonging of these peoples to traditional cultures with varying degrees of transformation of behavioral stereotypes. Traditional culture considers a man as the head of a large family, a protector, a breadwinner, a landowner with the competencies of a fisherman and a hunter, so a woman with children needs his help and care. In this regard, the purpose of this study is the need, based on the psycholinguistic features of personal characteristics, to reveal the masculine image in the tales of Khanty, Russians, Kazakhs and Chinese. The authors analyze the psycholinguistic and stylistic means of representing masculine traits in the fairy tales of these peoples. Kazakh, Khanty, Russian and Chinese fairy tales for the first time become the object of psycholinguistic characterization of personal characteristics on the example of the image of masculinity. The course of reasoning on the topic of the study leads the authors to the conclusion that the analyzed original texts of fairy tales contrast with a reliable representation of the ethnic group.  The traditional male portrait is shown from the position of describing the psycholinguistic features of personal characteristics, through the relationship of the main characters, through their external and internal speech. This approach makes it possible to identify a set of ethnic, social, historical and geographical factors inextricably linked with language, on the one hand, and on the other – caused by psychological manifestations


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    Kleine–Levin syndrome (KLS) is characterized by sleep attacks lasting several hours or days with imperative onset and awakening difficulty. The syndrome belongs to rare and little studied diseases not only in our country, but also throughout the world. It was first described in 1786. The diagnostic criteria for KLS include: 1) complaints of excessive somnolence; 2) sleepiness episodes lasting at least 18 hours daily; 3) at least 1–2 annual hypersomnia episodes lasting 3 days to 3 weeks; 4) predominance generally in adolescent males; 5) characteristic changes at polysomnographic study; 6) no relationship of hypersomnia to other somatic or mental disorders, such as epilepsy or depression; 7) no association with other sleep disorders, such as narcolepsy, sleep apnea, or nocturnal myoclonus. The etiology of the syndrome remains unknown. The disease may occur in the presence of trauma, metabolic disturbances, and other diseases. The likely etiology is considered to be viral or postinfection autoimmune encephalitis involving chiefly the hypothalamus. No specific treatment for KLS has been developed at present.The authors consider the historical description of the syndrome, its presumed etiology, pathogenesis, and clinical manifestations, including the results of additional studies. They describe their observed clinical case of KLS that manifested itself as hypersomnia, hyperphagia, and psychopathic disorders and developed when using amphetamine and cannabinoids for the treatment of traumatic brain injur


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    The relevance of the study of the educational activities of fathers of school-age children of different nationalities is determined, the structure of the psychological and pedagogical support of the educational activities of fathers of school-age children of different nationalities is presented, and the results of the implementation of the support program are described.Определена актуальность исследования воспитательной деятельности отцов детей школьного возраста разной национальности, представлена структура психолого-педагогического сопровождения воспитательной деятельности отцов детей школьного возраста разной национальности, описаны результаты реализации программы сопровождения

    Psychological Grounds for Spreading Criminal Subculture Among Schoolchildren Brought to Criminal Responsibility

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    Оригинал статьи получен 2 августа 2022. Исправленная статья принята 10 января 2023.Криминальная субкультура выходит далеко за пределы пенитенциарной системы, вовлекая новые социокультурные пространства, оказывая все большее влияние на подрастающее поколение. Традиционно источником распространения элементов криминальной субкультуры считаются пенитенциарные учреждения, в том числе для несовершеннолетних. Однако каналы ее распространения трансформируются с течением времени. Целью исследования являлось выяснение психологических оснований распространения криминальной субкультуры среди учащихся школ, совершивших уголовные преступления. В исследовании приняли участие ученики Федерального казенного общеобразовательного учреждения «Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 2 ГУФСИН России по Свердловской области» и Федерального казенного образовательного учреждения «Средняя общеобразовательная школа УФСИН России по Тюменской области», всего 165 подростков. Также 52 ученика общеобразовательных школ Свердловской и Тюменской области, состоящие на учете в уголовно-исполнительной инспекции. В результате проведенного исследования выявлены две группы психологических оснований: внешние и внутренние. Группа внешних факторов связана с влиянием интернет-пространства, общественной среды, создающих сильный и властный образ, а также семьи и близких, имеющих принадлежность к криминальной сфере. Группа внутренних факторов, связанных с психологическими основаниями, включает: потребность в общении, ценность принадлежности к значимой гурппе, возможность получать яркие эмоции, ощущения управления и подчинения. Установлено, что значительная часть несовершеннолетних преступников не увлечены тюремной романтикой. Они совершали свои преступления не по идеологическим убеждениям, но при этом разделяли криминальные нормы и ценности.Criminal subculture goes far beyond the prison system, involving new sociocultural spaces, exerting an increasing influence on the younger generation. Traditionally, penitentiary institutions, including those for minors, are considered to be the source of the spread of the criminal subculture elements. However, its distribution channels are transformed over time. The aim of the study was to clarify the psychological reasons for the spread of criminal subculture among schoolchildren who have committed criminal offenses. The study involved students of the Federal State Educational Institution Secondary School No. 2 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Sverdlovsk Region and the Federal State Educational Institution Secondary School of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Tyumen Region, a total of 165 teenagers. There are also 52 students of secondary schools in Sverdlovsk and Tyumen regions who are registered with the criminal executive inspectorate. As a result of the conducted research, two groups of psychological grounds were identified: external and internal. A group of external factors is associated with the influence of the Internet space, the public environment, creating a strong and domineering image, as well as family and loved ones belonging to the criminal sphere. A group of internal factors related to psychological grounds includes: the need for communication, the value of belonging, the ability to receive vivid emotions, feelings of control and subordination. It is established that a significant part of juvenile offenders is not driven by romanticizing prison life. They committed their crimes without ideological convictions, at the same time sharing criminal norms and values

