80 research outputs found

    Torčec, Ledine 2004 - Early Medieval Settlement

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    U razdoblju od 10. srpnja do 5. kolovoza 2004. Institut za arheologiju iz Zagreba u suradnji s Muzejom grada Koprivnice, obavio je nastavak sustavnih arheoloπkih istraživanja na lokalitetu Ledine u Torčecu. Tim su iskopavanjima istraženi ostaci triju ranosrednjovjekovnih objekata. Prvi, manji objekt u očuvanom dijelu naglašeno je izduženoga ovaloidnog oblika, dok su druga dva kvadratičnoga oblika. Zapune objekata ispunjene su tamnosmeđesivom zemljom, ulomcima keramike, mnoštvom životinjskih zubiju i kostiju, lijepa te nešto metalnih predmeta. Osim ostataka triju objakata, evidentiran je i jedan kanal koji se protezao smjerom SZ-JI, zapunjen tamnosmeđesivom zemljom, garom i sporadičnim nalazima keramike, te jedan ovalni ukop zapunjen tamnosmeđesivom zemljom bez materijalnih ostataka. Prema pokretnim materijalnim ostacima, pronađenima u objektima, poglavito malih noževa kratkog sječiva, nekoliko tipova malih keramičkih pršljenova za ribarske mreže, koštanih alatki od kojih je zanimljiv harpun te metalnih većih i manjih udica, može se zaključiti da u gospodarstvu stanovnika naselja na Ledinama veliku ulogu igra ribolov. Uzrok napuštanju naselja koje je postojalo tijekom 10. i 11. stoljeća (prema C14 analizi), vjerojatno je bilo plavljenje Drave.In the period from 10 July to 5 August 2004 the Institute for Archaeology from Zagreb in co-operation with the Koprivnica Town Museum, led by Tajana Sekelj Ivančan, Ph.D., continued systematic archaeological excavations at the Ledine site in Torčec (Appendix 1). In the excavations of 2004, three cultural fillings, or closed units, i.e. three early medieval structures were investigated (Appendix 2). One of the structures had a longitudinal oval shape, with rounded corners, and in the dark brown, 18 cm thick filling, dappled with soot, a small number of small ceramic fragments and some gravel were found. The second facility stood out as a dark rectangular stain. In the 0,24 m thick filling, dappled with charcoal and soot, plenty of ceramic vessel and daub fragments, two smaller iron knives and sporadic animal bones were collected. The third structure is square in shape with apparently rounded corners and an extended part on the northern side. In the 63 cm thick filling a larger quantity of daub was found, as well as fragments of several ceramic vessels, a large number of animal bones and teeth, several iron artifacts, dross, six small ceramic whorls and a dressed bone artifact were found. The central part of the pit was the deepest, becoming “atter toward the margins, whereas three holes from wooden pillars were registered on the eastern and western margin of the pit (Fig. 1). In the subsequently conducted controls of a larger area a canal was registered, extending in NW-SE direction. In the upper part of the 65 cm thick canal filling sporadic finds of extraordinarily fragmentised ceramics and crushed gravel were unearthed, whereas a metal artifact - a harpoon - stands out. Somewhat more to the south of the canal an oval burial without any material remains was registered. According to movable material remains, particularly small short-bladed knives that were used to gut and scale fish, several types of small ceramic fishing net whorls, bone tools, of which the harpoon is particularly interesting, and larger and smaller metal hooks, we can conclude that the basic industry of the inhabitants of the settlement along the Drava River meander in Ledine was fishing. At a time when the meander was filled with water it was an inexhaustible source of food to the ancient population of Torčec. The river was probably also the direct cause for abandonment of the settlement. According to C14 dating, the settlement existed in the tenth and eleventh centuries, and at that time or immediately thereafter there was probably a flood which, as the archaeological excavations show, destroyed the uppermost parts of the facilities and the presumed buildings between them. Layer SU 004, with finds of early medieval ceramics expanding on the entire excavated surface, suggests the same

