123 research outputs found

    Razvoj ideje javnog emitiranja i tranzicija na španjolskoj televiziji

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    The paper examines the presence of the public interest in contemporary Spanish television medium. For many years there was a solidly-held belief that there are important public assets (principally educational, cultural and democratic) which could only be provided by public television. In recent years in Spain, after the Transition process, and with democracy having been consolidated, a new period of maturity in television, in which society itself demands and expects that television in general, both public and private, guarantees a series of values and public assets. In the first part, the author explains what are the origins of television in Spain: from what is the nature of public service and legislation that supports it (where are established the public interest criteria that must always prevail in the public television medium, and private television later) to the development and consolidation of the television system in Spain with the arrival of regional television, private television channels and pay television platforms. In the second part of the paper, the situation of the programme listings of general public and private television channels which operate in Spain is analyzed through the case study of the first week of March 2009. The study of prime time enables to know which are the most important genres of television programming in Spain and what television preserve the public interest. Finally which audience and what kinds of programs and genres connect with the interest of the citizens are discussed. The main objective is to study how the concept of public interest has changed in programming and how this is developing currentlyRad ispituje prisutnost javnog interesa u suvremenom španjolskom televizijskom mediju. Dugo je prevladavalo uvjerenje da postoje važna načela javnog interesa (prvenstveno edukacijska, kulturna i demokratska) koja mogu biti zadovoljena jedino od javne televizije. Posljednjih godina u Španjolskoj, nakon tranzicijskog procesa, i nakon konsolidacije demokracije, novi period zrelosti televizije, u kojoj samo društvo zahtijeva i očekuje da televizija općenito, javna kao i privatna, garantira niz vrijednosti i javnih načela. U prvom dijelu, autorica objašnjava podrijetlo televizije u Španjolskoj: od toga koja je priroda javnog emitiranja i zakonodavstva koja je podržava (gdje su ustanovljeni kriteriji javnog interesa koji uvijek moraju prevladavati u javnom televizijskom mediju, i privatnoj televiziji kasnije) do razvoja konsolidacije televizijskog sistema u Španjolskoj s dolaskom regionalne televizije, privatnih televizijskih kanala i televijske platforme koje se plaćaju. U drugom dijelu rada, programi javnih i privatnih televizijskih kanala koji djeluju u Španjolskoj analiziraju se kroz studiju slučaja u prvom tjednu ožujka 2009. Studija prime time-a omogućuje saznanje o tome koji su najvažniji žanrovi televizijskog programa u Španjolskoj i koje su televizijske kuće očuvale interese javnosti. Na kraju raspravlja se koje se publike i koje vrste programa i žanrova povezuju s interesom građana. Glavni cilj je proučiti kako se koncept javnog interesa promijenio u kreiranju programa i koji su suvremeni trendovi

    Pengaruh Terpaan Iklan Situs Jual Beli Online dan Faktor Demografi terhadap Minat Bertransaksi Online

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh terpaan iklansitus jual beli online terhadap minat bertransaksi online. Selain itu, penelitianini juga bertujuan untuk menguji faktor demografi yang memediasi terpaaniklan situs jual beli online dan minat bertransaksi online.Penulis menggunakan Teori Respon Kognitif dan Teori KategoriSosial untuk menjelaskan pengaruh terpaan iklan situs jual beli online danfaktor demografi terhadap minat bertransaksi online. Populasi penelitian iniadalah khalayak yang pernah melihat iklan situs jual beli online dan sampelyang diambil sebanyak 100 orang, dengan teknik purposive sampling.Dalam uji hipotesis, penulis menggunakan Analisis Regresi HirarkiBerganda. Uji hipotesis menunjukkan nilai signifikansi variabel terpaan iklanterhadap variabel minat bertransaksi online adalah 0.000, sehingga terdapatpengaruh langsung terpaan iklan terhadap minat bertransaksi. Sedangkannilai signifikansi variabel terpaan iklan terhadap minat bertransaksi onlinemelalui variabel usia, jenis kelamin, tingkat pendidikan adalah0.296;0.234;0.131 nilai signifikansi > 0.05 sedangkan variabel terpaan iklanterhadap variabel minat bertransaksi melalui tingkat pendapatan sebesar0.001, nilai signifikansi < 0.05, sehingga terpaan iklan berpengaruh terhadapminat bertransaksi hanya melalui tingkat pendapatan

    Citizen awareness to e-government services for information personalization

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    In the government agency environment, citizen is the customer that utilizes the service provided by government agency as the service provider. The success and acceptance of e-government initiatives depends on citizen willing to utilize the service provided (Carter L and Belanger F, 2004). The core issue in e-government domain now is about the social issue rather than the technical issue. Findings from literatures reveal that the initiative from government side in promoting and building the awareness of citizen is considered low. And by the unawareness of citizen, the communication between government and citizen cannot successfully be built. Therefore the purpose of this paper is to review the success factors of e-government adoption and the issues that influence citizen to aware and adopt the service provided by various researchers. In addition, this paper also discusses the formulation of a citizen-centric framework. The benefit of the framework is to assists the analysis on the relationship between government and citizens. This is to ensure that a suitable method could be further proposed to enhance the relationship and communication between government and citizens. The Citizen-centric framework considers the needs in promoting service to citizen so that information personalization can successfully be accomplished

