73 research outputs found
Agama dalam Kehidupan Individu
Religion as a form of human belief in something supernatural or supernatural turns out to be as if accompanying humans in the broad scope of life. Religion has values for human life as people per person and in relation to social life. Besides that religion also has an impact on everyday life. The influence of religion in an individual's life is to give inner stability, feeling of happiness, feeling of protection, a sense of success and satisfaction. This positive feeling will further be a motivator to do religion in the life of an individual besides being a motivation and ethical value is also hope
Analisis Karakteristik Peserta Didik
A teacher in conducting the learning planning process needs to understand the characteristics and initial abilities of students. Analysis of learners\u27 initial abilities is an activity of identifying learners in terms of needs and characteristics to determine behavioral or goal and material specifications and qualifications.Interaction between teacher and students, students and others are no longer unilateral but are more emotional and sympathetic or interactive relationships through the teaching and learning process. Students are no longer an object of education but have been reduced to polarization of thinking by stating that students as students, a fun and exciting interaction process makes learning effective
The Influence Profitability, Financial Leverage, and Firm Size on Income Smoothing Empirical Studies on Banking Companies Listed on Stock Exchanges in Indonesia 2009-2012
The purpose of this study is to examine profitability, financial leverage, and firm size, on income smoothing in banking companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange 2009-2012. This study uses income smoothing as the dependent variable, the independent variable we use profitability, financial leverage, and firm size. Purposive sampling method we used to get the sample, and from 32 firms that we observed, we got 19 firms as the samples. To analize the data Multiple Linier Regression, F-test and t-test analysis are used SPSS 20. The results shows that the information profitability, financial leverage, and firm size variables simultaneously have significant effect on income smoothing. Meanwhile partially, Profitability has negative significant effect on income smoothing, financial leverage has positive significant on income smoothing and firm size has positive significant effect on income soothing.Keywords: Profitability, Financial Leverage, Firm Size and Income Smoothin
Analisis Hasil Tangkapan Rajungan (Swimming Crab) Dengan Bubu Lipat Berdasarkan Faktor Hidro-oseanografi Di Perairan Betahwalang Demak
Desa Betahwalang adalah salah satu desa di Kabupaten Demak yang merupakan suatu desa penghasil rajungan (swimming crab). Peningkatan teknologi maupun pengetahuan daerah penangkapan rajungan penting dilakukan sebagai faktor keberhasilan dalam memaksimalkan operasi penangkapan rajungan.Tujuannya adalah untuk menganalisa daerah penangkapan dan keadaan oseanografi dari daerah penangkapan rajungan di perairan Betahwalang Demak dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif dan metode purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian berupa gambaran keadaan oseanografi dan peta daerah penangkapan rajungan yang menunjukan persebaran daerah operasi penangkapan rajungan menggunakan bubu lipat di perairan Betahwalang. Persebaran daerah penangkapan rajungan menggunakan bubu tersebar dari kedalaman 17,9-31,2 m dengan subtrat perairan berupa lumpur liat. Kedalaman 15,1-20 m memiliki suhu 27-310C dengan salinitas 29-31 ppt. Kedalaman 20,1-25 m suhu perairan 27-300C dengan salinitas 29-32 ppt. Kedalaman 25,1-30 m suhu perairan 280C-300C dengan salinitas berkisar 30-31 ppt. Kedalaman 30,1-35 m suhu perairan 28-290C dan salinitas 30-31 ppt. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa daerah penangkapan rajungan yang potensial pada kedalaman 25,1-35 m dengan salinitas berkisar 30-31 ppt dan hasil tangkapan terbanyak pada titik koordinat lintang 06°41\u2718.81" bujur 110°27\u2753.06" dengan berat 3.080 gram. Betahwalang village in Demak Regency is one of Rajungan ( swimming crab ) producers in Demak that has economical selling value and of export fishery commodity. The improvement of technology and knowledge about fishing ground in catching rajungan is greatly needed.The aim of this research was to analyze the fishing ground and oceanography of rajungan fishing ground in Betahlawang waters Demak Central Java using descriptive method. The results of this research were the oceanography description and rajungan fishing ground map that showed the spreading area of rajungan capture operation using folded trap in Betahlawang waters. It was spread from 17.9 m to 31.2 m in depth with water sediment of clay. The depth of 15.1 m to 20 m had average temperature of 270C to 310C with salinity of about 29 ppt to 31 ppt. The depth of 20.1 m to 25 m had average temperature of 270C to 300C with salinity of about 29 ppt to 32 ppt. The depth of 25.1 m to 30 m had average temperature of 280C to 300C with salinity of about 30 ppt to 31 ppt. The depth of 30.1 m to 35 m had average temperature of 280C to 290C with salinity of about 30 ppt to 31 ppt. The result of this research showed that the potential fishing ground was in the depth of 25.1- 35 m with salinity of 30- 31 ppt. The results showed that the potential crab fishing area at depths ranging from 25.1 to 35 m with a salinity of 30-31 ppt and most of the catch at point 06 ° latitude 41\u2718 .81 "longitude 110 ° 27\u2753 .06" with a weight of 3,080 grams