    Frükarolingische Flügellanze aus der Kiesgrube Jegeniš bei Koprivnica

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    Prigodom radova na eksploataciji šljunka na šljunčari Jegeniš, sjeveroistočno od Koprivnice, slučajno je u proljeće 2002. g. pronađeno željezno koplje. Koplje je listolikog oblika, s tuljcem za usađivanje drvenog drška. Na ukrašenom tuljcu nalaze se dva bočna krilca. Koplje s krilcima iz šljunčare Jegeniš prema oblikovnim značajkama datira se u razdoblje od posljednje trećine 8. st. do samog početka 9. st. Tijekom daljnjeg iskorištavanja na približno istom položaju, pronađeni su ostaci životinjskih kostiju te fragmentirani dijelovi ljudskih lubanja. Iako je koplje pronađeno na šljunčari uz rijeku Dravu, s obzirom na ostale slučajne nalaze kao i na osnovi prostorne rasprostranjenosti istodobnih slučajnih nalaza u okolici, pretpostavlja se postojanje groblja na tom mjestu koje je uništeno eksploatacijom šljunka.Im Verlauf der Kiesförderung in der Kiesgrube Jegeniš nordöstlich von Koprivnica wurde im Frühjahr 2002 zufällig eine Eisenlanze gefunden. Die Lanze ist blattförmig, mit einer Tülle zur Befestigung des hölzernen Schafts. An der verzierten Tülle befinden sich seitlich zwei Flügelchen. Die Flügellanze aus der Kiesgrube Jegeniš wird in die Zeit zwischen dem letzten Drittel des 8. und dem Beginn des 9. Jahrhunderts datiert. Im Laufe der weiteren Kiesförderung wurden auf ungefähr derselben Lage auch Überreste von Tierknochen sowie Fragmente menschlicher Schädel freigelegt. Obwohl die Lanze in der Kiesgrube nahe der Drau gefunden wurde, vermutet man aufgrund der anderen Zufallsfunde aus der gleichen Zeit und deren in dieser Umgebung liegenden Verbreitungsgebiete, daß sich an dieser Stelle ein Gräberfeld befand, das durch die Kiesförderung zerstört wurde

    Fourth Season of Archaeological Excavations at the Prečno pole I Site in Torčec

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    U arheološkim iskopavanjima ranosrednjovjekovnog naselja Prečno pole I. u 2008. godini istražene su tri sonde, ukupne površine 692 m2. Dvije su sonde (S-5 i S-7) u kojima se očekivalo eventualno rasprostiranje ranosrednjovjekovnoga groblja, bile u potpunosti sterilne. U sondi S-6 istražen je dio naselja prepoznat prijašnjih godina i evidentirano je 9 novih kulturnih tvorevina. Od toga mogu se izdvojiti tri naseobinska objekta od kojih je jedan, onaj smješten najbliže meandru, veoma dobro očuvan te je dao osnovne konstruktivne i oblikovne elemente ranosrednjovjekovnih kuća u ovom naselju otvorenog tipa. Od pokretnih nalaza iz istraženih objekata valja izdvojiti polovicu mlinskog kamena - žrvnja, brončanu karičicu, spiralni ulomak karičice, željeznu britvu, ulomke željeznih nožića te ulomak koštanog češlja. Od keramičkih nalaza pronađeni su ulomci pršljena te mnoštvo ulomaka običnih kuhinjskih lonaca i pekača. Na prikupljenim ulomcima ističu se ukrasi češljastom valovnicom na ramenima i trbusima posuda, ali i na vanjskim i unutarnjim stranama rubova jednostavnih profilacija. Sve su to odlike ranosrednjovjekovne keramike koja se uklapa u dosadašnje rezultate istraživanja. Ovo naselje prostiralo se uz sam južni rub isušenog meandra, a oblicima kuća i pokretnim nalazima, uklapa se u sliku naseljavanja poznatu u okolnim zemljama jugoistočne Europe tijekom ranoga srednjega vijeka.In the archaeological excavations conducted in 2008, three archaeological digs were opened. The overall excavated surface in all three trial trenches (S-5, S-6 and S-7) was 692 m². Two trial trenches (S-5 and S-7), in which a possible early medieval cemetery was expected, were completely sterile. Therefore, based on the excavation results thus far, it can be concluded that the skeletal burial found in the archaeological excavations of 2005, dated with the help of the C 14 analysis to the latter half of the eight century, was individual; no other burials were discovered. The cemetery was probably at another nearby, yet undefined place. Trial trench S-6 yielded very good results. The continuation of the settlement excavated in past years was registered in it. A total of nine cultural formations were excavated. Among them, three residential structures can be identified, of which the one situated closest to the meander was very well preserved, and it brought about the basic construction and form elements of early medieval houses in this open-type settlement. The form of residential houses was rectangular, with an east-west orientation, with a round fireplace at the western side of the structure. At the southern side of the fireplace, within the structure itself, in its western part, there was a thick wooden pillar that bore some type of roof structure. The roof structure may have leaned on the structure’s eastern periphery, since a slight, round broadening was registered, without digs along the line of the pillar bearing the roof construction. At the western side of the structure there was a deep fireplace, possibly with a domed construction, the remains of which collapsed into the structure further east. The form and construction elements of the other two, rather poorly preserved residential structures can only be assumed, since all excavated structures were very shallow, directly beneath ploughed soil, and in some parts only several centimetres were preserved. Besides residential houses, two round formations and one oval shallow formation were found; it is not possible to identify their primary function with certainty, but it is possible that they represent some auxiliary structures near the houses. Furthermore, two shallow pillars and a round, smaller formation were registered and excavated as well, also of unknown function. Among the moveable finds from the excavated structures, those worth mentioning are: half of a millstone/grindstone, a bronze ring, a spiral fragment of a ring, an iron razor, fragments of small iron knives, and a fragment of a bone comb. Out of the ceramics, fragments of whorls were found, and numerous fragments of simple kitchen pots and baking pans. On the collected fragments, decorations with a combed wavy line on the vessel’s shoulders and bellies, but also on the outer and inner sides of simple-profiled brims stand out. All of these are characteristics of early medieval pottery which fit well in the excavation results thus far. The excessively large surface of the archaeological digs in S-5, S-6 and S-7 of approximately 700 m² was excavated this year, which – along with the approximately 208 m² of S-4, opened in 2007, with no archaeological finds in the southern zones, leads to the conclusion that the medieval settlement extended along the southern periphery of the meander, and that in the follow-up of the excavations trial trenches should be dug directly along the old, dried-out branch of the Drava River. The selection of settlement positions along old meanders and river beds, and the square or rectangular shape of the structures comply with the picture of settlements known in other nearby South-east European countries in the Early Middle Ages

