471 research outputs found


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    In the present work Endothenia apotomisana sp. n. (Tortricidae Olethreutinae Olethreutini) and Cydia pelionae sp. n. (Tortricidae Olethreutinae Grapholitini) are described as new to science, according to available literature (MEYRICK, 1912; KUZNETSOV, 1962, 1989; RAZOWSKI, 2003; AARVIK, 2013).The Lepidoptera Tortricidae from Greece have received only sporadic attention by both local and foreign lepidopterists with publications referring to one or few entities (for example AARVIK  and KARSHOLT , 1993; TREMATERRA  and KARSHOLT , 1996; TREMATERRA  and AARVIK, 1998; BASSI, 2014; HUEMER, 2016), while lacking summary works that consider the Hellenic fauna as a whole (GOZMANY, 2012).Our materials were collected on the Pelion Mountains (Magnisia, Greece) in the para-Mediterranean broad-leaved deciduous trees zone (Quercetalia pubescentis); this zone includes Oak forests (Quercus frainetto) and Chestnut forests (Castanea sativa)

    Lepidoptera Tortricidae from SE European Russia with description of Ceratoxanthis saratovica sp. n.

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    Faunistic data of some Lepidoptera Tortricidae collected in Southern Russian territory are reported; moreover, the new species Ceratoxanthis saratovica sp. n., from Saratov region is described. Externally C. saratovica resembles to Ceratoxanthis argentomixtana (Staudinger, 1870); in the male genitalia is closed to Ceratoxanthis iberica Baixeras, 1992

    Combination of mating disruption and parasitoid Habrobracon hebetor against Plodia interpunctella in a chocolate factory: Presentation

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    A field experiment of 4 years’ duration was carried out to evaluate the efficacy of combining the mating disruption (MD) formulation Dismate ZETA (9Z,12E-tetradecadienyl acetate), with the parasitoid Habrobracon hebetor against the Indianmeal moth Plodia interpunctella in a chocolate factory. The experimental period began early in 2011 and ended in late 2014. Begane Dismate dispensers were placed in the facility from 2011 to 2014 and H. hebetor was released in 2014. Pheromone-baited traps were used to monitor the flight activity of the male moths and oviposition Petri dish cups were placed to assess the progeny production of P. interpunctella females. Following the start of MD, a decrease in the number of P. interpunctella males caught in monitoring traps was observed from 2011 to 2013. A further decline in the moth population was noted in 2014, when MD was combined with the release of parasitoids. The presence of larvae in the oviposition cups was occasionally observed throughout the monitoring period, from 2011 to 2014. This study demonstrates that the combined system of MD and parasitoids is an effective and reliable technique that can be used to successfully control P. interpunctella.A field experiment of 4 years’ duration was carried out to evaluate the efficacy of combining the mating disruption (MD) formulation Dismate ZETA (9Z,12E-tetradecadienyl acetate), with the parasitoid Habrobracon hebetor against the Indianmeal moth Plodia interpunctella in a chocolate factory. The experimental period began early in 2011 and ended in late 2014. Begane Dismate dispensers were placed in the facility from 2011 to 2014 and H. hebetor was released in 2014. Pheromone-baited traps were used to monitor the flight activity of the male moths and oviposition Petri dish cups were placed to assess the progeny production of P. interpunctella females. Following the start of MD, a decrease in the number of P. interpunctella males caught in monitoring traps was observed from 2011 to 2013. A further decline in the moth population was noted in 2014, when MD was combined with the release of parasitoids. The presence of larvae in the oviposition cups was occasionally observed throughout the monitoring period, from 2011 to 2014. This study demonstrates that the combined system of MD and parasitoids is an effective and reliable technique that can be used to successfully control P. interpunctella

    Aethes beatricella (Walsingham, 1898), nuova per la fauna ital- iana, e altri tortricidi poco noti da alcuni rilievi dell’Italia Centrale (Lepidoptera Tortricidae)

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    AETHES BEATRICELLA (WALSINGHAM, 1898), NEW FOR THE ITALIAN FAUNA, AND OTHER INTERESTING TORTRICID MOTHS LITTLE KNOWN FROM MOUNTAINS OF CENTRAL ITALY (LEPIDOPTERA TORRICIDAE) The presence of Aethes beatricella (Walsingham, 1898) in Italy is recorded; the species was col- lected on Mainarde mountains in Molise region. Remarks on interesting and little known tortricid moths species found on Appennine mountains (Gran Sasso d’Italia, Montagna della Maiella, Monti dell’Alto Molise, le Mainarde and il Matese), in Central Italy, were also reported. Key Words: Lepidoptera, Tortricidae, faunistic reports, Aethes beatricella, Italy. Viene segnalata la presenza in Italia di Aethes beatricella (Walsingham, 1898), catturata sui monti delle Mainarde, nel Molise. Si riportano, inoltre, brevi note su altri Lepidotteri Tortricidi, interessanti o poco noti per la fauna italiana, il cui ritrovamento su alcuni rilievi dell’Italia Centrale (Gran Sasso d’Italia, Montagna della Maiella, Monti dell’Alto Molise, le Mainarde e il Matese), spesso, rappresenta il limite meridionale dell’areale. Parole chiave: Lepidoptera, Tortricidae, faunistica, Aethes beatricella, Italia

