770 research outputs found

    Protective Mucosal Immunity Elicited by Intranasal Dna Vaccination Expressing the Ha1 of Equine-2 Influenza Virus

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    A vaccination trial was performed in mice by intranasal inoculation of DNA vaccines pTOPOKY98#6 and pVAXKY98/11-9 encapsulating with liposome and metastim. DNA vaccines were designed to express HA1 protein from equine-2 influenza virus, A/Eq/Ky/98. After a booster vaccination, each mouse was challenged with a sub-lethal dose (16 HAU) of homologous equine-2 influenza virus. By using a weight loss model, it was found that the vaccinated mice showed less severe disease than the unvaccinated mice. Elevated IgG and IgA levels were recorded in the sera of the vaccinated mice. HA1 was capable of inducing protective immunity against homologous challenge. In the unvaccinated group mice, a maximum of 8.4% weight loss was observed while the observed weight losses were 1.2% and 0.82% for pTOPOKY98#6 and pVAXKY98/11-9 group mice respectively. It was found that dose levels as low as 0.01 ?g DNA/gram body-weight were sufficient to elicit protective immunity.Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biolog

    Linkages among forest, water, and wildlife: a case study from Kalapani community forest in Lamahi bottleneck area in Terai Arc Landscape.

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    Forest and water are important entities for sustaining life on earth. In a terrestrial ecosystem, linkages between the entities creates a mosaic benefiting the wildlife by creating the suitable habitat. In turn, communities get benefits stemming up from ecosystem services such as fodder, fuelwood, and water. We present a case study from a forest restoration project to assess the linkages between forest, water and wildlife across Lamahi bottleneck area in Terai Arc Landscape. We used combination of surveys such as forest area and canopy cover change (2001-2016) analysis followed by household questionnaire, water hole, camera trapping including process documentation. Forest area has increased by ~20 km2 in last 16 yrs. followed by number of water spouts along the identified tributaries. Water spouts are conserved in the form of conservation pond by the communities living downstream and utilized in the vegetable farming. Communities have benefited financially (~ US$ 1,252) contributing to their income level from the sale of fresh season vegetables in nearby market. Camera trap survey including the assessment of historical records showed presence of wildlife including elephant, hyena and other small carnivores in and around bottleneck forest. Both, motivation and enthusiastic support from local communities followed by the conducive government policies led to improve condition of natural resources over the period. This has also created a mosaic habitat for wildlife forming functional connectivity along the linear Terai Arc Landscape

    Garlic (Allium sativum L.) Bioactives and Its Role in Alleviating Oral Pathologies

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    Garlic (Allium sativa L.) is a bulbous flowering plant belongs to the family of Amaryllidaceae and is a predominant horticultural crop originating from central Asia. Garlic and its products are chiefly used for culinary and therapeutic purposes in many countries. Bulbs of raw garlic have been investigated for their role in oral health, which are ascribed to a myriad of biologically active compounds such as alliin, allicin, methiin, S-allylcysteine (SAC), diallyl sulfide (DAS), S-ally-mercapto cysteine (SAMC), diallyl disulphide (DADS), diallyl trisulfide (DATS) and methyl allyl disulphide. A systematic review was conducted following the PRISMA statement. Scopus, PubMed, Clinicaltrials.gov, and Science direct databases were searched between 12 April 2021 to 4 September 2021. A total of 148 studies were included and the qualitative synthesis phytochemical profile of GE, biological activities, therapeutic applications of garlic extract (GE) in oral health care system, and its mechanism of action in curing various oral pathologies have been discussed. Furthermore, the safety of incorporation of GE as food supplements is also critically discussed. To conclude, GE could conceivably make a treatment recourse for patients suffering from diverse oral diseases

    Comparing cross-sectional and longitudinal approaches to Tuberculosis Patient Cost Surveys using Nepalese data.

