17 research outputs found

    Policy Evaluation Analysis on Empowerment of Village Development Program in Ayapo Village, East Sentani District, Jayapura Regency

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    This research analyzes the policy evaluation and measure the successful of such a program. It also prevents irregularity on implementation of government program. By evaluating the program of village empowerment, we are able to determine the success performance rate of that program, whether in province, district, and village. When the evaluation of village empowerment goes well, it will be a correction for next year. So, for the next budgeting year focus on the village empowerment program that increase society participation in development village. It can be concluded that the research aspect on effectively, equalization, determination as the indicator of variable (X) proved that development by Ayapo’s society do not maximal. Since, the society participation has not yet been seen on the most of empowerment programs. Then, there are improvements and increasing on variable (Y) which consist of development health facilities, quality of education, and income. Because, there are physical construction and the society in Ayapo village directly feel the positive impacts


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    The research objectives are first to explore and examine the implementation of the Women's Empowerment Policy in the development process in Nduga Regency; second Identify the factors that hinder the role of Papuan women in the development process in Nduga Regency. Methods of data collection using questionnaires and interviews. Meanwhile, the data analysis used was qualitative descriptive method which included data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results of the study show that firstly, policies related to women's empowerment in the development process in Nduga Regency have not been implemented optimally; The two factors that hinder the participation of Papuan women in the development process in Nduga Regency are external factors (social culture/patriarchy and local government commitment), as well as internal factors (education and dual roles). Suggestions that can be given Do partnerships with traditional leaders, communities. Youth and Women in every village, to share perceptions about increasing women's participation in every line of development; Second,Local governments can ratify various regulations originating from abroad and domestically, so that acceleration/affirmation can be created for women's empowerment in all development sectors. Third, Establish cooperation between the Office of Women's Empowerment with Universities and the Community to conduct studies that are considered for the preparation of gender-responsive regulations, programs and budgets

    Potret Objek Wisata Wilayah Pembangunan II Kabupaten Jayapura

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    Sektor pariwisata sebagai kegiatan perekonomian telah menjadi andalan potensial dan prioritas pengembangan bagi sejumlah negara, terlebih bagi negara berkembang seperti Indonesia yang memiliki potensi wilayah yang luas dengan daya tarik wisata yang cukup besar, banyaknya keindahan alam, aneka warisan sejarah budaya, dan kehidupan masyarakat (etnik). Kekayaan sumber daya alam dan kebudayaan yang dimiliki Kabupaten Jayapura cukup beragam dan tersebar hampir di setiap wilayah pembangunannya, baik berupa potensi alamnya, kearifan kekayaan kebudayaan lokalnya, hingga kekayaan sejarahnya. Di Wilayah pesisir pantai utara Kabupaten Jayapura terdapat deretan pantai-pantai yang indah (pantai Tablanusu, Amai, Dormena, Harlend dan lain-lain), di wilayah selatannya terdapat Danau Sentani. Segala potensi ini memiliki nilai tersendiri bagi sektor pariwisata dan sangat perlu untuk di kembangkan. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan beberapa teknik, yakni sebagai berikut: 1. Pengamatan dan survei lapangan; 2. Wawancara mendalam; 3 Dokumentasi. Jenis data yang dibutuhkan yakni data primer dan sekunder. Hasil analisis menunjukkan: 1. Kondisi eksisting obyek dan destinasi wisata di bagian Wilayah Pembangunan II. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa hampir seluruh destinasi wisata unggulan tersebut belum mencapai nilai standar kelayakan minimal (SKM) menjadi daerah tujuan wisata; 2 Analisis daya dukung potensi wisata Kabupaten Jayapura menunjukkan nilai yang berbeda-beda, antara jenis wisata air dengan wisata sejarah dan wisata budaya. Nilai tersebut menjadi dasar bagi pengelola wisata, untuk dapat membatasi jumlah pengunjung yang mampu ditampung tempat wisata tersebut. nilai tersebut adalah sebagai cerminan dari pengelolaan wisata berkelanjutan yang berbasis terhadap kelestarian ekosistem dan lingkungan

