400 research outputs found

    Ein bodennahes Strömungsmodell für den Waldbestand - Entwicklung und Anpassung eines diagnostischen Strömungsmodells für den operationellen Betrieb

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    A Computer program system has been developed which allows the generation of highly resolved wind fields in the partially wooded area of the Research Center Jülich. The System uses continuous flow measurements as input, which a.re conducted by an 120 meters high observation tower. The flow module of the system is based upon a diagnostic flow model. A preprocessing module provides the remaining System wich configuration parameters and refined measurement data . Another module provides graphical representation of the results. The System has been developed for operational application of flow computations . Due to the extensively forested surface inside the model area, a parameterisation of the flow through a canopy layer is implemented into the flow model, in order to simulate the flow inside the micro structure of the forest . Different approaches with modified complexity are studied . They are tested and compared with long term measurement data from inside the forest . The measurements enclose vertical profiles of the horizontal wind velocity and direction, and of the radiation balance. The latter ones are used for the identification of the time and intensity of vegetation change. By this way the phases of leaf changing are registered and included into the flow model. Furthermore, the profiles of the drag coefficient (CD), the leaf area density (LAD), and the cumulative leaf area index (LAI) are measured . They are used to calculate the canopy-flow-index (CFI) as a function of height and time which is required in the flow model. The CFI can also be calculate using measured wind profiles from inside the forest, as the two quantities depend an each other. This approach is implemented into the model. The Code system achieves fast calculation of the actual wind flow conditions in the model area, including the canopy flow through the wooded regions . The good agreement between measurements and modelled wind fields during the dominate weather conditions and technical reliability of the Code justify the application of the system in the framework of preventive catastrophe protection at the Research Center in Jülich

    Density of dopaminergic fibres in the prefrontal cortex of gerbils is sensitive to aging

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    Brummelte S, Teuchert-Noodt G. Density of dopaminergic fibres in the prefrontal cortex of gerbils is sensitive to aging. Behavioral and Brain Functions. 2007;3(1): 14.Mesencephalic dopamine (DA) projections are essential for cognitive and behavioral functions and believed to play a critical role during development and aging. The dopaminergic afferents of the rodent prefrontal cortex (PFC) show an extremely prolonged maturation which is very sensitive to epigenetic challenges. However, less is known about the long-term maturation and aging of these DA axons. Therefore, immunohistochemically stained DA fibres were quantitatively examined in the PFC of the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) ranging from 6 to 24 months of age. Results show a decrease in DA fibre densities in the superficial layers of the PFC in 24 month old animals compared to 6 and 12 months

    Scaled Agile Framework Meets Traditional Management – A Case of a Financial Services Provider

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    Inspired by the success of agile practices in small teams, organizations seek to achieve agility at scale, leading to large-scale agile transformations. Several frameworks have been developed to guide organizations through this process. While multiple challenges for adopting scaled agile frameworks have already been identified, research on the interplay between traditional management approaches and scaled agile frameworks is scarce. We conduct an in-depth exploratory case study with a German financial services provider to identify tensions that arise when applying a scaled agile framework in a non-agile environment. As a result, we derive 13 tensions along with three areas: goal-setting, planning, and reporting. Thereby, we advance the understanding of tensions within large-scale agile transformations and provide a foundation for future research on scaled agile practices in traditional organizations. Further, we provide insights for managers to ensure the successful application of scaled agile frameworks

    Didaktik der Rhetorik

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    Mündliche Kommunikation und Rhetorik werden zunehmend wichtiger in Wirtschaft und Lehre. Der berufsbegleitende Weiterbildungsmaster der Universität Regensburg "Speech Communication and Rhetoric" vermittelt umfangreiche Kompetenzen, um eigene rhetorische Fähigkeiten auszubauen, insbesondere aber als DozentIn oder TrainerIn für mündliche Kommunikation tätig zu werden. Die vorliegende Zusammenstellung stellt wichtige Grundlagen zur Methodik und Didaktik der Mündlichen Kommunikation vor

    Mapping moraines and glaciers using multispectral imagery and ancillary elevation data : An approach for Svalbard, Norwegian Arctic

