Mogućnost primene insekticida različitih mehanizama delovanja za suzbijanje zelene breskvine vaši (Myzus persicae Sulzer) - na nektarini


During 2018, we investigated the efficacy of insecticides with different modes of action in the control of green peach aphid (Myzus persicae Sulzer) by performing field trial. The experiment was performed in nectarine orchard at locality Petrijevo (municipality Smederevo, Serbia), according with the standard EPPO method. Results of the field trial indicate good efficacy of insecticides from the group of neonicotinoids in the control of green peach aphid at this locality. The efficacy of imidacloprid was 95.92 - 98.38%, while the efficacy of acetamiprid was slightly lower but still good (94.57 - 97.41%). Methomyl, compound from the carbamate group, had poor efficacy (60.51% - 81.99%), as well as chlorpyrifos, a representative of the organophosphate group (2,49% - 34.02%). Insecticides from the pyrethroide group also showed poor efficacy at this locality. Thus, the efficacy of bifenthrin was 44.38% - 50.64%, whereas the lambda - cyhalothrin had an even lower efficacy in the control of M. persicae (28.44% - 42.88%).Tokom 2018. godine ispitana je efikasnost insekticida različitih mehanizama delovanja u suzbijanju zelene breskvine vaši (Myzus persicae Sulzer) izvođenjem poljskog ogleda. Ogled je izveden u zasadu nektarine na lokalitetu Petrijevo (opština Smederevo) u skladu sa standardnom EPPO metodom. Rezultati ogleda ukazali su na visoku efikasnost insekticida iz grupe neonikotinoida u suzbijanju M. persicae na ovom lokalitetu. Efikasnost preparata na bazi imidakloprida iznosila je 95,92 - 98,38%, dok je efikasnost acetamiprida bila nešto niža ali i dalje visoka (94,57 - 97,41%). Preparat na bazi metomila, iz grupe karbamata, imao je relativno nisku efikasnost (81,99% - 60,51%), dok je hlorpirifos iz grupe organofosfata, ispoljio nanjižu efikasnost (2,49 - 34,02%). Slabu efikasnost na ovom lokalitetu ispoljili su i insekticidi iz grupe piretroida. Tako je efikasnost preparata na bazi bifentrina iznosila 44,38 -50,64%, dok je lambda - cihalotrin imao još nižu efikasnost u suzbijanju ove štetočine (28,44 - 42,88%)

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