19 research outputs found

    Requeriments t猫rmics i din脿mica de poblaci贸 de Meloidogyne spp. En cogombre i p猫rdues de producci贸 en hivernacle

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    Es van dur a terme diversos estudis per a determinar: a) els requeriments t猫rmics necessaris perqu猫 Meloidogyne incognita i M. javanica completin un cicle de vida en cogombre, considerant dues etapes del cicle: entre la inoculaci贸 del s貌l amb formes juvenils a l鈥檌nici de la producci贸 d鈥檕us, i de l鈥檌nici de la producci贸 d鈥檕us a l鈥檌nici d鈥檈merg猫ncia de juvenils de la generaci贸 seg眉ent; b) la taxa m脿xima de multiplicaci贸 i la densitat d鈥檈quilibri de M. incognita en cogombre, i c) les p猫rdues de producci贸 del cogombre conreat de juliol a novembre en hivernacle.Postprint (published version

    Din谩mica de poblaci贸n de Meloidogyne spp. en cultivos protegidos y p茅rdidas de producci贸n de pepino, calabac铆n, sand铆a y tomate susceptible y resistente

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    Se realizaron estudios en invernaderos infestados con Meloidogyne incognita o M. javanica, y que presentaban gradientes de infestaci贸n entre 0 y 11800 juveniles 250 cm-3 de suelo, para determinar la tasa m谩xima de multiplicaci贸n del nematodo (TMM), la densidad de equilibrio de la poblaci贸n (DE) y el efecto sobre la producci贸nPostprint (published version

    Recicland, demostration on the management of organic and inorganic waste from agriculture

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    La agricultura protegida que se desarrolla principalmente en el litoral oriental andaluz es una actividad de gran importancia econ贸mica y social para Andaluc铆a. Sin embargo, el crecimiento exponencial de la superficie de invernadero ha dado lugar a un incremento del volumen de residuos agrarios. Adem谩s, este sistema agr铆cola est谩 evolucionando hacia nuevas t茅cnicas de cultivo que implican, no s贸lo la generaci贸n de residuos, sino tambi茅n una mayor diversificaci贸n que hace m谩s complicada su gesti贸n. El principal problema para la gesti贸n de estos residuos agrarios no est谩 s贸lo en su dispersi贸n geogr谩fica, sino tambi茅n en su estacionalidad, ya que se genera gran cantidad en determinados periodos anuales, coincidiendo con la finalizaci贸n de las campa帽as agr铆colas. Por este motivo, la capacidad m谩xima de recogida y almacenamiento y el proceso de gesti贸n est谩n condicionados por el volumen generado al finalizar los ciclos de cultivo. En este contexto, surge el proyecto RECICLAND que pretende palear dichos problemas y contribuir a la gesti贸n sostenible de los residuos generados en los procesos productivos. Concretamente, el objetivo general de este proyecto es desarrollar actividades demostrativas piloto, informando de modo pr谩ctico sobre diferentes t茅cnicas para la gesti贸n espec铆fica de residuos inorg谩nicos y restos vegetales. Para ello, se ha establecido un 谩rea de reciclaje, junto con actividades de transferencia (jornadas pr谩cticas, visitas, v铆deos demostrativos y publicaciones) en el Centro IFAPA La Mojonera (Almer铆a).Protected agriculture, which takes place mainly on the eastern coast of Andalusia, constitutes the major economic and social activity for this region. However, greenhouse area exponential growth has led to an increase in the volume of agricultural waste. In addition, this agricultural system is evolving towards new cultivation techniques that not only involve the generation of waste, but also a greater diversification that makes its management hard to tackle. The main issue regarding management of this agricultural waste is not only its geographical dispersion, but also its seasonality, as a large quantity is generated during certain periods of the year, coinciding with the end of agricultural campaigns. Indeed, the maximum collection and storage capacity and the management process itself are conditioned by the volume generated at the end of cropping cycles. In this context, the RECICLAND project arises, which aims to alleviate these problems and contribute to the sustainable management of the waste generated in the production processes. Specifically, the general objective of project is to develop pilot demonstration activities, providing practical information on different techniques for the specific management of inorganic waste and plant debris. For this purpose, a recycling area has been set up, where transference activities such as practical workshops, guide visits, demonstration, videos, and publications are being carried out in IFAPA La Mojonera (Almer铆a)

    Nematodos fitopar谩sitos en 谩reas productoras de patata de Motril y Salobre帽a

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    Damage functions of meloidogyne javanica on zucchini squash and relative leaf chlorophyll content

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    Yield losses in cucurbits have been reported in many horticultural regions. Zucchini-squash is an important crop in southern Spain accounting for one third of the production in the country. For sustainable management of root-knot nematodes in susceptible crops, it is essential to develop accurate information on population densities that cause yield losses and quantify them into plant damage functionsPostprint (published version

    Damage functions of meloidogyne javanica on zucchini squash and relative leaf chlorophyll content

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    Yield losses in cucurbits have been reported in many horticultural regions. Zucchini-squash is an important crop in southern Spain accounting for one third of the production in the country. For sustainable management of root-knot nematodes in susceptible crops, it is essential to develop accurate information on population densities that cause yield losses and quantify them into plant damage functionsPostprint (published version

    Damage functions of meloidogyne javanica on zucchini squash and relative leaf chlorophyll content

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    Yield losses in cucurbits have been reported in many horticultural regions. Zucchini-squash is an important crop in southern Spain accounting for one third of the production in the country. For sustainable management of root-knot nematodes in susceptible crops, it is essential to develop accurate information on population densities that cause yield losses and quantify them into plant damage function

    Population dynamics of Meloidogyne javanica and its relationship with the leaf chlorophyll content in zucchini

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    The relationship between the initial (Pi) and final (Pf) population densities of Meloidogyne javanica in response to increasing initial inoculum levels and the effect on yield in zucchini cv. Amalthee (Cucurbita pepo L.) was determined using a geometric series of 12 Pi from 0 to 51,200 eggs/100 cm(3) of soil in pot experiments in a greenhouse. The maximum multiplication rate was 425, and the equilibrium density was 701,951 eggs/100 cm(3) soil. The relative yield, represented as dry top weight, fit the Seinhorst damage function model and the minimum relative yield (m) was 0.82 and the tolerance limit (T) was 402 J2/100 cm3 soil. Regression analyses indicated a negative relationship between the Pi and the leaf chlorophyll content (LCC) 40, 50, 60, and 70 days post-inoculation. The Pi and LCC fit the Seinhorst damage-function model. Zucchini cv. Dyamant was planted in a plastic greenhouse with a range of M. javanica Pi from 0 to 861 J2/100 cm3 soil. The maximum multiplication rate of M. javanica under field conditions was 3093, and the equilibrium density was 1485 J2/100 cm(3) soil. The relationship between Pi and relative yield, represented as fruit weight, fit the Seinhorst damage function model (P <0.0001, R-2 = 0.78); m was 0.48, and T was 0.02 J2/100 cm(3) soil. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved