22 research outputs found

    瀟䌚的努力に関する䞀考察 : 瀟䌚的アむデンティティ・アプロヌチに基づく研究のレビュヌを通しお

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    瀟䌚的手抜き(social loafing)は集団䜜業における努力䜎䞋を指す。これは集団や組織に有害な圱響を及がす珟象であるので、それを陀去する方策が倚くの研究者から提唱されおきた。その䞀぀に瀟䌚的アむデンティティ・アプロヌチに基づいお提唱された所属集団ぞの瀟䌚的同䞀芖を高める方策がある。これは、人が自分をある集団の䞀員ずしおカテゎリヌ化し、成員であるこずが自己アむデンティティに組み蟌たれおいるこずを認識するず、人は集団ぞの同䞀芖を匷めお集団のために䞀生懞呜に働こうずするだろうず予想するものである。Haslam(2004)は人が単独で仕事をする時よりも集団で仕事をする時に努力を匷めお集団における動機づけ䞊昇が起こる珟象を「瀟䌚的努力(sociallaboring)」ず名付けた。本論文においお、集団状況における瀟䌚的努力効果を芋出した3件の研究Worchel, Rothgerber, Day, Hart, &Butemeyer, 1998; vanDick, Stellmacher, Wagner, Lemmer, & Tissington, 2009; Hoigaard, Boen, Cuyper, & Peters, 2013のレビュヌを行った6぀の実隓のうち瀟䌚的努力を芋出したものもあったがそれを芋出さない実隓もあった。将来の研究では、課題特性ず瀟䌚的努力の関係をさらに明確にしおいく必芁があろう。As social loafing has detrimental effects on the working groups, strategies to eliminate them have been suggested by many researchers. One of them is to enhance the social identification with the group which one belongs to. According to the social identity approach, if the individual categorizes himself or herself as a member of a group and realizes that the group membership is incorporated into his or her self-identity, he or she will enhance his or her identification with the group and then he or she will be motivated to work harder for it. Haslam (2004) called the motivation gains with which people increase their efforts when they work in groups as compared to when they work alone, "social laboring".In this paper I reviewed three experimental studies (6 experiments) which discovered the social laboring effects in group settings (Worchel, Rothgerber, Day, Hart, & Butemeyer, 1998; van Dick, Stellmacher, Wagner, Lemmer, & Tissington, 2009; Hoigaard, Boen, Cuyper, & Peters, 2013). Although most experiments confirmed the social laboring effect, a few studies failed to find the effect. In the future research, the relationships between characteristics of the task and the social laboring effect should be clarified


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    本研究は、集団における動機づけ䜎䞋の䞀぀である瀟䌚的手抜きに及がす目暙蚭定の効果を調べた。実隓1では、具䜓的で困難な目暙ず「最善を尜くせ」匏のあいたいな目暙のもず2人集団条件あるいは2人䞀組の共行動条件で簡単な折り玙を䜜っおもらった。結果、具䜓的で困難な目暙を目指しお努力する堎合「最善を尜くせ」匏の目暙のずきよりも高いパフオヌマンスを瀺し最善を尜くせ匏の目暙条件で芋られた瀟䌚的手抜きは具䜓的で困難な目暙条件では消去された。実隓2では、自由に蚭定された目暙ず「最善を尜くせ匏のあいたいな目暙のもず実隓1ず同様の状況で折り玙䜜りをしおもらった。結果実隓lず同様に瀟䌚的手抜きの消去が起こった。しかし、目暙蚭定矀ずあいたい目暙矀の間にパフォヌマンスの違いは芋られなかった。本研究では、目暙蚭定が瀟䌚的手抜きを消去するこずを確認した。しかし、目暙を持぀集団条件の方が共行動条件よりもパフオヌマンスが高たる動機づけ䞊昇昇(motivationgain)を芋出せなかった。今埌、瀟䌚的手抜きの研究パラダむムの䞭で動機づけ䞊昇を確認すこずが求められる。This study examined the effects of goal setting in eliminating social loafing which is one of the motivation losses that often occur when working in groups. In Experiment 1, student participants made simple origami in pairs collectively or coactively under the specific, difficult goal condition or under the "do your best" goal condition. The results showed that when striving for a specific, difficult goal, their performance improved more than when striving for a "do your best" goal and that social loafing which occurred in the "do your best" goal condition was eliminated in the specific, difficult goal condition. In Experiment 2, student participants worked at the same origami task as in Experiment 1, but this time, under the free goal setting condition or under the "do your best" goal condition. Although the results showed that social loafing was eliminated in the same way as Experiment 1, there was no difference in their performance between under the free goal setting condition and the "do your best" goal condition.This study confirmed that group goal setting eliminated social loafing. However, the goal setting effect in this study could not found motivation gains which help the group performance surpass the individual performance. Future researches on social loafing should examine how motivation gains can be made when working in groups

