54 research outputs found

    Spontaneous Rupture of the Extensor Pollicis Longus Tendon due to Unusual Etiology

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    Background:The etiology of spontaneous rupture of the extensor pol-licis longus tendon includes systemic or local steroid injections, wrist fracture, tenosynovitis, synovitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and repetitivewrist motions.Case Report:We encountered a case of extensor pollicis longus ten-don rupture with an unusual etiology, cow milking. In this case, trans-fer of the extensor indicis proprius tendon was performed successfully.At 1 year after surgery, extension of the thumb was sufficient.Conclusion:It appears that patients with occupations involving repeti-tive motions are at a high risk of closed tendon ruptures

    On Van, R and S entropies of graphenylene

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    Applications in the disciplines of chemistry, pharmaceuticals, communication, physics, and aeronautics all heavily rely on graph theory. To examine the properties of chemical compounds, the molecules are modelled as a graph. A few physical characteristics of the substance, including its boiling point, enthalpy, pi-electron energy, and molecular weight, are related to its geometric shape. Through the resolution of one of the interdisciplinary problems characterizing the structures of benzenoid hydrocarbons and graphenylene, the essay seeks to ascertain the practical applicability of graph theory. The topological index, which displays the correlation of chemical structures using numerous physical, chemical, and biological processes, is an invariant of a molecular graph connected with the chemical structure. Shannon's concept of entropy served as the basis for the graph entropies with topological indices, which are now used to measure the structural information of chemical graphs. Using various graph entropy metrics, the theory of graphs can be used to establish the link between particular chemical structural features. This study uses the appropriate R, S, Van topological indices to introduce some unique degree-based entropy descriptors. Additionally, the graphenylene structure's entropy measurements indicated above were computed

    On Van, R and S entropies of graphenylene

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    Applications in the disciplines of chemistry, pharmaceuticals, communication, physics, and aeronautics all heavily rely on graph theory. To examine the properties of chemical compounds, the molecules are modelled as a graph. A few physical characteristics of the substance, including its boiling point, enthalpy, pi-electron energy, and molecular weight, are related to its geometric shape. Through the resolution of one of the interdisciplinary problems characterizing the structures of benzenoid hydrocarbons and graphenylene, the essay seeks to ascertain the practical applicability of graph theory. The topological index, which displays the correlation of chemical structures using numerous physical, chemical, and biological processes, is an invariant of a molecular graph connected with the chemical structure. Shannon's concept of entropy served as the basis for the graph entropies with topological indices, which are now used to measure the structural information of chemical graphs. Using various graph entropy metrics, the theory of graphs can be used to establish the link between particular chemical structural features. This study uses the appropriate R, S, Van topological indices to introduce some unique degree-based entropy descriptors. Additionally, the graphenylene structure's entropy measurements indicated above were computed

    On Van, R and S entropies of graphenylene

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    Applications in the disciplines of chemistry, pharmaceuticals, communication, physics, and aeronautics all heavily rely on graph theory. To examine the properties of chemical compounds, the molecules are modelled as a graph. A few physical characteristics of the substance, including its boiling point, enthalpy, pi-electron energy, and molecular weight, are related to its geometric shape. Through the resolution of one of the interdisciplinary problems characterizing the structures of benzenoid hydrocarbons and graphenylene, the essay seeks to ascertain the practical applicability of graph theory. The topological index, which displays the correlation of chemical structures using numerous physical, chemical, and biological processes, is an invariant of a molecular graph connected with the chemical structure. Shannon's concept of entropy served as the basis for the graph entropies with topological indices, which are now used to measure the structural information of chemical graphs. Using various graph entropy metrics, the theory of graphs can be used to establish the link between particular chemical structural features. This study uses the appropriate R, S, Van topological indices to introduce some unique degree-based entropy descriptors. Additionally, the graphenylene structure's entropy measurements indicated above were computed

    Clinical features of congenital neck masses in children

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    Amaç: Doğuştan boyun kitlesi görülen çocuklarda tanısal yaklaşımlar ve tedavi yöntemleri değerlendirildi. Hastalar ve Yöntemler: Hastanemizde 1996- 2003 yılları arasında doğuştan boyun kitlesiyle tedavi edilen toplam 36 hasta (20 kız, 16 erkek; ort. yaş 8.6±5.9; dağılım 1 ay-15 yaş) geriye dönük olarak incelendi. Bulgular: Olguların 13'ünde Dermoid kist, yedisinde tiroglossal duktus kisti (TDK), yedisinde brankiyal kist, dördünde tortikollis, dördünde kistik higroma ve birinde lipoblastoma saptandı. Tiroglossal duktus kisti tanısı konan hastaların tümünde kitle boyun cildine fistülizeydi. Brankiyal kistlerin ikisi sağ, diğerleri sol yerleşimliydi. Dermoid kist tanısı konan olgulardan biri lateral yerleşimliydi. Tanı için ultrasonografi, bilgisayarlı tomografi ve tiroid sintigrafisi kullanıldı. Tortikollis tanısı konan üç hastada fizik tedavi, diğer hastalarda ise cerrahi tedavi uygulandı. Olgulardan dördünde ön tanıda yanılma oldu ve bu hastaların tümünün patoloji sonuçları dermoid kist olarak bildirildi. Sonuç: Çocukluk çağında boyun bölgesinde görülen doğuştan kitleler genellikle iyi huyludur. Dermoid kistler klinik özellikleri bakımından TDK ve brankiyal kistlerle karışabilir.Objectives: Diagnostic approaches and treatment methods in children with a congenital neck mass were evaluated. Patients and Methods: A total of 36 patients (20 girls, 16 males; mean age 8.6±5.9; range 1 month to 15 years) treated in our hospital for congenital neck mass between 1996 and 2003, were retrospectively analysed. Results: Thirteen cases were diagnosed as dermoid cyst, 7 as branchial cyst, 7 as thyroglossal duct cyst (TDC), 5 as torticollis, 4 as cystic hygroma and 1 as lipoblastoma. In all 7 of the cases with TDC, the mass presented with a cutaneus fistula. Two of the branchial cysts were localized on the right and the rest on the left side. One of the cases with dermoid cyst exhibited a lateral localization. Ultrasonography, computed tomography and thyroid syntigraphy were used for diagnostic purposes. Three patients with torticollis received physical therapy while the remaining patients were surgically treated. The preliminary diagnosis was incorrect in four cases and their histopathological diagnosis was dermoid cyst. Conclusion: Congenital neck masses in children are usually benign. Due to their similar clinical features, dermoid cysts can be confused with TDC and branchial cysts

