5,401 research outputs found

    High-resolution simulations of the final assembly of Earth-like planets 2: water delivery and planetary habitability

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    The water content and habitability of terrestrial planets are determined during their final assembly, from perhaps a hundred 1000-km "planetary embryos" and a swarm of billions of 1-10 km "planetesimals." During this process, we assume that water-rich material is accreted by terrestrial planets via impacts of water-rich bodies that originate in the outer asteroid region. We present analysis of water delivery and planetary habitability in five high-resolution simulations containing about ten times more particles than in previous simulations (Raymond et al 2006a, Icarus, 183, 265-282). These simulations formed 15 terrestrial planets from 0.4 to 2.6 Earth masses, including five planets in the habitable zone. Every planet from each simulation accreted at least the Earth's current water budget; most accreted several times that amount (assuming no impact depletion). Each planet accreted at least five water-rich embryos and planetesimals from past 2.5 AU; most accreted 10-20 water-rich bodies. We present a new model for water delivery to terrestrial planets in dynamically calm systems, with low-eccentricity or low-mass giant planets -- such systems may be very common in the Galaxy. We suggest that water is accreted in comparable amounts from a few planetary embryos in a "hit or miss" way and from millions of planetesimals in a statistically robust process. Variations in water content are likely to be caused by fluctuations in the number of water-rich embryos accreted, as well as from systematic effects such as planetary mass and location, and giant planet properties.Comment: Astrobiology, in pres

    Impact of antiplatelet therapy on microvascular thrombosis during ST-elevation myocardial infarction

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    During an acute coronary syndrome, atherosclerotic plaque rupture triggers platelet activation and thrombus formation, which may completely occlude a coronary artery leading to ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Although emergency percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is effective in re-opening the main coronary arteries, the downstream microvasculature can become obstructed by embolised plaque material and thrombus. Dual antiplatelet therapy is recommended by guidelines and used routinely for the management of STEMI to reduce the risk of recurrent atherothrombotic events. However it is unclear to what extent antiplatelet therapy reduces microvascular thrombosis, largely because most tools to assess microvascular thrombosis only became available after antiplatelet therapy was already used in the majority of patients. Platelets play a central role in key aspects of microvascular thrombosis, such as atherosclerotic plaque-induced thrombus development, inflammation and microvascular dysfunction, making them a potential target for novel therapeutic interventions. Currently, more potent antiplatelet agents like GPIIb/IIIa inhibitors may be administered during PCI directly into coronary arteries with high thrombus burden but it is not well-established whether this reduces microvascular thrombosis and they significantly increase the risk of bleeding. In this review article we discuss the role of platelets in microvascular thrombosis, describe how microvascular thrombosis and obstruction can be assessed clinically and explore potential new antiplatelet treatments for this. In particular, we highlight novel antiplatelet drugs targeting the platelet receptor GPVI, as well as PAR4, GPIb-IX-V and 5HT2A receptors. We also discuss the potential benefit of P-selectin inhibitors as they have proven to be effective in reducing microvascular thrombosis in sickle-cell disease which could translate into potential benefits in acute coronary syndrome.</p

    Estimating Partisan Bias of the Electoral College Under Proposed Changes in Elector Apportionment

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    In the election for President of the United States, the Electoral College is the body whose members vote to elect the President directly. Each state sends a number of delegates equal to its total number of representatives and senators in Congress; all but two states (Nebraska and Maine) assign electors pledged to the candidate that wins the state's plurality vote. We investigate the effect on presidential elections if states were to assign their electoral votes according to results in each congressional district,and conclude that the direct popular vote and the current electoral college are both substantially fairer compared to those alternatives where states would have divided their electoral votes by congressional district.Governmen

    Multiple Ways to Persevere: Liar's Bingo

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    Some readers may already be familiar with the mathematical task of solving Liar's Bingo. In this article, the authors will share the different ways Liar's Bingo has provided both the authors and their students the opportunity to persevere on multiple levels as they and students try to explain the different mathematical patterns that emerge in the strips. The authors will share some extensions to Liar's Bingo that readers can use in their classrooms and some of the observed patterns and some sample explanations. Spoiler alert: the authors have not found explanations for all the observed patterns. (Yet!

    The self-assembly of DNA Holliday junctions studied with a minimal model

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    In this paper, we explore the feasibility of using coarse-grained models to simulate the self-assembly of DNA nanostructures. We introduce a simple model of DNA where each nucleotide is represented by two interaction sites corresponding to the phosphate-sugar backbone and the base. Using this model, we are able to simulate the self-assembly of both DNA duplexes and Holliday junctions from single-stranded DNA. We find that assembly is most successful in the temperature window below the melting temperatures of the target structure and above the melting temperature of misbonded aggregates. Furthermore, in the case of the Holliday junction, we show how a hierarchical assembly mechanism reduces the possibility of becoming trapped in misbonded configurations. The model is also able to reproduce the relative melting temperatures of different structures accurately, and allows strand displacement to occur.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figure

    ExoMol line lists – XLVIII. High-temperature line list of thioformaldehyde (H2CS)

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    A comprehensive rotation-vibration (ro-vibrational) line list of thioformaldehyde (1H212C32S) that is applicable for elevated temperatures (2000K) is presented. The new MOTY line list covers the 0 to 8000 cm−1 range (wavelengths λ &amp;gt; 1.3μm and contains around 43.5billion transitions between 52.3million states with rotational excitation up to J = 120. Line list calculations utilise a newly determined empirically refined potential energy surface (PES) – the most accurate H2CS PES to date – a previously published high-level ab initio dipole moment surface, and the use of an exact kinetic energy operator for solving the ro-vibrational Schrödinger equation. Post-processing of the MOTY line list is performed by replacing calculated energy levels with empirically-derived values, vastly improving the accuracy of predicted line positions in certain spectral windows and making the line list suitable for high-resolution applications. The MOTY line list is available from the ExoMol database at www.exomol.com and the CDS astronomical database

    Reflections on the Power of Mentorship

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