89 research outputs found


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    Catfish cracker processing business has enormous potential to be developed for several reasons, namely the high supply of catfish, the lack of utilization of catfish supply, and the increasing consumption trend of crackers. Clipss Catfish Chips is a catfish cracker processing business whose business development plan in the form of increasing production capacity includes the procurement of production machinery and relocation of the production house. Clipss Catfish Chips will also conduct business legalities to support the business development process. This research was conducted to assess the long-term investment planning on the development plan that Clipss will do. Data processing and analysis used in this research include feasibility analysis of non-financial aspects and financial aspects and switching value analysis. Analysis of non-financial aspects was studied qualitatively with descriptive and quantitatively with a Likert scale. Analysis of the financial aspect was studied using a few investment criteria namely Net Present Value, Net Benefit-Cost Ratio, Internal Rate of Return, and Payback Period. The results of the feasibility analysis of non-financial and financial aspects indicate that business development is feasible to run. The results of the switching value analysis show that the decrease in the amount of production is more sensitive than the increase in the price of fish and packaging. C


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    Sugar is one of the staples food that is widely consumed by the public. Sugar demand continued to increase along with increasing growth of population. Sugar factory revitalization made ​​in order to support food security system, especially for staples food. Revitalization is aimed for increasing the production capacity of sugar factories, productivity and content of sugarcane and expansion of plantation. Revitalizing sugar factory aims to meet the needs of sugar demand in order to attain self-sufficiency in sugar by 2014. One program of revitalization is the rejuvenation of the old machines which have decreased performance resulting in lower efficiency of sugar mills. Restructuring needs big investment with a long repayment period so that the feasibility analysis is needed to see whether the restructuring Kremboong Sugar Mill machines feasible and can provide better profit. Based on the analysis aspect of the market, technical, socio-economic, and management found that the restructuring of the machine is feasible. This is indicated by the availability of a broad market, a clear corporate management, creation of employment, as well as the accuracy of the use of technology in their production processes. Financial analysis through investments in the eligibility criteria of 14% discount rate produces NPV Rp52.414.490.686,68, IRR of 50%, Net B/C ratio of 3.68, and 8.88-year payback period (8 years 10 months 17 days). From the results of financial analysis can be concluded that the restructuring decent machine to run


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    Meskipun pada saat pandemi Covid-19 tahun 2020 ekspor sektor pertanian meningkat, namun pada awal tahun 2021 sektor  perkebunan kembali mengalami penurunan. Hal ini disebabkan karena terganggunya sistem distribusi di tingkat lokal, domestik, maupun internasional. Hal tersebut juga mempengaruhi harga-harga komoditas perkebunan, salah satu produk perkebunan yang mengalami penurunan harga adalah cengkeh.Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui factor yang mempengaruhi kinerja ekspor cengkeh Indonesia. Analisis data menggunakan Gravity model dengan alat abantu eviews 9. Data yang digunakan bersumber dari UN Comtrade. Hasil penelitian yaitu faktor yang berpengaruh positif adalah PDB Indonesia, PDB negara tujuan, populasi dan pandemi covid. Artinya setiap peningkatan 1% akan mempengaruhi kenaikan sebanyak angka koefisien. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pandemi covid tidak berdampak negatif terhadap kinerja ekspor Indonesia.  Even though during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 the exports of the agricultural sector increased, at the beginning of 2021 the plantation sector again experienced a decline. This is due to the disruption of the distribution system at the local, domestic and international levels. This also affects the prices of plantation commodities, one of the plantation products that has experienced a decrease in price is cloves. The aim of this study is to determine the factors that influence the performance of Indonesian clove exports. Data analysis used the Gravity model with the eViews 9 tool. The data used came from UN Comtrade. The results of the study are that the factors that have a positive effect are Indonesia's GDP, destination country's GDP, population, the covid pandemic and production. This means that every 1% increase will affect the increase by the number of coefficients. It can be concluded that the covid pandemic did not have a negative impact on Indonesia's export performance. Following are some of the implications that may occur after the COVID-19 pandemic has passed: global demand recovery, trade policy adjustments, changes in consumption patterns, focus on quality and sustainability, digitalization and e-commerce, export market diversification, risk management. &nbsp


