14 research outputs found

    Uticaj kinantropometrijskih faktora na uspeh u ritmičkoj gimnastici

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    The purpose of this research was to investigate the significance of the influence of each of the selected, mutually very closely related kinanthropometric factors (somatotype, body composition, sexual maturity, specific coordination abilities) on the rhythmic gymnasts’ (RGs) sports performance. One hundred and twenty-six national and international level RGs (age: 11.95±3.09 years, body height: 147.76±14.61 cm, body mass: 37.75±11.72 kg, BMI: 16.79±2.26 kg/m2, menarcheal age: 13.57±1.18 years, training experience: 5.88±2.79 years), divided into five age group categories (15 seniors, aged 16 years and older; 25 juniors, aged 14-16 years; 26 advanced, aged 12-14 years; 38 intermediate, aged 9-12 years; 22 beginners, aged 7-9 years), volunteered to participate in the study. Multiple regression analysis was applied to determine statistically significant influence of each of the selected kinanthropometric factors on the “Success”. Namely, RGs’ somatotype, body composition, sexual maturity and specific coordination abilities are significant predictive factors for their performance, with a variance explanation of 11%, 13%, 14% and 38%, respectively. At univariate level, regression analysis highlights the statistically significant independent contribution of endomorphy (at all categories, except for the beginners), axillary hair development (only for the advanced), ball and hoop coordination (for the intermediate), to the prediction of RGs’ Success. This research has confirmed the importance of endomorphy for the Rhythmic Gymnastics (RG) performance, and the negative relations among this predictive and criterion variable unambiguously emphasized the lack of subcutaneous fat as desirable factor for the success in RG. Also, the negative relations of almost all of the body composition parameters and the competition results indicate that the low percentage of body fat, long and thin limbs, and low body mass, are desirable morphological characteristics among successful RGs. The low percentage of body fat entails a delay in pubertal development, which is actually desirable in conventional type of sports and is confirmed by the negative relations of each of the examined sexual maturity parameters in the group of pubertal senior RGs and the performance. The obtained results, i.e. the lack of the statistically significant influence of coordination on the “Success”, in the group of junior and senior RGs, and its presence in the group of the advanced and intermediate RGs, clearly indicates the less important role of the specific coordination in the performance of the older age category RGs. This does not diminish the importance of the coordination abilities, yet it rather simply suggests the presence of more important factors which discriminate the successful from less successful gymnasts


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    The aim of the research was to determine the correlation of morphological characteristics and fitness parameters of overweight and obese boys aged seven. The sample of participants consisted of 198 pupils (boys) aged seven years, from elementary schools from the territory of the city of Niš, Paraćin, Bela Palanka, Leskovac and others, classified as a category with increased body mass or obesity. Morphological characteristics were determined by measuring parameters of longitudinal (3), transversal, (3) circular dimensions (3) and body mass and measurement of subcutaneous fat tissue (3). For the assessment of muscular fitness, body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness, the following tests were used: the plyometric leap, precancer-turn-off, percentage of body fat and Body Mass Index (BMI); a shuttle run test based on the calculated VO2max (L) and VO2max (ml/kg/min) values. A canonical correlation analysis was used to determine the correlation between morphological characteristics and fitness parameters. The level of statistical significance was set at .05. The results of the study showed that there is a statistically significant association (p˂.01) between morphological characteristics and fitness parameters in overweight and obese boys aged seven. Participants who have higher values of voluminosity and body width have higher values of fat percentage in the body as well as BMI. Smaller explosive power was found in participants with higher values of skin folds. It has been determined that body mass and voluminosity positively affects the strength of the arm and shoulders, that is, they adversely affect the VO2max values


