45 research outputs found

    Correlation between aggressive behaviour and stress in people with intellectual disability in relation to the type of housing

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    Backround: Several research findings indicate that aggression in individuals with intellectual disability (ID) is significantly associated with environmental, housing and living conditions. The aim of this study is to determine levels and forms of aggressive behaviour found among individuals with ID; also examine levels of stress experienced as a result of housing conditions and relationships between aggressive behaviours and stressful experiences encountered among individuals with ID living in different housing types. Method: A total of 122 participants participated in the study, 51 of whom reside in institutions, 38 of whom live with families and 33 of whom participate in supported housing programmes. Following instruments have been used: The Lifestress Inventory, The Adult Scale of Hostility and Aggression Reactive-Proactive (A-SHARP). Results: The results reveal that there is a connection between housing types and levels and forms of aggressive behaviour and the level of stress experienced by the individuals with ID. Aggressive behaviour is least pronounced among the participants living in supported housing programmes (verbal aggression: p=0.001; bullying: p=0.002; covert aggression; p=0.003; hostility affect: p=0.002 and physical aggression: p=0.001). Among the participants living in institutions and with families is no statistically significant difference in terms of the level of any form of aggressive behaviour. Participants from supported housing programmes showed significantly lower levels of stress in comparison to the other two sub-samples (p=0.000). Conclusions: There is a statistically significant correlation between aggressive behaviour among individuals with ID and experienced stress, depending on the type of the participants housing

    Faktori problema u ponaÅ”anju i tip stanovanja osoba sa intelektualnom ometenoŔću

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    Behavioural problems of adults with intellectual disability, (ID) like aggression, auto aggression and destructive behaviour, can often be caused by external factors, such as: frustration, ignoring their needs, limited choice of activities or inadequate communication. The aim of this research was to confirm the impact of different causes of behavioral problems of adults with ID depending on the type of housing. The research starts from the presumption that the intensity and appearance of behavioural problems of people with ID depend on the type of housing. The research sample consists of 122 adults with moderate ID, between 17 and 79 years of age (AS=39.95; SD=13.90). The sample is divided into three sub-samples: the first sub-sample are people with ID who live in inpatient institutions (n=51), the second sub-sample are adults with ID who live with their families (n=38) and the third sub-sample are people with ID who are included in the programme of supported housing (n=33). The questionnaire 'Questions About Behaviour Functions' (QABF, Matson & Vollmer, 1995) was used in this research. The research results show that the type of housing of adults with ID influences the presence of behavioural problems. Statistically significant differences were present in all variables which indicate different causes of behavioural problems with regard to the type of housing. In the subsample of the examinees included in the programme of supported housing, behavioural problems are statistically less present comparing to the other two subsamples(p=0.000). The participants who live in families and institutions have similar results, except in the variable of material cause of problematic behaviour, where statistically significant differences were present in all three sub-samples. The age of participants does not have statistically significant effect on the appearance of behavioural problems factors.Problemi u ponaÅ”anju odraslih osoba sa intelektualnom ometenoŔću (IO), agresija, autoagresija i destruktivno ponaÅ”anje često mogu da budu izazvani spoljaÅ”njim faktorima kao Å”to su: frustracije, osujećenje potreba, ograničeni izbor aktivnosti ili neadekvatna komunikacija. Ovo istraživanje rađeno je sa ciljem da se utvrdi uticaj tipa stanovanja na prisustvo različitih faktora rizika problema u ponaÅ”anju kod osoba sa IO. U istraživanju polazimo od pretpostavke da intenzitet i pojavni oblici problema u ponaÅ”anju osoba sa IO zavise od tipa stanovanja. Uzorak čine 122 odrasle osobe sa umerenom IO između 17 i 79 godina starosti (AS=39,95; SD=13,90). Celokupan uzorak podeljen je u tri poduzorka: prvi poduzorak ispitanika čine osobe sa IO koje su smeÅ”tene u ustanovama stacionarnog tipa (n=51), drugi poduzorak ispitanika čine odrasle osobe sa IO koje žive u svojim primarnim porodicama (n=38) i treći poduzorak ispitanika čine osobe sa IO koje su obuhvaćene programom stanovanja uz podrÅ”ku (n=33). Za potrebe istraživanja koriŔćen je 'Upitnik o funkcijama ponaÅ”anja' (Matson & Vollmer, 1995). Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da tip stanovanja odraslih osoba sa IO utiče na izraženost prisustva faktora problema u ponaÅ”anju. Dobijene su statistički značajne razlike u svim varijablama koje pokazuju različite uzroke problema u ponaÅ”anju u odnosu na tip stanovanja. U poduzorku ispitanika koji žive u programu stanovanja uz podrÅ”ku, prisustvo različitih faktora problema u ponaÅ”anju je statistički značajno manje zastupljeno u poređenju sa ostala dva poduzorka (p=0,000). Ispitanici koji žive u porodicama i u instituciji su imali približne rezultate, osim u varijabli materijalnog uzroka problematičnog ponaÅ”anja, gde su se ispoljile statistički značajne razlike između sva tri poduzorka. Starost ispitanika nema statistički značajan efekat na zastupljenost faktora koji utiču na ispoljavanje faktora problema u ponaÅ”anju