    Archaeological Excavations of an Early Medieval Smelting Workshop at the Virje-Volarski breg Site

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    U zaštitnim arheološkim iskopavanjima, provedenim u travnju 2008. godine na položaju Virje-Volarski breg, istraženi su ostaci talioničke radionice od koje je evidentirano pet talioničkih peći in situ, nekoliko dislociranih ostataka uništenih peći, pet otpadnih jama sa zapečenom zemljom, jedna ograda s popratnim tvorevinama te mnoštvo stupova. Istraživanjima su ustanovljeni oblici peći. Sve su se sastojale od tri različita, ali međusobno spojna dijela. To su: ložište, kanalić i jamica za višak zgure. Ustanovljen je i prostorni razmještaj iskopanih peći u arheološki istraženom dijelu radionice. Po dvije peći postavljene su jedna nasuprot drugoj s otvorima za izljev tekuće zgure s vanjske strane. Višak zgure premještao se u obližnje otpadne jame sa zapečenim dnom koje su istodobne pećima. Analiza radioaktivnog izotopa ugljika iz uzorka ugljena prikupljenog u najočuvanijoj peći kao i ugljena iz najočuvanije otpadne jame, pokazala je vrijeme funkcioniranja talioničke radionice na položaju Virje-Volarski breg u razdoblju ranoga srednjega vijeka, točnije u vremenu između kraja 8. i tijekom 9. stoljeća. Dvije su jame/objekti prema arheološkim nalazima pokazivale drugačiju sliku. U njima je pronalažena keramika finih stijenki te nešto životinjskih kostiju. Analiza ugljena prikupljenog u zapuni jedne od njih dala je prapovijesnu dataciju, točnije, latensko razdoblje 2. do prve polovine 1. st. pr. Kr.In archaeological rescue excavations conducted at the Virje-Volarski breg site over seven workdays, from 21 to 28 April 2008, the remains of a smelting workshop were investigated, of which five smelting kilns, several dislocated remains of destroyed furnaces, five waste pits with burnt earth, one fence with the corresponding formations and a number of pillars were registered in situ. In the excavations, the kiln shapes were identified. They all consisted of three interlinked parts: the fireplace, a small channel and a little hole for dross excess. The spatial organization of excavated kilns in the archaeologically examined part of the smelting workshop was identified as well. Pairs of two kilns were positioned opposite of each other with outlets for liquid dross on their outside. Excess dross was transported to the nearby waste pits with fired bottoms, which were synchronous with the kilns. The analysis of a radioactive carbon isotope, taken from the best-preserved kiln SU 008/009, and from charcoal from the best-preserved waste pit SU 018/019, provided a framework for the time in which the smeltning workshop was active at the Virje-Volarski breg site in the Early Middle Ages, more precisely at the time between the late eight and the ninth centuries. Archaeological finds from two pits/structures stand out from the usual situation. In them, fine pottery and some animal bones were found. The analysis of charcoal collected in fill SU 095 dates them to prehistory, i.e. in the La Tène period, approximately from the second until the first half of the first centuries BC

