747 research outputs found

    Temperate Forage Grass-Legume Mixtures: Advances And Perspectives

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    The paper summarises some of the advances which have been made a) in increasing understanding of the grass-legume association, especially grass-white clover, so that the association can be more predictably exploited and b) in overcoming limitations in the use of such mixtures. The contribution which forage legumes make to the N economy of mixtures is reviewed with estimates approaching 400 kg N ha-1 for some. Uptake by grass of legume- derived N (N transfer) reduces soil mineral N levels and increases the proportion of fixed N in the total legume N relative to legume monoculture. Although N transfer also causes inconsistent contribution of legume to mixed swards, models of the effect of legume derived N on the interaction between grass and legume are helping to predict likely grass-legume balance, even when grazed. The higher nutritive value and intake of legumes relative to grass is due to a range of factors including faster rate of particle breakdown, faster digestion in the rumen, more non- ammonium N reaching the small intestine and higher efficiency of energy utilization although efficiency of N utilization is lower. Poor utilization is not an issue with birdsfoot trefoil and sainfoin due to their herbage having a high content of condensed tannins which protect protein from degradation in the rumen. Breeding programmes using conventional and biotechnological methods are aiming to improve nutritive value such as increasing protein quality and introducing condensed tannins into clovers and lucerne. Breeding of legumes to reduce antiquality factors, such as bloat, is underway. Breeding to reduce oestrogenic effects has been successful in red clover and subclover. Advances are leading to improved legume consistency in mixture including improvement in tolerance to biotic and environmental stress by breeding and increased understanding of the role of companion grasses. Research which underpins management techniques to improve predictability of grass-legume balance is also discussed, including the positive and negative role of the grazing animal. The potential and limitations of grass-legume swards to reduce N loss, including NO3 leaching, in whole farm systems is evaluated where grass/white clover can reduce leaching by 50% compared with a high fertilizer N system at only 20% reduction in output. Other factors which may result in increased reliance on forage legumes, in addition to the improvements in forage legumes resulting from research, include de-intensification policy decisions to reduce stocking rates, increased uptake of organic farming, increased cost of N fertilizer relative to commodity prices. Shared research effort between countries is advocated to supply adequate resources to solve some of the remaining problems in grass/legume associations and effective technology transfer should include development of decision support systems due to the complexity of the association

    Three photometric methods tested on ground-based data of Q 2237+0305

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    The Einstein Cross, Q~2237+0305, has been photometrically observed in four bands on two successive nights at NOT (La Palma, Spain) in October 1995. Three independent algorithms have been used to analyse the data: an automatic image decomposition technique, a CLEAN algorithm and the new MCS deconvolution code. The photometric and astrometric results obtained with the three methods are presented. No photometric variations were found in the four quasar images. Comparison of the photometry from the three techniques shows that both systematic and random errors affect each method. When the seeing is worse than 1.0", the errors from the automatic image decomposition technique and the Clean algorithm tend to be large (0.04-0.1 magnitudes) while the deconvolution code still gives accurate results (1{sigma} error below 0.04) even for frames with seeing as bad as 1.7". Reddening is observed in the quasar images and is found to be compatible with either extinction from the lensing galaxy or colour dependent microlensing. The photometric accuracy depends on the light distribution used to model the lensing galaxy. In particular, using a numerical galaxy model, as done with the MCS algorithm, makes the method less seeing dependent. Another advantage of using a numerical model is that eventual non-homogeneous structures in the galaxy can be modeled. Finally, we propose an observational strategy for a future photometric monitoring of the Einstein Cross.Comment: 9 pages, accepted for publication in A&

    Current Perspectives on Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases

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    Since the original description of X-linked agammaglobulinemia in 1952, the number of independent primary immunodeficiency diseases (PIDs) has expanded to more than 100 entities. By definition, a PID is a genetically determined disorder resulting in enhanced susceptibility to infectious disease. Despite the heritable nature of these diseases, some PIDs are clinically manifested only after prerequisite environmental exposures but they often have associated malignant, allergic, or autoimmune manifestations. PIDs must be distinguished from secondary or acquired immunodeficiencies, which are far more common. In this review, we will place these immunodeficiencies in the context of both clinical and laboratory presentations as well as highlight the known genetic basis

    Apprentice pay in Britain, Germany and Switzerland: Institutions, market forces and market power