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    Abstract. Rhythmic gymnastics (RG) is a difficult and complex sport which requires increased space-time coordination between body movements and apparatus handling, thus making specific motor coordination a vital part of technical preparation in RG with an important role in creating the preconditions necessary for allowing the gymnast to learn many RG techniques. The purpose of the research was to test and/or determine the possibility of predicting success in RG performance on the basis of gymnasts’ coordination skills. One hundred and twenty-seven national- and international-level rhythmic gymnasts (age: 11.93±3.09 years, body height: 147.65±14.6 cm, body mass:37.67±11.7 kg, BMI: 16.78±2.26 kg/m2, training experience: 5.85±2.81 years), distributed in five age categories (22 beginners, aged 7-9 years; 39 intermediate, aged 9-12 years; 26 advanced, aged 12-14 years; 25 juniors, aged 14-16 years; 15 seniors, aged 16 years and older), volunteered to participate in the study. Their baseline characteristics (age, body height, body mass, BMI, years of training experience, Success) were established, as well as their specific coordination skills (B-ROL, R-TCJ, H-SKP and C-JUG). By means of a Multiple regression analysis the specific coordination skills’ statistically significant influence on Success was established only in the group of advanced and intermediate gymnasts (p<0.018 and p<0.000, respectively), with an explanation of 42%, i.e. 50% of success in RG. Also, the Regression analysis emphasized the significant independent contributions, to the prediction of the dependent variable, of three independent variables: ball rolling (intermediate gymnasts: p=0.03), hoop skipping (intermediate gymnasts: p=0.03 and sample in total: p=0.02) and clubs juggling (intermediate gymnasts: p=0.03 and sample in total: p=0.02), with positive relationship among these independent variables and dependent variable. This study has confirmed the importance of coordination skills for success in RG, but only for younger age categories.Key words: rhythmic gymnasts, age categories, specific coordination, regression

    Uticaj kinantropometrijskih faktora na uspeh u ritmičkoj gimnastici

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    The purpose of this research was to investigate the significance of the influence of each of the selected, mutually very closely related kinanthropometric factors (somatotype, body composition, sexual maturity, specific coordination abilities) on the rhythmic gymnasts’ (RGs) sports performance. One hundred and twenty-six national and international level RGs (age: 11.95±3.09 years, body height: 147.76±14.61 cm, body mass: 37.75±11.72 kg, BMI: 16.79±2.26 kg/m2, menarcheal age: 13.57±1.18 years, training experience: 5.88±2.79 years), divided into five age group categories (15 seniors, aged 16 years and older; 25 juniors, aged 14-16 years; 26 advanced, aged 12-14 years; 38 intermediate, aged 9-12 years; 22 beginners, aged 7-9 years), volunteered to participate in the study. Multiple regression analysis was applied to determine statistically significant influence of each of the selected kinanthropometric factors on the “Success”. Namely, RGs’ somatotype, body composition, sexual maturity and specific coordination abilities are significant predictive factors for their performance, with a variance explanation of 11%, 13%, 14% and 38%, respectively. At univariate level, regression analysis highlights the statistically significant independent contribution of endomorphy (at all categories, except for the beginners), axillary hair development (only for the advanced), ball and hoop coordination (for the intermediate), to the prediction of RGs’ Success. This research has confirmed the importance of endomorphy for the Rhythmic Gymnastics (RG) performance, and the negative relations among this predictive and criterion variable unambiguously emphasized the lack of subcutaneous fat as desirable factor for the success in RG. Also, the negative relations of almost all of the body composition parameters and the competition results indicate that the low percentage of body fat, long and thin limbs, and low body mass, are desirable morphological characteristics among successful RGs. The low percentage of body fat entails a delay in pubertal development, which is actually desirable in conventional type of sports and is confirmed by the negative relations of each of the examined sexual maturity parameters in the group of pubertal senior RGs and the performance. The obtained results, i.e. the lack of the statistically significant influence of coordination on the “Success”, in the group of junior and senior RGs, and its presence in the group of the advanced and intermediate RGs, clearly indicates the less important role of the specific coordination in the performance of the older age category RGs. This does not diminish the importance of the coordination abilities, yet it rather simply suggests the presence of more important factors which discriminate the successful from less successful gymnasts

