

本研究は、集団における動機づけ低下の一つである社会的手抜きに及ぼす目標設定の効果を調べた。実験1では、具体的で困難な目標と「最善を尽くせ」式のあいまいな目標のもと2人集団条件あるいは2人一組の共行動条件で簡単な折り紙を作ってもらった。結果、具体的で困難な目標を目指して努力する場合「最善を尽くせ」式の目標のときよりも高いパフオーマンスを示し、「最善を尽くせ」式の目標条件で見られた社会的手抜きは具体的で困難な目標条件では消去された。実験2では、自由に設定された目標と「最善を尽くせ」式のあいまいな目標のもと実験1と同様の状況で折り紙作りをしてもらった。結果、実験lと同様に社会的手抜きの消去が起こった。しかし、目標設定群とあいまい目標群の間にパフォーマンスの違いは見られなかった。本研究では、目標設定が社会的手抜きを消去することを確認した。しかし、目標を持つ集団条件の方が共行動条件よりもパフオーマンスが高まる動機づけ上昇昇(motivationgain)を見出せなかった。今後、社会的手抜きの研究パラダイムの中で動機づけ上昇を確認すことが求められる。This study examined the effects of goal setting in eliminating social loafing which is one of the motivation losses that often occur when working in groups. In Experiment 1, student participants made simple origami in pairs collectively or coactively under the specific, difficult goal condition or under the "do your best" goal condition. The results showed that when striving for a specific, difficult goal, their performance improved more than when striving for a "do your best" goal and that social loafing which occurred in the "do your best" goal condition was eliminated in the specific, difficult goal condition. In Experiment 2, student participants worked at the same origami task as in Experiment 1, but this time, under the free goal setting condition or under the "do your best" goal condition. Although the results showed that social loafing was eliminated in the same way as Experiment 1, there was no difference in their performance between under the free goal setting condition and the "do your best" goal condition.This study confirmed that group goal setting eliminated social loafing. However, the goal setting effect in this study could not found motivation gains which help the group performance surpass the individual performance. Future researches on social loafing should examine how motivation gains can be made when working in groups

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