
The aim of this study was to determine the influence of morphological characteristics on the health–related fitness parameters in overweight and obese eight-year-old boys. The research involved 314 boys who attended second grade in the cities of South-East Serbia. The parameters of longitudinal (3), transversal, (3) circular dimensions (3), and body mass and measurement of subcutaneous adipose tissue (3) were used to assess morphological characteristics. Health-related fitness parameters were determined using tests to assess muscle fitness, body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness. Regression analysis was used to determine the influence of morphological characteristics on the parameters of health-related fitness. The results of the research indicate that there is a statistically significant influence (p=.000) of morphological characteristics on most parameters of health-related fitness. No statistically significant effect was found in the forward bend - backward bend - throw test ∑ in the studied sample.Cilj rada bio je da se utvrdi uticaj morfoloških karakteristika na parametre zdravstvenog fitnesa prekomerno uhranjenih i gojaznih dečaka uzrasta osam godina. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 314 dečaka koji su pohađali drugi razred osnovnih škola na teritorijama gradova jugoistočne Srbije. Za procenu morfoloških karakteristika korišćeni su parametari longitudinalnih (3), transverzalnih, (3), cirkularnih dimenzija (3) i mase tela i mere potkožnog masnog tkiva (3). Parametri zdravstvenog fitnesa utvrđeni su pomoću testova za procenu mišićnog fitnesa, telesne kompozicije i kardiorespiratornog fitnessa. Za utvrđivanje uticaja morfoloških karakteristika na parametre zdravstvenog fitnesa korišćena je regresiona analiza. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da postoji statistički značajan uticaj (p=.000) morfoloških karakteristika na većinu parametara zdravstvenog fitnesa. Statistički značajan uticaj nije utvrđen kod testa pretklon-zaklon-izbačaj ∑ kod ispitivanog uzorka

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