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    Abstract This study uses multispectral Landsat satellite imagery and a high resolution Digital Elevation Model based on 1990/95 aerial stereoimagery (Norwegian Polar Institute) to map moraines and glacier terminus positions on the high Arctic archipelago of Svalbard, Norway. To accomplish the task, this methodological Master thesis investigates different approaches of classification and incorporation of ancillary elevation data. Glaciers and other ice masses are important parts of the climatic system and also eminent terrestrial indicators for climate change in the scale of tenths to thousands of years. In the context of climatic response and global sea-level rise, mass balance studies on glaciers are important means to quantify trends however they are laborious and only for a few glaciers worldwide available. The application of remote sensing may help to determine changes in volume and extent of glaciers with a greater spatial coverage. Furthermore, area-wide mapping of unvegetated moraines on Svalbard may aid to quantify past glacial dynamics, especially since the Little Ice Age (LIA). During this study a thematic map of vegetation- and glacier-cover dating to the period from 1999 to 2002 has been produced by contrast-enhancing-methods and supervised determination of class thresholds, covering almost the complete archipelago. ISODATA classifications of combined terrain statistics and primary topographic attributes are merged with multispectral data to map the extend of moraines. Combinations of VIS, NIR and SWIR spectral bands with elevation range and standard deviation, curvature and slope deliver the most promising results when joined to neighbourhood analysis. Datasets from principal component analysis deliver good results as well. However, since the morphological diversity is high, no method is superior on all moraines. Multitemporal change detection was tested for a small number of glaciers on Brøggerhalvøya, western Spitsbergen, where recent data was acquired in the field during 2006. High variation coefficients for annual retreat rates of 26 and 45% were discovered among datasets with different spatial resolutions. The overall trend was negative at all events, varying from 10 to 19 m/a horizontal retreat during the entire investigated period from 1983 to 2006. The fast losses of Svalbard glaciers are likely connected to climatic warming trends which are also obvious from direct measurements. The necessity of glacial studies becomes obvious as the retreat of the smaller glaciers and ice caps outside Greenland and Antarctica contributes to global sea level rise second only to the thermal expansion, with Svalbard being a major player. Abstrakt Diese Studie verwendet multispektrale Landsat Satellitenbilder und ein hochauflösendes digitales Geländemodel, welches auf Stereoluftbildern von 1990/95 vom Norwegischen Polarinstitut basiert, um Moränen sowie die Position von Gletscherfronten auf der hocharktischen Inselgruppe Svalbards (Norwegen) zu kartieren. Hierzu untersucht diese methodologische Masterarbeit verschiedene Ansätze zur Klassifikation und Integration ergänzender Geländedaten. Gletscher und andere Eismassen sind wichtige Bestandteile des Klimasystems und außerdem die besten Klimaindikatoren der festen Landoberfläche, bezogen auf Zeiträume einiger Jahrzehnte bis Jahrtausende. In dem Zusammenhang von Klimadynamik und weltweitem Meeresspiegelanstieg sind Massenbilanzstudien auf Gletschern wichtig um Trends zu quantifizieren, allerdings sind solche Untersuchungen aufwändig und wurden weltweit nur auf einer kleinen Zahl von Gletschern durchgeführt. Die Anwendung der Fernerkundung hilft Daten über Volumen- und Flächenänderungen von Gletschern flächendeckend zu erheben. Darüber hinaus kann die flächendeckende Kartierung vegetationsfreier Moränen auf Svalbard dabei helfen vergangene Gletscherfluktuationen, insbesondere seit der kleinen Eiszeit, zu quantifizieren. Im Rahmen dieser Studie wurde, mit Hilfe von kontrastverbessernden Bildbearbeitungsmethoden und manueller Grenzwertbestimmung, eine thematische Karte der Gletscher- und Vegetationsbedeckung aus dem Zeitraum von 1999 bis 2002 erstellt, welche einen Großteil Svalbards abdeckt. ISODATA-Klassifizierungen von kombinierten Geländestatistiken und primären Geländeattributen wurden zur Kartierung der Moränen mit multispektralen