    Review of Selected Studies on Aesthetic Sports and Creative Arts

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    There are different classifications of sports and disciplines. The division into individual and collective is considered fundamental. From the aspect of all divisions, they are mainly bipolar (like Men/Women Artistic Gymnastics) instead of the psychological typology of sports activities, where certain individual sports belong to the group of aesthetic-coordination ones. Rhythmic gymnastics (RG) is the most typical representative in this group, where complex movements predominate most acyclic type. Activities in RG occur in several disciplines with different apparatus (rope, hoop, ball, clubs, and ribbon), and only younger age categories have exercises without apparatus. In each domain, many elements are performed, which differ according to their structural groups, although exercises of a dynamic character prevail over static ones. Previously, the structure of sports achievement was determined based on the so-called Equation of success specification, which assessed the contribution of specific segments of the anthropological status of athletes in the prediction of sports results. However, when the result depends on the subjective assessment of the judge, the structure is proposed through the Code of Points (CoP). The decisive factors that prevail in line on the Rules of Assessment, which accurately considers the difficulty of the elements for free routines, musical accompaniment, and the appearance throe the artistic impression of the gymnast. In general, it is a sports activity in which a perfect symbiosis of music and movement is achieved, with a solid aesthetic impression when performing free routines. These characteristics are also present in other sports within this group, with similarities in the methodology of training, the elements of technical difficulties, and the way of assessing the athletes’ achievements. Where looking at specific segments of the anthropological status of rhythmic gymnasts, the determinants of sports achievement are pointed out, viewed, first of all, from the aspect of assessment rules (CoP), which has undergone significant changes in recent years to encourage the rapid development of RG and its inclusion in the Olympic sports family

    The contribution of pubertal development to performance scores in high-level rhythmic gymnasts

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    Background: Puberty is a central process in the complex set of changes that constitutes the transition from childhood to adolescence. This period of maturation is characterized by a growth spurt which affects virtually the whole skeleton and muscles and thus affecting children's motor performance. Objective: The present study investigated the role of pubertal status in predicting success in rhythmic gymnasts' (RGs) performance. Methods: One hundred and twenty-six national- and international-level RGs (age: 11.95&#x202F;&plusmn;&#x202F;3.09 years, body height: 147.76&#x202F;&plusmn;&#x202F;14.61&#x202F;cm, body mass: 37.75&#x202F;&plusmn;&#x202F;11.72&#x202F;kg, BMI: 16.79&#x202F;&plusmn;&#x202F;2.26&#x202F;kg/m2, menarcheal age: 13.57&#x202F;&plusmn;&#x202F;1.18 years, training experience: 5.88&#x202F;&plusmn;&#x202F;2.79 years), divided into five age group categories, volunteered to participate in the study. A self-assessment was used for the estimation of the stages of sexual maturity of their breasts and axillary hair development (i.e. Tanner method), whereas the data on RGs menarche were collected by the means of interviewing. Results: Regression analysis showed that axillary hair development was the only independent parameter that had a positive influence on RGs' performance scores (b&#x202F;=&#x202F;1.693, p&#x202F;=&#x202F;.03, advanced RGs), but overall RGs' pubertal development had a statistically significant influence on their performance [R&#x202F;=&#x202F;.37, R2&#x202F;=&#x202F;.14, F(3, 122)&#x202F;=&#x202F;6.475, p&#x202F;&lt;&#x202F;.001], with the explanation of participants' competitive/performance score (Success) in Rhythmic Gymnastics (RG) by 14% of variance. Conclusion: This research indicates that RGs' athletic performance can be predicted by parameters of pubertal development, but not that well (it explains the Success by 14% of variance), and RGs' axillary hair development is a significant predictor of RG performance. In the group of pubertal RGs the established negative relations between the three examined pubertal development parameters and the performance scores could indicate that late maturation is desirable in RG


