6 research outputs found

    Primary aortoesophageal fistula: a rare cause of acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding

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    Acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding is a potentially life-threateningemergency, especially in the elderly. This condition accounts for approximately1% of all emergency room admissions. Among the causes of such bleedingis aortoesophageal fistula, a dreaded but apparently rare condition, firstrecognized in 1818. The great majority of cases are of primary aortoesophagealfistula, caused by atheromatous aortic aneurysms or, less frequently, bypenetrating aortic ulcer. The clinical presentation of aortoesophageal fistulais typically characterized by the so-called Chiari’s triad, consisting of thoracicpain followed by herald bleeding, a variable, short symptom-free interval,and fatal exsanguinating hemorrhage. The prognosis is poor, the in-hospitalmortality rate being 60%. Conservative treatment does not prolong survival,and the in-hospital mortality rate is 40% for patients submitted to conventionalsurgical treatment. Here, we report the case of a 93-year-old woman whopresented to the emergency room with a history of hematemesis. The patientwas first submitted to upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, the findings of whichwere suggestive of aortoesophageal fistula. The diagnosis was confirmedby multidetector computed tomography of the chest. Surgery was indicated.However, on the way to the operating room, the patient presented with massivebleeding and went into cardiac arrest, which resulted in her death

    Tracheoesophageal fistula associated with paracoccidioidomicosis

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    Paracoccidioidomycosis is a systemic fungal disease caused byParacoccidioides brasiliensis, agent geographically distributed to certainareas of Central and South America. The infection by P. brasiliensis hasbeen reported from north Mexico to south Argentina. Paracoccidioidomycosispresents similar clinical findings of many other diseases whatever in acute or chronic scenarios. Chronic pulmonary paracoccidioidomycosis is frequentlymisdiagnosed as malignancy or tuberculosis. The authors present a caseof a 57 year-old man admitted to the hospital due to a chronic consumptivesyndrome. He underwent anti-tuberculous treatment with rifampin, isoniazid andpyrazinamide 1 year ago without resolution of the simptoms. During the clinicalinvestigation, pulmonary paracoccidioidomycosis with tracheoesophagealfistula was diagnosed. The systemic infection was treated with deoxicolate Bamphotericin followed by sulfametoxazole and trimetoprin due to acute renalfunction impairment. The fistula was endoscopically treated; inittialy with theprotection of left main bronchus with a tracheal prosthesis followed by theesophageal fistula’s ostium clipping.A paracoccidioidomicose é uma micose sistêmica causada peloParacoccidioides brasiliensis, que é encontrado em regiões da América doSul e Central, com casos relatados do norte do México ao sul da Argentina.As infecções causadas pelo P. brasiliensis frequentemente mimetizam outrasdoenças. A paracoccidioidomicose pulmonar crônica é frequentementeconfundida com neoplasia ou tuberculose. Os autores apresentam o casode um homem de 57 anos internado com quadro de tosse crônica, fraqueza,disfagia, mal estar e síndrome consumptiva. Fora submetido a tratamentopara tuberculose com rifampicina, pirazinamida e isoniazida há 1 ano semmelhora dos sintomas. Durante a investigação clínica foi diagnosticadaparacoccidioidomicose pulmonar com fistula traqueo-esofágica. A infecção foitratada com anfotericina B deoxicolato e posteriormente com sulfametoxazole trimetoprim devido a desenvolvimento de insuficiência renal aguda. A fístulafoi tratada endoscopicamente com implante de prótese traqueal para protegero brônquio esquerdo, seguido de clipagem do óstio esofágico da fístula

    Colonoscopy making or not use of chromoscopy methods on the diagnosis of flat, depressed and augmented colorectal lesions