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    This paper aims to analyze (1) profitability of chili farming privately and socially; (2) competitiveness of chili through competitive and comparative advantages; (3) impacts of government policy on chili farming; (4) impacts of the government policy change on the competitiveness of chili. This research was conducted in Ciwidey sub-district, Bandung district and Lembang sub-district, Bandung Barat district. Both primary and secondary data were used in this research whereas the samples were chosen by snowball sampling method. Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM) was employed in this paper. The survey was conducted from December 2007 to February 2008. The results showed that chili farming in both sub-districts was profitable privately and socially. Chili farming in Lembang was more profitable than in Ciwidey. Both sub-districts have competitive and comparative advantages where the competitive and comparative advantages in Ciwidey were higher. Impacts of output policy have caused the chili farming in both sub-districts received actual output price lower that its social price. Subsidy of tradable and non-tradable inputs caused farmers received cheaper input price. Government policy on input-output has benefited chili farming in Lembang. Increase of production cost, decrease of output price and decrease of production partially or as a whole have caused smaller profitability and higher PCR and DRC that are nearly to one. However, these changes would not change the profit to be the loss or competitive and comparative advantages to be not competitive


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    High feed prices and a high proportion of feed costs cause the profitability of fish farming businesses to decline. One of the government's efforts to reduce feed costs is encouraging fish farmers to produce their feed using local raw materials through Self-Sufficiency Fish Feed Program. This study aims to analyze program’s impact on the fish farming performance using the Propensity Score Matching (PSM) method. Performance is measured by cost, revenue, profit, R/C ratio, Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR), and technical efficiency which estimated using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The results show that program implementation at the fish farmer's level has not positively impacted the fish farming business's performance. The results of the PSM analysis show that the program significantly impacts on costs, revenue, profit, R/C ratio, FCR, and technical efficiency. Farmers with programs have a higher average cost and FCR than farmers without programs. The fish farmers with program have a lower revenue, profit, R/C ratio and technical efficiency than fish farmers without program. From the results of this study, it can be concluded that the main cause the program has not had a positive impact on the fish farming businesses performance is the quality of self-sufficiency fish feed. Therefore, the recommended policy is to create a system for supplying local raw materials with good quality, increasing feed formulation training and need specialize by forming group of self-sufficiency fish feed producers separated from the fish farming group

    Can adoption of chemical pesticide-free farming practices benefit to farmers? An empirical study in shallot production in Central Java, Indonesia

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    This study aims to provide empirical evidence in the shallot production in Indonesia, what drives farmers to adopt chemical pesticide-free production as sustainable agricultural practices and its impacts on farmers’ income. By using national agricultural survey in 2014, this study employed logit regression and regression analysis to estimate the determinants and impacts of adoption of chemical pesticide-free farming practices among shallot farmers in Central Java. The results of a logit regression model showed that level of education, type of land ownership, participation in farmers group, source of fund, certified seed cost, and cost production were significantly associated with decisions to adopt chemical pesticide-free farming practices. The results of a regression model showed that farmers who adopted chemical pesticide-free farming practices had higher income. Aside the chemical pesticide-free adoption factor, the results showed that farmers’ income from shallot farming were influenced by level of education, harvested area, type of land ownership, cooperative membership, access to credit, access to extension services, and cost of certified seed. Future research may consider the different level of usage of non-chemical inputs among shallot farmers as the adoption is a process and dynamic, taking into account both other potential determinants of adoption and other potential factors affecting farm profitability, and focusing on shallot traders, wholesalers, retailers, and consumers. Keywords: agricultural production, famers income, pesticide-free, shallot, sustainable agricultural practic

    Preferensi Risiko dan Faktor Yang Memengaruhi Keikutsertaan Asuransi Usahatani Padi (AUTP) di Kabupaten Jember