    Trial Excavations at the Blaževo pole 6 site in Torčec near Koprivnica

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    Arheološko nalazište Blaževo pole 6 predstavlja mikroregija šireg područja koje se prostire južno od središta mjesta Torčec u općini Drnje, sjeverno od Koprivnice. Probnim arheološkim iskopavanjima koja je provodio Institut za arheologiju iz Zagreba, ustanovljeno je postojanje srednjovjekovnih kulturnih slojeva. S obzirom na vremensku pripadnost, od prikupljenih nalaza moguće je izdvojiti tri grupe keramičkih nalaza. Prvu grupu čine ranosrednjovjekovni nalazi keramike s ukrasom češljaste valovnice i okomito utisnutim češljastim uzorkom, dok je iznutra površina naknadno zaglačana rukom. Drugu grupu čine nalazi novovjekovne keramike tankih stijenki i s djelomično glaziranim površinama, a treću čine prapovijesni ulomci keramike čije stijenke su ravne i zaglačane, bez izraženog ruba i bez karakterističnih ukrasa, ali preliminarno bi se mogli opredijeliti u brončano doba i u mlađe željezno doba.The Blaževo pole 6 archaeological site represents a micro-region of a broader area, extending to the south of the village of Torčec in the Drnje Municipality, north of Koprivnica (County of Koprivnica - Križevci), (Appendix 1). In trial excavations, conducted in 2004 by the Institute for Archaeology from Zagreb, the existence of medieval cultural layers was determined. In finds collected from the excavated area, as well as in the fillings of facilities, we noted on the one hand the prevalence of early medieval pottery decorated with comb-like wavy lines and horizontally scratched comb-like patterns, while the surface of the inner side was subsequently smoothed by hand. This suggests that the pottery was produced on a slowly revolving wheel, and the inner sides were given their finishing touches manually. The second, much smaller group of collected fragments is composed of fragments of more recent pottery with thin sides and with partly glazed surfaces, mostly coated with greenish glaze. The third, also smaller group of collected ceramic fragments is composed of prehistoric pieces with straight and smoothed sides, without marked margins or characteristic decorations, which could preliminarily be dated to the Bronze Age, or the La Téne period. The pottery probably came here from the nearby southern part of Blaæevo pole, where the concentration of prehistoric pottery is larger. All registered and excavated pit and fillings larger in size probably represent the remains of the bottoms of medieval above-ground dwelling facilities (SU 004/005, SU 006/007, SU 026/027, SU 028/029, SU 032/033). Future excavations shall hopefully clarify the relationship between the finds of hole remains of several differently arranged wooden pillars (SU 008/009, SU 010/011, SU 012/013, SU 014/015, SU 016/017, SU 018/019, SU 020/021, SU 022/023, SU 024/025, SU 030/031, SU 034/035) (Appendix 2), which suggest that the buildings were partly or entirely constructed of wood, and numerous early medieval pottery finds. In one filling a large collection of burned daub and soot was unearthed, suggesting that it might be a part of the hearth of the building (Fig. 1). The analysis conducted applying the method of radioactive carbon-dating (C14) on a sample of carbon collected in a supposed hearth in the facility SU 004/005 did not bring about the expected result, since the sample was probably contaminated, so that probably only future typological-chronological analysis of pottery will provide a more complete picture of the site

