151 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of a Distance Training Device of Physical and Sports Education’s Future Teachers : Application of ADDIE Model

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    Distance learning has largely infiltrated several higher education institutions in Morocco driven by the expansion of opportunities offered by information and communication technologies such as ODL, MOOC, SPOC. However, countless challenges continue to hamper the design, implementation and evaluation of these devices in education and vocational training for desired effectiveness.                                                                                        The aim of this study is to design an ODL system based on the SPOCs model which aims to develop professional skills for 70 future teachers of Physical and Sports Education.We have used ADDIE model as a methodological tool for our technopedagogical design with its Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation phases.Using Chi-square test, we examined the effect of the following independent variables: form of content, on trained type groups : hybrid and distanced at the threshold of p <.05. The results obtained show that trainee teachers have an increased need for their professional skills development through our FP@STAPS device using various digital resources. Thus, the evaluation of this device has shown its usefulness and effectiveness.The study therefore recommends the integration of this type of training into vocational training centers in Morocco. In addition, the study recommends that its technopedagogical design be based on referenced models such as ADDIE

    Quality Management in Vocational Training: Evaluation of A Specialized Institution in Ict

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    AbstractThe speed of scientific, technological and organizational progress requires more responsiveness, adaptability and anticipation from organizations, in implementing abilities that are more cognitive than technical; in this context, competence comes from the ability of being well informed and constantly trained. In Morocco, Vocational Training (VT), which is deeply rooted in the educational system, has become a means for the development of companies’ competitiveness. Thus, any delay in this regard will be correlated with their substandard performance. This work is based on an experiment of rating the services provided by a Vocational Training Institute (VTI) teaching the trades relating to ITC, with a view to developing a strategy to improve the Management by Quality, via a systemic approach, which can be applicable to VT and Higher Education operators

    Combining Evolutionary Algorithms and exact approaches for multi-objective knowledge discovery

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    International audienceAn important task of knowledge discovery deals with discovering association rules. This very general model has been widely studied and efficient algorithms have been proposed. But most of the time, only frequent rules are seeked. Here we propose to consider this problem as a multi-objective combinatorial optimization problem in order to be able to also find non frequent but interesting rules. As the search space may be very large, a discussion about different approaches is proposed and a hybrid approach that combines a metaheuristic and an exact operator is presented

    Teaching and Learning of Experimental Science: The Case of Chemistry in Secondary Qualifying Morocco

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    AbstractTeachers and students are the main actors in the educational action. The teacher is primarily responsible for the transmission of knowledge. The action of teaching is essentially to bear on the mental representations of students in order to find an entry in their cognitive systems developed. However, achieving this goal is not obvious, and common methods of teaching are not always effective. Thus, obstacles persist with regard to the education of students and hinder the educational action. Thus we conducted observations in classroom situations. We stopped with volunteer teachers who had scheduled sessions with their pupils. The research was based on an observation checklist dealing with the following topics: the approach taken by the teacher throughout the lesson, the user operating and alternation and the quality and appropriateness of the content. The analysis of the results of these observations shows the existence of a large number of obstacles to the realization of effective teaching of chemistry in Moroccan schools

    Teacher-training: Analysis of teachers’ representations about their impact on the teaching of the chemical reaction under the current system

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    AbstractWe located our research within the teacher training framework of chemistry; one of the most important disciplines contributing to pupils’ science training. However, the current methods of teaching this discipline are not always effective and do not allow the teacher to teach the pupils appropriately. In order to gain a deeper understanding of this situation and to gather information on the related limits and obstacles, we directed part of our research towards the system of teachers’ representations about the teaching of the science. We collected information from a sample of 24 of physics and chemistry teachers, who taught in secondary schools. We used the data gathered from a questionnaire sent to these teachers along with observations in certain situations. In the light of this study, we identified two major hurdles, which were:- the teachers had no confidence in the method of teaching science; and-there was no thought given to learning when the method of teaching science was constructed.To rectify this situation and achieve a more profitable outcome to teaching chemistry in the curriculum, it would be necessary to reflect upon and recast the didactic teaching methods

    An information processing approach to the investigation of mathematical problem solving at secondary and university levels