Analisis Kandungan Kadmium (Cd) dan Timbal (Pb) pada Air Sumur Gali Penduduk di Sekitar Industri Daur Ulang Aki dan Gangguan Kesehatan pada Masyarakat Desa Bandar Khalipah Kabupaten Deli Serdang Tahun 2013
Battery recycling industry is one effective way to avoid the junk pile B3. However, the processing is not oriented environment it becomes a threat to the environment and the health of the surrounding population. The objective of this study to know the content of Cadmium and Plumbum in the public dig well water around the battery recycling industry and health problems in public. Kind of descriptive study that observatifs sanitary dig well, the content of Cadmium and Plumbum in water dig well, and health problems in public living around the battery recycling indusrtry. Sample wells were taken 10 point 50 meters from the industry, and people who live im the Dusun III. The research found sanitary well contamination risk (100%), standard water containing Cd eligible (100%) and Pb (90%). Drinking water standards are not eligible Cd (20%) and Pb (100%). Helath problems in public include itching of the skin (25%), dry scaly skin disorders (21,7%), itchy and scaly skin disorders (15,2%), nausea (6,5%), death taste (21,7%), black feaces (42,4%), bone pain and difficulty moving (1,1%), back pain (2,2%) and increased blood pressure (7,6%). Suggested the role of government in an effort to control the industry and increasing public knowledge about well water contamination from battery recycling industry and sanitary dig well through training, extension and restoration, so avoid health problems
Sistem Pengamanan Mobil Berbasis Plc Menggunakan Ip Camera
Monitoring technology is growing at this time can be used to reduce motor vehicle theft especially in the car. This is done, because of the lack of existing security systems in motor vehicles. For that, they invented a tool that can reduce theft, is to create a tool that auto security system controlled by PLC with the IP Camera, which can send an early warning to the owner of the car by SMS and send proof IP Camera catches image via email. Monitoring using the Internet IP Camera using media that can be accessed remotely. PLC will shut off the car so the owner can immediately come to the site, so avoid car theft. This tool can send you early notification via SMS with 90% success rate close to BTS (quiet hours) and 70% near the BTS (rush hour), 80% away from the BTS (quiet hours) and 60% away from the BTS (rush hour). Tool thief can send pictures via email proof with 96.67% success rate close to BTS (quiet hours) and 83.33% close to BTS (rush hour), 90% away from the BTS (quiet hours) and 80% away from the BTS (hours busy)
Perbedaan Warna Umpan Tiruan Terhadap Hasil Tangkapan Ikan Tongkol (Euthynnus Affinis) Pada Alat Tangkap Pancing Tonda Di Perairan Karimunjawa Jepara
Kepulauan Karimunjawa terletak di Kabupaten Jepara, Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Daerah ini sangat berbeda dengan daerah lainnya, Kepulauan Karimunjawa dipisahkan oleh Laut Jawa dari Pulau Jawa dan merupakan suatu kelompok pulau-pulau kecil yang berjumlah 27 pulau. Walaupun merupakan pulau-pulau kecil yang terpisah oleh lautan, Karimunjawa mempunyai potensi perikanan yang besar, hal ini terlihat dari produksi perikanan tahun 2005 sebesar 92.022 kg dimana produksi ini masih berada dibawah nilai potensi lestari Karimunjawa, yaitu sebesar 167.734,45 kg. Berhasilnya suatu USAha penangkapan ikan tergantung pada pengetahuan yang cukup mengenai tingkah laku ikan yang merupakan dasar dari metode penangkapan ikan, juga merupakan kunci bagi perbaikan metode penangkapan ikan yang telah diketahui serta penemuan metode yang baru. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, persoalan umpan dan reaksi ikan terhadap rangsangan buatan, secara alamiah perlu diteliti untuk dapat memperbaiki serta mengubah alat maupun metode, sehingga dapat meningkatkan efisiensi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan warna umpan tiruan yang paling efektif untuk menangkap ikan Tongkol (Euthynnus affinis) dengan menggunakan alat tangkap pancing tonda (troll line) di Perairan Karimunjawa Jepara. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode experimental fishing, yang dilaksanakan pada bulan November 2012 di Perairan Karimunjawa Jepara. Warna umpan tiruan yang diujicobakan adalah warna merah, hijau dan biru serta warna putih sebagai kontrol dari ketiga warna umpan tersebut. Hasil tangkapan rata-rata per trip untuk umpan tiruan warna putih yaitu 35 ekor, umpan tiruan warna merah yaitu 75 ekor, umpan tiruan warna hijau yaitu 65 ekor dan umpan tiruan warna biru yaitu 45 ekor. Pengaruh warna umpan tiruan pada alat tangkap pancing tonda (troll line) pada penelitian ini yaitu berpengaruh terhadap jumlah hasil tangkapan ikan Tongkol (Euthynnus affinis), karena dari jumlah total maupun jumlah berat, umpan tiruan warna merah mendapatkan hasil tangkapan lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan ketiga warna umpan tiruan lainnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penggunaan umpan tiruan warna merah berpengaruh terhadap hasil tangkapan ikan Tongkol (Euthynnus affinis) dan mendapatkan hasil tangkapan terbanyak
Probiotik sebagai Pengatur Komposisi Gut microbiota dalam Menghambat Progresivitas Parkinson’s Disease
Background: Parkinson's Disease (PD) is one of the most common neurodegenerative diseases at the age of 40-70 years. Disorders of the Gut-Microbiota-Brain Axis have been linked to bacterial metabolite products that play a role in the occurrence of neuroinflammation. Understanding precisely the role of the neuroinflammatory process in PD can lead to an understanding of how PD occurs and its relation to gut microbiota (GM).