    Mogućnost primene insekticida različitih mehanizama delovanja za suzbijanje zelene breskvine vaÅ”i (Myzus persicae Sulzer) - na nektarini

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    During 2018, we investigated the efficacy of insecticides with different modes of action in the control of green peach aphid (Myzus persicae Sulzer) by performing field trial. The experiment was performed in nectarine orchard at locality Petrijevo (municipality Smederevo, Serbia), according with the standard EPPO method. Results of the field trial indicate good efficacy of insecticides from the group of neonicotinoids in the control of green peach aphid at this locality. The efficacy of imidacloprid was 95.92 - 98.38%, while the efficacy of acetamiprid was slightly lower but still good (94.57 - 97.41%). Methomyl, compound from the carbamate group, had poor efficacy (60.51% - 81.99%), as well as chlorpyrifos, a representative of the organophosphate group (2,49% - 34.02%). Insecticides from the pyrethroide group also showed poor efficacy at this locality. Thus, the efficacy of bifenthrin was 44.38% - 50.64%, whereas the lambda - cyhalothrin had an even lower efficacy in the control of M. persicae (28.44% - 42.88%).Tokom 2018. godine ispitana je efikasnost insekticida različitih mehanizama delovanja u suzbijanju zelene breskvine vaÅ”i (Myzus persicae Sulzer) izvođenjem poljskog ogleda. Ogled je izveden u zasadu nektarine na lokalitetu Petrijevo (opÅ”tina Smederevo) u skladu sa standardnom EPPO metodom. Rezultati ogleda ukazali su na visoku efikasnost insekticida iz grupe neonikotinoida u suzbijanju M. persicae na ovom lokalitetu. Efikasnost preparata na bazi imidakloprida iznosila je 95,92 - 98,38%, dok je efikasnost acetamiprida bila neÅ”to niža ali i dalje visoka (94,57 - 97,41%). Preparat na bazi metomila, iz grupe karbamata, imao je relativno nisku efikasnost (81,99% - 60,51%), dok je hlorpirifos iz grupe organofosfata, ispoljio nanjižu efikasnost (2,49 - 34,02%). Slabu efikasnost na ovom lokalitetu ispoljili su i insekticidi iz grupe piretroida. Tako je efikasnost preparata na bazi bifentrina iznosila 44,38 -50,64%, dok je lambda - cihalotrin imao joÅ” nižu efikasnost u suzbijanju ove Å”tetočine (28,44 - 42,88%)

    Efikasnost cijantraniliprola i hlorantraniliprola u suzbijanju breskvinog smotavca (Cydia molesta Busck) na breskvi i nektarini