    Установочно-смысловые детерминанты у юношей, привлеченных к уголовной ответственности за совершение сексуальных преступлений

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    Original manuscript received December 21, 2020. Revised manuscript accepted May 05, 2021.Проблема установок человека, совершающего сексуальные преступления, представляет особый интерес для психологии личности, поскольку личностные установки не содержат открытых деструкций и признаков расстройств личности. Цель исследования — выявление особенностей установки и смысловых детерминант у юношей, привлеченных к уголовной ответственности за совершение преступлений сексуального характера. Личностные установки — это устойчивые психологические процессы, которые вызывают не только устойчивые, но и реактивные поведенческие реакции. Установки, связанные с ценностями и смыслами и заложенные у человека в подростковом возрасте, являются руководящими по отношению к себе и другим. В исследовании представлены данные, демонстрирующие семантические детерминанты молодых мужчин, осужденных за сексуальные преступления и проходящих процедуру клинико-психологического обследования. Качественный анализ показал, что молодые люди, обвиняемые в совершении сексуальных посягательств, уже изначально склонны интерпретировать жесты своего партнера по общению как более агрессивные, чем их собственные. Изначальная установка на то, что партнер более активен и инициативен в общении и что он несет ответственность за возникновение проблем и конфликтов, создает основу для враждебного восприятия на фоне ценности «дружеских отношений». Результаты исследования позволяют сделать вывод, что собственная деструктивность выступает как попытка противостоять давлению партнера, кем бы он ни был (мужчиной или женщиной). Низкий уровень собственной коммуникативной активности, подозрительность обусловливают передачу ответственности за взаимодействие партнеру по общению.The problem of attitudes of a person who commits sexual crimes is of particular interest to personality psychology, since it does not contain open destructions and signs of personality disorders. The purpose of the study is to identify the features of the installation and semantic determinants in young men brought to criminal responsibility for committing sexual crimes. Personality attitudes are stable psychological processes that cause not only stable, but also reactive behavioral reactions. The attitudes associated with values and meanings and laid down in adolescence are guiding in relation to oneself and others. The research presents data demonstrating the semantic determinants of young men convicted of sexual crimes undergoing the procedure of clinical and psychological examination. A qualitative analysis showed that young men accused of committing sexual assaults are already initially inclined to interpret the gestures of their communication partner as more aggressive than their own. The leading attitude that the partner is more active and initiative in communication and that they are responsible for the emergence of problems and conflicts, creates the basis for a hostile perception against the background of the value of “friendly relationship.” The results of the study allow to conclude that one’s own destructiveness acts as an attempt to resist the pressure of a partner, no matter who they are (male or female). The low level of their own communication activity, suspicion are the basis of the attitude to transfer responsibility for interaction to the communication partner

    Typology of Primary School Children with Identified Developmental Disability and Learning Difficulties

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    Оригинал статьи получен 02 февраля 2023. Исправленная статья принята 20 февраля 2023.На современном этапе развития системы психолого-педагогической поддержки субъектов образовательного процесса наиболее актуальной становится задача своевременного диагностирования и выявления детей с проблемами в развитии, которые препятствуют освоению образовательной программы. По данным исследований, за последние десять лет количество младших школьников, не справляющихся с программой при сохранном интеллекте, неуклонно растет. В исследовании, направленном на выявление психологических особенностей детей с отклонениями в развитии, испытывающих трудности в обучении, приняли участие учащиеся младших классов средних школ Свердловской области в количестве 230 человек, из них 111 девочек (48 %) и 119 мальчиков (52 %). Основной методикой диагностики явился тест Тулуз-Пьерона, универсальный для психофизиологической оценки. Среди наиболее выраженных признаков минимальной мозговой дисфункции выделяются: недостатки сформированности памяти, мышления, произвольного внимания, повышенная умственная утомляемость, отвлекаемость, двигательная неуправляемость, слабость саморегулирования. В результате проведенного исследования подтверждены гипотезы о том, что у детей с минимальными мозговыми дисфункциями, в зависимости от выраженности типа, существуют особенности развития высших психических функций и характера поведения в процессе обучения, требующие специальных приемов контроля и оценки знаний учащихся.At the present stage of the development of the system of psychological and pedagogical support for the subjects of the educational process, the goal of timely diagnosis and identification children with developmental problems that are the reason for the lack of the necessary psychological basis to master the educational program becomes the most urgent. According to research over the past 10 years, the number of primary school pupils who fail to cope with the program with preserved intelligence is steadily growing. The study aimed at identifying the psychological characteristics of children with developmental disabilities having learning problems involved 230 pupils of junior high school in the Sverdlovsk region, 111 of them girls (48 %) and 119 boys (52 %). The main diagnostic method was the Toulouse-Pieron test, universal for psychophysiological assessment. The most expressed signs of the minimal brain dysfunction are deficiencies in the formation of memory, thinking, voluntary attention, increased mental fatigue, distractibility, motor uncontrollability, weakness of self-regulation. As a result of the study hypotheses were confirmed that in children with the minimal brain dysfunctions, depending on the severity of the type, there are features of the development of the higher mental functions and the nature of behavior in the learning process that require special techniques for monitoring and evaluating pupils’ knowledge