    Potret Perempuan Suku Dani dalam Pembangunan di Kabupaten Jayawijaya Papua

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    Abstract: This study attempts to seekhow well the extentof involvement Dani womenhaveintaking part in the development in Jayawijaya Regency. The focus of this research is to find out the extent of involvement of Dani women in Education, Health, Economy, and Social Sectors. The result of this study indicates that Dani women, viewed from the level of Education, Health, Economy, and Social Sectors have not been directly involved, but only a few involved in the four aspects studied. This is because the workload of women in the domestic sphere is far more than that of men, thus consuming women's time and energy. Besides that, the culture and mutual power are also quite high compared to other regions in Papua. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The purpose of this study was to determine the situation of Dani women based on their involvement in aspects of Education, Health, Economy and Social sectors. The conclusion from this study shows that the participation of Dani women in four aspects of development in Jayawijaya Regency is still very low. Also the Government does not yet have complete disaggregated data between women and men to support the development of existing development processes. Key Words: Women, Dani Tribe, Development, Jayawijaya RegencyAbstrak: Penelitian ini ingin melihat keterlibatan perempuan Suku Dani dalam pembangunan di Kabupaten Jayawijaya. Fokus penelitian ini ingin melihat sejauh mana keterlibatan perempuan Suku Dani dalam pendidikan, kesehatan, ekonomi, dan sosial kemasyarakatan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perempuan Suku Dani dilihat dari tingkat pendidikan, kesehatan, ekonomi, dan bidang sosial kemasyarakatan belum terlibat secara langsung dan masih sedikit dari empat aspek yang diteliti. Hal ini disebabkan karena beban kerja perempuan dalam lingkup domestik jauh lebih banyak daripada laki-laki, sehingga menyita waktu dan tenaga perempuan. Selain itu budaya dan daya saling yang juga cukup tinggi dibanding daerah lainya di Papua. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui keadaan perempuan Suku Dani berdasarkan keterlibatan mereka dalam aspek pendidikan, kesehatan, ekonomi dan sosial kemasyarakatan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa keikutsertaan perempuan Suku Dani dalam empat aspek pembangunan di Kabupaten Jayawijaya masih sangat rendah. Juga pemerintah belum lengkap memiliki data terpilah antara perempuan dan laki-laki guna menunjang pembangunan proses pembangunan yang ada. Kata kunci: Perempuan, Suku Dani, Pembangunan, Kabupaten Jayawijay


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    This article discusses the Implementation of capacity building policies for the village apparatus in the Abepura District, Kota Jayapura. Policy Implementation in principle is a way for a policy to achieve its goals. The purpose of this study is to analize the implementation of capacity building policies for the village apparatus later as government administrators. The type of research used in this study used a qualitative method, the focus of this research was on developing the capacity of the village government apparatus by using Implementation theory according to Merilee S. Grindle. The development of the apparatus capacity in the village of Nafri has not been carried out by the village government because it has not been budgeted for in the RKPKampung. So far, the village government has only implemented local government program through the related OPD by participating in training held by the relevant Office. Not all village officials were involved in training activities, only the village head, village secretary, and treasurer. This resulted in a lack of professionalism of the apparatus in carrying out their duties and functions in the village government, both in carrying out village administration and village financial management. Factors that influence the implementation of policies as well as the efforts made to implement the policy of developing the capacity of the apparatus in the village of Nafri, namely by increasing abilities in the field of work, increasing insight and knowledge, talents and potential, personality and work motives, and capital and work ethic

    Implementasi Kebijakan Undang-Undang Nomor 52 Tahun 2009 dalam Meminimalkan Tindakan Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga di Kabupaten Jayawijaya