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    Using standard EPPO method, field trials were conducted in 2013, in order to investigate the efficacy of diamide insecticides, cyantraniliprole and chlorantraniliprole, in oriental fruit moth (Cydia molesta) control. The results of the field trials at the localities of Radmilovac and Vinča indicated high efficacy of cyantraniliprole (0.6 l/ha of preparation containing 100 g/l a.i.) and chlorantraniliprole (0,2 l/ha of preparation containing 200 g/l a.i.) from 94.5 - 98.7% in the control of C. molesta in peach and nectarine orchards. Applied ina lower amount (0.5 l/ha of preparation containing 100g/l a.i.) cyantraniliprole exhibits a statistically significant lower efficacy (92.0% - 94.1%) inboth localities, but this compound was more efficient at the locality of Vinča where the intensity of infestation in untreated plot was low.Tokom 2013. godine ispitana je efikasnost insekticidnih preparata, na bazi cijantraniliprola i hlorantraniliprola (hemijska grupa diamidi) u suzbijanju breskvinog smotavca (Cydia molesta). Ispitivanja su izvedena u skladu sa standardnom EPPO metodom, u poljskim uslovima (lokaliteti Radmilovac i Vinča), u zasadima breskve i nektarine. Ostvareni rezultati ispitivanog preparata ExirelĀ® (100 g/l cijantraniliprola), koji je primenjen u količini 0,5 i 0,6 l/ha, i standardni preparat Coragen 20 SC (200 g/l hlorantraniliprola) primenjen u količini 0,2 l/ha, ukazuju na zadovoljavajuću efikasnost (92,0 - 98,7%) u suzbijanju C. molesta. Primenjen u količini 0,5 l/ha ispitivani preparat je ispoljio statistički značajno nižu efikasnost (92,0% - 94,1%) za C. molesta u odnosu na efikasnost istog preparata ostvarenu primenom viÅ”e količine (0,6 l/ha) i standarda, nezavisno od lokaliteta i vrste voća, Å”to svakako treba imati u vidu pri izboru količine preparata za praktičnu primenu

    Efekti različitih insekticida na lisnu bubu ambrozije, Ophraella communa (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)

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    U laboratorijskom, skrining testu ispitani su efekti acetamiprida, lambda-cihalotrina, abamektina, fosmeta i hlorantraniliprola na lisnu bubu ambrozije (Ophraella communa LeSage) sa ciljem da se ispita njihova selektivnost za ovu vrstu u usevima i zasadima gde se primenjuju, ali i mogućnost njihove primene u slučaju njene pojave na gajenom suncokretu kako bi se sprečila oÅ”tećenja. Za test su primenjene komercijalne insekticidne formulacije, u dozama koje su preporučene za suzbijanje srodne vrste, krompirove zlatice. Ogled je izveden prema standardnoj, delimično prilagođenoj metodi za utvrđivanje osetljivosti krompirove zlatice na insekticide. Na osnovu rezultata ogleda utvrđeno je da su lambda-cihalotrin, abamektin i fosmet neselektivni za ovu vrstu, pri čemu izazivaju visok mortalitet jedinki (100%). Slabije efekte (mortalitet od 88,16% do 89,39%) ispoljio je acetamiprid, a njegovo delovanje na ovu insekatsku vrstu može se oceniti kao slabo selektivno. Hlorantraniliprol je pokazao određenu selektivnost i veoma slabu efikasnost u suzbijanju O. communa (mortalitet od 40,79% do 45,45%). Njegova primena u usevima i zasadima ne bi značajno redukovala brojnost prisutne populacije lisne bube ambrozije.In a laboratory screening test, the effects of acetamiprid, lambda-cyhalothrin, abamectin, phosmet and chlorantraniliprole on ragweed leaf beetle (Ophraella communa LeSage) were examined. The aim was to investigate their selectivity for this species in crops and orchards where they are used, and to test the possibility of their application in case of its appearance on cultivated sunflower in order to prevent damage. Commercial insecticidal formulations were used, in doses recommended for the control of a related species, Colorado potato beetle. The experiment was performed according to a standard, partially adapted method for determining the sensitivity of the Colorado potato beetle to insecticides. Based on the test results, it was determined that lambda-cyhalothrin, abamectin and phosmet are non-selective for this species, causing high mortality of individuals (100%). Weaker effects (mortality of 88.16% to 89.39%) were shown for acetamiprid, and its effect on this insect species can be assessed as weakly selective. Chlorantraniliprole showed some selectivity and very poor efficacy in O. communa control (mortality of 40.79% to 45.45%). Its application in crops and orchards would not significantly reduce the number of ragweed leaf beetles