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    The World Health Organization has supported the development of national tuberculosis (TB) patient cost surveys to quantify the socio-economic impact of TB in high-burden countries. However, methodological differences in study design (e.g. cross-sectional vs longitudinal) can generate different estimates making the design and impact evaluation of socioeconomic protection strategies difficult. The objective of the study was to compare the socio-economic impacts of TB estimated by applying cross-sectional or longitudinal data collections in Nepal. We analysed data from a longitudinal costing survey (patients interviewed at three-time points) conducted between April 2018 and October 2019. We calculated both mean and median costs from patients interviewed during the intensive (cross-sectional 1) and continuation phases of treatment (cross-sectional 2). We then compared costs, the prevalence of catastrophic costs and the socio-economic impact of TB generated by each approach. There were significant differences in the costs and social impacts calculated by each approach. The median total cost (intensive plus continuation phases) was significantly higher for the longitudinal compared to cross-sectional 2 (US$119.42 vs 91.63, P < 0.001). The prevalence of food insecurity, social exclusion and patients feeling poorer or much poorer were all significantly higher applying a longitudinal approach. In conclusion, the longitudinal design captured important aspects of costs and socioeconomic impacts which were missed by applying a cross-sectional approach. If a cross-sectional approach is applied due to resource constraints, our data suggest the start of the continuation phase is the optimal timing for a single interview. Further research to optimize methodologies to report patient incurred expenditure during TB diagnosis and treatment is needed

    Comparing cross-sectional and longitudinal approaches to Tuberculosis Patient Cost Surveys using Nepalese data : Tuberculosis cost survey approaches

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    The World Health Organization has supported the development of national tuberculosis (TB) patient cost surveys to quantify the socio-economic impact of TB in high-burden countries. However, methodological differences in study design (e.g. cross-sectional vs longitudinal) can generate different estimates making the design and impact evaluation of socioeconomic protection strategies difficult. The objective of the study was to compare the socioeconomic impacts of TB estimated by applying cross-sectional or longitudinal data collections in Nepal. We analysed data from a longitudinal costing survey (patients interviewed at three-time points) conducted between April 2018 and October 2019. We calculated both mean and median costs from patients interviewed during the intensive (cross-sectional 1) and continuation phases of treatment (cross-sectional 2). We then compared costs, the prevalence of catastrophic costs and the socio-economic impact of TB generated by each approach. There were significant differences in the costs and social impacts calculated by each approach. The median total cost (intensive plus continuation phases) was significantly higher for the longitudinal compared to cross-sectional 2 (US$119.42 vs 91.63,

    Variation in grain zinc and iron concentrations, grain yield and associated traits of biofortified bread wheat genotypes in Nepal

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    Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the major staples in Nepal providing the bulk of food calories and at least 30% of Fe and Zn intake and 20% of dietary energy and protein consumption; thus, it is essential to improve its nutritional quality. To select high-yielding genotypes with elevated grain zinc and iron concentration, the sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth HarvestPlus Yield Trials (HPYTs) were conducted across diverse locations in Nepal for four consecutive years: 2015–16, 2016–17, 2017–18, and 2018–19, using 47 biofortified and 3 non-biofortified CIMMYT-bred, bread wheat genotypes: Baj#1, Kachu#1, and WK1204 (local check). Genotypic and spatial variations were found in agro-morphological traits; grain yield and its components; and the grain zinc and iron concentration of tested genotypes. Grain zinc concentration was highest in Khumaltar and lowest in Kabre. Likewise, grain iron concentration was highest in Doti and lowest in Surkhet. Most of the biofortified genotypes were superior for grain yield and for grain zinc and iron concentration to the non-biofortified checks. Combined analyses across environments showed moderate to high heritability for both Zn (0.48–0.81) and Fe (0.46–0.79) except a low heritability for Fe observed for 7th HPYT (0.15). Grain yield was positively correlated with the number of tillers per m2, while negatively correlated with days to heading and maturity, grain iron, grain weight per spike, and thousand grain weight. The grain zinc and iron concentration were positively correlated, suggesting that the simultaneous improvement of both micronutrients is possible through wheat breeding. Extensive testing of CIMMYT derived high Zn wheat lines in Nepal led to the release of five biofortified wheat varieties in 2020 with superior yield, better disease resistance, and 30–40% increased grain Zn and adaptable to a range of wheat growing regions in the country – from the hotter lowland, or Terai, regions to the dry mid- and high-elevation areas
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