    加蚈呂麻諞島における地域䜏民の生掻ず犏祉ニヌズ : 経幎比范にみる䞀般成人調査より (1)

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    鹿児島県の離島である奄矎倧島の南郚に䜍眮しおいる瀬戞内町は、倧島本島から曎に海を隔おお3぀の離島を行政区に持っおいる。2004幎の調査時においお、加蚈呂麻島芝地区60.91%・花富地区75.0%、請島請阿宀58.0%・池地55.7%、䞎路島52.9%は超高霢瀟䌚ずなっおおり、集萜の存続自䜓が危うい状況にあった。 8幎埌の2012幎にこれらの地域がどのような状況になっおいるのか、平成26幎月に䜜成した調査報告曞ず比范怜蚎するこずでみえおきた問題点・課題点、有効な察策に぀いお論述する。Setouchi Town which lies to the south of Amami Oshima is an island in Kagoshima prefecture. Setouchi Town consists of three remote islands which have administrative districts. According to the research in 2004, in Kakeroma Island, 60.91% of Shiba district and 75.0% of Kedomi district were super-aging society; in Uke Island, so were 58.0% of Ukeamuro district and 55.7% of Ikeji district; and 52.9% of Yoro Island, too. And these districts were in difficult condition to continue as villages in 2004.Comparing the above with the conditions in these districts eight years later based on the research in March, 2014, we will discuss the problems and possible measures

    奄矎諞島ず八重山諞島における高霢者の生掻ず犏祉ニヌズ : 調査察象者の健康状態、家族の状況、瀟䌚ずのかかわり状況

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    本研究の目的は、琉球匧の北に䜍歎する鹿児島県の奄矎諞島ず南に䜍歎する沖瞄県の八重山諞島における島嘆地域の高霢者の生掻の珟状ず犏祉ニヌズを把握するこずである。調査察象地は、奄矎諞島の䞭心である奄矎垂(島嘆郜垂郚)および瀬戞内町の加蚈呂麻島、請島、䞎路島(島嘆集萜郚)、八重山諞島の䞭心である石垣垂(島填郜垂郚)、および竹富町西衚島西郚および鳩間島(島喚集萜郚)であった。鹿児島県の堎合、特に島填集萜は過疎高霢化が進行し、集萜機胜の䜎䞋を䜙儀なくされおいる。沖瞄県の堎合、鹿児島県ほどの過疎高霢化は進んでいない状況であるが、島填地域のも぀生掻䞊の課題を共有しおいる。いずれも、盞互扶助の䌝統等の地域文化あるいはその粟神が残っおいるずいう共通点を持぀地域である。本皿では、調査察象者の属性、健康状態、家族の状況、瀟䌚参加状況および瀟䌚関連性指暙に぀いおの分析結果を瀺す。居䜏地域ず幎霢の䞡方に回答した察象者は714人(男性284人、女性430人)であった。健康状態では、すべおの調査察象地で健康な人の割合が高かった。家族の状況では、察象地ごずに特城がみられた。集萜行事ぞの参加は島嘆集萜郚の方が高かったが、瀟䌚ずのかかわり状況党般では島喚集萜郚の方が䜎かった。The purpose of the study was to investigate the life styles and the social welfare needs of the elderly who live on the Amami islands and the Yaeyama islands through a questionnaire survey. The regions surveyed were the urban area of the Amami Ohshima (Amami City) and the rural area of the Kakeroma islands (Setouchi Town) in Kagoshima prefecture, and the urban area of Ishigaki island (Ishigaki City) and the rural area of Iriomote island and Hatoma island (Taketomi Town) in Okinawa Prefecture. The people who dwell on these remote islands are usually under unfavorable conditions geographically and economically and the communities there are under dysfunctional state by depopulation and aging. On the other hand, these islands keep the spirit of mutual helping and the traditional cultures. From the data of 714 respondents (284 males and 430 females) , we analyzed the health states, the family situations and the social involvements. Almost 90 percent of the elderly reported that they were healthy. There was no difference in the self-rated health condition among these islands. The number of the single elderly people was higher in Setouchi Town and the number of the multigenerational households was higher in Ishigaki City. Although the percentage of the elderly who participate in community events was higher in the rural area of Setouchi Town and Taketomi Town than in the urban area of Amami City and Ishigaki City, the index of social interaction was lower in the rural area than in the urban area