    Suzbijanje značajnijih Ŕtetočina vinove loze u Srbiji

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    Grape production in Serbia is endangered from a few significant pests and those are: the American grapevine leafhopper (Scaphoideus titanus), the European grapevine moth (Lobesia botrana), the grape vine bud mite (Eriophyes vitis) and the grape leaf rust mite (Calepitrimerus vitis). During vegetation, it is necessary to perform two to four treatments with insecticides and one to two treatments with miticides, respectively for the successful protection of the vine from pests. In Serbia, several preparations from six different modes of action are approved for L. botrana control. Three preparations from different groups according to IRAC classification are registered for eriophyoid mites control, while for S. titanus control there are three preparations from only two compounds groups of different modes of action.Vinovu lozu u Srbiji ugrožava nekoliko značajnih Ŕtetočina i to: cikada vinove loze (Scaphoideus titanus), sivi grozdov smotavac (Lobesia botrana), erinozna grinja (Eriophyes vitis) i akarinozna grinja (Calepitrimerus vitis). Za uspeŔnu zaŔtitu vinove loze od Ŕtetočina neophodno je obaviti dva do četiri tretiranja insekticidima, odnosno jedno do dva tretiranja akaricidima tokom vegetacije. U Srbiji je za suzbijanje L. botrana registrovano viŔe preparata iz Ŕest različitih grupa prema mehanizmima delovanja. Za suzbijanje eriofidnih grinja registrovano je tri preparata iz različitih grupa prema IRAC klasifikaciji, dok su za suzbijanje S. titanus registrovana tri preparata iz samo dve grupe jedinjenja različitog mehanizma delovanja

    Primena klotianidina u suzbijanju obične kruŔkine buve (Cacopsylla pyri L.) u zasadu kruŔke

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    Field trials were conducted during 2016 in order to investigate the efficacy of clothianidin (500 g a.i./kg in WP formulation) in control of pear psylla (Cacopsylla pyri L.) at two localities: Radmilovac and Begaljica near Belgrade, Serbia. Experiments have been conducted in accordance with standard EPPO method. Results of the field trials indicate good efficacy of clothianidin in pear psylla control on pear. The efficacy of clothianidin preparation at 0.035% concentration at the locality of Radmilovac was good (92.9-97.9%). Same preparation at 0.026% concentration had a significantly lower level of efficacy (82.27- 85.71%), and had the lowest efficacy at 0.017% concentration (53.5-57.5%). The efficacy of clothianidin preparation, at the locality of Begaljica at 0.035% concentration was also good (92-98.4%), while significantly lower efficacy (81.5-83.4%) was determined at 0.026% concentration. Very poor efficacy (56.3-58%) was achieved at the lowest concentration (0.017%).Tokom 2016. godine ispitana je efikasnost klotianidina u suzbijanju obične kruÅ”kine buve (Cacopsylla pyri L.) izvođenjem poljskih ogleda u zasadu kruÅ”ke na lokalitetima Radmilovac i Begaljica (opÅ”tina Grocka, Beograd). Ogledi su izvedeni u skladu sa standardnim EPPO metodama. Rezultati ogleda ukazuju na visoku efikasnost preparata na bazi klotianidina (500 g a.s./kg u WP formulaciji) u suzbijanju obične kruÅ”kine buve u zasadu kruÅ”ke. Efikasnost preparata na bazi klotianidina u koncentraciji od 0,035%, na lokalitetu Radmilovac, bila je visoka (92,9-97,9%). Isti preparat u koncentraciji od 0,026% imao je značajno nižu efikasnost (82,3-85,7%), a najnižu efikasnost (53,5-57,5%) ispoljio je u koncentraciji od 0,017%. Efikasnost klotianidina, na lokalitetu Begaljica, u koncentraciji preparata od 0,035% takođe je visoka (92-98,4%), dok je značajno niža efikasnost (81,5-83,4%) ispoljena pri koncentraciji od 0,026%. Veoma niska efikasnost (56,3-58%) ostvarena je primenom preparata u najnižoj koncentraciji od 0,017%