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    The PETTLEP motor imagery method is a widely used approach in the process of improving the performance of sport activities. In comparison to more traditional imagery protocols, PETTLEP-based imagery provides a more detailed learning experience. Consisting of many domains that are helpful in achieving better results by applying processes such as physical factors, environmental details, task and time factors, learning and perspective moments, the PETTLEP method is an advanced approach recommended by many studies which confirm its effectiveness. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of the PETTLEP imagery method in training sessions involving young female rhythmic gymnasts (RGs) on the performance advancement of selected jump techniques in Rhythmic Gymnastics (RG). Forty-nine female RG novices aged 6 to 8.99 and thirty-one aged 9 to 10.99 were involved in this study and divided into two subgroups (training with and without the PETTLEP method). The mutual training methods were hour-long training sessions twice per week, with a mandatory task of learning and improving the technique of the vertical jump with straight legs and with a turn, the “Cabriole” forward jump, and the “Scissors” leaps with a switch of the legs forward. Group two was the one following the PETTLEP method in the learning process. The quality of the jump techniques was evaluated by national and international RG judges according to a modified scale for assessment of the adoption of jump techniques in RG, adjusted according to the FIG Code of Points for RG. The data were analysed with a repeated measures ANOVA, effect size r, and Cohen’s d effect. The results of the analysis showed that both groups showed signs of improvement. There was no significant between-group difference in the effect size. PETTLEP metoda mentalnog motornog učenja (učenje putem zamišljanja) je široko primenjivana metoda u procesu poboljšanja sportskih performansi. U poređenju sa tradicionalnijim protokolima mentalnog učenja, učenje putem zamišljanja zasnovano na PETTLEP-u pruža detaljnije iskustvo učenja. S obzirom na to da se ova metoda sastoji od domena koji pomažu postizanje boljih rezultata primenom procesa zamišljanja, kao što su fizički faktori, detalji okoline, faktori zadataka i vremena, učenje i perspektivni moment, PETTLEP metoda je napredan pristup preporučen od strane mnogih studija koje potvrđuju njenu efikasnost. Svrha ove studije bila je da se utvrde efekti PETTLEP metode učenja u treninzima mladih ritmičkih gimnastičarki na poboljšanje tehnike izvođenja elemanata skokova u ritmičkoj gimnastici (RG). U ovoj studiji učestvovalo je četrdeset devet ritmičkih gimnastičarki, početnica, uzrasta od 6 do 8.99 godina i trideset jedna uzrasta od 9 do 10.99 godina, podeljenih u dve podgrupe (sa i bez PETTLEP metode). Zajednički trenažni tretman bili su treninzi RG u trajanju od jednog sata, dva puta nedeljno, sa obaveznim zadatkom učenja i usavršavanja tehnika vertikalnog skoka sa ispruženim nogama i okretom od 3600 tokom leta, „mornarskog” skoka – „Cabriole” napred i skoka „makazice” sa promenom nogu napred iznad horizontale. Grupa 2 je primenjivala PETTLEP metodu u procesu učenja ovih tehnika. Kvalitet izvođenja tehnike skokova ocenjivan je prema modifikovanoj skali za procenu kvaliteta skokova u RG, prilagođenoj prema Pravilniku Međunarodne gimnastičke federacije, od strane domaćih i međunarodnih RG sudija. Podaci su analizirani univarijatnom analizom varijanse za ponovljena merenja, veličinom efekta R i Cohenov-im d efektom. Rezultati analize su pokazali da je do poboljšanja došlo u obe grupe. Nije bilo značajne razlike u veličini efekta tretmana između grupa

    Estimation of Body Composition and Health Status in Women, PE Students, on-site of Outdoor Activities on Gazivode Lake – A Case Study Report