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    O câncer colorretal (CCR) é uma das maiores causas de óbito no mundo industrializado, com uma incidência anual de 800.000 casos novos, o que significa 8,5% de todos os novos e 12% das mortes relacionadas a essa doença. No Brasil, excluindo-se os cânceres de pele não melanoma, o CCR é o quarto mais freqüente entre os homens e o terceiro entre as mulheres. O risco de desenvolver CCR é de aproximadamente 5% a 6% na população ocidental. Existem evidências epidemiológicas de redução do CCR em 60% -90% quando a colonoscopia com polipectomia é usada preventivamente A colonoscopia ainda é o melhor método para o diagnóstico precoce do CCR e das lesões precursoras. Contudo existem falhas de detecção não desprezíveis. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar o resultado do exame detalhado da mucosa do cólon e do reto através da colonoscopia convencional, da cromoendoscopia e do NBI, na detecção de lesões elevadas, deprimidas e planas em pacientes submetidos ao exame sem antecedentes pessoais e ou familiares. Entre janeiro de 2007 e outubro de 2009 foram selecionados 181 pacientes divididos aleatoriamente em três grupos: A: 48 pacientes, controle; B: 29 pacientes, NBI; C: 104 pacientes, cromoscopia difusa. Pode-se observar que dos 181 pacientes examinados 38 (21%) não apresentavam lesões. Os 143 pacientes com lesão, apresentaram um número médio de 2,65 lesões, com mínimo de 1 e máximo de 7 lesões. Nos total dos 181 pacientes e no conjunto dos 143 pacientes com lesões não foi observada diferença estatisticamente significante entre os três grupos A, B e C para a idade, o tempo reto-ceco e o tempo ceco-reto, enquanto que para a altura, peso e conseqüente IMC houve variação estatística. O tamanho médio das 379 lesões encontradas nos 143 pacientes, avaliado pelo seu diâmetro foi de 5,45 ± 2,84 mm, sem variação estatística entre os grupos, entre os hemicólons e entre os hemicólons nos grupos. Os tamanhos das lesões foram reunidos em três intervalos distintos: até 5 mm (76,30%), de 6 a 10 mm (19,50%) e de 11 a 20 mm (4,20%). Do total de 379 lesões, 203 (53,6%) mostraram-se neoplásicas e 176 (46,4%) não neoplásicas. O tamanho médio das 203 lesões neoplásicas foi de 5,96 mm, e das 176 não neoplásicas, 4,87 mm. As lesões neoplásicas mostraram-se maiores que as não neoplásicas, com significância estatística. Nos grupos não houve variação significante entre neoplasia e não neoplasia, mas diferença significante entre o tamanho das neoplasias e não neoplasias. Não houve diferença estatística entre os tamanhos das lesões nos dois hemicólons, mas com diferença significante entre os tamanhos das lesões neoplásicas e não neoplásicas. O mesmo se observa quando os segmentos do cólon são analisados individualmente. Os dois segmentos que apresentaram diferença significante, especificamente, quanto ao tamanho das lesões neoplásicas e não neoplásicos foram o sigmóide e o transverso. Nota-se que todas as lesões subpediculadas e as lesões plano-elevadas com depressão central eram neoplásicas. As lesões planas e neoplásicas são proporcionalmente mais visíveis no hemicólon direito nos grupos B (85,7%) e C (67,9%), sem diferença estatística. As hipóteses diagnósticas das lesões feitas durante o exame colonoscópico foram comparadas com os resultados histopatológicos. Pode-se observar que no grupo A sensibilidade de 82,7%, especificidade de 59%, com taxa de concordância de 72,5 %, considerada regular, no grupo B sensibilidade de 92,3%, especificidade de 61,9%, com concordância de 78,7 %, regular e no C sensibilidade de 88,8%, especificidade de 79,3%, taxa de concordância de 84,2%, considerada boa. Proporcionalmente o grupo C tem maior número de pacientes com três ou mais lesões e três ou mais lesões neoplásicas, mas sem valor estatístico. Conclui-se que não houve diferença estatística entre os 181 pacientes examinados e os 143 pacientes com lesões, quanto aos dados gerais, não houve diferenças significativas quanto ao número relativo, ao tipo e ao tamanho das lesões. As lesões neoplásicas apresentam-se maiores quando comparadas às não-neoplásicas, com significância estatística. A concordância entre a hipótese diagnóstica colonoscópica e a histologia é maior no grupo da cromoscopiaColorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the largest causes of death on the industrialized world. Its annual incidence of 800.000 new cases means 8,5% of all the new ones and 12% of deaths related to this disease. In Brazil, excluding the non-melanoma skin-cancers, CRC is the fourth more frequent among men and the third one among women. The risk for developping CRC is approximately of 5 to 6% on the Western population. There are epidemiological evidences