    Efficacy of different insecticides in the control of green peach aphid on nectarine

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    The efficacy of different insecticides in the control of green peach aphid (Myzus persicae) on nectarine at the the locality of Metković (Bogatić municipality) was examined conducting field trials in 2019 and 2020. The experiments was carried out according to the statistical model of completely randomized block design with four replications and standard EPPO method for evaluation of the efficacy of insecticides in the control of aphids in orchards. Insecticidal formulations were previously diluted with water and applied with a backpack sprayer "Solo". The efficacy of insecticides from the group of neonicotinoids (acetamiprid, imidacloprid, thiamethoxam), organophosphates (chlorpyrifos), pyrethroids (deltamethrin) and flonicamid were examined. Results of the experiments indicate very good efficacy of insecticides from the group of neonicotinoids in the control of M. persicae. The efficacy of acetamiprid three days after treatment (3DAT) was 98.23%, while seven days after treatment (7DAT) it was 99.43%. Imidacloprid showed maximum efficacy (100%) in both evaluation terms (3DAT and 7DAT). The efficacy of thiamethoxam was high, 99.69% (3DAT) and 99.92% (7DAT), respectivelly. Deltamethrin showed efficacy of 61.37% (3DAT) and its efficacy was 47.17% at 7DAT. The efficacy of chlorpyrifos ranged from 31.75% (7DAT) to 68.84% (3DAT). Flonicamid, considering the mode of action (anti-feeding), had a lower initial efficacy (82.13%), while the efficacy at 7DAT was significant higher (99.65%)

    Rezidualna efikasnost deltametrina u suzbijanju Sitophilus oryzae (L.), Rhyzopertha dominica (F.), Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) i Sitotroga cerealella (Oliv.) u tretiranoj pŔenici

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    Residual efficacy of the insecticide deltamethrin, an EC formulation containing 25 g/L AI + 225 g/L PBO (piperonyl butoxide synergist), against lab populations of Sitophilus oryzae, Rhyzopertha dominica, Tribolium castaneum and Sitotroga cerealella was investigated in the laboratory by applying product water solutions (0.25 mg AI/kg) to wheat grain (at 25Ā±1Ā°C and 60Ā±5% r.h.). Adult mortality on 0, 7, 14 and 30 days old deposits was estimated after 2, 7 and 14 days of exposure to treated wheat grain and additional 7 days of recovery. Progeny reduction (PR, %) was also assessed. After 2 days of exposure to deposits of all ages, deltamethrin caused only 0-10% mortality of coleopterans (up to 37% after the recovery period) and 23-30% of S. cerealella, while mortality before and after recovery from 14 days of exposure was 95-50% for S. oryzae, 97-100% for R. dominica, 99-100% for T. castaneum and 100% for S. cerealella. Progeny production of S. oryzae was highest after parents contacted with 14 days old deposit of deltamethrin (PR, 76%), and lowest after contact with fresh deposit (PR, 95%), while R. dominica and T. castaneum had no progeny on any deltamethrin deposit age in wheat (PR, 100%), and S. cerealella had only a very low progeny (PR, 99%). The results showed that the synergised deltamethrin, applied at 0.25 mg/kg in wheat grain, is a highly effective insecticide for stored-product insect control, while a higher dose is required for successful residual control of S. oryzae.Ispitivana je rezidualna efikasnost deltametrina, EC formulacije sa 25 g/L a.s. + 225 g/L PBO (piperonil butoksid) u suzbijanju laboratorijskih populacija Sitophilus oryzae, Rhyzopertha dominica, Tribolium castaneum i Sitotroga cerealella nanoÅ”enjem vodenog rastvora insekticida (0.25 mg a.s./kg) na pÅ”enicu u zrnu u laboratorijskim uslovima (25Ā±1Ā°C i 60Ā±5 % r.v.v). Smrtnost adulta na depozitima starosti 0, 7, 14 i 30 dana je utvrđivana posle 2, 7 i 14 dana izlaganja u tretiranoj pÅ”enici i 7 dana oporavka adulta (izuzev S. cerealella) u netretiraoj pÅ”enici. Takođe je utvrđivana i produkcija potomstva izlaganih roditelja (PR, %). Posle 2 dana izlaganja bez obzira na starost depozita, deltametrin je prouzrokovao 0-10% smrtnosti tvrdokrilaca (posle oporavka do 37%) i 23-30% smrtnosti S. cerealella, dok je posle 14 dana izlaganja smrtnost S. oryzae pre i posle perioda oporavka bila 95-50%, R. dominica 97-100%, T. castaneum 99-100% i S. cerealella 100%. Najveći broj potomaka S. oryzae je utvrđen posle kontakta roditelja sa 14 dana starim depozitom deltametrina (PR, 76%), a najmanji posle kontakta sa svežim depozitom (PR, 95%), dok u tretiranoj pÅ”enici, bez obzira na starost depozita, nije bilo potomaka R. dominica i T. castaneum (PR, 100%), dok je kod S. cerealella zabeležen mali broj potomaka (PR, 99%). Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da je sinergizovani deltametrin primenjen u količini 0,25 mg/kg pÅ”enice visoko efektivan u suzbijanju skladiÅ”nih insekata, dok je za dužu zaÅ”titu pÅ”enice od S. oryzae potrebno primeniti veću dozu ovog insekticida