    Early Medieval Structure in Sušine, Virje

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    U zaštitnim arheološkim iskopavanjima, provedenima tijekom 2014. g. na lokalitetu Virje-Sušine, uz ostatke latenskog naselja i naselja iz razvijenoga srednjeg vijeka istražen je jedan objekt koji je pokazivao drugačije značajke. U radu se donosi oblik istražene arheološke cjeline te analiza pokretnih nalaza iz zapune. Prema obradi skromne keramičke građe i ostalih nalaza, kao i provedene C14 analize, ovaj se objekt može datirati u rani srednji vijek.Along with the remains of a La Tene settlement and a settlement dating back to the High Middle Ages, a structure with different characteristics was examined as part of rescue archaeological excavations carried out during 2014 at the Virje – Sušine site (Fig. 1). The paper presents the form of the examined archaeological feature, marked as stratigraphic unit SU 436/437 (Fig. 2), as well as the analysis of small finds from the backfill. The structure, with its area of ca 12 m2, was filled with dark grey sandy soil, which contained numerous pottery fragments, some millstone fragments and several iron pieces, one of which was identified as being a small iron knife (T. 4: 26). The findings of some slag and daub are interpreted to be secondary findings within the structure which probably arrived there by accident through the mixing of layers since the structure was close to the location where the smelting of iron ore was carried out in earlier periods. Many pieces of coal were collected from the backfill of the structure, whose analysis showed that oak tree and ash tree prevail within the structure. The most data on the basis of which it is possible to reach a more precise conclusion on the time when this structure existed is provided by the fragments of medieval pottery, out of which at least 25 different pots (T. 1–3, 4 : 25) and at least three bakers (Fig. 4; T. 3: 23, 24) were identified. All the pots have a simple profilation of the rim, which can to a lesser or higher degree face outwards and be rounded (T. 1: 9; T. 2: 13, 14, T. 3: 17), then sharply cut off (a shape which is most common in this structure) and finally have a more developed shape with emphasized outer side of the lip (T. 1: 2, 3). Most pots are of extremely coarse texture, while some pot base fragments have a visible circular depression on the lower surface used for standing, as well as subsequently smoothed out inner walls (T. 1: 6; T. 2: 11, 12, 14, 15, 16; T. 3: 18, 19), all of which points to the fact that most of the pots were made on a slow potter\u27s wheel. The most common pot decoration motif from this stratigraphic unit is a series of combed wavelines or single combed wavelines, whether located on the rim (T. 2: 15), the shoulder (T. 1: 1, 8; T. 2: 10, 13, 15, 16; T. 3. 18, 19) or the belly of the pot (T. 3: 20, 21). Only a couple of pots that stand out due to their finer texture from the usual pottery repertoire found in this structure are also marked with some other distinctive elements, such as a one-fold waveline (T. 1: 4) or one-fold horizontal lines (T. 2: 12), but also a more developed rim (T. 1: 2, 3) or a ring-shaped bottom (T. 1: 1), which points to the fact that those items were made by quicker spinning. The intensive archaeological investigations carried out on several sites in the vicinity of the village of Torčec, which is situated 20 kilometres from this site in the Drava basin valley, provided the basis and analogies for defining the details of pottery from this structure. Parallels show that the pottery which was examined here is mostly connected with the Torčec II phase which dates back to a period from the middle of the 7th century to mid-8th century and in part to the Torčec IIIa phase, dating back to the period from the second half of the 8th century to the beginning of the 9th century. Such a datation, obtained on the basis of comparisons with similar material from close early medieval sites, was also confirmed by a radiocarbon analysis which puts this structure into the frame of the 8th century