    Pemanfaatan Instagram Dalam Pemasaran Produk Usaha Kecil Menengah Keripik Tempe Alkhalif Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    This study aims to analyze the use of Instagram in the marketing of Alkhalif Tempe Chips small and medium business products during the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used in this research is a qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The informants in this study were the owners of Alkhalif Tempe Chips UKM. Data collection techniques used are observation, interview and documentation techniques. The techniques used in data analysis are data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Triangulation is done to explain the validity of the data by using source triangulation. The results showed that the use of Instagram in product marketing for small and medium-sized businesses Alkhalif Tempe Chips included: (1) The use of Instagram by Alkhalif Tempe Chips SMEs in product marketing through Instagram features, namely, Upload photos and videos, Captions, comments, Likes, Instagram Stories, IGTV, Hasthagh, Direct Message; (2) The use of Instagram as a product marketing medium for Alkhalif Tempe Chips SMEs provides benefits in business development, namely being one of the strong drivers for SMEs to continue to develop their business; (3) The problems that occur in marketing Alkhalif Tempe Chips products through Instagram are in terms of managing Instagram media, namely the slow response of buyers because the owner himself manages Instagram. And also buyers who compare prices with other sellers; (4) The income of Alkhalif Tempe Chips UKM in marketing products through Instagram has increased sales by up to 40% with previous sales

    Factors Affecting Students' Online Shopping Attitude and Purchase Intention

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    The ever-increasing use of the Internet in Malaysia provides a developing prospect for E-marketers. Such marketers’ awareness of the factors affecting Malaysian’s shopping attitudes and intentions is crucial to further develop their marketing strategies in converting potential customers into active ones, while maintaining the existing online customers. Purchase intention is an important determinant of online shopping behavior and represents the best estimates of future behavior available to market researchers. From an e-commerce perspective, understanding of the Theory of Reasoned Action, Theory Planned Behavior, and Technology Acceptance Model could provide a valid basis for explaining and predicting consumers’ intentions towards adopting online shopping behavior.This study sets out to examine the factors influencing students’ online shopping attitudes and intentions at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) through a five-pint Likert scale self-administered questionnaire. The instrument has demonstrated acceptable levels of internal consistency, reliability, and content validity according to previous documented studies. A sample of 370 students was selected among postgraduate students at Universiti Putra Malaysia. Descriptive analysis, Pearson correlation, partial correlation, multiple regression, and path analysis were employed to achieve the objectives of the study. The results of the study showed that the level of online shopping intention was relatively high and direction of attitude towards online shopping was positive among the postgraduate students. Moreover, it was found that utilitarian orientation and hedonic orientation, perceived benefits and demographic characteristics (gender, age, and income) were significantly and positively correlated with the attitude towards online shopping. In addition, the result revealed that the perceived behavioural control and attitude were significantly and positively correlated with online shopping intention. Finally, the finding identified that the trust in the construct of perceived behavioural control and attitude had higher direct effect whereas utilitarian orientation, convenience, prices and wider selection, and income had higher indirect effect on the students’ online shopping intention

    Иерархия потребностей человека

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    Предметом исследования данной статьи является мотивационная теория и теория иерархичности потребностей. Рассмотрены проблемы неприменимости гуманистической теории личности А. Маслоу и ее интерпретации Ф. Котлером в виде пирамиды потребностей в практике маркетинга и менеджмента. Цель исследования - разработка новой теории иерархичности потребности, включающей в себя определение потребностей, их иерархической взаимосвязи и условий перехода к потребностям более высокого уровня, удовлетворяющих практическим наблюдениям. В исследовании используется математически-статистический метод группировки запросов пользователей поисковой системы по смыслу семантического ядра в соответствии их определенному уровню иерархии потребностей. В результате построена новая модель иерархии потребностей. Определены иерархические уровни развития потребностей и условия перехода к потребностям более высокого иерархического уровня. Областью применения новой редакции теории иерархичности потребностей является практика маркетинга, менеджмента и государственного управления. Новая редакция наиболее близко подходит к решению проблемы объяснения сложных поведенческих мотиваций


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    The comparative analysis of the foreign language competence among the citizens of Poland and Czech Republic has been accomplished. The received findings were compared with current observations of all-European linguistic tendencies. Having analysed various statistics the authors succeeded in assembling the social portrait of an average multilingual European. The authors have also considered the fact that over the past years the official percentage of multilingual citizens, both in Poland and the Czech Republic, has significantly decreased due to intensive emigration processes. In the authors’ opinion, this problem is mostly of the socio-economic nature and demonstrates rather not the weakness of educational systems, but the ability of educational institutions of both countries to prepare competitive specialists who are able (due to the high level of foreign language competence) to find decent job in the labour-market of the United Europe. It has also been stated that since the foreign language competence has become a professional and cultural prerequisite for creation of the unified globalized Europe, and multilingualism has become a part of the European identity, the future specialists’ foreign language training in Ukraine should be conducted precisely taking into account the prospects of European integration

    Perbedaan Gender Mengenai Perceived Risk Pada Pembelian Online

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    This study aimed to examine the difference in perceived risk between Men and Women in the buying and selling online. Dimensions are used to in this research is financial risk, psychological risk, time risk, privacy risk, fraud risk, product risk, information risk and delivery risk. From these results  perceived risk that there are differences between men and women (in the books online purchases). Women respondents have an average value higher than the Men Women respondents feel that means a higher risk than men.