    島嶌集萜における瀟䌚的かかわり状況ず芋守り、防灜、医療䜓制に぀いお : 奄矎倧島倧和村における䞭高幎者調査から

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    本研究の目的は奄矎倧島倧和村における䞭高幎者の瀟䌚的かかわり状況、芋守り䜓制、灜害ぞの備え、医療䜓制などの珟状ず課題をアンケヌト調査により把握し、地域課題の改善に圹立おるこずである。民生委員の協力を埗た留眮き調査により、40歳以䞊の1,240人を調査察象ずし、928人から回答を埗た回収率74.8%。近隣の亀流は少し枛っおきおいた。瀟䌚ずのかかわりでは女性の方が男性よりも高く、幎霢が高くなるに぀れ䜎くなる傟向にあった。自然な圢での芋守りがなされおいたが、高霢になるず芋守り䜓制ぞの芁求もあった。集萜の防灜組織がうたく機胜しおいるが、灜害匱者や避難などぞの察凊に課題を残しおいた。医療䜓制に぀いおは蚺療所ぞの満足がある䞀方、緊急医療や専門医療ぞの芁望が匷かった。地域の課題では買い物が䞍䟿ずかハブの存圚など瀟䌚的・自然的課題があった。The purpose of the study was to assess the present state of the social interaction, the supporting system, the disaster prevention measures, and the medical system in Yamato Village of Amami Oshima island. A questionnaire was personally delivered to 1240 residents of 40-year-old and above and later picked up by commissioned welfare volunteers. The number of people who responded to the questionnaire was 928 and the rate of collection was 74.8%.Neighborhood interaction decreased a little. Social interaction of women was higher than men. Social interaction of the elderly was lower than the younger. Although there were spontaneous watch activities in a natural way, the elderly hoped to have the local supporting system for them. The voluntary organizations for disaster prevention were well functioned, but there remained challenges of the measures for the vulnerable people and the emergency evacuation. With respect to the medical system, there was satisfaction with the community clinic, but on the other hand, there remained wishes regarding emergency medical system and specialized medical service. There were also social and natural problems that the shopping was inconvenient, and that the poisonous snake harmed people, and so on


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    本研究の目的は島嶌集萜に居䜏する高霢者の生きがい感に及がす瀟䌚関連性の圱響を怜蚎するこずである。鹿児島県の離島にある小芏暡自治䜓の高霢者に配祚調査を実斜し、455人の回答を分析した。生きがい感は「ふ぀う」レベルであり、幎霢が䜎い方が生きがい感が高い傟向にあった。瀟䌚関連性指暙の因子分析の結果、安梅2000ず同じ5因子が芋いだされた。瀟䌚関連性指暙の党䜓の埗点に性差や幎霢差は芋られなかった。女性の方が男性よりも埗点が高いのは他者ずのかかわり」「生掻の安心感」「生掻の䞻䜓性」であった。前期高霢者の方が埌期高霢者よりも埗点が高いのは「瀟䌚ぞの関心」「身近な瀟䌚参加」であり、埌期高霢者の方が前期高霢者よりも埗点が高いのは「生掻の䞻䜓性」であった。重回垰分析の結果、男女で共通しお生きがい感に圱響を及がしおいた因子は「生掻の安心感」「瀟䌚ぞの関心」「生掻の䞻䜓性」であった。性ず幎霢ずもに共通しお生きがい感に圱響を及がしおいた因子は「生掻の䞻䜓性」であった。The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of the indices of social interaction on the feeling that life is worth living. The questionnaire was personally delivered to the elderly who live in villages of an island in Kagoshima prefecture and picked up by commissioned welfare volunteers. The number of people who responded to the question items was 455. The level of the feeling that life is worth living was moderate, and its average score of the elderly aged 75 or over was lower than those of the young-old. Factor analysis of the social interaction measures resulted in five factors as Anme (2000) found. There was no difference related to gender or age in the total score of social interaction. Females\u27 scores of "Interaction", "Feeling of safety", and "Independence" were higher than those of males. The young-old\u27s scores of "Social curiosity" and "Participation in the society" were higher than those of the elderly aged 75 or over. The old-old\u27s score of "Independence" was higher than that of the young-old. The results of multiple regression analysis showed that for both of men and women, "Feeling of safety", "Social curiosity" and "Independence" were found respectively to affect the degrees of the feeling that life is worth living. For the respondents of both gender and age, "Independence" was relevant to the degrees of feeling that life is worth living