    Archaeological remains of three settlements on Sušine in Virje

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    U zaštitnim arheološkim iskopavanjima provedenim na položaju Sušine kraj Virja u jesen 2014. godine otvorena je površina od 750 m2 u tri sonde. Sonde su pomno odabrane i postavljene prema rezultatima geofizičkih istraživanja koja su provedena tijekom proljeća 2014. godine, s ciljem dobivanja preciznih podataka o prepoznavanju i izgledu dijelova talioničke radionice i njezina odnosa spram naseobinskih struktura. Istraživanjima u 2014. godini potvrđeno je postojanje dijela naselja od kojih je evidentiran jedan nadzemni objekt prepoznat preko očuvanih ostataka masivnih stupova te veći ukopani objekt u kojem su pronađeni keramički utezi tkalačkog stana s popratnim radnim prostorima, svi iz razdoblja latena. Mlađem horizontu naseljavanja Sušina pripada jedan objekt iz ranoga srednjeg vijeka te više manjih jama iz razvijenoga srednjeg vijeka. Prema sadašnjem stanju istraživanja može se ustvrditi da se na istom položaju nalaze ostaci naselja ali i radionički kompleks za taljenje željezne rude, te će buduće interdisciplinarne analize ostataka dvaju različitih tipova nalazišta pokazati jesu li funkcionirali u isto vrijeme na istoj poziciji ili je dinamika zaposjedanja dvaju položaja u Virju, Volarskog brega i Sušina, bila prostorno drugačije organizirana.During rescue archaeological excavations, which took place during ten days in the autumn of 2014 at Sušine near Virje, three trenches were opened measuring a total of 750 m2. Positions of trenches 9, 10 and 11 were selected carefully according to results of geophysical survey conducted in the spring of 2014 in order to gain precise data about parts of a foundry and the accompanying structures (fig. 1). Research has confirmed remains of a settlement on Sušine. Magnetization is extremely strong, as shown by geophysical results, and a large, buried, rectangular structure with remains of ceramic weights of a weaving loom was explored (fig. 2 and 3). To the southeast, two series of three massive postholes were investigated, together with another posthole a little more to the west. The regular outline of the postholes forms the basis of some kind of overground structure which had around 20 m2 of residential space. Closer to the western edge of trench 10, there is a larger structure, which could have been used as a work area because, according to the preliminary results, all three structures can be attributed to the La Tène period. The second settlement layer can only be determined by a shallow early medieval structure located at the western edge of trench 10. The pottery features simple rims, rough surface and decoration executed as combed, wavy lines (fig. 4). This structure is in line with previously researched ones and the insight into the life of this area in the second half of the 8th century and during the 9th century. The next layer can be associated with the high Middle Ages. There are three simple units, identical in shape, soil composition and repertoire of finds – apart from ceramic pot fragments typical for this time period, there are also fragments of ceramic balls. According to the research conducted so far, settlement remains can be confirmed on Sušine, as well as a workshop for melting iron ore

    Continuation of excavation at the smelting workshop and settlement at the site of Hlebine – Velike Hlebine

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    U zaštitnim arheološkim iskopavanjima provedenim u 2017. godini na položaju Velike Hlebine kraj Hlebina, istraženi su dijelovi talioničke radionice za preradu željezne rude i ostaci naselja. Pomno odabrana pozicija dviju sondi ukupne površine 884,81 m2 rezultat je geofizičkih istraživanja koja su provedena na površini od jednog hektara. U istraženom radioničkom kompleksu pronađene su veće i manje jame sa zapečenim dnom, zapunjene talioničkim otpadom, čija se primarna funkcija može vezati uz izradu, pripremu ili obradu sirovine i resursa potrebnih za obavljanje ove djelatnosti. Na temelju okolnosti pronalaska zaključuje se o vremenu funkcioniranja radionice na razmeđi kasne antike i ranoga srednjeg vijeka. Osim dijela talioničke radionice istraženi su i dijelovi naselja kojeg prema značajkama keramičkog materijala iz objekata valja opredijeliti u ranosrednjovjekovno razdoblje.At the archaeological excavations carried out at the site of Velike Hlebine near the present-day settlement of Hlebine in Podravina (Croatian Drava River Basin; Koprivnica-Križevci County), for 15 working days in the period from September 25 to October 11 in 2017, two trenches were opened with a total surface area of 884.81 m2 (Fig. 1). The trenches were carefully selected and precisely placed according to the results of geophysical investigation carried out over an area of one hectare, with the aim of acquiring data about the recognition and appearance of parts of smelting workshops and corresponding elements, as well as the appearance of settlement structures from various archaeological periods. In the excavated worksite complex for smelting iron ore, large and small pits with baked bottoms were found (Figs. 2–3), filled with smelting waste (Fig. 5), whose primary function may be related to the preparation or processing of raw materials and resources necessary for performing this activity. On the basis of the circumstances of discovery, in which it was recognized that individual elements of the workshop were covered by alluvium containing pottery fragments from the early Middle Ages, it was concluded that the workshop functioned in the period between the late Roman period and the early Middle Ages, as was confirmed by radiocarbon dates