    Classification of contraceptives available to modern students

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    The article considers the classification of contraceptives with an analysis based on the safety criterion. Comparative analysis of contraceptives (barrier, biological, surgical, hormonal, intrauterine) was carried out taking into account their availability to students.В статье рассмотрена классификация контрацептивных средств с анализом по критерию безопасности. Компаративный анализ контрацептивных средств (барьерные, биологические, хирургические, гормональные, внутриматочные) осуществлен с учетом их доступности студенческой молодежи

    Current status of the problem of cardiovascular diseases in the Nizhny Novgorod region: possible ways to reduce mortality

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    The article considers the urgent problem of combating cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) in the Nizhny Novgorod region, including the high prevalence of CVDs and the timely identification of risk factors. The changes in mortality from all and individual causes was analyzed. Attention was paid to the negative impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on the health of people suffering from noncommunicable diseases. We also described the necessity to improve healthcare efficiency for CVD patients by improving the complex of managerial and preventive measures

    Lipidomic profile of seminal plasma in non-obstructive azoospermia with sperm maturation arrest

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    Introduction. The difference between obstructive and non-obstructive azoospermia with sperm maturation arrest is important for the choice of treatment tactics and adequate counseling of a married couple.Purpose of the study. The study aimed to assess the semen lipid profile in patients with sperm maturation arrest. Materials and methods. Samples of seminal plasma for lipid composition of 24 men with normozoospermia and 64 men with azoospermia were studied. Patients with azoospermia underwent microdissection testicular biopsy followed by the detection of testicular tissue pathology. Lipid extracts were analyzed by liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry. Lipid data were compared with the results of pathomorphological studies.Results. Comparison of two groups revealed a statistically significant concentration differences for 22 lipids detected in positive-ion mode and 11 lipids detected in negative-ion mode. Those lipids mainly belong to the classes hexosylceramides, sphingomyelins and phosphatidylcholines — simple ethers and oxidized lipids. In multivariate analysis, the following lipids were found to be statistically significant predictors of sperm maturation arrest: PC 16: 0_22: 6 lipid (β-coefficient: -0.73; 95% confidence interval (95% CI): -1.42 to -0.27; odds ratio (OR): 0.48; OR CI: 0.24 to 0.76; Wald's test: -2.58; p = 0.01), SM d20: 1/22:2 lipid (β-coefficient 4.96; 95% CI 2.29 to 9.13; OR: 142.31; OR CI: 9.90 to 9.22^103; Wald's test: 2.93; p = 0.003); PG 20:3_22: 6 lipid (β-coefficient 2.52; 95% CI 1.13 to 4.49; OR: 12.37; OR CI: 3.10 to 89.27; Wald's test: 3.02; p = 0.002); PC O- 16: 1/16:0 lipid (β-coefficient 1.96; 95% CI -4.12 to 0.27; OR: 0.14; OR CI: 0.02 to 0.76; Wald's test: -2.05; p = 0.04). The prediction model characteristics of sperm maturation arrest, obtained during cross-validation in the positiveion mode composed: sensitivity 91%, specificity 85%; in negative-ion mode: sensitivity 75%; specificity 81%.Conclusions. Even though early stages of spermatogenesis are equally preserved in both fertile men and men with homogeneous sperm maturation arrest, the semen in the studied group of patients differed in its lipid profile. Patients with non-obstructive azoospermia, associated with meiosis arrest, may have unique lipidomic characteristics of seminal plasma, which in the future will make it possible to differentiate various variants of severe male infertility using non-invasive methods


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    Objective of the study is to prepare rabbit monospecific anti-abortus serum to a Brucella S-form thermoextract, as well as to evaluate its activity and specificity. Materials and methods. Utilized was polyvalent hyperimmune serum obtained to Brucella thermoextract. It was adsorbed by a strain of heterologous species Brucella melitensis 16 N. Reference, vaccinal and field Brucella strains were used to estimate the activity and specificity of the serum produced. Results and conclusions. This serum possesses high activity (1:160, 1:320 titer) and specificity, and the results completely coincide with the data specified in the table of differential properties presented in МR “Prophylaxis and laboratory diagnostics of human brucellosis». The outlined method for manufacturing monospecific Brucella anti-abortus serum permits for a considerable decrease in biological hazard for personnel involved in the technological operations