55 research outputs found

    Eine Prozess‐ und Wirkungsevaluation polizeilicher Konzepte zum Umgang mit jungen Mehrfach‐/Intensivtätern in NRW

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    Junge Mehrfach- und Intensivtäter (jMIT) gelten als eine Personengruppe, die eine besondere kriminalpolitische Herausforderung darstellt. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die vergleichende Evaluation der unterschiedlichen Konzepte mehrerer Kreispolizeibehörden (KPB) in Nordrhein-Westfalen zum Umgang mit jMIT. Hierzu wurden unter Berücksichtigung verschiedener Aspekte wie Struktur der Polizeibezirke/Behörden, Höhe der Mehrfachtatverdächtigenbelastungszahl (MTVBZ) sowie spezifischen konzeptuellen Besonderheiten vier Kreispolizeibehörden (KPB Bochum, KPB Mönchengladbach, KPB Warendorf und KPB Wuppertal) ausgewählt. Die Untersuchung gliedert sich grob in eine Prozessevaluation, in welcher die praktische Umsetzung der Konzepte im Vordergrund steht, und eine Wirkungsevaluation, die v.a. zur Analyse der Wirksamkeit dieser praktischen Umsetzung dient

    Analyse der Entwicklung der Kriminalität von zugewanderten Personen in Schleswig-Holstein zwischen 2013 und 2019

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    ANALYSE DER ENTWICKLUNG DER KRIMINALITÄT VON ZUGEWANDERTEN PERSONEN IN SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN ZWISCHEN 2013 UND 2019 Analyse der Entwicklung der Kriminalität von zugewanderten Personen in Schleswig-Holstein zwischen 2013 und 2019 / Neumann, Merten (Rights reserved) ( -

    How Culture and Migration Affect Risk Assessment

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    We systematically linked cross-cultural literature to the Central Eight risk factors as an example of risk assessment procedures. We expected offenders with a migration background (MB) from Turkey or Arab countries to score higher on criminal history, criminal attitudes, antisocial companions, and education and employment problems in comparison to German offenders without an MB. In contrast, for offenders with an MB from Turkey or Arab countries, a reduced risk for unsatisfactory relationships with their parents, alcohol, and leisure-related factors was assumed. The Central Eight risk factors were applied retrospectively for male offenders serving a sentence length of more than 12 months. German offenders without an MB (n = 214) were compared to offenders with a Turkish (n = 135) or Arab (n = 112) MB concerning risk profiles and predictive validity. Risk profiles of offenders with an MB deviated (d = 0.25-0.56) from risk profiles of German offenders without an MB. For offenders without an MB criminal history, antisocial personality, criminal attitudes, antisocial companions, and alcohol/drug problems significantly predicted (AUC = .56-.73) different recidivism events. Similar results were found for offenders with a Turkish MB (AUC = .60-.70) except for antisocial companions (AUC = .50). Results for offenders with an Arab MB were inconclusive; only alcohol/drug problems consistently showed good predictive values (AUC = .66-.68). Findings demonstrate that a culture-sensitive approach in risk assessment is inevitable and recommendations for culture-sensitive research, risk assessment, and offender treatment are discussed

    Online-Aktivitäten und rechtsextreme Einstellungen im Jugendalter

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    Die Nutzung des Internets durchzieht den Alltag Jugendlicher. Diese technologische Entwicklung geht mit einer Vielzahl an positiven neuen Möglichkeiten einher. Allerdings können insbesondere soziale Medien für Jugendliche ein Risiko darstellen, in Radikalisierungsprozesse hineinzugeraten. In der Forschung wurde bislang kaum betrachtet, welche spezifischen Online-Aktivitäten zu einer Radikalisierung führen bzw. mit ihr einhergehen. Der Zusammenhang zwischen rechtsextremen Einstellungen und verschiedenen Online-Aktivitäten wie Konsum von Internetseiten, Vernetzung und Posting rechter Inhalte wird in diesem Beitrag geschlechtsspezifisch untersucht, da sowohl das Online-Verhalten als auch das Ausmass extremistischer Einstellungen bei Jungen und Mädchen unterschiedlich ausgeprägt ist und somit angenommen werden kann, dass auch der Zusammenhang geschlechtsspezifischer Betrachtung bedarf. Es werden Daten einer Schüler:innenbefragung (N = 6.715) herangezogen, die vom Kriminologischen Forschungsinstitut Niedersachsen durchgeführt und vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung gefördert wurde. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass rechtsextreme Einstellungen mit dem Konsum politischer Websites in Verbindung stehen (insbesondere bei Jungen). Vernetzung und Posting-Verhalten weisen (unabhängig vom Geschlecht) nur geringe Zusammenhänge mit rechtsextremen Einstellungen auf