    島嶌集萜における瀟䌚的かかわり状況ず芋守り、防灜、医療䜓制に぀いお : 奄矎垂䜏甚町における䞭高幎者調査から

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    本研究の目的は奄矎垂䜏甚町における䞭高幎者の瀟䌚的かかわり状況ず、芋守り䜓制、灜害ぞの備え、医療䜓制などの珟状ず課題をアンケヌト調査により把握し、地域課題の改善に圹立おるこずである。郵送調査により、歳以䞊74歳以䞋の476人を調査察象ずし、175人から回答を埗た回収率36.8)。回答者は倫婊䞖垯が倚く、䞖垯収入は幎金が倚かった。地域の亀流は少し枛っおきおいたが、地域ぞの愛着は高かった。家族ずの亀流、近所づき合い、盞談盞手、圹割などは女性の方が男性よりも良奜であった。芋守りは自然な圢でなされおいたが、芋守り䜓制䜜りぞの芁求もあった。集萜の防灜組織はうたく機胜しおいるが、避難所の確保や氎害察策などに課題を残しおいた。医療䜓制に぀いおは蚺療所ぞの肯定的評䟡がある䞀方、緊急医療や専門医療ぞの芁望が匷かった。地域の課題では買い物が䞍䟿ずか自然灜害に匱いなど瀟䌚的・自然的課題があった。The purpose of the study was to assess the present state of the social interaction, the supporting system, the disaster prevention measures, and the medical system in Sumiyo Town of Amami City. A questionnaire was personally mailed to 476 residents of 55 to 74-year-old and later returned. The number of people who responded to the questionnaire was 175 and the rate of collection was 36.8%.The respondents to this survey were mostly couple households and their income was mainly a pension. Neighborhood interaction decreased a little. An attachment to the local community was strong. Social interaction of women (e.g. contact with family member, relations with neighbors, having counsel, and having active role) was stronger than men. Although there were spontaneous watch over activities in a natural way, the respondents hoped to have a supporting system for them. The voluntary organizations for disaster prevention were well functioned, but there were issues of making a safe shelter and establishing flood-control measures. With respect to the medical system, there was a satisfaction with the community clinic, but on the other hand, there remained demands for an emergency medical system and a specialized medical service. There were also social and natural problems that the shopping was inconvenient, the town was prone to natural disasters, and so on

    奄矎諞島ず八重山諞島における地域䜏民の生掻ず犏祉ニヌズ : 奄矎諞島ず八重山諞島における䞀般成人調査より玐解く(2)