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    This paper is based on the results of the cross-sectional experiment that was implemented in the school year 2021/2022 among women students in the first year of bachelor studies at the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education (FSPE) in Leposavić, University of Priština (temporarily allocated in Kosovska Mitrovica). The study design model was implemented during the obligatory course Outdoor activities (2nd semester, weekly classes 1 + 4, and 15 + 60 classes per semester) for the first time. Body composition assessment was realized along with the pedagogical practice of summer outdoor activities camp on Gazivode Lake in Kosovo (as a practical exam study curriculum requirement). The sample includes seven women FSPE students. Based on the body composition and health status assessment, students’ results are presented in figures (for the evaluation of measured variables) and diagrams for estimating the individual student’s results. Comparative analysis of results within the group was used, considering the differences among examined students regarding calculated mean values, recorded min and max results, and confidence interval. The student profile model scores were selected according to the best results achieved in general placement in most variables and evaluated regarding the case study report. The results were evaluated based on the digital system for the assessment of body composition (Omron BF511) and the interpretation of results for the following variables: Body Fat (BF%), Visceral Fat (VF), Skeletal Muscles Percentage (SM%), Body Mass Index (BMI), and Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR). Health status assessments were performed by an electronic digital blood pressure monitor (Prizma YE660E) for the measurement of Systolic (SYS), Diastolic Blood Pressure (DIA), and Resting Heart Rate (RHR). The results show the expected intra-group differences in body composition parameters, which are not inherited conditionally, for all selected body parameters (except for BMI). However, most of the values are in the recommended range, especially those with small percentages of high BF% and BMI, as well as SM% values, indicating the heterogeneity of the participants, their sports orientation, health status, and level of physical activity


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    Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in the world, and occur as a result of many risk factors (obesity, high blood pressure, inadequate physical activity, hyperlipoproteinemia, inadequate diet and an unhealthy lifestyle). Given that in young adults most of these risk factors tend to remain at the same level or to even increase with age, especially after the second or third decade of life. This means that if young adults are in the at-risk group in terms of cardiovascular diseases, they usually stay in that group in later life. The research problem is to examine the strength and significance of possible linear correlations of certain cardiovascular risk factors in 53 physically active female university students (PE students), aged 19 to 25 years, as well as to examine possible differences between those with different lengths of sports experience (ranging from 0 to 5, 6 to 10 and 11 to 15 years). Their baseline characteristics (age, body height and mass, body mass index - BMI, resting metabolic rate - RMR, resting heart rate - RHR and length of sports experience) were determined, as well as the linear relationships of selected cardiovascular risk factors (body fat percentage - BF%, visceral fat level - Visc F, waist circumference - WC, arterial blood pressure - SBP and DBP). The data were analyzed (descriptive statistics, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Peаrson’s and Spearman’s correlation coefficient, ANOVA) using SPSS 21.0. The results of the analysis indicated a lack of statistically significant differences in cardiovascular risks factors between female PE students with different lengths of sports experience, and the existence of statistically significant (p<0.001), positive, mostly strong correlations, between most of the selected cardiovascular risk factors. When it comes to blood pressure parameters, although weak positive and statistically significant (p<0.05) correlations were established between SBP and BMI (r=.273), SBP and WC (r=.308), so as between DBP and body mass (r=.284), DBP and RHR (r=.287), DBP and RMR (r=.292), as well between DBP and WC (r=.304) and DBP and SBP (r=.571, p<0.001), it is unequivocal that the reduction of body mass at the expense of adipose tissue is necessary, as well as an increase in the moderate physical activity level and regularity, in order to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases in female PE students now as well as in older age.Kardiovaskularne bolesti vodeći su uzrok smrtnosti u svetu, a nastaju kao rezultat delovanja mnogobrojnih faktora rizika (gojaznost, visok krvni pritisak, nedovoljna fizička aktivnost, hiperlipoproteinemija, neadekvatna ishrana i nezdrav stil života). S obzirom na to da većina ovih faktora rizika kod mladih odraslih ima tendenciju održavanja na istom nivou, pa čak i pogoršavanja sa godinama, posebno nakon druge, odnosno treće decenije života, to znači da mladi odrasli, ako se nalaze u rizičnoj grupi u pogledu kardiovaskularnih oboljenja, najčešće ostaju u toj grupi i u kasnijem životnom dobu. Problem ovog istraživanja jeste ispitivanje postojanja mogućih korelacija određenih kardiovaskularnih faktora rizika 53 fizički aktivnih studentkinja, uzrasta 19 do 25 godina, kao i da se ispitaju moguće razlike između onih sa različitom dužinom sportskog staža (u rasponu od 0 do 5, 6 do 10 i 11 do 15 godina). Utvrđeni su njihovi opšti pokazatelji (uzrast, telesna visina, telesna masa, indeks telesne mase- BMI, bazalni metabolizam- RMR, frekvenca srca u miru- RHR i dužina sportskog staža), kao i relacije odabranih kardiovaskularnih faktora rizika (procenat masnog tkiva- BF%, nivo visceralnih masti- Visc F, obim struka- WC, arterijski krvni pritisak- SBP i DBP). Podaci su analizirani (deskriptivna statistika, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Pearson-ov i Spearman-ov koeficijent korelacije, ANOVA) primenom SPSS 21.0. Rezultati analize ukazali su na izostanak statistički značajnih razlika u kardiovaskularnim faktorima rizika između studentkinja fakulteta sporta različite dužine sportskog staža, ali i na postojanje statistički značajnih (p<0.001), pozitivnih korelacija, uglavnom velike jačine, većine odabranih kardiovaskularnih faktora rizika. Kada je reč o parametrima krvnog pritiska, iako  male pozitivne i statistički značajne (p<0.05), ustanovljene su korelacije SBP sa BMI (r=.273), SBP sa WC (r=.308), kao i DBP sa telesnom masom (r=.284), DBP sa RHR (r=.287), DBP sa RMR (r=.292), kao i DBP sa WC (r=.304),ali i sa SBP (r=.571, p<0.001), nedvosmisleno je da je neophodna redukcija telesne mase na račun masnog tkiva, ali i povećanje nivoa i redovnosti umerene fizičke aktivnosti, kako bi se umanjio rizik od kardiovaskularnih bolesti studentkinja sportistkinja sada, ali i u starijim godinama