    Violent aggression predicted by multiple pre-adult environmental hits

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    Early exposure to negative environmental impact shapes individual behavior and potentially contributes to any mental disease. We reported previously that accumulated environmental risk markedly decreases age at schizophrenia onset. Follow-up of matched extreme group individuals (≤1 vs. ≥3 risks) unexpectedly revealed that high-risk subjects had >5 times greater probability of forensic hospitalization. In line with longstanding sociological theories, we hypothesized that risk accumulation before adulthood induces violent aggression and criminal conduct, independent of mental illness. We determined in 6 independent cohorts (4 schizophrenia and 2 general population samples) pre-adult risk exposure, comprising urbanicity, migration, physical and sexual abuse as primary, and cannabis or alcohol as secondary hits. All single hits by themselves were marginally associated with higher violent aggression. Most strikingly, however, their accumulation strongly predicted violent aggression (odds ratio 10.5). An epigenome-wide association scan to detect differential methylation of blood-derived DNA of selected extreme group individuals yielded overall negative results. Conversely, determination in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of histone-deacetylase1 mRNA as ‘umbrella mediator’ of epigenetic processes revealed an increase in the high-risk group, suggesting lasting epigenetic alterations. Together, we provide sound evidence of a disease-independent unfortunate relationship between well-defined pre-adult environmental hits and violent aggression, calling for more efficient prevention

    Violent aggression predicted by multiple pre-adult environmental hits

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    Early exposure to negative environmental impact shapes individual behavior and potentially contributes to any mental disease. We reported previously that accumulated environmental risk markedly decreases age at schizophrenia onset. Follow-up of matched extreme group individuals (≤1 vs. ≥3 risks) unexpectedly revealed that high-risk subjects had >5 times greater probability of forensic hospitalization. In line with longstanding sociological theories, we hypothesized that risk accumulation before adulthood induces violent aggression and criminal conduct, independent of mental illness. We determined in 6 independent cohorts (4 schizophrenia and 2 general population samples) pre-adult risk exposure, comprising urbanicity, migration, physical and sexual abuse as primary, and cannabis or alcohol as secondary hits. All single hits by themselves were marginally associated with higher violent aggression. Most strikingly, however, their accumulation strongly predicted violent aggression (odds ratio 10.5). An epigenome-wide association scan to detect differential methylation of blood-derived DNA of selected extreme group individuals yielded overall negative results. Conversely, determination in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of histone-deacetylase1 mRNA as 'umbrella mediator' of epigenetic processes revealed an increase in the high-risk group, suggesting lasting epigenetic alterations. Together, we provide sound evidence of a disease-independent unfortunate relationship between well-defined pre-adult environmental hits and violent aggression, calling for more efficient prevention

    Risk and protective factors of delinquency that are sensitive to migration and culture

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    Present evidence regarding widely used risk assessment tools suggests that such tools may have inferior predictive validity for offenders with a migration background (MB), especially from Turkey and Arab countries. Based on a thorough literature review, we investigated additional risk and protective factors via a postdictive correlational study design. We assumed that delinquency is induced by discrimination, a conflict of values, norms of honour, a disapproval of sexual self-determination, and antisemitism. In contrast, we expected social support to diminish the risk of criminal behaviour. The sampling took place inside and outside prison, where adult men with an Arab or Turkish MB (n = 140) filled out a questionnaire. Individual norms of honour (r = .27−.41), antisemitism (r = .31−.37), and a disapproval of sexual self-determination (r = .23−.26) were positively correlated with delinquency. The best predictor was the individual’s perception of friends’ norms of honour (r = .34−.56). However, only a few significant correlations were found for a perception of individual discrimination (r = .08−.14) and an internal conflict of values (r = .11−.15), whereas global discrimination (r = .20−.29) clearly emerged as a risk factor for delinquency. Social support by nondelinquent peers could be confirmed as having a protective influence against delinquency (r=−.25−.27). Theoretical and practical implications for risk assessment are discussed.Peer Reviewe

    Analyse der Entwicklung der Kriminalität von Zuwanderern in Schleswig-Holstein

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