Daten kombiniert. Die gemeinsame Verwendung der spektralen Kanäle im sichtbaren, im nah-infraroten und im kurzwellig-infraroten Bereich sowie der Höhenvariabilität und -Standardabweichung, der Geländerundung und dem Gefälle lieferten die vielversprechendsten Ergebnisse, sofern Nachbarschaftsbeziehungsanalysen integriert wurden. Datensätze aus der Hauptkomponentenanalyse liefern ebenfalls gute Ergebnisse, prinzipiell gilt jedoch angesichts der morphologischen Vielfalt der Moränen dass keine Methode in allen Bereichen überlegen ist. Multitemporale Änderungskartierungen wurden für eine kleine Anzahl von Gletschern auf der Brøggerhalbinsel in Westspitzbergen getestet, auf der 2006 auch Feldkartierungen durchgeführt wurden. Hohe Variationskoeffizienten von 26 bis 45% wurden für die Messungen des jährlichen Rückgangs der Gletscher aus verschiedenen Datensätzen mit unterschiedlichen räumlichen Auflösungen festgestellt. Der allgemeine Trend war in allen Fällen negativ und variierte während des gesamten untersuchten Zeitraumes von 1983 bis 2006 zwischen 10 und 19 Metern Rückgang pro Jahr. Die raschen Verluste der Gletscher Svalbards sind vermutlich auf klimatische Veränderungen zurückzuführen welche auch in direkten Messungen deutlich werden. Die Notwendigkeit glaziologischer Untersuchungen wird durch die Tatsache, dass der Rückgang kleinerer Gletscher außerhalb Grönlands und der Antarktis bereits jetzt den zweitgrößten Beitrag zum globalen Meeresspiegelanstieg nach der Wärmeausdehnung leistet, unterstrichen. Svalbards Gletscher liefern hierzu einen der Hauptbeiträge. Abstrakt Denne studien bruker multispektrale bilder fra Landsat-satelliten og en digital terrengmodell med høy oppløsning, hvilket er basert på stereo-flybilder fra 1990/95 av Norsk Polarinstitutt. Studiens mål er å kartlegge morener og brefronter på den høy-arktiske øygruppen Svalbard (Norge). For å oppnå dette målet, undersøker denne metodologiske Masteroppgaven forskjellige adkomster til klassifikasjon med integrasjon av supplerende høydeverdier. Breer og andre ismasser er viktige deler av det klimatiske system og de viser til klimatiske forandringer på tidsrom fra tiår til tusenår. I sammenheng med klimatisk reaksjon og økning av havnivået verden rundt, er glasiologiske undersøkelser svært viktig, siden det hjelper med å kvantifisere en slik utvikling. Men glasiologiske undersøkelser er ressurskrevende, og det er derfor bare blitt gjort på et lite antall breer i verden. Bruk av fjernmåling hjelper til å undersøke breer med en utvidet dekning. I tillegg kan en arealdekkende kartlegging av morener på Svalbard hjelpe til å forstå, og måle forandring av breer i fortiden, spesielt siden den lille istiden. En tematisk kart av vegetasjon og is-dekning som omfatter nesten hele øygruppen i tidsrommet fra 1999 til 2002, blitt produsert under dette studiet. Kartleggingen er utført med hjelp av kontrastøkende metoder og manuell determinasjon av grenseverdiene. ISODATA klassifikasjoner av statistiske terrengmodeller og primære terrengattributter er blitt sammenført med multispektral data til å kartlegge utvidelse av morener. Kombinasjonen av VIS, NIR og SWIR spektrale kanaler med høydevariabilitet og standardavvikelse av høyden, runding og helning leverer de beste resultatene når de blir etterbehandlet med naboskapsanalyser. Hovedkomponentanalysen viser også gode resultater, men prinsipielt er den morfologiske variabilitet innenfor morenene stor og det finnes ingen metode som er overlegen i alle områder. Den multitemporal endringsanalyse er blitt testet på et lite antall breer på Brøggerhalvøya, Vestspitsbergen. På samme området er brefrontene og morenene blitt kartlagt i felt i 2006. Høye variasjonskoeffisienter på 45 og 26 % ble observert i målinger av årlig tilbaketrekking i areal og lengde med ulik romlig oppløsning. Den generelle trenden var negativ i alle undersøkte tilfeller, med variasjoner i tilbaketrekking fra 10 til 19 meter per år i hele studieperioden fra 1983 til 2006. Det store massetapet fra Svalbards breer er utvilsomt relatert til klimatisk oppvarming, en trend som også vises i direkte målinger. Nødvendigheten av å undersøke breer blir enda mer åpenbar av at tilbaketrekkingen av små breer og iskapper utenom Grønland og Antarktis allerede nå utgjør det nest største bidraget, etter termisk ekspansjon, til den globale økningen i havnivå – og her er Svalbard en viktig aktør

