11,177 research outputs found

    Polymer matrix composites on LDEF experiments M0003-9 and M0003-10

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    Over 250 polymer matrix composites were exposed to the natural space environment on Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) experiments M0003-9 and 10. The experiments included a wide variety of epoxy, thermoplastic, polyimide, and bismalimide matrix composites reinforced with graphite, glass, or organic fibers. A review of the significant observations and test results obtained to date is presented. Estimated recession depths from atomic oxygen exposure are reported and the resulting surface morphologies are discussed. The effects of the LDEF exposure on the flexural strength and modulus, short beam shear strength, and coefficient of thermal expansion of several classes of bare and coated composites are reviewed. Lap shear data are presented for composite-to-composite and composite-to-aluminum alloy samples that were prepared using different bonding techniques and subsequently flown on LDEF

    Rhodium/phospholane-phosphite catalysts give unusually high regioselectivity in the enantioselective hydroformylation of vinyl arenes

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    Using the phospholane-phosphite ligand, BOBPHOS, almost perfect regioselectivities and high enantioselectivities (up to 92% ee) are observed in Rh catalysed enantioselective hydroformylation of vinyl arenes. This can be achieved under solvent-free conditions.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Replication of Known Dental Characteristics in Porcine Skin: Emerging Technologies for the Imaging Specialist

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    This study demonstrates that it is sometimes possible to replicate patterns of human teeth in pig skin and determine scientifically that a given injury pattern (bite mark) correlates with the dentitions of a very small proportion of a population dataset, e.g., 5 percent or even 1 percent. The authors recommend building on the template of this research with a sufficiently large database of samples that reflects the diverse world population. They also envision the development of a sophisticated imaging software application that enables forensic examiners to insert parameters for measurement, as well as additional methods of applying force to produce bite marks for research. The authors further advise that this project is applied science for injury pattern analysis and is only foundational research that should not be cited in testimony and judicial procedures. It supplements but does not contradict current guidelines of the American Board of Forensic Odontology regarding bite mark analysis and comparisons. A much larger population database must be developed. The project’s methodology is described in detail, accompanied by 11 tables and 41 figures

    The Formation of a "Primary Film" on Materials Submerged in the Sea at Port Hueneme, California

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    The initial stages of fouling, the accumulation of microscopic organisms, and formation of a primary film or slime layer, have received but sparse attention in the literature. To cite an example, the U.S. Naval Institute publication Marine Fording and Its Prevention contains hundreds of references to fouling but only eight pertain to the primary film

    Evaluation of diatomaceous earth as an adjunct to sheep parasite control in organic farming

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    Diatomaceous earth (DE) has been touted as a natural and effective way to control gastrointestinal (Gl) parasites in sheep. In this study, grazing lambs were fed DE at 5 and 10 percent of a supplemental ration for periods from 66 to 117 days. Weight gains, hemoglobin, packed cell volume, fecal egg/gram counts, and abomasal Gl larval counts were not different in controls vs. DE-fed lambs, although there was a trend toward lower fecal egg/gram counts in DE-treated lambs. DE by itself was not shown to be an effective parasite control agent, but could be used as part of a parasite control program

    Computer-aided boundary delineation of agricultural lands

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    The National Agricultural Statistics Service of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) presently uses labor-intensive aerial photographic interpretation techniques to divide large geographical areas into manageable-sized units for estimating domestic crop and livestock production. Prototype software, the computer-aided stratification (CAS) system, was developed to automate the procedure, and currently runs on a Sun-based image processing system. With a background display of LANDSAT Thematic Mapper and United States Geological Survey Digital Line Graph data, the operator uses a cursor to delineate agricultural areas, called sampling units, which are assigned to strata of land-use and land-cover types. The resultant stratified sampling units are used as input into subsequent USDA sampling procedures. As a test, three counties in Missouri were chosen for application of the CAS procedures. Subsequent analysis indicates that CAS was five times faster in creating sampling units than the manual techniques were


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    A bioeconomic model is developed as an IPM planning tool to combat PLRV net necrosis in the PNW potato industry. Environmental/biological and production processes are linked to marketing activities using discrete time control. We find that pesticides can be optimally timed to reduce applications and still protect against net necrosis.Crop Production/Industries, Environmental Economics and Policy,

    Design and fabrication of an autonomous rendezvous and docking sensor using off-the-shelf hardware

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    NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) has developed and tested an engineering model of an automated rendezvous and docking sensor system composed of a video camera ringed with laser diodes at two wavelengths and a standard remote manipulator system target that has been modified with retro-reflective tape and 830 and 780 mm optical filters. TRW has provided additional engineering analysis, design, and manufacturing support, resulting in a robust, low cost, automated rendezvous and docking sensor design. We have addressed the issue of space qualification using off-the-shelf hardware components. We have also addressed the performance problems of increased signal to noise ratio, increased range, increased frame rate, graceful degradation through component redundancy, and improved range calibration. Next year, we will build a breadboard of this sensor. The phenomenology of the background scene of a target vehicle as viewed against earth and space backgrounds under various lighting conditions will be simulated using the TRW Dynamic Scene Generator Facility (DSGF). Solar illumination angles of the target vehicle and candidate docking target ranging from eclipse to full sun will be explored. The sensor will be transportable for testing at the MSFC Flight Robotics Laboratory (EB24) using the Dynamic Overhead Telerobotic Simulator (DOTS)

    Designing Dental Student Portfolios to Assess Performance

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    The purpose of this poster is to share a project developed by Marquette University’s liaisons to the American Dental Education Association’s Commission on Change and Innovation in Dental Education with others interested in learning about the use of portfolios to assess the quality of student performance in dental school. Sample components from the pilot portfolios will be integrated into the poster to provide participants with a view from portfolio design to completion. Portfolios are becoming a more common method of assessing the quality of student performance in health professions education. Portfolios can assist in documenting evidence of specific competencies at the student level and also serve as a longitudinal measure of a student’s development