5,447 research outputs found

    How much measurement independence is needed in order to demonstrate nonlocality?

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    If nonlocality is to be inferred from a violation of Bell's inequality, an important assumption is that the measurement settings are freely chosen by the observers, or alternatively, that they are random and uncorrelated with the hypothetical local variables. We study the case where this assumption is weakened, so that measurement settings and local variables are at least partially correlated. As we show, there is a connection between this type of model and models which reproduce nonlocal correlations by allowing classical communication between the distant parties, and a connection with models that exploit the detection loophole. We show that even if Bob's choices are completely independent, all correlations obtained from projective measurements on a singlet can be reproduced, with the correlation (measured by mutual information) between Alice's choice and local variables less than or equal to a single bit.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. v2 Various improvements in presentation. Results unchange

    The transport of cosmic rays in self-excited magnetic turbulence

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    The process of diffusive shock acceleration relies on the efficacy with which hydromagnetic waves can scatter charged particles in the precursor of a shock. The growth of self-generated waves is driven by both resonant and non-resonant processes. We perform high-resolution magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the non-resonant cosmic-ray driven instability, in which the unstable waves are excited beyond the linear regime. In a snapshot of the resultant field, particle transport simulations are carried out. The use of a static snapshot of the field is reasonable given that the Larmor period for particles is typically very short relative to the instability growth time. The diffusion rate is found to be close to, or below, the Bohm limit for a range of energies. This provides the first explicit demonstration that self-excited turbulence reduces the diffusion coefficient and has important implications for cosmic ray transport and acceleration in supernova remnants.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Suppressing subordinate reproduction provides benefits to dominants in cooperative societies of meerkats.

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    In many animal societies, a small proportion of dominant females monopolize reproduction by actively suppressing subordinates. Theory assumes that this is because subordinate reproduction depresses the fitness of dominants, yet the effect of subordinate reproduction on dominant behaviour and reproductive success has never been directly assessed. Here, we describe the consequences of experimentally preventing subordinate breeding in 12 groups of wild meerkats (Suricata suricatta) for three breeding attempts, using contraceptive injections. When subordinates are prevented from breeding, dominants are less aggressive towards subordinates and evict them less often, leading to a higher ratio of helpers to dependent pups, and increased provisioning of the dominant's pups by subordinate females. When subordinate breeding is suppressed, dominants also show improved foraging efficiency, gain more weight during pregnancy and produce heavier pups, which grow faster. These results confirm the benefits of suppression to dominants, and help explain the evolution of singular breeding in vertebrate societies

    The electronic structure of amorphous silica: A numerical study

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    We present a computational study of the electronic properties of amorphous SiO2. The ionic configurations used are the ones generated by an earlier molecular dynamics simulations in which the system was cooled with different cooling rates from the liquid state to a glass, thus giving access to glass-like configurations with different degrees of disorder [Phys. Rev. B 54, 15808 (1996)]. The electronic structure is described by a tight-binding Hamiltonian. We study the influence of the degree of disorder on the density of states, the localization properties, the optical absorption, the nature of defects within the mobility gap, and on the fluctuations of the Madelung potential, where the disorder manifests itself most prominently. The experimentally observed mismatch between a photoconductivity threshold of 9 eV and the onset of the optical absorption around 7 eV is interpreted by the picture of eigenstates localized by potential energy fluctuations in a mobility gap of approximately 9 eV and a density of states that exhibits valence and conduction band tails which are, even in the absence of defects, deeply located within the former band gap.Comment: 21 pages of Latex, 5 eps figure

    Modelling light-cone distribution amplitudes from non-relativistic bound states

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    We calculate light-cone distribution amplitudes for non-relativistic bound states, including radiative corrections from relativistic gluon exchange to first order in the strong coupling constant. We distinguish between bound states of quarks with equal (or similar) mass, m_1 ~ m_2, and between bound states where the quark masses are hierarchical, m_1 >> m_2. For both cases we calculate the distribution amplitudes at the non-relativistic scale and discuss the renormalization-group evolution for the leading-twist and 2-particle distributions. Our results apply to hard exclusive reactions with non-relativistic bound states in the QCD factorization approach like, for instance, (B_c -> eta_c l nu) or (e^+ e^- -> J/psi eta_c). They also serve as a toy model for light-cone distribution amplitudes of light mesons or heavy B and D mesons, for which certain model-independent properties can be derived. In particular, we calculate the anomalous dimension for the B meson distribution amplitude phi_B^-(w) in the Wandzura-Wilczek approximation and derive the according solution of the evolution equation at leading logarithmic accuracy.Comment: 27 pages, 15 figures, discussion around Eq.(83,84) extende