    Trial Archaeological Ecxavations on Prečno pole I Site in Torčec by Koprivnica

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    Arheološko nalazište Torčec - Prečno pole I smješteno je s južne strane velikoga isušenog meandra rijeke Drave koji se pruža sjeverno od mjesta Torčec u Koprivničko-križevačkoj županiji. Naznatno povišenom prostoru, između spomenutog meandra i tzv. Grabe, na uskim privatnim oranicama, postavljena je koordinatna mreža na osnovi kvadranta, veličine 5 x 5 m, te je ukupno istraženo 470 m2 površine. Provedenim arheološkim iskopavanjima ukupno je evidentirano 12 većih tvorevina, vjerojatno ostataka objekata od kojih je jedan imao ognjište čvršće strukture, nekoliko ukopa stupova, jedan grob s ukopom pokojnika te jedan recentni rov. Svi ukopi javljaju se odmah ispod oranog sloja u miješanom sloju koji se sastoji od orane ilovače i žućkastog pijeska, odnosno tamo gdje on nedostaje, u sloju žutog pijeska. Arheološki istražene veće tvorevine grupirane su u tri skupne, između kojih nema kulturnog sloja i prostor između njih u arheološkom je smislu sterilan. Većina tvorevina je izduženo ovalnoga ili kvadratičnog oblika, a njihova orijentacija ne pokazuje određene pravilnosti. Prema pokretnim materijalnim ostacima, poglavito mnoštvu keramičkih ulomaka posuda grube fakture s blago zaobljenim ili odsječenim rubovima jednostavne profilacije, ukrašenih gustim češljastim valovnicama ili nizovima češljastih vodoravnih linija (tzv. metličastog ukrasa) na ramenu i trbuhu posude, ali i na vanjskoj strani ruba, nekoliko tipova keramičkih pršljenova, koštanih alatki od kojih su zanimljivi koštani ubodni predmeti, te indikativnom nalazu rimskog novca, s očitanim natpisom CONST (Konstantinov centeniolal kovan u Ticiniumu 320.-321.), može se zaključiti da su stanovnici ruralnog naselja na Prečnom polu I. na ovom mjestu obitavali u vremenu iza prve polovine 4. stoljeća. O trajanju života u ovom naselje koje je egzistiralo uz meandar, pretpostavljamo ispunjen vodom, moći će se više reći tek nakon provedenih analiza te stručne i znanstvene obrade pokretnih arheoloških nalaza.The Torčec−Prečno Pole 1 archaeological site is situated on the southern side of the large drained meander of the Drava River, stretching north of the village of Torčec in Koprivnica−Križevci County (Fig. 1). On a slightly elevated terrain between the aforementioned meander and so-called Graba, on narrow strip of private farmland, a co-ordinate network with dimensions of 5 x 5 m was set based on a suadrant, and an overall area of 470 m2 was excavated. In the archaeological excavations conducted, twelve larger artefacts were documented (Fig. 2), which are probably the remains of structures, of which one had a firmly-built hearth, several sunken pillars, a grave with a burial and a recent trench. All the pits appear immediately beneath the ploughed layer in a mixed layer consisting of ploughed clay and yellowish sand, or on spots where it is missing in the layer of yellow sand. The excavated larger artefacts were categorised into three groups; there is no cultural layer between them, and the space between them is archaeologically sterile. The shape of most of the artefacts is oval or square, their orientation indicating no regularities. The finds lead to the conclusion that the inhabitants of the rural settlement in Prečno Pole 1 populated the area in the period after the first half of the fourth century. This conclusion is supported in particular by the multitude of ceramic vessel fragments with coarse facture and mildly rounded or cut edges and a simple profile, with straight and wavy combed decoration (so-called broomshaped ornamentation) on the vessel shoulders and bodies, but also the outer edge of the rim, and several types of ceramic whorls, bone tools among which thrusting objects made of bone are interesting, and the indicative find of Roman coins with the inscription CONST (Constantine’s centennial, minted in Ticinium 320-321). Only after conducting analyses and the expertise-based and scientific processing of the archaeological fi nds will it be possible to say more about the duration of habitation in the settlement that existed along the meander (which, it is assumed, was filled with water), and the connection between the settlement and grave in which no grave goods were found

    Archaeological Research of the Medieval Settlement on the Position of Rudičevo in Torčec near Koprivnica