    Cancer/Testis Antigen Expression Panel Incorporating MAGEC1 and BAGE2 Predicts Multiple Myeloma Disease Stage and Severity

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    To provide a single molecular assay that could be used to easily stage Multiple Myeloma patients at diagnosis, we investigated the association between the simultaneous expression of 7 Multiple Myeloma-associated Cancer/Testis Antigens and biochemical parameters that are currently used for disease staging. We analysed the mRNA expression of MAGEC1, MAGEA3/A6, BAGE2, PRAME, NYESO1, SSX2 and PAGE by qualitative reverse transcription PCR using RNA extracted from diagnostic bone marrow samples from 39 patients covering the Multiple Myeloma disease continuum and compared this to levels of key biochemical parameters at diagnosis. We found that the Cancer/Testis Antigen panel was expressed in a specific order that was specifically associated with the severity of disease. This allowed the Cancer/Testis Antigens expression profile to successfully place the patient clearly into either stage I or stage III of the disease, with further sub-stratification in the stage III grouping. In addition, we putatively identified MAGEC1 expression as a confirmatory diagnostic marker for symptomatic Multiple Myeloma and clearly associated BAGE2 expression exclusively with stage III disease. We also demonstrated the novel finding of PAGE expression in Multiple Myeloma, with an association with more advanced disease. We suggest that this particular molecular Cancer/Testis Antigen panel can be used at diagnosis as a single test to clearly stage patient

    Long-term effects of a single adult methamphetamine challenge: Minor impact on dopamine fibre density in limbic brain areas of gerbils

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of the study was to test long-term effects of (+)-methamphetamine (MA) on the dopamine (DA) innervation in limbo-cortical regions of adult gerbils, in order to understand better the repair and neuroplasticity in disturbed limbic networks. METHODS: Male gerbils received a single high dose of either MA (25 mg/kg i.p.) or saline on postnatal day 180. On postnatal day 340 the density of immunoreactive DA fibres and calbindin and parvalbumin cells was quantified in the right hemisphere. RESULTS: No effects were found in the prefrontal cortex, olfactory tubercle and amygdala, whereas the pharmacological impact induced a slight but significant DA hyperinnervation in the nucleus accumbens. The cell densities of calbindin (CB) and parvalbumin (PV) positive neurons were additionally tested in the nucleus accumbens, but no significant effects were found. The present results contrast with the previously published long-term effects of early postnatal MA treatment that lead to a restraint of the maturation of DA fibres in the nucleus accumbens and prefrontal cortex and a concomitant overshoot innervation in the amygdala. CONCLUSION: We conclude that the morphogenetic properties of MA change during maturation and aging of gerbils, which may be due to physiological alterations of maturing vs. mature DA neurons innervating subcortical and cortical limbic areas. Our findings, together with results from other long-term studies, suggest that immature limbic structures are more vulnerable to persistent effects of a single MA intoxication; this might be relevant for the assessment of drug experience in adults vs. adolescents, and drug prevention programs

    Influence of methylphenidate on brain development – an update of recent animal experiments

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    Methylphenidate (MPH) is the most commonly used drug to treat attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children effectively and safely. In spite of its widespread application throughout one of the most plastic and sensitive phases of brain development, very little is known to date about its long-term effects on brain structure and function. Hence, this short review updates the influence of MPH on brain development, since recent human and animal studies suggest that MPH alters the dopaminergic system with long-term effects beyond the termination of treatment. Animal studies imply that the effects of MPH may depend on the neural responder system: Whereas structural and functional parameters are improved by MPH in animals with psychomotor impairments, they remain unaltered or get worse in healthy controls. While recent behavioural studies do not fully support such a differential effect of MPH in ADHD, the animal studies certainly prompt for further investigation of this issue. Furthermore, the abuse of MPH, when (rarely) intravenously applied, may even impair the maturation of dopaminergic fibres in subcortical brain areas. This argues for careful clinical assessment and diagnostics of ADHD symptomatology not only in conjunction with the prescription of MPH. Hence, one should be assured that MPH is only given to children with clear ADHD symptomatology leading to psychosocial impairment. The animal data suggest that under these conditions MPH is supportive for brain development and the related behaviour in children with ADHD

    Synapse Plasticity in Motor, Sensory, and Limbo-Prefrontal Cortex Areas as Measured by Degrading Axon Terminals in an Environment Model of Gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus)

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    Still little is known about naturally occurring synaptogenesis in the adult neocortex and related impacts of epigenetic influences. We therefore investigated (pre)synaptic plasticity in various cortices of adult rodents, visualized by secondary lysosome accumulations (LA) in remodeling axon terminals. Twenty-two male gerbils from either enriched (ER) or impoverished rearing (IR) were used for quantification of silver-stained LA. ER-animals showed rather low LA densities in most primary fields, whereas barrel and secondary/associative cortices exhibited higher densities and layer-specific differences. In IR-animals, these differences were evened out or even inverted. Basic plastic capacities might be linked with remodeling of local intrinsic circuits in the context of cortical map adaptation in both IR- and ER-animals. Frequently described disturbances due to IR in multiple corticocortical and extracortical afferent systems, including the mesocortical dopamine projection, might have led to maladaptations in the plastic capacities of prefronto-limbic areas, as indicated by different LA densities in IR- compared with ER-animals