9 research outputs found
Effect of relative humidity on expenditure of body fluids and blood pressure when exercise
Physical exercise is prolonged at high relative humidity can lead to an increase in expenditure of body fluids (EBF) through perspiration. Excessive discharge can cause changes in body functions such as blood pressure changes in practice. Objective: This study aimed to prove that the relative humidity (RH) 40% inhibiting EBF and does not inhibit the increase in systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) after physical exercise during 2X30 minutes. In addition, it also to prove physical exercise can improve exercise SBP and DBP. The study was conducted on 51 male students Faculty of Physical Education and Health, IKIP PGRI Bali. The samples were divided into three groups, and each group was given a different treatment. Group-1 exercise on the RH of 40%, Group-2 at the 50% RH, and the Group-3 at the RH of 60%. Data EBF, SBP, and DBP are measured before and after treatment. The mean difference EBF, SBP, and DBP between before with after treatment in all groups increased significantly (p < 0.05). The mean EBF after treatment was significantly different between groups with p = 0.009 and significant differences occurred between group-1 with the Group-3 with p = 0.002 (p < 0.05)
Prototype Pemantauan Konsumsi Energi Listrik pada Firebase Menggunakan PZEM-004T
Saat ini kWh meter konvensional masih digunakan untuk memantau konsumsi listrik di Indonesia, sehingga masih diperlukan petugas yang mengunjungi rumah pelanggan setiap bulannya. Hal ini mengakibatkan Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) harus menyediakan pencatat meter yang menjadi beban biaya perusahaan. Sementara itu pencatat meter mengalami kendala ketika rumah pelanggan kosong dan tidak dapat dicatat meternya. Permasalahan ini dapat diselesaikan jika menggunakan teknologi pencatatan yang otomatis dan bisa dikendalikan dari jarak jauh. Saat ini kemajuan teknologi memungkinkan konvergensi antara saluran komunikasi dengan berbagai hal. Teknologi yang dikenal dengan Internet of Things (IoT). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat pemantauan konsumsi energi listrik berbasis Internet of Things (IoT). Alat ini akan membantu perusahaan (PLN) dalam memantau penggunaan listrik setiap pelanggan tanpa petugas pencatat meter. Prototype alat ini telah berhasil dikerjakan menggunakan PZEM-004T yang kemudian mampu menampilkan tegangan, arus daya, power factor dan waktu. Luaran dari alat kwH meter teknologi IoT ini kemudian dikirimkan ke basis data Firebase. Firebase memiliki keunggulan karena ditempatkan dalam cloud. Sehingga data yang diperoleh dapat juga ditampilkan dalam aplikasi android. Hasil pengujian dari prototype kemudian dilakukan pengujian beban dan dibandingkan dengan alat ukur sejenis yang ada di pasaran. Pengujian beban menghasilkan keakuratan sistem dengan rata-rata persentase akurasi tegangan: 99.25%, arus: 99.82%, daya: 97.50% dan factor daya: 98.78%. Penelitian ini menghasilkan prototipe menggunakan ESP32 dan PZEM-004T yang sangat akurat sehingga dapat direkomendasikan untuk pencatatan daya listrik yang mampu mengurangi beban biaya operasional PLN
Quality level of illumination, work environment and equipment is one of the principal indicator in determining productivity. This paper presents the results of research on electronic technician answers as respondents in Badung on the effects of lighting levels, work environment and work productivity tools. As the analysis used include correlation test, test and test simultaneous partial t F. Based on the results of this study tests the hypothesis that the correlations obtained between the productivity level of illumination is very weak, then the working environment and equipment also has a very weak correlation. While partially test the hypothesis that the level of illumination has no effect on labor productivity electronics technician, as well as the working environment and equipment has no effect on labor productivity technicians. If the F test simultaneously at the level of illumination, the working environment and equipment also had an influence on productivity of electronics technician working in Badung
The transformer is an electrical apparatus that is included in the classification of static electricity machine and serves to channel the energy / power from high voltage to low voltage or vice versa, with the same frequency. Transformer oil, according to the standard test PLN (SPLN) 49-1/1992 method IEC 158 and 296 shall have a minimum insulation resistance of 30 kV / 2.5 mm. This causes the decrease in insulation resistance not optimal power is supplied to the customer. Also can cause fatal damage to the transformer itself as the occurrence of a short circuit causing the transformer to explode. Therefore, to maintain performance or life time of the transformer itself needs to be treated at least once a year. Men-oil treatment is that efforts should be made to ensure that prisoners are permitted insulation standards and transformer can operate optimally
Dewasa ini, perkembangan teknologi menyebabkan kebutuhan akan energi listrik semakin meningkat. Ketersediaan energi listrik dan meningkatkan kehandalan pendistribusian energi tersebut ke pelanggan sudah menjadi kewajiban bagi PT. PLN. Untuk meningkatkan kehandalan, tentunya diperlukan pemikiran dan perhatian yang serius terhadap dampak mekanis dan permasalahan elektris yang ditemui di lapangan terhadap penghantar, komponen jaringan distribusi serta asesorisnya yang digunakan. Distribution tie atau aluminium bending wire adalah sebuah komponen jaringan distribusi saluran udara tegangan menengah (SUTM) yang berfungsi untuk mengikatkan penghantar A3CS pada isolator tumpu. Dampak mekanis dan elektris penggunaannya mengakibatkan kerusakan pada isolasi penghantar. Terjadinya flashover yang diakibatkan oleh partikel debu yang menempel pada bagian isolator tumpu dan juga menyebabkan terjadinya partial discharge energy. Peningkatan panas pada penghantar akibat flashover dan partial discharge energy akan mengakibatkan tahanan dalam penghantar bertambah besar. Sehingga rugi tegangan akan meningkat, yang berujung pada rugi daya (losses) dan energi listrik pada jaringan distribusi. Salah satu upaya yang sudah dilakukan PT. PLN untuk mengurangi losses adalah menggunakan tekep isolator sebagai pengganti distribution tie . Tekep isolator tidak merusak isolasi kabel. Melindungi kepala isolator dari partikel debu. Tekep Isolator tersebut berbahan dari hard polyvinyl chloride dan soft polyvinyl chloride sehingga sangat sesuai digunakan dengan penghantar yang memiliki isolasi. Dari upaya tersebut diharapkan losses yang terjadi bisa dikurangi.
