284 research outputs found

    Bank Liquidity-stress Testing and Basel III Implementation in Indonesia

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    This study analyzes the possibility of the implementation of the Basel III, namely the rules of banking sector. The population analyzed in this study comprises the 120 banks in Indonesia. The result shows that Indonesian banking sector has tremendous value if the Basel III standards is applied in Indonesia. Bank BCA has the lowest values with a score of 8.89 while Bank BRI has the highest value with a score of 9.68. This study concludes that the standard rules of Basel III would be able to be implemented in Indonesia

    Persepsi Akademisi Mengenai Peranan Kehidupan Beragama di Indonesia dalam Perspektif Sosial Budaya (Studi pada Universitas Muria Kudus)

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    Fenomena yang ada saat ini menunjukkan bahwa masalah sosial dan kehidupan rolereligious cukup kental terasa . Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui akar penyebab sosial keagamaan di Indonesia , mengetahui peran kehidupan beragama di Indonesia dalam menangani isu-isu sosial-keagamaan , melihat apakah nilai-nilai agama telah menjadi bagian dari agama , dan untuk menguji secara empiris adanya perbedaan persepsi antara dosen dan mahasiswa mengenai kehidupan rolereligious di Indonesia dalam perspektif sosial-budaya . Data diperoleh dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada dosen dan mahasiswa yang dipilih secara acak di Universitas Muria Kudus . Analisis deskriptif data kualitatif untuk menjelaskan secara deskriptif data yang diperoleh dari informasi akademik tentang: masalah sosial dan lingkungan di Indonesia , peran kehidupan beragama di Indonesia dalam menangani masalah sosial dan lingkungan , dan apakah nilai-nilai agama telah menjadi bagian dari budaya . Hasil analisis deskriptif akar masalah sosial- agama di Indonesia adalah sistem nilai miskin , alam dan pemahaman agama yang buruk . Faktor yang mendasari adalah pendidikan dan pengalaman dosen operasional spesifik . Rata-rata persepsi dosen adalah 2,2098 , yang berarti tidak setuju bahwa kehidupan beragama dalam perspektif sosial-budaya telah sangat baik di Indosesia . Sementara rata-rata persepsi siswa adalah 3,1581 , menunjukkan jawabannya cukup berperan


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    Penelitian yang dilakukan pada daerah studi adalah berupa koridor jalan yang mempunyai panjang 7 km yang mempunyai permasalahan mengenai elemen rancang kota, di tunjang dengan analisis serta arahan mengenai delapan (8) elemen rancang kota yang terdiri dari Guna lahan, Bentuk dan Tata Massa Bangunan, Sirkulasi dan Parkir, Tata Informasi, Pendukung Kegiatan, Jalur Pedestrian, Jalur Hijau Jalan dan Bangunan Bersejarah.  Koridor Jalan Jenderal Sudirman merupakan satu-satunya pusat pertumbuhan perekonomian di Kabupaten Bangka Selatan. Pada koridor jalan jenderal sudirman ini terdapat beberapa kegiatan seperti permukiman, perkantoran, pemerintahan, perdagangan, dan jasa. Perkembangan Koridor Jalan Jenderal Sudirman saat ini tidak diimbangi dengan kelengkapan elemen rancang kota yang baik. Hasil penelitian ini adalah bahwa pertumbuhan koridor jalan jenderal sudirman yang sangat pesat harus didukung oleh penataan khususnya penataan elemen rancang kota, sehingga terciptanya koridor jalan jenderal sudirman yang dapat meningkatkan kualitas lingkungan.  Rekomendasi dari penelitian ini adalah melakukan arahan penataan terhadap kedelapan (8) elemen rancang kota yang terdiri dari Guna lahan, Bentuk dan Tata Massa Bangunan, Sirkulasi dan Parkir, Tata Informasi, Pendukung Kegiatan, Jalur Pedestrian, Jalur Hijau Jalan dan Bangunan Bersejarah.&nbsp

    The Influence Profitability, Financial Leverage, and Firm Size on Income Smoothing Empirical Studies on Banking Companies Listed on Stock Exchanges in Indonesia 2009-2012

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    The purpose of this study is to examine profitability, financial leverage, and firm size, on income smoothing in banking companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange 2009-2012. This study uses income smoothing as the dependent variable, the independent variable we use profitability, financial leverage, and firm size. Purposive sampling method we used to get the sample, and from 32 firms that we observed, we got 19 firms as the samples. To analize the data Multiple Linier Regression, F-test and t-test analysis are used SPSS 20. The results shows that the information profitability, financial leverage, and firm size variables simultaneously have significant effect on income smoothing. Meanwhile partially, Profitability has negative significant effect on income smoothing, financial leverage has positive significant on income smoothing and firm size has positive significant effect on income soothing.Keywords: Profitability, Financial Leverage, Firm Size and Income Smoothin