    Tortricidae (Lepidoptera) from Ethiopia

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    Twenty six new species of Tortricidae from southeast Ethiopia are reported: Russograptis albulata sp. n., Acleris baleina sp. n., Acleris harenna sp. n., Procrica dinshona sp. n., Procrica parisii sp. n., Choristoneura palladinoi sp. n., Lozotaenia karchana sp. n., Lozotaenia sciarrettae sp. n., Endothenia ethiopica sp. n., Crotalaria albapex sp. n., Eccopsis brunneopostica sp. n., Eccopsis subincana sp. n., Megalota lygaria sp. n., Bubonoxena alatheta sp. n., Plutographa xanthala sp. n., Epinotia anepenthes sp. n., Epinotia latiloba sp. n., Coccothera triorbis sp. n., Coccothera carolae sp. n., Multiquestia aequivoca sp. n., Coniostola separata sp. n., Cydia tytthaspis sp. n., Cydia dinshoi sp. n., Cydia lathetica sp. n., Grapholita insperata sp. n., Thaumatotibia spinai sp. n. Some faunistic data on the known taxa from this country are included. The material examined is too scarce to draw any zoogeographic conclusion but there are some species common to Ethiopia and the Republic of South Africa, Mozambique and Uganda or are very closely related with them. Two Acleris Hübner, 1825 described in this paper are closely allied with the Afghan species


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    A list of 181 species of Lepidoptera Tortricidae recorded during several expeditions realized in Calabria(southern Italy) is reported. Fifty-nine species are mentioned for the first time in Calabria. Of particular interest are 23species that have as a southern limit of their distribution area the Calabria territory


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    Thaumetopoea hellenicaand Thaumetopoea mediterraneawere recently described from Central Greece andPantelleria Island (Italy), respectively. In this paper, we reported some information on their morphology, biological cycleand ecology. T. hellenicaand T. mediterraneaare closely related to T. pityocampa differing mainly ingenetic characters.Morphologically, the three species resemble each other, and can be mainly differentiated by observing wing patterns, can-thus, and the male and female genitalia. Some data on egg batches, mature larvae, pupae, flight period, host plants andcolonized environments were reported

    Spatio-temporal analysis of insect pests infesting a paddy rice storage facility

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    The study describes the temporal and spatial distribution of the insect fauna collected in a paddy rice storage facility over two years, with major emphasis on the most abundant pests. The experiment, using 19 food-bait traps, was carried out in the county of Massaranduba, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil, from November 1997 to October 1999. During the whole survey, Sitophilus oryzae (L.), a primary pest associated to stored cereals, was the most abundant species in the storage facility (28,542 specimens captured). Other beetles were collected in remarkable numbers, both primary pests, such as Rhyzopertha dominica (Fabricius) (3,931 specimens), and secondary pests, such as Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens) (4,075 specimens) and Oryzaephilus surinamesis (L.) (1,069 specimens). In general, various species showed very variable distribution and, depending on pest and year, all parts of the facility appeared infested. Pest populations were present both in processing area and in silos, at least in one of the two years survey. Analyzing different distributions, the various zones of the rice facility appeared to have different propensity to insect infestations, with the south-eastern silos and the grain pit with the conveyor belt as the most frequently infested. Moreover, variations between the 1st and 2nd year survey showed a strong decrease of total population numbers in the 2nd year, but in different ways, depending on the species considered. Such a result was probably due to the cleaning measures accomplished inside and outside the silos and in the processing area, including application of insecticide on the structure. O trabalho relata a ditribuição temporal e espacial da fauna entomológica coletada em um armazém com arroz em casca durante dois anos, dando ênfase às espécies mais abundantes. O experimento, utilizando 19 armadilhas tipo gaiola foi realizado em Massaranduba, SC, de novembro de 1997 a outubro de 1999. Durante as coletas, Sitophilus oryzae (L.), considerada praga primária foi coletada em maior número (28.542 espécimes); outras pragas primárias como Rhyzopertha dominica (Fabricius) (3.931 espécimes) ou pragas secundárias como Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens) (4.075 espeécimes) e Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L.) (1.069 espécimes) também tiveram grande ocorrência. Várias espécies mostraram variações na distribuição e dependendo do inseto-praga e do ano, todas as áreas foram infestadas. As populações de insetos estavam presentes tanto nas áreas de recebimento como nos silos, em um ou nos dois anos. Analisando as diferentes distribuições, as várias áreas de armazenamento de arroz apresentaram diferentes propensões de infestação de insetos, com os silos do sudoeste e a moega, que foram as áreas que apresentaram maior infestação. Além disso, as variações entre o primeiro e segundo ano mostraram acentuada redução do total da população de insetos no segundo ano, mas em diferentes locais, dependendo das espécies consideradas. Tais resultados provavelmente se devem às medidas de limpeza adotadas dentro e fora dos silos e na área de processamento, incluindo a aplicação de inseticida na estrutura

    Note faunistiche su alcuni interessanti Tortricidi dell’Italia meridionale (Lepidoptera)

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    FAUNISTIC NOTES ON SOME INTERESTING TORTRICID MOTHS FROM SOUTHERN ITALY (LEPIDOPTERA) Studies on the Lepidoptera Tortricidae Collection at the Agricultural Entomology Institute of Bari University are reported. Cydia johanssoni Aarvik Karsholt, 1993, was found for the first time in Italy; Diceratura rhodograpta Djakonov, 1929, was a new record for the mainland; 25 species are new for Southern Italy. Key words: Lepidoptera Tortricidae, faunistic reports, Southern Italy. Lo studio della collezione di Lepidotteri Tortricidi presente presso l’Istituto di Entomologia agraria dell’Università degli Studi di Bari ha permesso il rinvenimento di Cydia johanssoni Aarvik Karsholt, 1993, specie nuova per la fauna italiana e di Diceratura rhodograpta Djakonov, 1929, entità trovata per la prima volta sul continente. A queste si aggiungono ulteriori 25 specie, mai segnalate nelle regioni meridionali del nostro Paese. Parole chiave: Lepidotteri, Tortricidi, faunistica, Italia meridionale
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