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sejauh mana implementasi kebijakan Undang-Undang Nomor 52 Tahun 2009, faktor-faktor pendukung dan penghambat implementasi kebijakan, serta upaya pemerintah meminimalkan tindakan kekerasan dalam rumah tangga di Kabupaten Jayawijaya, dengan fokus pada lima fungsi keluarga (agama, sosial budaya, pendidikan, ekonomi, dan kesetaraan). Desain penelitian kualitatif digunakan untuk mengevaluasi implementasi dari suatu kebijakan atau program. Pengumpulan data melalui wawancara diperoleh dari anggota masyarakat dari 40 distrik di Kabupaten Jayawijaya, yang diklasifikasikan sebagai informan utama dengan jumlah 17 orang pelaku, 17 orang korban, dan 2 orang pendamping korban. Analisis data kualitatif meliputi pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan (verifikasi). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi kebijakan Undang-Undang Nomor 52 Tahun 2009 berdasarkan lima fungsi keluarga (fungsi agama, sosial budaya, pendidikan, ekonomi dan kesetaraan) berdampak pada penurunan jumlah tindakan kekerasan dalam rumah tangga yang signifikan pada tahun 2018 sejak sosialisasi Undang-Undang yang dilakukan tahun 2014. Hal tersebut didukung oleh adanya lembaga perwakilan BKKBN di tingkat provinsi dan DP3AKB di tingkat kabupaten, sementara faktor penghambat implementasi kebijakan antara lain faktor demografi serta tidak maksimalnya sosialisasi dan penyebarluasan informasi. Pemerintah melalui DP3AKB Kabupaten Jayawijaya telah melakukan upaya preventif dengan sosialisasi, penyuluhan, dan penyebarluasan informasi; memberikan pendidikan, pelatihan gender bagi aparat pendamping maupun korban; mengirim aparat pendamping Kabupaten Jayawijaya untuk mengikuti seminar-seminar dan penyuluhan tentang KDRT; meningkatkan profesionalisme kerja pendamping korban keterampilan dan kemampuan pendamping korban dalam menyelesaikan setiap kasus; serta bekerja sama dengan psikiater atau psikolog

    Implementasi Kebijakan Undang-Undang Nomor 52 Tahun 2009 dalam Meminimalkan Tindakan Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga di Kabupaten Jayawijaya

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sejauh mana implementasi kebijakan Undang-Undang Nomor 52 Tahun 2009, faktor-faktor pendukung dan penghambat implementasi kebijakan, serta upaya pemerintah meminimalkan tindakan kekerasan dalam rumah tangga di Kabupaten Jayawijaya, dengan fokus pada lima fungsi keluarga (agama, sosial budaya, pendidikan, ekonomi, dan kesetaraan). Desain penelitian kualitatif digunakan untuk mengevaluasi implementasi dari suatu kebijakan atau program. Pengumpulan data melalui wawancara diperoleh dari anggota masyarakat dari 40 distrik di Kabupaten Jayawijaya, yang diklasifikasikan sebagai informan utama dengan jumlah 17 orang pelaku, 17 orang korban, dan 2 orang pendamping korban. Analisis data kualitatif meliputi pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan (verifikasi). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi kebijakan Undang-Undang Nomor 52 Tahun 2009 berdasarkan lima fungsi keluarga (fungsi agama, sosial budaya, pendidikan, ekonomi dan kesetaraan) berdampak pada penurunan jumlah tindakan kekerasan dalam rumah tangga yang signifikan pada tahun 2018 sejak sosialisasi Undang-Undang yang dilakukan tahun 2014. Hal tersebut didukung oleh adanya lembaga perwakilan BKKBN di tingkat provinsi dan DP3AKB di tingkat kabupaten, sementara faktor penghambat implementasi kebijakan antara lain faktor demografi serta tidak maksimalnya sosialisasi dan penyebarluasan informasi. Pemerintah melalui DP3AKB Kabupaten Jayawijaya telah melakukan upaya preventif dengan sosialisasi, penyuluhan, dan penyebarluasan informasi; memberikan pendidikan, pelatihan gender bagi aparat pendamping maupun korban; mengirim aparat pendamping Kabupaten Jayawijaya untuk mengikuti seminar-seminar dan penyuluhan tentang KDRT; meningkatkan profesionalisme kerja pendamping korban keterampilan dan kemampuan pendamping korban dalam menyelesaikan setiap kasus; serta bekerja sama dengan psikiater atau psikolog


