U zaštitnim arheološkim iskopavanjima provedenim na položaju Sušine kraj Virja u jesen 2014. godine otvorena je površina od 750 m2 u tri sonde. Sonde su pomno odabrane i postavljene prema rezultatima geofizičkih istraživanja koja su provedena tijekom proljeća 2014. godine, s ciljem dobivanja preciznih podataka o prepoznavanju i izgledu dijelova talioničke radionice i njezina odnosa spram naseobinskih struktura.
Istraživanjima u 2014. godini potvrđeno je postojanje dijela naselja od kojih je evidentiran jedan nadzemni objekt prepoznat preko očuvanih ostataka masivnih stupova te veći ukopani objekt u kojem su pronađeni keramički utezi tkalačkog stana s popratnim radnim prostorima, svi iz razdoblja latena. Mlađem horizontu naseljavanja Sušina pripada jedan objekt iz ranoga srednjeg vijeka te više manjih jama iz razvijenoga srednjeg vijeka.
Prema sadašnjem stanju istraživanja može se ustvrditi da se na istom položaju nalaze ostaci naselja ali i radionički kompleks za taljenje željezne rude, te će buduće interdisciplinarne analize ostataka dvaju različitih tipova nalazišta pokazati jesu li funkcionirali u isto vrijeme na istoj poziciji ili je dinamika zaposjedanja dvaju položaja u Virju, Volarskog brega i Sušina, bila prostorno drugačije organizirana.During rescue archaeological excavations, which took place during ten days in the autumn of 2014 at Sušine near Virje, three trenches were opened measuring a total of 750 m2. Positions of trenches 9, 10 and 11 were selected carefully according to results of geophysical survey conducted in the spring of 2014 in order to gain precise data about parts of a foundry and the accompanying structures (fig. 1).
Research has confirmed remains of a settlement on Sušine. Magnetization is extremely strong, as shown by geophysical results, and a large, buried, rectangular structure with remains of ceramic weights of a weaving loom was explored (fig. 2 and 3). To the southeast, two series of three massive postholes were investigated, together with another posthole a little more to the west. The regular outline of the postholes forms the basis of some kind of overground structure which had around 20 m2 of residential space. Closer to the western edge of trench 10, there is a larger structure, which could have been used as a work area because, according to the preliminary results, all three structures can be attributed to the La Tène period.
The second settlement layer can only be determined by a shallow early medieval structure located at the western edge of trench 10. The pottery features simple rims, rough surface and decoration executed as combed, wavy lines (fig. 4). This structure is in line with previously researched ones and the insight into the life of this area in the second half of the 8th century and during the 9th century.
The next layer can be associated with the high Middle Ages. There are three simple units, identical in shape, soil composition and repertoire of finds – apart from ceramic pot fragments typical for this time period, there are also fragments of ceramic balls.
According to the research conducted so far, settlement remains can be confirmed on Sušine, as well as a workshop for melting iron ore