Objectives: To determine the effectiveness of probiotics as a therapeutic target to inhibit the progression of PD.
Methods: Literature study method by collecting valid references regarding GM and PD and the relationship between them.
Discussion: Evidence from in vivo trials using Alpha-Synuclease-Overexpressing (αSyn) mice reported that Dysbiosis GM can cause inflammation by activating microglia cells and increasing proinflammatory cytokines modulated by metabolite products of Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCFAs)  which lead to the occurrence of alpha-Synuclein aggregation and leads to the progression of PD. One of the microbes that have decreased the number of Dysbiosis GM is Lactobacillus rhamnous GG, which has a neuroprotective role in inhibiting the progression of PD. Microbiota-targeted interventions using the probiotic L-GG method have shown a positive effect on inhibiting PD progression.
Conclusion: GM dysbiosis caused by PD has a pathway that can increase the progression of PD. This can be used as a therapeutic target, microbial composition engineering with the method of giving L-GG probiotics to be a solution in inhibiting the progression of PD by restoring the neuroprotective effect of L-GG.
Keywords: alpha-Synuclein (αSyn), Gut Microbiota (GM), Lactobacillus rhamnous GG (L-GG), Parkinson's Disease (PD), Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCFAs)
Latar Belakang: Penyakit Parkinson (Parkinson’s Disease/PD) adalah salah satu penyakit neurodegeneratif yang paling banyak terjadi pada usia 40-70 tahun. Dewasa kini, gangguan pada Gut-Microbiota-Brain Axis telah dihubungkan dengan produk metabolit bakteri yang berperan pada terjadinya neuroinflamasi. Memahami secara tepat peranan dari proses neuroinflamasi pada Parkinson Disease (PD) dapat membawa pemahaman terhadap bagaimana PD timbul dan kaitannya dengan mikroba usus (Gut Microbiota/GM).
Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui efektivitas probiotik sebagai target terapi untuk menghambat progresivitas PD.
Metode: Literature reviewini disusun menggunakan metode studi pustaka dengan mengumpulkan referensi yang valid mengenai GM dan PD serta hubungan antar keduanya.
Pembahasan: Bukti uji coba in vivo menggunakan tikus Alpha-Synuclease-Overexpressing (ASO) dilaporkan bahwa Dysbiosis Gut Microbiota dapat menyebabkan terjadinya inflamasi dengan mekanisme pengaktifan sel mikroglia dan peningkatan sitokin proinflamasi yang dimodulasi oleh produk metabolit Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCFAs) yang mengarahkan pada terjadinya agregasi alpha-Synuclein (αSyn) dan berujung pada progresivitas PD. Salah satu mikroba yang mengalami penurunan jumlah pada Dysbiosis Gut Microbiota adalah Lactobacillus rhamnous GG (L-GG), yang memiliki peran neuroprotektif dalam menghambat progresivitas PD. Intervensi berbasis Microbiota-targeted dengan metode penggunaan probiotik L-GG telah menunjukkan efek positif pada penghambatan progresivitas PD.
Kesimpulan: Dysbiosis GM memiliki jalur yang mampu meningkatkan progresivitas dari penyakit parkinson. Hal ini mampu dimanfaatkan sebagai target terapi, rekayasa komposisi mikroba dengan metode pemberian probiotik L-GG menjadi solusi dalam menghambat progresivitas PD dengan mengembalikan efek neuroprotektif dari L-GG.
Kata Kunci: alpha-Synuclein (αSyn), Gut Microbiota(GM), Lactobacillus rhamnous GG (L-GG), Parkinson Disease (PD), Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCFAs
Da'wah delivered by the Holy Prophet, not only to the ahlul kitab, but to the plural society where he convey the religious message to the people in order to implement the Shari'ah of the religion correctly and responsibly following the guidance of the Qur'an and Hadith towards the creation of a peaceful, secure society , and affluent. The ongoing process makes every individual understand fully that dakwah is a duty with all responsibility and is accompanied by a consequence of obtaining God's approval. The nature of da'wah is not just to invite people to accept what a dai calls for, nor a person's intelligence in the pulpit or the ability to put ideas through writing. Moreover, da'wah is a horizontal relationship with each other that is interdependent. From here, there is another side that must be understood by those who carry out this missionary mandate, given that the duty and responsibility of a dai is a very big thing, let alone the activities of da'wah from time to time, from generation to generation, even from century to century, of course very varied, because will be found various challenges
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