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    Rendahnya partisipasi petani padi di Kabupaten Jember dalam program AUTP bukan berarti petani padi merupakan individu yang berisiko. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka secara sistematis tujuan penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: (1) Menganalisis preferensi risiko petani padi di Kabupaten Jember; (2) menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi partisipasi petani padi di Kabupaten Jember dalam program AUTP. Pengukuran preferensi petani padi menggunakan metode multiple price list dan constant relative risk averse (CRRA). Sedangkan analisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi partisipasi petani padi dalam program AUTP menggunakan analisis regresi logit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa petani padi di Kabupaten Jember memiliki preferensi risiko untuk menghindari risiko. Preferensi risiko petani responden peserta AUTP di Kabupaten Jember adalah sangat penghindar risiko; sedangkan responden petani non peserta AUTP di Kabupaten Jember adalah netral terhadap risiko. Faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi keikutsersertaan petani padi di Kabupaten Jember dalam program AUTP, yakni: (1) usia, lama, (2) berusahatani padi, (3) luas lahan usahatani padi,                 (4) preferensi risiko, (5) pemahaman terhadap AUTP, dan (6) besaran premi yang mampu dibayarkan.The low participation of rice farmers in Jember Regency in crop insurance (asuransi usahatani padi – AUTP) does not mean that rice farmers are risk seeking individuals. The objectives of this study are: (1) to analyze the risk preferences of rice farmers in Jember Regency; (2) analyze the factors that influence the participation of rice farmers in Jember Regency in the AUTP program. The measurement of rice farmer preferences used the multiple price list and constant relative risk averse (CRRA) method; and the analysis of the factors that influenced the participation of rice farmers in the AUTP program used logit regression analysis. The result showed that rice farmers in Jember Regency had a risk preference to avoid risk. The risk preferences of participants farmers of AUTP in Jember Regency are very risk averse; while not participants farmers of AUTP  are risk neutral. The factors that influence the participation of rice farmers in Jember Regency in the AUTP program are: (1) age, (2) rice farming experience, (3) rice farming area, (4) risk preference, (5) AUTP knowledge, and (6) amount of insurance premium that can be paid. The participation of rice farmers in Jember Regency in the AUTP can be increased by increasing farmers knowledge of the scheme and benefits of agricultural insurance through counseling and mentoring

    Proses Pengambilan Keputusan Adopsi Inovasi Teknologi Budidaya Kedelai Jenuh Air (Kasus: Labuhan Ratu Enam, Lampung Timur)

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    The expansion of crop land to suboptimal land (especially in the outside of Java Island) should be set up as source of agriculture crop production growth. Saturated-soil Cultivation (SSC) Technology is able to improve the productivity of soybean plants up to 4.0 tons/ha in the suboptimal land. This research is aims to examine the decision making process on innovation adoption of soybean Saturated-soil Cultivation (SSC) Technology, conducted in Labuan Ratu Enam Village, East Lampung Regency. Main approaches were used in this research is Rogers’ theory of innovation diffusion. Decision process was divided into four main group of analysis: i) communication channel and general description of stages in the innovation decision, ii) influential variables of respondents’ characteristics on the knowledge stage using Kruskall-Wallis test, iii) influential variables of the innovation’s attributes on the persuasion stage using Spearman Correlation test, and iv) correlation between the stages of innovation decision process using Spearman Correlation test and Mann-Whitney test. The results  shows that i) interpersonal channel is chosen as the way to diffuse SSC innovation to 25 potential farmer adopters through discussion, direct practice, and guidance; ii) the influential variables of individuals’ characteristics are leve of nonformal education and level of motivation, while level of formal education and farming experience is not significant difference in their knowledge level about SSC; iii) there is significant correlation between the level of respondents’ persuasion and their perception on the innovation complexity and triability, but not compatability and observability; iv) each stage of SSC innovation-decision, one stage to another in sequence, has significant positive correlation

    Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Realisasi Pembiayaan Murabahah untuk USAha Mikro Agribisnis Sektor Perdagangan (Studi Kasus: Kbmt Bil Barkah, Bogor)

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    Micro business has significant contribution to GDP and employment. Micro business in agriculture has the highest contribution. The problem faced by micro business in agriculture is the difficulty to get financed by conventional bank. Shari Microfinance is one of the financing alternatives. Baitul Mal wat Tanwil Cooperative (KBMT) Bil Barkah is one of Shari microfinance provider via murabahah funding. The purpose of this research is to analyze customer characteristics affecting murabahah funding acquirement. The sampling method used was convenience sampling and total sample used was 40 people. The collected data was processed by multiple regressions. The results shows the significant factors are education, business experience, monthly revenue and collateral
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