28 research outputs found

    A Data Integration and Visualization Resource for the Metabolic Network of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803

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    Data integration is a central activity in systems biology. The integration of genomic, transcript, protein, metabolite, flux, and computational data yields unprecedented information about the system level functioning of organisms. Often, data integration is done purely computationally, leaving the user with little insight besides statistical information. In this article, we present a visualization tool for the metabolic network of Synechocystis PCC6803, an important model cyanobacterium for sustainable biofuel production. We illustrate how this metabolic map can be used to integrate experimental and computational data for Synechocystis systems biology and metabolic engineering studies. Additionally, we discuss how this map, and the software infrastructure that we supply with it, can be used in the development of other organism-specific metabolic network visualizations. Besides a Python console package VoNDA (http://vonda.sf.net), we provide a working demonstration of the interactive metabolic map and the associated Synechocystis genome-scale stoichiometric model, as well as various ready-to-visualize microarray data sets, at http://f-a-m-e.org/synechocystis/

    Understanding start-up problems in yeast glycolysis

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    Yeast glycolysis has been the focus of research for decades, yet a number of dynamical aspects of yeast glycolysis remain poorly understood at present. If nutrients are scarce, yeast will provide its catabolic and energetic needs with other pathways, but the enzymes catalysing upper glycolytic fluxes are still expressed. We conjecture that this overexpression facilitates the rapid transition to glycolysis in case of a sudden increase in nutrient concentration. However, if starved yeast is presented with abundant glucose, it can enter into an imbalanced state where glycolytic intermediates keep accumulating, leading to arrested growth and cell death. The bistability between regularly functioning and imbalanced phenotypes has been shown to depend on redox balance. We shed new light on these phenomena with a mathematical analysis of an ordinary differential equation model, including NADH to account for the redox balance. In order to gain qualitative insight, most of the analysis is parameter-free, i.e., without assigning a numerical value to any of the parameters. The model has a subtle bifurcation at the switch between an inviable equilibrium state and stable flux through glycolysis. This switch occurs if the ratio between the flux through upper glycolysis and ATP consumption rate of the cell exceeds a fixed threshold. If the enzymes of upper glycolysis would be barely expressed, our model predicts that there will be no glycolytic flux, even if external glucose would be at growth-permissable levels. The existence of the imbalanced state can be found for certain parameter conditions independent of the mentioned bifurcation. The parameter-free analysis proved too complex to directly gain insight into the imbalanced states, but the starting point of a branch of imbalanced states can be shown to exist in detail. Moreover, the analysis offers the key ingredients necessary for successful numerical continuation, which highlight the existence of this bistability and the influence of the redox balance

    Understanding the Adaptive Growth Strategy of Lactobacillus plantarum by In Silico Optimisation

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    In the study of metabolic networks, optimization techniques are often used to predict flux distributions, and hence, metabolic phenotype. Flux balance analysis in particular has been successful in predicting metabolic phenotypes. However, an inherent limitation of a stoichiometric approach such as flux balance analysis is that it can predict only flux distributions that result in maximal yields. Hence, previous attempts to use FBA to predict metabolic fluxes in Lactobacillus plantarum failed, as this lactic acid bacterium produces lactate, even under glucose-limited chemostat conditions, where FBA predicted mixed acid fermentation as an alternative pathway leading to a higher yield. In this study we tested, however, whether long-term adaptation on an unusual and poor carbon source (for this bacterium) would select for mutants with optimal biomass yields. We have therefore adapted Lactobacillus plantarum to grow well on glycerol as its main growth substrate. After prolonged serial dilutions, the growth yield and corresponding fluxes were compared to in silico predictions. Surprisingly, the organism still produced mainly lactate, which was corroborated by FBA to indeed be optimal. To understand these results, constraint-based elementary flux mode analysis was developed that predicted 3 out of 2669 possible flux modes to be optimal under the experimental conditions. These optimal pathways corresponded very closely to the experimentally observed fluxes and explained lactate formation as the result of competition for oxygen by the other flux modes. Hence, these results provide thorough understanding of adaptive evolution, allowing in silico predictions of the resulting flux states, provided that the selective growth conditions favor yield optimization as the winning strategy

    Exploring Metabolic Pathway Reconstruction and Genome-Wide Expression Profiling in Lactobacillus reuteri to Define Functional Probiotic Features

