3,604 research outputs found

    Tuning in to the feedback bassline: revealing the operation of AGNs in galaxy clusters with high-resolution radio observations

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    Following the Big Bang, structure in the Universe started collapsing under the force of gravity. This resulted in the formation of the first stars, galaxies and clusters of galaxies. The majority of the baryonic mass in a galaxy cluster is part of the hot intracluster medium, which permeates the entire cluster As this medium cools down, it accretes onto the central galaxies where it triggers the formation of new stars. However, it also feeds the central supermassive black hole, creating an active galactic nucleus (AGN) that injects a large amount of energy into the intracluster medium again, resulting in a feedback cycle. This feedback cycle is an essential ingredient in the formation and evolution of galaxies. Using new high-resolution radio observations taken with the LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR), we study AGN feedback in galaxy clusters in unprecedented detail, gaining insight into both the duty cycle of the AGN as well as the energy budget of the feedback cycle.Large scale structure and cosmolog

    Therapeutic potentials of histamine H3 receptor agonists and antagonists

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    Лечение артериальной гипертензии в преклонном возрасте: от отрицания до признания необходимости

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    Представлен анализ результатов клинических исследований антигипертензивной терапии у пожилых пациентов, позволяющий сделать заключение о целесообразности ее проведения даже после достижения 80−летнего возраста.The analysis of the findings of clinical research of antihypertensive therapy in elderly patients, which allowed to conclude about the necessity about the expediency of its administration even in patients over 80, is presented

    Formation of unusual yellow Orapa diamonds

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    Twenty eclogitic diamonds from Orapa Mine (Botswana) with an unusual yellow colour are characterised for their growth structure, N systematics, and C isotope composition, and the major element composition of their silicate inclusions. The diamonds show complex luminescence with green, blue and non-luminescent zones and occasional sector zonation. All parts of the diamonds have low total N concentrations (<50 at.ppm, with one exception of <125 at.ppm) and a limited range in C isotope composition (−5.7 to −10.6‰). Fourier Transform Infrared spectra show bands at 1334, 1332, 1282, and 1240 cm−1 typical for Ib-IaA diamonds. Relict unaggregated N defects (Ns o and Ns +) are present and the preservation is likely caused by the low N concentrations and possible low mantle residence temperatures rather than young diamond formation (inclusion ages of 140, 1096, 1699 Ma; Timmerman et al. Earth Planet Sc Lett 463:178–188, 2017). Garnet and clinopyroxene inclusions extracted from 14 diamonds have an eclogitic composition with relatively low Ca contents and based on all characteristics, these diamonds form a distinct population from Orapa

    Development of a ‘Universal’ Rubric for Assessing Undergraduates’ Scientific Reasoning Skills Using Scientific Writing

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    We developed a rubric for measuring students’ ability to reason and write scientifically. The Rubric for Science Writing (Rubric) was tested in a variety of undergraduate biology laboratory courses (total n = 142 laboratory reports) using science graduate students (teaching assistants) as raters. Generalisability analysis indicates that the Rubric provides a reliable measure of students’ abilities (g = 0.85) in these conditions. Comparison of student performance in various biology classes indicated that some scientific skills are more challenging for students to develop than others and identified a number of previously unappreciated gaps in the curriculum. Our findings suggest that use of the Rubric provides three major benefits in higher education: (1) to increase substance and consistency of grading within a course, particularly those staffed by multiple instructors or graduate teaching assistants; (2) to assess student achievement of scientific reasoning and writing skills; and (3) when used in multiple courses, to highlight gaps in alignment among course assignments and provide a common metric for assessing to what extent the curriculum is achieving programmatic goals. Lastly, biology graduate students reported that use of the Rubric facilitated their teaching and recommended that training on the Rubric be provided to all teaching assistants