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    This thesis contains ten chapters: three of them are background literature and five have resulted from practical work during the whole period of the research. Chapter 9 is an attempt to extend the idea of the demand of a task, while the last chapter contains conclusions and suggestions for further research. In Chapter 1, the theories of Piaget, Gagne and Ausubel are described and compared with each other. Piaget's stages of intellectual development and how learning processes take place are described and explained. The contribution of the theory in the domains of curriculum, teaching Piagetian tasks as subject matter and matching instruction to development stages is stressed. However, the serious challenges to the theory are (i) horizontal decalage phenomenon, (ii) relating stages with age, (iii) assessing competence and readiness. Gagne's model of an hierarchy of learning comes from theories of transfer. It is built from the top down. The conditions of learning are internal and external and ranged from signal learning to problem solving. The learning process is based on associational chains. The difficulty of the model comes from the nature of a learning hierarchy and its validation. Ausubel's theory of meaningful learning is based on what the learner already knows. It is built up from seven elements which range from meaningful learning to the advance organizer. Meaningful learning occurs as a result of interaction between new and existing knowledge and its variation is due to the growth of differentiation and integration of relevant items in cognitive structure. Failure in learning may occur in situations such as those of conflicting ideas and forgetting. In Chapter 2, Information Processing Theories of Learning are described and the justification of these theories as a fourth paradigm to guide thinking about research is stressed. A model of human memory is given and the components of memory and their features are listed. Stress is placed upon the memory processes and their levels, organization of knowledge, working memory and chunking as a remedy for overload. Two examples of these theories are given namely Neo-Piagetian Theory and the Predictive Model of Holding-Thinking Space. The main goal of the former is to make Piaget's theory functional not just structural. The latter relates performance to the amount of information to be processed in learning and problem solving. This model is applied in both University and Algerian samples. This can be found in Chapter 3. In Chapter 4, the field dependent-independent cognitive style is considered as an important factor affecting performance. The differences between field dependent-independent people may be related to the perceptual field, selected information and the level of guidance. The reason for these differences may be due to the way in which information is both analysed and represented in memory. The practical work has been done with both University and Algerian samples. In Chapter 5, some other factors are described. Most of them are concerned directly with the subject matter. The activities involved in learning mathematics are classified and attention is given to Polya's version of heuristic strategies. The concept of understanding is considered as a basic goal of education and its meaning is given in three different aspects. Most attention is given to the third one, which is known as alternative framework or misconception. The levels of understanding of Skemp are defined and their goals are stressed. The causes of learning difficulties in mathematics are listed, while the different forms of mathematical language are described and their effect on learning is noted. In Chapter 6, the analysis of Paper I (multiple-choice questions) has been done for preliminary Examination of four Scottish schools (a fifth school used only traditional questions). The experimental work is concerned with language, formulation and type of question

    Eportfolio as a Tool of Learning, Presentation, Orientation and Evaluation Skills

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    AbstractThese last years drove to many mutations of learning in training terms throughout life. The Moroccan universities began changing paradigm of education. This change consists in passing from a purely transmissive teaching paradigm to a learning paradigm where learners become the main actors of learning process and acquiring new skills and knowledge. Most of learning tools have adapted to this paradigm. Among these tools, there are the learning management system (LMS) and the electronic portfolio (ePortfolio). Our work focuses on monitoring and periodic evaluation of the formation of a student in higher education, particularly, the skills acquired by the student during his university education. Also we will show you other uses of the e-portfolio. From this perspective we suggest a computer device “ISIFePortfolio” which not only allows monitoring of learners, but also acts as an ePortfolio (electronic portfolio) assessment skills, and a social network combined systems. Based on the Mahara technology, “ISIFePortfolio” is an application set up by the team ORDIPU University Hassan II Mohammedia - Casablanca. It has been integrated into the platform of distance education “Education Master ISIF” for the master “Engineering Information Systems and Training.

    Conception Et Analyse De La Structure Factorielle D’un Outil InformatisĂ© D’évaluation Des Enseignements

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    Students‘ assassment of the quality of teaching and educationis a valuable tool through which lecturers can find out what the participants think of their educational task. This is a kind of assessment which is embeded right in the centre of the pedagogical act and which brings together the principal agents pertaining to the university teaching system (students, lecturers, and the staff in charge). However, this form of assessment is disputed as it encounters significant obstacles, namely difficulties in terms of the management of this assessment as well as in terms of reliability and validity of its measuring tools. This paper aims at providing the necessary steps for an elaboration and a foundation of an online measure of evaluating teaching and education. Such a computerised evaluation is to be administeredby students who are studying at the Faculty of Science, Ben M’Sik - Casablanca, Morocco. To begin with, in this online tool of evaluatin we shall describe the stages of this elaboration, includingcertain chosen criteria. Secondly, we will show the way in which the functionalities and possibilities of an online tool of assessment can effectively be handledby students within an institute of Higher Education. In concludion,we end this study by providing a factor analysis of this computerised instrument: this is to be carried out through the most important measures, namely, validity and authenticity