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    U arheološkim istraživanjima srednjovjekovnog naselja Rudičevo u 2006. g. evidentirano je 12 tvorevina, od kojih neke predstavljaju dijelove posljednjih ostataka srednjovjekovnih stambenih objekata. Jedan od njih evidentiran je na padini brežuljka, a uništen je plavljenjem vode iz meandra, dok su ostali ostaci evidentirani na najvišem dijelu uzvišenja. Najočuvaniji objekt, iz kojeg potječe i najviše pokretnih nalaza, imao je ognjište u zapadnom dijelu, a iako mu je arheološki istraženi dio pokazivao oblik slova L, vjerojatno je u svom izvornom obliku bio kvadratičan. Od pokretnih nalaza prikupljeno je najviše keramičkih ulomaka posuda grube fakture s blago zaobljenim ili raščlanjenim rubovima, ukrašenih jednostrukim valovnicama ili vodoravnim linijama na ramenu i trbuhu posude. Prema analogijama za spomenute značajke prikupljene keramike može se zaključiti da su stanovnici ovoga ruralnog naselja na tom mjestu obitavali u vremenu razvijenoga i kasnoga srednjeg vijeka.The archaeological site of Torčec − Rudičevo is positioned east from the village Torčec in the municipality of Drnje (county of Koprivničko-križevačka), about 300 m in the east from the village border and the stream Gliboki, along the macadam path leading towards Stara Šoderica (Old Gravel Pit). At its eastern side, the position of Rudičevo is surrounded by the old, dried-up bed of Gliboki, which fills with water in the moist periods of the year. The elevated terrain ends in the west by a small branch, on which surface finds of ceramics as well as patches of dark earth have been noticed (Fig. 1.). In the course of 2006, an experimental archaeological excavation was begun, on the occasion of which the investigated probe 1 (S-1), in the size of 5x5 m, was positioned by the north border of the acres, at the slope of the hill, which falls diagonally towards the old meander. Another probe (S-2), with the width of 10 m (E-W) and the length of 30 m (N-S), was placed in the southeast of the trench S-1, on the very highest part of the elevation of Rudičevo. Thus the investigated area of the trench S-1 was 43.25 m2 (Fig. 2.), and of the trench S-2 335.81 m2, i.e. the area investigated in 2006 amounts in total to cca. 380 m2 (Fig. 3.). In the archaeological excavations carried out, a total of 12 artifacts was recorded, some of which probably represent parts of the last remains of medieval objects. One of them was recorded on the slope of the hill Rudičevo. It was destroyed through the flooding of the water from the meander, while the other remains were recorded on the uppermost part of the elevation. The most preserved object, from which also the largest number of the movable finds have been obtained, had a hearth and, although its archaeologically investigated part displayed the form of the letter L, it had probably been quadratic in its original form. Apart from the remains of this house, in its immediate proximity, on the western side, a long and relatively narrow ditch was recorded, possibly representing a border or a remain of medieval parcellation between two objects, especially if the discovery of cultural artefacts on the western side of the ditch is taken into consideration, as they probably belong to the other, neighbouring object. This medieval ditch was intersected by a recent ditch with the width of about 1 m in which, apart from some animal bones, no finds were present. Towards the north slope of the hill, some additional cultural fills were registered, possibly object remains, but unfortunately preserved only in the deep furrows. All burials of the supposed objects occur immediately below the ploughed layer, in the yellow sand layer (SU 002). The objects are very poorly preserved and represent the last remains of dwellings, some of which have been preserved in the thickness of merely a couple of centimetres. Most frequent movable finds were fragments of crudely manufactured ceramic pots with slightly rounded or cut edges, ornamented by onefold waves or vertical lines on the shoulder and belly of the pot. A very interesting find, recorded in the most preserved object, are round, flat clay objects, the usage function of which shall be better known only after the expert processing has been carried out. As regards metal objects, several smaller iron objects have been collected, for instance parts of small knives, as well as objects of an undefined form. The most beautiful find is the fragment of a cobalt-blue glass perl, ornamented by a white irregular wave line. By analogies to the mentioned characteristics of the ceramics collected, it may be concluded that the inhabitants of the rural settlement on the hill of Rudičevo in Torčec were resident on this spot in the periods of the High and Late Middle Ages