    Bazı Yapay Taş Kâgir Birimlerde Donma-Çözülmenin Aşınma Kaybına Direncine ve Kapileriteye Etkisinin Araştırılması

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    Geçmişten bugüne kadar yapı malzemelerinin verimli ve uzun ömürlü kullanılabilmesi birçok araştırmanın konusu olmuştur. Yapay taş kâgir birimler de birçok alanda (zemin döşemesi, duvar elemanı vb.) kullanıldığından dolayı bu konunun önemli bir öğesi olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışmada yapay taş kagir birimlerden parke, bordür ve gaz beton numunelerinden 15 ve 25 kere olmak üzere iki farklı döngüde donma-çözülmeye maruz bırakılan toplam 36 adet örnekle karşılaştırılmak üzere 6’şar adet örnek (3’ü kapilerite, 3’ü aşınma kaybı deneyi için) herhangi bir işleme tabi tutulmadan şahit olarak bırakılmışlardır. Numuneler, donma çözülme döngüleri sonucunda kapilerite ve aşınma deneylerine maruz bırakılmıştır. Deneyler sonucunda aşınma kaybı direncine en olumlu davranışı sırasıyla parke, bordür, gaz beton örnekleri göstermiştir. Kapiler etki açısından ise en olumlu davranış sırasıyla parke, bordür, gaz beton örneklerinden elde edilmiştir

    Management of Proximal Third Arm Replantation

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    Notwithstanding the recent success in major limb replantation achieved through the advancements in microsurgical techniques, the viability of the extremity is still relatively low at the transhumeral level following a replantation. There are no exact guidelines for deciding whether to undertake a stump repair or a replantation in such amputations at the proximal level. However, a highly motivated patient with realistic expectations and protected shoulder function can be a candidate to undergo replantation. The replanted arm may help the uninjured arm in daily activities. In this report we present the case of a 47-year-old man whose arm was amputated at proximal third level by an asphalt machine and successfully replanted together with the encountered problems and their solutions. The roadmap followed in this rare case may be a guide for hand surgeons

    Strike funds of labour unions in Turkey

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    Severe Facial Dermatitis Following Rhinoplasty due to an Unusual Etiopathogenesis: Rosacea

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    Numerıcal Analysıs Of Temperature Dıstrıbutıon In Hybrıd Reactor Nuclear Fuel Rods By Fınıte Elements Method

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    Bu çalışmada, bir füzyon-fisyon hibrid reaktöründe LWR harcanmış nükleer yakıtı içeren nükleer yakıt çubuklarındaki sıcaklık dağılımı sonlu elemanlar metodu yardımıyla farklı soğutucular ve nötron duvar yükleri için analiz edilmiştir. Hesaplamalarda 2 MW/m2, 4 MW/m2, 6 MW/m2, 8 MW/m2, 10 MW/m2 nötron duvar yükleri ve Doğal Lityum, Flinabe, Li20Sn80 soğutucuları kullanılmıştır. İlk olarak SCALE5 kodu ile nötronik hesaplamalar yapılmış ve elde edilen fisyon değerlerine bağlı olarak ısı üretim oranları hesaplanmıştır. Daha sonra yakıt bölgesinde dizili olan 1. sıra, 5. sıra ve 10. sırada yer alan yakıt çubuklarının sonlu elemanlar metodu yardımıyla sıcaklık dağılımları ANSYS paket programında analiz edilmiştir. Farklı nötron duvar yükleri ve soğutucularda elde edilen sıcaklık değeri nükleer yakıt ergime sıcaklığı referans sınırlarına göre zamana bağlı olarak karşılaştırılmıştır.In this study, temperature distribution of nuclear fuel rods in a fusion fission hybrid reactor containing LWR spent fuel was analyzed by finite elements method for different coolants and first wall neutron loads. In calculations, 2 MW/m2, 4 MW/m2, 6 MW/m2, 8 MW/m2, 10 MW/m2 first wall neutron loads and Natural Lithium, Flinabe, Li20Sn80 coolants were used. Firstly, neutronic calculations were conducted by SCALE5 and heat generation rates were calculated using obtained fission rates. Afterwards, temperature distribution of fuel rods of 1. row, 5. row, and 10. row in fuel region was analyzed by finite elements method using ANSYS application. Obtained temperature distribution rates for different first wall loads and coolants were compared over time in terms of reference fuel melting point