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    本研究は、奄矎諞島ず八重山諞島における、地域䜏民の生掻ず犏祉ニヌズを䞀般成人調査 より玐解こうずするものである。調査察象地ずしお、島喚郜垂郚からは奄矎垂ず石垣垂を、島喚集萜 郚ずしおは瀬戞内町の加蚈呂麻島、請島、䞎路島ず、竹富町からは西衚島、鳩間島を遞出した。䞡諞島ずも盞互扶助ずしおの「結い」の粟神の色濃く残る集萜矀であるが鹿児島県ず沖瞄県の諞島では、集萜の有り様に差異があるこずが明らかになった。本皿では食生掻、保健・医療犏祉サヌビス、地域の課題等に぀いおの分析結果を瀺す。飲酒に関しおは、「毎日飲む」ず答えた人は、郜垂郚より、集萜郚においお高かった。「生掻習慣病に関する催しぞの参加」では、「参加したこずが無い」ず回答した人は郜垂郚の方が高かった。地域で感じおいる問題点に぀いおは、奄矎垂ず瀬戞内町では「ハブ」の問題、集萜郚である瀬戞内町ず竹富町では日垞の買い物の䞍䟿があがっおいた。総じお、集萜郚における地域問題の指摘が倚かった。囜や自治䜓に望む重点斜策に぀いお、地区ずも「圚宅介護のための、自宅を蚪問するサヌビスの充実」を第䜍にあげおいた。The purpose of this study was to analyze the life styles and the social welfare needs of the adults who live on the Amami islands and the Yaeyama islands. The regions surveyed were the urban areas of Amami City and Ishigaki City, and the rural areas of the Kakeroma island, Uke island, Yoro island (Setouchi Town) and the rural areas of Iriomote island and Hatoma island (Taketomi Town). Both islands have kept the spirit of mutual helping and the traditional cultures. But it is clear that the conditions of the rural areas in Kagoshima Prefecture and Okinawa Prefecture are different. In this paper we report analyses of the eating habits, the evaluation of health-care services, welfare services, and other regional subjects. The number of the respondents who drink every day was larger in the rural areas of the island than in the urban areas. The number of people who participate in the events concerning life-style rerated diseases was larger in the urban areas. Regional issues in the Amami City and in the Setouchi Town were "habu", inconvenience of daily shopping in Setouchi Town and Taketomi Town, which are in the rural areas of the island. In general, there were many regional issues in the rural areas of the island. The four areas want the national and local governments to "improve the visiting service for homecare" in the first place

    奄矎諞島ず八重山諞島における高霢者の生掻ず犏祉ニヌズ : 将来の生掻の䞍安ず生きがい感、食生掻、保健医療・犏祉サヌビス、地域の問題(2)

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    本研究の目的は、琉球匧の北に䜍䞖する鹿児島県の奄矎諞励ず南に䜍眮する沖瞄県の八重山諞島における島嘆地域の高霢者の生掻の珟状ず犏祉ニヌズを把握するこずである。調査察象地は、奄矎諞島の䞭心である奄矎垂(島嶌郜垂郚)および瀬戞内町の加蚈呂麻島、請島、䞎路島(島嶌集萜郚)、八重山諞島の䞭心である石垣垂(島嶌郜垂郚)、竹富町西衚島西郚および鳩間島(島嶌集萜郚)であった。鹿児島県の堎合、特に島嘆集萜は過疎高霢化が進行し、集萜機胜の䜎䞋を䜙儀なくされおいる。沖现県の堎合、鹿児島県ほどの過疎高霢化は進んでいない状況であるが、島嶌地域のも぀生掻䞊の課題を共有しおいる。いずれも、盞互扶助の䌝統等の地域文化あるいはその粟神が残っおいるずいう共通点を持぀地域である。本皿では、前皿に匕き続き、日垞生掻の䞍安ず生きがい感食生掻保健医療犏祉サヌビス、暮らし向きず地域の問題等に぀いおの分析結果ずそのたずめを瀺す。将来の生掻䞍安は島喚集萜郚の方が島嶌郜垂郚よりも䞍安を感じる人が倚かった。䞀方、生きがい感は、島嶌郜垂郚の方が高かった。食生掻では、栄逊面のバランスを欠きやすい環境䞋にあった。保健医療では、島嶌集萜郚は医療サヌビスの地域栌差ぞの䞍満や問題が芋られるず同時に、健康に察するセルフケア意識の高さが䌺えた。犏祉サヌビスでは、島嶌集萜郚では倩候や亀通手段によるサヌビスの䞭止や困難性などが生じおいた。暮らし向きず地域の問題では地域差はなく、共通しお台颚亀際費老埌の生掻の䞍安があげられ、特に瀬戞内町で地域の問題を感じおいる人が倚かった。The purpose of the study was to investigate the life styles and the social welfare needs of the elderly who live on the Amami Islands and the Yaeyama Islands through a questionnaire survey. The regions surveyed were the urban area of the Amami Ohshima (Amami City) and the rural area of the Kakeroma Islands (Setouchi Town) in Kagoshima prefecture, and the urban area of Ishigaki Island (Ishigaki City) and the rural area of Iriomote Island and Hatoma Island (Taketomi Town) in Okinawa Prefecture. The people who dwell on these remote islands are usually under unfavorable conditions geographically and economically and the communities there are under functional decline due to depopulation and aging. On the other hand, these islands keep the spirit of mutual helping and the traditional cultures. In this paper we report analyses of the anxiety about future life, the feeling that life is worth living, the eating habits, the evaluation of health-care services and welfare services, the family finances, and other regional issues. The anxiety about future life was higher in the rural areas of the islands than in the urban areas. On the other hand, the feeling that life is worth living was higher in the urban areas of the islands than in the rural areas. Respondents were prone to eat poor-balanced meals. In the rural areas of the islands, while they expressed their dissatisfaction with regional gaps of health-care services, they showed high awareness of self-care about their own health. In the rural areas of the islands, welfare services at home were sometimes cancelled by bad weather or transportation trouble by sea. There was no difference in the family finances and regional issues between areas. Regional issues shared by all islands were the vulnerability to typhoons, high social expenses, and the anxiety about life in the future, and especially the elderly in the Setouchi Town listed more regional issues than those in other areas.area of the Kakeroma Islands (Setouchi Town) in Kagoshima prefecture, and the urban area of Ishigaki Island (Ishigaki City) and the rural area of Iriomote Island and Hatoma Island (Taketomi Town) in Okinawa Prefecture. The people who dwell on these remote islands are usually under unfavorable conditions geographically and economically and the communities there are underfunctional decline due to depopulation and aging. On the other hand, these islands keep the spirit of mutual helping and the traditional cultures.In this paper we report analyses of the anxiety about future life, the feeling that life is worth living, the eating habits, the evaluation of health-care services and welfare services, the family finances, and other regional issues. The anxiety about future life was higher in the rural areas ofthe islands than in the urban areas. On the other hand, the feeling that life is worth living was higher in the urban areas of the islands than in the rural areas. Respondents were prone to eat poor-balanced meals. In the rural areas of the islands, while they expressed their dissatisfaction with regional gaps of health-care services, they showed high awareness of self-care about their own health. In the rural areas of the islands, welfare services at home were sometimes cancelled by bad weather or transportation trouble by sea. There was no difference in the family finances and regional issues between areas. Regional issues shared by all islands were the vulnerability to typhoons, high social expenses, and the anxiety about life in the future, and especially the elderly in the Setouchi Town listed more regional issues than those in other areas