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    Patologi Anatomi Palembang merupakan unit kesehatan milik Rumah Sakit Mohammad Hosein (RSMH) Palembang untuk mendiagnosis penyakit dan memperoleh informasi yang berguna secara klinis melalui pemeriksaan jaringan dan sel, yang umumnya melibatkan pemeriksaan visual kasar dan mikroskopik pada jaringan, dengan pengecatan khusus dan imunohistokimia yang dimanfaatkan untuk memvisualisasikan protein khusus dan zat lain pada dan di sekeliling sel. Perancangan data warehouse dan data mining adalah salah satu cara yang dapat digunakan untuk mendapatkan informasi dari data yang banyak tersebut. Salah satu informasinya adalah unit patologi anatomi tersebut dapat melihat dan mendapatkan informasi mengenai data pasien yang di dapat dengan menentukan tingkat penyakit yang diderita disemua umur diberbagai dimensi dengan manfaat dapat mempermudah dalam tingkat diagnosa yang diderita. Pengklasifikasian dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode entropy. Dengan klasifikasi tersebut dapat melihat probability dan coefficient dari data pasien tersebut

    Peran Guru dalam Mengembangkan Sosialitas Siswa Kelas XI IPS 2 Sman 1 Kuala Mandor B

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    The aims of this research is to know how is the role of teacher develop students sociality on grade XI IPS 2 at SMAN 1 Kuala Mandor B. The approach of this research is used the qualitative approach with descriptive method. The technique of data collecting in this research the researcher uses interview, observation and documentation study. The informant of this research consist with 5 teachers and 5 students in grade XI IPS 2. The results of this research indicate that teachers have a role to develop sociality students consisting of the teacher\u27s role in guiding students mutual respect among friends with the teacher scolded the students who will be do bully other friends. The role of the teacher in directing students to respect their peers to lead students in a cooperative group work and role of the teacher in directing student\u27s tolerance among friends by directing students to help friends affected

    Analisa Kelayakan Investasi Usaha Pembenihan Ikan di Balai Benih Ikan (Bbi) Lokal Kabupaten Kubu Raya

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    Business Investment Feasibility Analysis of Fish Hatchery in Local Fish Breeding Center (BBI) of Kubu Raya Regency. Development of freshwater fish farming in Kubu Raya regency is highly depends on the availability of qualified fish seed, since it is the input for the fish farmers. In relation with the provision of qualified fish seeds, the local government through the Department of Fisheries and Marine has build a local fish breeding center (BBI) in Kubu Raya regencyas aunit that produces qulified fish seed. It aimstomeet the needs of fish seed in Kubu Raya, so that may contribute toan increase in local revenue (PAD). The objective of this researchare: to analyze the demand of the type and the amount of fish seeds in Kubu Raya regency, how muchfish seeds produced in accordance with the capacity of facilities and infrastructure in BBI;to analyze the feasibility of a fish hatchery business investments, how much profit sobtained compared to costs incurred by local governments which can contribute to the increased of PAD; and to analyze the sensitivity of investment feasibility fish hatchery operations in the event of changes in the factors that may affect the benefits and costs . This research was conducted by using a qualitative descriptive and Microsoft Excel program to assess the feasibility of business investment in fish hatchery local BBI of Kubu Raya regency. Based on the analysis of fish seed demand in Kubu Raya regency, namely 4.084 million seed catfish, 2.776 million tilapia and 808.640 carp, while in West Kalimantan fish seed requirement are 36,106,560 catfish, 20,913,680 tilapia and 20,482,880 carp. Fish seed production capacity in local BBI of Kubu Raya Regency is 2.288 million seed catfish, 1.884 million seed tilapia and 1.055 million seedcarp. The results of the feasibility analysis of business investment in fish hatchery local BBI of Kubu Raya regency shows NPV = 4,698,084, Net B/C 1.19, IRR 16.17% and PBP 5 years 1 month with10 years project duration, and thus the investment business in fish hatchery local BBI of Kubu Raya regencyis feasible. Sensitivity analysis shows that if there is an increase of production costs (feed, fertilizer, lime and drugs) of 7.62%, the value of profitability NPV = 4,575,511, net B/C 1.101, IRR 16, 11%, and PBP 5 years 6 months. In conclusion, business investment of fish hatcheries in local BBI Kubu Raya regency is feasible. Keywords : Demand seeds , investment feasibility, fish hatchery, Local BBI

    Mekanisme Ketahanan Terinduksi Oleh Plant Growth Promotting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) Pada Tanaman Cabai Terinfeksi Cucumber Mosaik Virus (CMV)

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    . Taufik, M., A. Rahman, A. Wahab, and S.H. Hidayat. 2010. Induced Resistant Mechanism byPlant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) on Pepper Plants Infected By Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV).Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria can suppress disease intensity through systematical induction resistance or yieldhormone of growth regulator. The purpose of this research was to determine the mechanism of induced resistance CMVinfected chilli plants by measureing accumulate salicylated acid (SA), peroxidase (reverse transcriptase-polymerasechain reaction) (RT-PCR) and banding patterns of plant protein. The results showed that the application of PGPR canreduce of disease incidence pepper plants that was infected by CMV. Application PGPR can significantly improveplant growth and reduce the occurence of CMV infection symptoms. Mixture of isolates PG 01 and BG 25 gave betterresponse of plant growth compared to other treatments. The occurence of the disease on infected chilli plants treatedwith isolates mixture of PG 01 and BG 25, and single isolate of BG 25 was 8.33%, while the application of singleisolate of PG 01 caused the desease intensity up to 16.67%. The accumulation of salicylates acid and peroxydasewas higher in the chilli plants applied by PGPR. The technique of RT-PCR was able to detect CMV using spesificprimers. No difference of total protein band patterns between tested plants and control
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