Kata Kunci : Kehandalan, Distribution Tie, Tekep Isolator, flasover, rugi daya, parsial discharg
Simulation Module Testing Solar Cell Charger For Supplies the Warning Light
Simulation module has been tested solar cell charger to supply the battery warning light on two different,
where the purpose of the author can test solar cell circuit simulation for supply warning light, to save /
power supply / energy resources considering the energy resources in our country on the wane, the
government is planning to wear solar energy. Thus the authors tried to make a series of simulation testing of
the solar cell to supply warning light And there was its function is to determine its capacity tool / charger
module simulation of solar cells and battery / batteries are different still feasible or optimal used to supply
warning light. The lamp warning light works on voltage DC (Direct Current) which absorbed sunlight the
solar cell module is converted into DC voltage. Module testing solar cells as an energy source electricity
were, for the storage of electrical energy in the battery as a source of energy that will turn on the lights for
warning light for 24 hours. Simulation modules use solar cells to DC LED warning light using very
precisely applied is by using solar power, so we can save on electricity costs due to the LED DC can not
dole directly from PLN net. In this paper the authors perform Simulation Testing of Solar Cell Charger
Module to supply warning light and analysis for the selection of solar cell capacity, and the capacity of the
battery / batteries are different
The development of science and technology are nowadays more and more provides ease of human life. Where all the things that a lot of applied science and technology with machinery or electronics, so that human work can be done easily without having to waste energy and shorten the time. Due to the many peoples who use manual way to sell gasoline with a bottle, then from this emerged an idea to create a means by which the tool can make it easier the way retail gasoline sales by using the system microcontroller atmega32, this tool almost followed the gasoline pump system contained in pertamina in general. In the gasoline level sensor, if the sensor has been reached which has been in the program the microcontroller, then the electric switch will work to open the tube above, after the sensor has reached the limit that has been in the program the microcontroller, then the flow switch will close again, after closing the flow switch then the pump will live and fill the tube back on
Effect of relative humidity on expenditure of body fluids and blood pressure when exercise
Physical exercise is prolonged at high relative humidity can lead to an increase in expenditure of body fluids (EBF) through perspiration. Excessive discharge can cause changes in body functions such as blood pressure changes in practice. Objective: This study aimed to prove that the relative humidity (RH) 40% inhibiting EBF and does not inhibit the increase in systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) after physical exercise during 2X30 minutes. In addition, it also to prove physical exercise can improve exercise SBP and DBP. The study was conducted on 51 male students Faculty of Physical Education and Health, IKIP PGRI Bali. The samples were divided into three groups, and each group was given a different treatment. Group-1 exercise on the RH of 40%, Group-2 at the 50% RH, and the Group-3 at the RH of 60%. Data EBF, SBP, and DBP are measured before and after treatment. The mean difference EBF, SBP, and DBP between before with after treatment in all groups increased significantly (p < 0.05). The mean EBF after treatment was significantly different between groups with p = 0.009 and significant differences occurred between group-1 with the Group-3 with p = 0.002 (p < 0.05)
IoT-based Electrical Power Recording using ESP32 and PZEM-004T Microcontrollers
The electricity usage recording system in Indonesia still uses conventional kWh meters. Electricity usage is recorded by officers who visit customers' homes every month. This results in the electricity company having to provide employees who become a burden on the company's costs. Technological advances enable convergence between communication channels and various things. A technology known as the Internet of Things (IoT) allows customer kWh meters to be recorded in real-time. This research aims to create an Internet of Things (IoT)-based kWh meter that can make it easier for electricity companies to monitor each customer's electricity usage. The IoT kWh meter created can be monitored and controlled from a remote location in real-time. If there is a change in load usage, it will be monitored directly via a mobile device because the kWh meter is directly connected to the internet network and cloud server. To determine the functionality of the tool being made, several tests were carried out, such as a) sensor testing, b) LED indicator, buzzer, and relay testing, c) OLED display testing, d) Firebase database testing, and e) load testing. The test results obtained are used to calculate the error of the tool made with a comparator, and the results show that the percentage of voltage error with different loads is very small, namely 0.35% and 1.45%. This research produced a prototype using ESP32 and PZEM-004T, which is so accurate that it is recommended for recording electrical power, which can reduce the burden on operational costs for electricity companies