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    The election of regional heads is a tool to increase public participation in the life of the nation and state and can be regulated through a mechanism of openness and equality for every citizen and is a process of transitioning leaders of a region that involves the real role of the public or the people in a sovereign manner. The objectives of this study: 1. To examine and analyze how the implementation of the Regional Head Election Policy (Pemilukada) in Waropen 2020. 2. To examine and analyze the supporting and inhibiting factors of the Implementation of the Regional Head Election Policy (Pemilukada) in Waropen 2020. The methodology of this research is descriptive qualitative. . The results of this study indicate that the Waropen Regional Head Election was carried out in the following indicators: 1). Standard policy targets. 2). Policy resources. 3). Communication between organizations. 4). Characteristics of the implementing agency. 5). Executor attitude. 6). Social, political and economic conditions. Of these six indicators, the independence and individual organizers of the event are still involved in supporting one of the candidates for the 2020 Regent and Deputy Regent. Conclusion. 1. Standards and policy objectives the statutory provisions in guarding the Regional Head Election are free, general, honest, fair and dignified as regulated in the regulations, but in practice there is a delay in entering the Covid-19 pandemic. 2. Policy resources and implementing characteristics are available both through regulations, but the consistency of the organizers is still questionable. 3. Filling in the composition of people or members of the organizers (KPUD commissioners, PPK/PPD, KPPS and KPU witnesses) is delayed. 4. Late budgeting affects the activities of each stage of the General Election. 5. Logistics and other supporting facilities were delayed. Suggestions: 1. It is hoped that the standards and policy objectives as regulated in the provisions of the legislation related to the Election of Regional Heads are supported by good quality organizers (KPUD, PPK/PPD, PPS and KPPS). 2. It is expected that the provision of policy resources and characteristics of implementers is on time on the indicators. a. Provision of various regulatory policies. b. Office and work administration. c. Fill in the composition of people or members of the organizers (KPUD commissioners, PPK/PPD, KPPS and KPU witnesses). d. Budgeting and e. Logistics and other supporting facilities. 3. It is expected that the attitude of implementers and communication between organizations related to the implementation of the Warope Regional Head Election remains independent or professional and is not involved in the succession of regional heads. 4. It is hoped that the quality of social democracy, health protocols, political maturity and the candidates for the Regent and Deputy Regent do not stipulate the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD)

    The Analysis of Implementation of Integrated Village Program-Establishing the Era of Independent Society for the Development in Pobaim Village, Nimboran District, Jayapura Regency

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    Policy and development are associated concepts. To improve the quality of life, policy must be made within the context of development. Policy so made becomes the manual for implementing development goals into various programs and projects. Nowadays, the failure of development which has been aimed at the growth of the economy, and which has the characteristics of being centralized and top-down, has increased the awareness of the need for development agents to include the dimension of empowerment in the national development strategy. Empowerment development strategy has already been implemented in Jayapura regency. This basic strategy is aimed at inspiring the people in the districts and villages to take initiative in independent development. The popular participation of the society has made the implementation of common goals in the district achieved so effectively that the development of Pobaim village, Nimboran district, and Jayapura regency can be done maximally and the society can achieve independence in the implementation of development. The limitation of this research is that it is only done in one location. Research done in different locations may produce different result

    Effectiveness of Health Sector Special Autonomy Funds Management Program Supiori Regency, Papua

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    Under the Special Autonomy Law, indigenous Papuans receive special attention and are the main subject of development. The existence of the central government, provincial government, district/city governments, as well as subordinate institutions, are all geared to provide the best service to the indigenous people of Papua, in order that improvedsocial welfare can be realized, so that the lives of indigenous people of Papua can be in line with that of the rest of the population in Indonesia. There are four very important service sectors within the strategic mandate of the Special Autonomy Law to be implemented by the government in relation to the welfare of indigenous Papuans, namely: education, health and nutrition, village infrastructure, and economic empowerment. Supiori local government has yet to determine the performance indicators pertaining to implemented programs and activities funded by Special Autonomy. These conditions make the assessment of performance against the use of Special Autonomy funds difficult because indicators of achievement of the program/ activity are not available.Types of data collected in this study include both secondary and primary data. The data collection techniques used in this study are:Questionnaires and Distributed Questionnaires, In-Depth Interviews, Library Research, and Focus Group Discussions.Supiori Autonomy health sector funding of the programs and activities of the Department of Health in 2012 has been quite effective and beneficial for the Health Services Unit, which includes hospitals, health centers and Puskesmas Pembantu health center. In addition, medical personnel (nurses), Posyandu cadres, pregnant and nursing mothers, infants and toddlers, children and the community district also enjoy greater health benefits.There needs to be involvement and participation in the Health Services Unit Autonomy fund management, in areas ranging from planning to follow-up. Participation can be done through discussions about Health Services Unit needs, as well as the needs foundin the planning and budgeting of Special Autonomy funds in the Supiori health field