
Torčec, Ledine 2004 - Early Medieval Settlement


U razdoblju od 10. srpnja do 5. kolovoza 2004. Institut za arheologiju iz Zagreba u suradnji s Muzejom grada Koprivnice, obavio je nastavak sustavnih arheoloπkih istraživanja na lokalitetu Ledine u Torčecu. Tim su iskopavanjima istraženi ostaci triju ranosrednjovjekovnih objekata. Prvi, manji objekt u očuvanom dijelu naglašeno je izduženoga ovaloidnog oblika, dok su druga dva kvadratičnoga oblika. Zapune objekata ispunjene su tamnosmeđesivom zemljom, ulomcima keramike, mnoštvom životinjskih zubiju i kostiju, lijepa te nešto metalnih predmeta. Osim ostataka triju objakata, evidentiran je i jedan kanal koji se protezao smjerom SZ-JI, zapunjen tamnosmeđesivom zemljom, garom i sporadičnim nalazima keramike, te jedan ovalni ukop zapunjen tamnosmeđesivom zemljom bez materijalnih ostataka. Prema pokretnim materijalnim ostacima, pronađenima u objektima, poglavito malih noževa kratkog sječiva, nekoliko tipova malih keramičkih pršljenova za ribarske mreže, koštanih alatki od kojih je zanimljiv harpun te metalnih većih i manjih udica, može se zaključiti da u gospodarstvu stanovnika naselja na Ledinama veliku ulogu igra ribolov. Uzrok napuštanju naselja koje je postojalo tijekom 10. i 11. stoljeća (prema C14 analizi), vjerojatno je bilo plavljenje Drave.In the period from 10 July to 5 August 2004 the Institute for Archaeology from Zagreb in co-operation with the Koprivnica Town Museum, led by Tajana Sekelj Ivančan, Ph.D., continued systematic archaeological excavations at the Ledine site in Torčec (Appendix 1). In the excavations of 2004, three cultural fillings, or closed units, i.e. three early medieval structures were investigated (Appendix 2). One of the structures had a longitudinal oval shape, with rounded corners, and in the dark brown, 18 cm thick filling, dappled with soot, a small number of small ceramic fragments and some gravel were found. The second facility stood out as a dark rectangular stain. In the 0,24 m thick filling, dappled with charcoal and soot, plenty of ceramic vessel and daub fragments, two smaller iron knives and sporadic animal bones were collected. The third structure is square in shape with apparently rounded corners and an extended part on the northern side. In the 63 cm thick filling a larger quantity of daub was found, as well as fragments of several ceramic vessels, a large number of animal bones and teeth, several iron artifacts, dross, six small ceramic whorls and a dressed bone artifact were found. The central part of the pit was the deepest, becoming “atter toward the margins, whereas three holes from wooden pillars were registered on the eastern and western margin of the pit (Fig. 1). In the subsequently conducted controls of a larger area a canal was registered, extending in NW-SE direction. In the upper part of the 65 cm thick canal filling sporadic finds of extraordinarily fragmentised ceramics and crushed gravel were unearthed, whereas a metal artifact - a harpoon - stands out. Somewhat more to the south of the canal an oval burial without any material remains was registered. According to movable material remains, particularly small short-bladed knives that were used to gut and scale fish, several types of small ceramic fishing net whorls, bone tools, of which the harpoon is particularly interesting, and larger and smaller metal hooks, we can conclude that the basic industry of the inhabitants of the settlement along the Drava River meander in Ledine was fishing. At a time when the meander was filled with water it was an inexhaustible source of food to the ancient population of Torčec. The river was probably also the direct cause for abandonment of the settlement. According to C14 dating, the settlement existed in the tenth and eleventh centuries, and at that time or immediately thereafter there was probably a flood which, as the archaeological excavations show, destroyed the uppermost parts of the facilities and the presumed buildings between them. Layer SU 004, with finds of early medieval ceramics expanding on the entire excavated surface, suggests the same

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