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    The aim of this study was to determine the influence of morphological characteristics on the health–related fitness parameters in overweight and obese eight-year-old boys. The research involved 314 boys who attended second grade in the cities of South-East Serbia. The parameters of longitudinal (3), transversal, (3) circular dimensions (3), and body mass and measurement of subcutaneous adipose tissue (3) were used to assess morphological characteristics. Health-related fitness parameters were determined using tests to assess muscle fitness, body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness. Regression analysis was used to determine the influence of morphological characteristics on the parameters of health-related fitness. The results of the research indicate that there is a statistically significant influence (p=.000) of morphological characteristics on most parameters of health-related fitness. No statistically significant effect was found in the forward bend - backward bend - throw test ∑ in the studied sample.Cilj rada bio je da se utvrdi uticaj morfoloških karakteristika na parametre zdravstvenog fitnesa prekomerno uhranjenih i gojaznih dečaka uzrasta osam godina. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 314 dečaka koji su pohađali drugi razred osnovnih škola na teritorijama gradova jugoistočne Srbije. Za procenu morfoloških karakteristika korišćeni su parametari longitudinalnih (3), transverzalnih, (3), cirkularnih dimenzija (3) i mase tela i mere potkožnog masnog tkiva (3). Parametri zdravstvenog fitnesa utvrđeni su pomoću testova za procenu mišićnog fitnesa, telesne kompozicije i kardiorespiratornog fitnessa. Za utvrđivanje uticaja morfoloških karakteristika na parametre zdravstvenog fitnesa korišćena je regresiona analiza. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da postoji statistički značajan uticaj (p=.000) morfoloških karakteristika na većinu parametara zdravstvenog fitnesa. Statistički značajan uticaj nije utvrđen kod testa pretklon-zaklon-izbačaj ∑ kod ispitivanog uzorka