島嶼集落における社会的かかわり状況と見守り、防災、医療体制について : 奄美大島大和村における中高年者調査から


本研究の目的は奄美大島大和村における中高年者の社会的かかわり状況、見守り体制、災害への備え、医療体制などの現状と課題をアンケート調査により把握し、地域課題の改善に役立てることである。民生委員の協力を得た留置き調査により、40歳以上の1,240人を調査対象とし、928人から回答を得た(回収率74.8%)。近隣の交流は少し減ってきていた。社会とのかかわりでは女性の方が男性よりも高く、年齢が高くなるにつれ低くなる傾向にあった。自然な形での見守りがなされていたが、高齢になると見守り体制への要求もあった。集落の防災組織がうまく機能しているが、災害弱者や避難などへの対処に課題を残していた。医療体制については診療所への満足がある一方、緊急医療や専門医療への要望が強かった。地域の課題では買い物が不便とかハブの存在など社会的・自然的課題があった。The purpose of the study was to assess the present state of the social interaction, the supporting system, the disaster prevention measures, and the medical system in Yamato Village of Amami Oshima island. A questionnaire was personally delivered to 1240 residents of 40-year-old and above and later picked up by commissioned welfare volunteers. The number of people who responded to the questionnaire was 928 and the rate of collection was 74.8%.Neighborhood interaction decreased a little. Social interaction of women was higher than men. Social interaction of the elderly was lower than the younger. Although there were spontaneous watch activities in a natural way, the elderly hoped to have the local supporting system for them. The voluntary organizations for disaster prevention were well functioned, but there remained challenges of the measures for the vulnerable people and the emergency evacuation. With respect to the medical system, there was satisfaction with the community clinic, but on the other hand, there remained wishes regarding emergency medical system and specialized medical service. There were also social and natural problems that the shopping was inconvenient, and that the poisonous snake harmed people, and so on

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