for reducing CRC on 60-90% when colonoscopy with polypectomy is used preventively. Colonoscopy is still the best method both for the early dyagnosis of CRC and precursor lesions. However, there are non-contemptible failures on the detection. This paper purpose was comparing the result of colon and rectum mucous membrane detailed test through conventional colonoscopy, chromoendoscopy and NBI, on the detection of augmented, depressed and flat lesions in patients submitted to it without any personal or familiar antecedents. Between January 2007 and October 2009 181 patients were selected randomically and divided into 3 groups: A: 48 control patients; B: 29 patients, NBI; C: 104 patients, diffuse chromoscopy. It is observed that, from the 181 examined patients, 38 (21%) didnt present lesions. The 143 patients with lesion, presented an average number of 2,65 lesions, with a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 7 lesions. On the total of the 181 patients and on the whole of the 143 patients with lesions it was not observed any statistically significant difference among the three groups A, B and C as for Age, the Rectum-Cecum Time and the Cecum-Rectum Time, while there was a statistical variation for Height, Weight and consequent bmi. The average size of the 379 lesions found on the 143 patients, assessed by its diameter was of 5,45 mm (2.14 in.) + 2,84 mm (1,11 in), without any statistical variation among the groups, among the hemicolons and among the hemicolons in the groups. The size of the lesions were gathered into three distinct intervals: up to 5 mm [1.9 in.] (76,30%), from 6 mm [2.3 in.] to 10 mm [3.9 in] (19,50%) and from 11 to 20 mm [4.3 to 7.8 in] (4,20%). From the total of 379 lesions, 203 (53,6%) revealed themselves neoplastic and 176 (46,4%) non-neoplastic. The average size of the 203 neoplastic lesions was of 5,96 mm (2.34 in.), and of the 176 non-neoplastic ones, 4,87 mm [12,36 in]. Neoplastic lesions have shown larger than the non-neoplastic ones, with a stastistical significance. On the groups there is any significant variation between neoplasia and non-neoplasia, but a significant difference between the neoplasias and non-neoplasias size. There was any statistical difference among the lesion size on both hemicolons, however, a significant difference among the sizes of neoplastic and non-neoplastic ones. The same is observed when colon segments were analyzed individually. The two segments that have presented significant lesions, specifically on what concerns the size of neoplastic and non-neoplastic ones were the Sigmoid and the Transverse. It is observed that all the subpediculated lesions and the flat-augmented ones with a central depression were neoplastics. The flat and neoplastic lesions are proportionally more visible on the right hemicolon at groups B (85,7%) and C (67,9%), without any statistical difference. The diagnostic hypotheses of the lesions grown during the colonoscopic test were compared to the histopathological results. On control group (A) it is observed a 82,7% sensibility, a 59% specificity with a concordance rate of 72,5%, considered regular. On group B it is observed a 92,3% sensibility, a 61,9% specificity, with a regular concordance rate of 78,7%. On group C it is observed a 88,8% sensibility, a 79,3% specificity, a 84,2% concordance rate, considered good. Proportionally group C has a larger number of patients with 3 or more lesions and or more neoplastic lesions, but with no statistical value. On what concerns general data, it is concluded that there wasnt any statistical difference among the 181 patients examined and the 143 ones presenting lesions as for the relative number, the type and size of the lesions. Neoplastic lesions appear to be larger when compared to non-neoplastic ones, with a statistical significance. The concordance between the colonoscopic diagnostic hypothesis and the histology is larger on chromoscopy grou

    Esofagectomia sem torocotomia com esofagograstroplastia no tratamento do carcinoma epidermóide de esôfago.

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Departamento de Clínica Cirúrgica, Curso de Medicina, Florianópolis, 198

    Black esophagus: exploring the dark

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    Black esophagus is a rare but underdiagnosed disease. It occurs most frequently in severely ill patients and carries a high mortality rate. Cause of death is usually attributed to the comorbid conditions. Treatment is directed at the underlying cause, acid suppression and keeping the patient nil-per-os. Surgery is needed in complicated cases and stenosis is the most feared longterm sequel. In the present article, two cases are described and literature is reviewed