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    The genomes of four Lactobacillus reuteri strains isolated from human breast milk and the gastrointestinal tract have been recently sequenced as part of the Human Microbiome Project. Preliminary genome comparisons suggested that these strains belong to two different clades, previously shown to differ with respect to antimicrobial production, biofilm formation, and immunomodulation. To explain possible mechanisms of survival in the host and probiosis, we completed a detailed genomic comparison of two breast milk–derived isolates representative of each group: an established probiotic strain (L. reuteri ATCC 55730) and a strain with promising probiotic features (L. reuteri ATCC PTA 6475). Transcriptomes of L. reuteri strains in different growth phases were monitored using strain-specific microarrays, and compared using a pan-metabolic model representing all known metabolic reactions present in these strains. Both strains contained candidate genes involved in the survival and persistence in the gut such as mucus-binding proteins and enzymes scavenging reactive oxygen species. A large operon predicted to encode the synthesis of an exopolysaccharide was identified in strain 55730. Both strains were predicted to produce health-promoting factors, including antimicrobial agents and vitamins (folate, vitamin B12). Additionally, a complete pathway for thiamine biosynthesis was predicted in strain 55730 for the first time in this species. Candidate genes responsible for immunomodulatory properties of each strain were identified by transcriptomic comparisons. The production of bioactive metabolites by human-derived probiotics may be predicted using metabolic modeling and transcriptomics. Such strategies may facilitate selection and optimization of probiotics for health promotion, disease prevention and amelioration