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    This is the accepted version of the original publication in the European Journal of Industrial Relations, which is available online at http://ejd.sagepub.com/content/19/3/201.The pay of metalworking apprentices is high in Britain, middling in Germany and low in Switzerland. We analyse these differences using fieldwork evidence and survey data, drawing on both economic and institutionalist theories. Several institutional attributes influence apprentice pay, partly by affecting supply and demand in markets for training places. Institutional support for apprenticeship training appears to involve important complementarities in both Germany and Switzerland, in contrast to Britain’s less coherent and more market-driven approach.We thank the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, Anglo-German Foundation, SKOPE (Oxford), the Swiss federal government (OPET/SERI) and WZB (Berlin) for financial support

    Winter Survival and Physiology of Contrasting Fall Dormancy Selections of Alfalfa

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    Our objective was to determine the physiological changes that accompany selection from within a germplasm for contrasting fall dormancy reaction. Selection for greater fall dormancy improved winter survival of CUF 101 from 1 to 93%. The more fall dormant CUF 101 had higher sugar concentrations in buds and roots. Roots of the more fall dormant CUF 101 also contained higher soluble protein concentrations when compared to the other CUF 101 germplasms. Root protein extracts obtained in Dec. from the more fall dormant CUF 101 contained at least one polypeptide not found in protein extracts of the other CUF 101 germplasms. Efforts to characterize changes in gene expression that accompany winter hardening of these germplasms are underway

    Reversal of hepatorenal syndrome type 1 with terlipressin plus albumin vs. placebo plus albumin in a pooled analysis of the OT-0401 and REVERSE randomised clinical studies

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    Background The goal of hepatorenal syndrome type 1 (HRS-1) treatment is to improve renal function. Terlipressin, a synthetic vasopressin analogue, is a systemic vasoconstrictor used for the treatment of HRS-1, where it is available. Aim To compare the efficacy of terlipressin plus albumin vs. placebo plus albumin in patients with HRS-1. Methods Pooled patient-level data from two large phase 3, randomised, placebo-controlled studies were analysed for HRS reversal [serum creatinine (SCr) value ≤133 μmol/L], 90-day survival, need for renal replacement therapy and predictors of HRS reversal. Patients received intravenous terlipressin 1–2 mg every 6 hours plus albumin or placebo plus albumin up to 14 days. Results The pooled analysis comprised 308 patients (terlipressin: n = 153; placebo: n = 155). HRS reversal was significantly more frequent with terlipressin vs. placebo (27% vs. 14%; P = 0.004). Terlipressin was associated with a more significant improvement in renal function from baseline until end of treatment, with a mean between-group difference in SCr concentration of −53.0 μmol/L (P \u3c 0.0001). Lower SCr, lower mean arterial pressure and lower total bilirubin and absence of known precipitating factors for HRS were independent predictors of HRS reversal and longer survival in terlipressin-treated patients. Conclusions Terlipressin plus albumin resulted in a significantly higher rate of HRS reversal vs. albumin alone in patients with HRS-1. Terlipressin treatment is associated with improved renal function

    Orbital apex syndrome caused by aspergilloma in an immunocompromised patient with cutaneous lymphoma: A case report of a rare entity

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    A 57-year-old man with a history of chemotherapy because of cutaneous lymphoma presented with an orbital apex syndrome. The cranial computed tomography scan revealed a tumour in the orbital apex, extending intradurally. With a suspected diagnosis of a neoplastic lesion, the patient underwent orbital surgery with optic nerve decompression. Histology revealed an aspergilloma. No other foci were seen and treatment with antifungals was started. In immunocompromised patients with intracranial tumours, infection is always a major consideration in the differential diagnosis, even if the reason for immunosuppression (in this case chemotherapy) dates back several months. Misdiagnosing an orbital apex lesion as a cancer and treating patients primarily with corticosteroids can be life threatening. Removal or biopsy of such lesions is essential in further treatment since antifungals have to be administered as fast as possible

    Nitrogen and Phosphorus Losses in Runoff on Beef Production Systems

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    In West Europe countries between 37 and 82% of the nitrogen (N) and between 27 and 38% of the phosphorus (P) reaching water sources come from agriculture and a strong correlation between the number of animals per area unit and N and P contribution to waters has been shown (Issermann, 1990). There are few data about the environmental impact of beef production systems in Southern Chile. The objective of this experiment was to quantify N and P losses in runoff (surface and subsurface) with two different stocking rates in Southern Chile