    Homogeneous Photometry V: The Globular Cluster NGC 4147

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    New BVRI broad-band photometry and astrometry are presented for the globular cluster NGC 4147, based upon measurements derived from 524 ground-based CCD images mostly either donated by colleagues or retrieved from public archives. We have also reanalysed five exposures of the cluster obtained with WFPC2 on the Hubble Space Telescope in the F439W and F555W (B and V) filters. We present calibrated color-magnitude and color-color diagrams. Analysis of the color-magnitude diagram reveals morphogical properties generally consistent with published metal-abundance estimates for the cluster, and an age typical of other Galactic globular clusters of similar metallicity. We have also redetermined the periods and mean magnitudes for the RR Lyrae variables, including a new c-type variable reported here for the first time. Our data do not show clear evidence for photometric variability in candidate V18, recently reported by Arellano Ferro et al. (2004). These observations also support the non-variable status of candidates V5, V9, and V15. The union of our light-curve data with those of Newburn (1957), Mannino (1957) and Arellano Ferro et al. (op. cit.) permits the derivation of significantly improved periods. The mean periods and the Bailey period-amplitude diagrams support the classification of the cluster as Oosterhoff I despite its predominantly blue horizontal branch. The number ratio of c- to ab-type RR Lyrae stars, on the other hand, is unusually high for an Oosterhoff I cluster. The calibrated results have been made available through the first author's web site.Comment: 30 pages, 30 figures. PASP, in press. Uses 11/2004 version of emulateapj (included). For the full-resolution preprint, the reader is encouraged to download the ps file (123 pages, manuscript format) available at http://cadcwww.hia.nrc.ca/stetson/NGC4147/ms.ps.gz, or the pdf file (30 pages, preprint format) available at http://www.astro.puc.cl/~mcatelan/N4147/full-res.pd

    Selected Papers on Protoplanetary Disks

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    Three papers present studies of thermal balances, dynamics, and electromagnetic spectra of protoplanetary disks, which comprise gas and dust orbiting young stars. One paper addresses the reprocessing, in a disk, of photons that originate in the disk itself in addition to photons that originate in the stellar object at the center. The shape of the disk is found to strongly affect the redistribution of energy. Another of the three papers reviews an increase in the optical luminosity of the young star FU Orionis. The increase began in the year 1936 and similar increases have since been observed in other stars. The paper summarizes astronomical, meteoric, and theoretical evidence that these increases are caused by increases in mass fluxes through the inner portions of the protoplanetary disks of these stars. The remaining paper presents a mathematical-modeling study of the structures of protostellar accretion disks, with emphasis on limits on disk flaring. Among the conclusions reached in the study are that (1) the radius at which a disk becomes shadowed from its central stellar object depends on radial mass flow and (2) most planet formation has occurred in environments unheated by stellar radiation

    Kōrero Mai: Kaiako experiences of synchronous online teaching and learning in New Zealand

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    Online teaching and learning programmes allow ākonga who live in isolated areas, or who have differing learning requirements, to study by distance. Maintaining student engagement in the online environment is an important aspect. This article explores how kaiako (teachers) can engage their ākonga (students) better in online environments. The article has a particular emphasis on supporting Māori learners, who represent 25% of the New Zealand school population. Five kaiako were interviewed about their experience of teaching New Zealand secondary school students online. The study found that the kaiako had some awareness of bicultural values and practices, but lacked confidence in embedding it in their online teaching, which was limited to synchronous timetabled sessions with some communication by text and email. The time provided for online students was considerably less than for the secondary students in traditional classrooms

    Radial Velocity Studies of Close Binary Stars. IX

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    Radial-velocity measurements and sine-curve fits to the orbital velocity variations are presented for the eighth set of ten close binary systems: AB And, V402 Aur, V445 Cep, V2082 Cyg, BX Dra, V918 Her, V502 Oph, V1363 Ori, KP Peg, V335 Peg. Half of the systems (V445 Cep, V2082 Cyg, V918 Her, V1363 Ori, V335 Peg) were discovered photometrically by the Hipparcos mission and all systems are double-lined (SB2) contact binaries. The broadening function method permitted improvement of the orbital elements for AB And and V502 Oph. The other systems have been observed for radial velocity variations for the first time; in this group are five bright (V<7.5) binaries: V445 Cep, V2082 Cyg, V918 Her, KP Peg and V335 Peg. Several of the studied systems are prime candidates for combined light and radial-velocity synthesis solutions.Comment: 17+ pages, 2 tables, 4 figure