    Dynamic elementary mode modelling of non-steady state flux data

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    [EN] A novel framework is proposed to analyse metabolic fluxes in non-steady state conditions, based on the new concept of dynamic elementary mode (dynEM): an elementary mode activated partially depending on the time point of the experiment.This research work was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the project DPI2014-55276-C5-1R.Folch-Fortuny, A.; Teusink, B.; Hoefsloot, HC.; Smilde, AK.; Ferrer, A. (2018). Dynamic elementary mode modelling of non-steady state flux data. BMC Systems Biology. 12:1-15. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12918-018-0589-3S11512Bro R, Smilde AK. Principal component analysis. Anal Methods. 2014; 6(9):2812–31.González-Martínez JM, Folch-Fortuny A, Llaneras F, Tortajada M, Picó J, Ferrer A. Metabolic flux understanding of Pichia pastoris grown on heterogenous culture media. Chemometr Intell Lab Syst. 2014; 134:89–99.Barrett CL, Herrgard MJ, Palsson B. Decomposing complex reaction networks using random sampling, principal component analysis and basis rotation. BMC Syst Biol. 2009; 3(30):1–8.Jaumot J, Gargallo R, De Juan A, Tauler R. A graphical user-friendly interface for MCR-ALS: A new tool for multivariate curve resolution in MATLAB. Chemometr Intell Lab Syst. 2005; 76(1):101–10.Folch-Fortuny A, Tortajada M, Prats-Montalbán JM, Llaneras F, Picó J, Ferrer A. MCR-ALS on metabolic networks: Obtaining more meaningful pathways. Chemometr Intell Lab Syst. 2015; 142:293–303.Folch-Fortuny A, Marques R, Isidro IA, Oliveira R, Ferrer A. Principal elementary mode analysis (PEMA). Mol BioSyst. 2016; 12(3):737–46.Hood L. Systems biology: Integrating technology, biology, and computation. Mech Ageing Dev. 2003; 124(1):9–16.Teusink B, Passarge J, Reijenga CA, Esgalhado E, van der Weijden CC, Schepper M, Walsh MC, Bakker BM, van Dam K, Westerhoff HV, Snoep JL. Can yeast glycolysis be understood in terms of in vitro kinetics of the constituent enzymes? Testing biochemistry. Eur J Biochem / FEBS. 2000; 267(17):5313–29.Mahadevan R, Edwards JS, Doyle FJ. Dynamic flux balance analysis of diauxic growth in Escherichia coli. Biophys J. 2002; 83(3):1331–40.Willemsen AM, Hendrickx DM, Hoefsloot HCJ, Hendriks MMWB, Wahl SA, Teusink B, Smilde AK, van Kampen AHC. MetDFBA: incorporating time-resolved metabolomics measurements into dynamic flux balance analysis. Mol BioSyst. 2015; 11(1):137–45.Barker M, Rayens W. Partial least squares for discrimination. J Chemom. 2003; 17(3):166–73.Bartel J, Krumsiek J, Theis FJ. Statistical methods for the analysis of high-throughput metabolomics data. Comput Struct Biotechnol J. 2013; 4:201301009.Hendrickx DM, Hoefsloot HCJ, Hendriks MMWB, Canelas AB, Smilde AK. Global test for metabolic pathway differences between conditions. Anal Chim Acta. 2012; 719:8–15.Kanehisa M, Goto S, Hattori M, Aoki-Kinoshita KF, Itoh M, Kawashima S, Katayama T, Araki M, Hirakawa M. From genomics to chemical genomics: new developments in KEGG. Nucleic Acids Res. 2006; 34(Database issue):354–7.Kanehisa M, Goto S. KEGG: kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes. Nucleic Acids Res. 2000; 28(1):27–30.Kanehisa M, Goto S, Furumichi M, Tanabe M, Hirakawa M. KEGG for representation and analysis of molecular networks involving diseases and drugs. Nucleic Acids Res. 2010; 38(Database issue):355–60.Andersson CA, Bro R. The N-way Toolbox for MATLAB. Chemometr Intell Lab Syst. 2000; 52(1):1–4.Terzer M, Stelling J. Large-scale computation of elementary flux modes with bit pattern trees. Bioinformatics. 2008; 24(19):2229–35.Heerden JHv, Wortel MT, Bruggeman FJ, Heijnen JJ, Bollen YJM, Planqué R, Hulshof J, O’Toole TG, Wahl SA, Teusink B. Lost in Transition: Start-Up of Glycolysis Yields Subpopulations of Nongrowing Cells. 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J Chemom. 1998; 10(1):47–61.Westerhuis JA, Hoefsloot HCJ, Smit S, Vis DJ, Smilde AK, Velzen EJJv, Duijnhoven JPMv, Dorsten FAv. Assessment of PLSDA cross validation. Metabolomics. 2008; 4(1):81–9.Szymańska E, Saccenti E, Smilde AK, Westerhuis JA. Double-check: validation of diagnostic statistics for PLS-DA models in metabolomics studies. Metabolomics. 2012; 8(Suppl 1):3–16.Rodrigues F, Ludovico P, Leão C. Sugar Metabolism in Yeasts: an Overview of Aerobic and Anaerobic Glucose Catabolism. In: Biodiversity and Ecophysiology of Yeasts. The Yeast Handbook. Berlin: Springer: 2006. p. 101–21.Larsson K, Ansell R, Eriksson P, Adler L. A gene encoding sn-glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NAD+) complements an osmosensitive mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mol Microbiol. 1993; 10(5):1101–11.Eriksson P, André L, Ansell R, Blomberg A, Adler L. Cloning and characterization of GPD2, a second gene encoding sn-glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NAD+) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and its comparison with GPD1. Mol Microbiol. 1995; 17(1):95–107.Norbeck J, Pâhlman AK, Akhtar N, Blomberg A, Adler L. Purification and characterization of two isoenzymes of DL-glycerol-3-phosphatase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Identification of the corresponding GPP1 and GPP2 genes and evidence for osmotic regulation of Gpp2p expression by the osmosensing mitogen-activated protein kinase signal transduction pathway. J Biol Chem. 1996; 271(23):13875–81

    SBML Level 3: an extensible format for the exchange and reuse of biological models

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    Systems biology has experienced dramatic growth in the number, size, and complexity of computational models. To reproduce simulation results and reuse models, researchers must exchange unambiguous model descriptions. We review the latest edition of the Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML), a format designed for this purpose. A community of modelers and software authors developed SBML Level 3 over the past decade. Its modular form consists of a core suited to representing reaction-based models and packages that extend the core with features suited to other model types including constraint-based models, reaction-diffusion models, logical network models, and rule-based models. The format leverages two decades of SBML and a rich software ecosystem that transformed how systems biologists build and interact with models. More recently, the rise of multiscale models of whole cells and organs, and new data sources such as single-cell measurements and live imaging, has precipitated new ways of integrating data with models. We provide our perspectives on the challenges presented by these developments and how SBML Level 3 provides the foundation needed to support this evolution