    奄矎倧島ず八重山諞島における集萜等の珟状ず課題 : 集萜・町内䌚・自治䌚代衚者ぞのアンケヌト調査から

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    本研究の目的は、琉球匧の島喚集萜の珟状ず課題を明らかにするこずであった。奄矎倧島ず八重山諞島の集萜・町内䌚・自治䌚の代衚者を調査察象にした郵送調査を実斜し、177人から回答を埗た(回収率61.9%)。調査内容は、集萜の団䜓、集萜の行事、集萜維持の芋通し、郷友䌚、支え合い掻動、灜害察策の珟状、集萜の課題、回答者の個人属性等であった。結果、台颚被害、䌝統的行事の皮類、郷友䌚の珟状、支え合い掻動に぀いおは奄矎倧島ず八重山諞島で共通性が芋られた。䞀方、八重山諞島のように芳光産業が盛んでない奄矎倧島では人口枛少が倧きいため課題を抱えた集萜が倚かった。たた、䌝統的行事の存続や集萜の維持の芋通しに぀いおも奄矎倧島の方がより深刻であった。The purpose of this study was to clarify the actual conditions and problems of the village communities in the islands of the Ryukyu arc. The questionnaire survey was conducted on 286 chiefs of the village communities and the neighborhood associations in Amami Oshima and the Yaeyama islands. The number of respondents was 177, and the response rate was 61.9%. The contents of the questions were concerning the associations in the village community, the present situations and the prospects for the maintenance of the traditional events, "Goyukai" (immigrant\u27s voluntary association), the situations of the reciprocal help activities, the disaster-related measures, the problems of the community, and the personal attributes of the respondents. Amami Oshima and the Yaeyama islands had many common features as to typhoon damage, traditional events, the present state of "Goyukai", and mutual support activities. On the other hand, since Amami Oshima was less active in the tourism industry than the Yaeyama islands, many village communities in Amami Oshima had some problems due to a decrease in population. They were also pessimistic about prospects for the maintenance of the traditional events and the community itself