    Efikasnost avermektina, diamida i neonikotinoida u suzbijanju jabukovog smotavca (Cydia pomonella L.) Na jabuci

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    Using standard EPPO method, field trials were conducted in 2013, in order to investigate the efficacy of avermectin, diamide and neonicotinoid insecticides in codling moth (Cydia pomonella) control. The results of the field trials at the localities of Radmilovac and Vinča indicated high efficacy of combination of emamectin benzoate and mineral oil (96.2-100%) in the control of C. pomonella in apple orchards. At the locality of Vinča, high efficacy (94.9% and 95.6%) was achieved by using chlorantraniliprole and cyantraniliprole, but these compounds were slightly less effective (92.5%, and 92.0%) in control of codling moth, at the locality of Radmilovac. The efficacy of thiacloprid was poor (82.8% - 85.7%) at both localities, but this compound was more efficient at the locality of Vinča where the intensity of infestation in untreated plots was low. The efficacy of acetamiprid was very poor (54.6%-55.1%) in control of this pest, at both localities.Tokom 2013. godine ispitana je efikasnost insekticida iz grupa avermektina, diamida i neonikotinoida u suzbijanju jabukovog smotavca (Cydia pomonella L.), izvođenjem poljskih ogleda, a u skladu sa standardnom EPPO metodom. Rezultati ovih ogleda, na lokalitetima Radmilovac i Vinča, ukazali su na dobru efikasnost kombinacije emamektin benzoata i mineralnog ulja (96,2-100%) u suzbijanju C. pomonella u zasadu jabuke. Dobra efikasnost (94,9% i 95,6%) na lokalitetu Vinča postignuta je primenom hlorantraniliprola i cijantraniliprola, pri čemu su ova jedinjenja imala neÅ”to niži stepen efikasnosti (92,5%, odnosno 92,0%) u suzbijanju jabukovog smotavca na lokalitetu Radmilovac. Slabiju efikasnost (82,8%-85,7%) na oba lokaliteta ispoljio je tiakloprid, pri čemu je bio efikasniji na lokalitetu Vinča, gde je intenzitet infestacije u kontroli bio niži. Veoma slabu efikasnost u suzbijanju ove Å”tetočine jabuke imao je acetamiprid (54,6%-55,1%) na oba lokaliteta