167 research outputs found

    Role of oxidative stress in therapeutic administration of artesunate on sperm quality and testosterone level in male albino rats

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    The effects of antioxidants, vitamins C and E, on sperm quality, testosterone levels, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration were studied in artesunate treated rats. 25 male rats (160 to 250 g) divided into five groups were used for the study. Group 1 animals received normal saline and served as control while groups 2 to 5 received artesunate in therapeutic doses of 2.9 mg/Kg body weight on day 1 and 1.45 mg/Kg body weight on days 2 to 5 orally. Following artesunate pretreatment, groups 3, 4 and 5 rats received vitamin C (100 mg/kg), vitamin E (100 mg/kg) and a combination of both respectively orally for the 5 days. There was no significant difference in sperm viability and motility in all groups while count significantly (p<0.05) increased in group 3 animals treated with vitamin C. Serum testosterone level was significantly increased (p< 0.05) in groups 4 and 5. The MDA concentrations were significantly increased (p < 0.05) while SOD activity concurrently decreased significantly (p<0.05) in groups 2, 3, and 5 indicating an oxidative-counter oxidative relationship. It was thus concluded that artesunate at therapeutic doses and duration had no significant effect on sperm quality and serum testosterone level in male rats while vitamin C, and combination of vitamins C and E tend to promote reproductive functions in artesunate-treated male rats.Key words: Artesunate, vitamin C, vitamin E, sperm quality, superoxide dismutase activity, malondialdehyde concentration


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    In this study, the solution to Klein-Gordon equations with focus on analytical methods is discussed. The analytical methods used in this research are the Variational Iteration Method (VIM) developed by Ji-Huan He, Adomian Decomposition Method (ADM) by Adomian and New Iterative Method (NIM) developed by Daftardar Gejji and Jafari. The modified Adomian Decomposition method by Wazwaz was used to solve the linear inhomogeneous and nonlinear Klein-Gordon equations to accelerate the convergence of the solution and minimizes the size of calculation while still maintaining high accuracy of the analytical solution. All the problems considered yield the exact solutions with few iterations. The solutions obtained were compared with the exact solution and the solutions obtained by other existing methods. The solutions obtained by the three methods yield the same results and all the problems considered show that the Variational Iteration Method, Adomian Decomposition Method and New Iterative Method are very powerful and potent in solving Klein-Gordon equations and can be used to obtain closed form solutions of linear and nonlinear differential equations (ordinary and partial)


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    This paper attempted to put into a clearer perspective the different programmes embarked upon by Ogun, Oyo and Lagos states government in the management of wetlands located within their domain. Zeroing on state ministries, agencies or parastatal involved in water management, the study investigated the various existing management plans embarked upon by the three State Governments. Results showed that solid waste management was in place in all the states. However, none of the States has clear legislation, enforcement and prosecution as regards the different use that are injurious to the Wetlands. Habitat creation/restoration, in situ and ex situ action, protected areas options are also not being employed in managing wetlands in southwest, Nigeria. The study therefore recommends that policies geared towards sustainable management of Wetlands should be put in place and actively pursued by the state Governments

    Development of Fingerprint Biometric Attendance System for Non-Academic Staff in a Tertiary Institution

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    Institutions, companies and organisations where security and net productivity is vital, access to certain areas must be controlled and monitored through an automated system of attendance. Managing people is a difficult task for most of the organizations and maintaining the attendance record is an important factor in people management. When considering the academic institute, taking the attendance of non-academic staff on daily basis and maintaining the records is a major task. Manually taking attendance and maintaining it for a long time adds to the difficulty of this task as well as wastes a lot of time. For this reason, an efficient system is proposed in this paper to solve the problem of manual attendance. This system takes attendance electronically with the help of a fingerprint recognition system, and all the records are saved for subsequent operations. Staff biometric attendance system employs an automated system to calculate attendance of staff in an organization and do further calculations of monthly attendance summary in order to reduce human errors during calculations. In essence, the proposed system can be employed in curbing the problems of lateness, buddy punching and truancy in any institution, organization or establishment. The proposed system will also improve the productivity of any organization if properly implemented. Keywords: Institution, Attendance, Biometric, Fingerprin

    Effectiveness of Misoprostol in the Management of Intra-Uterine Foetal Death

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    Background: Misoprostol \u2013 a prostaglandin E1 analogue is effective in the induction of labour in the 2nd and 3rd trimester pregnancies. There is paucity of information in the use of misoprostol for labour induction in our setting. Method: Non-randomized clinical trial. Results: Thirty-four consecutive patients with real time ultrasonographically confirmed intrauterine fetal demise from 14 weeks gestation were recruited into the study. Twelve patients had oral administration while 22 were given misoprostol via the vaginal route. The mean age and parity of these patients where 26.7 \ub1 6.8 years and 3.2 \ub1 3.3 respectively. The mean uterine size at induction was 24.5 \ub1 8.2 weeks. Mean onset of painful uterine contractions was 5.02 \ub1 5.2 hours (Range 0.5 \u2013 22 hours) while the mean induction \u2013 delivery interval was 14.6 \ub1 10.4 hours (Range 3-46 hours). The success rate of induction was 100% within 48 hours. Induction \u2013 delivery interval was not dependent on uterine size/Gestational age. Side effects encountered were minor namely nausea and vomiting. There were more side effects on oral administration. Conclusion: Misoprostol is effective in the termination of 2nd and 3rd trimester pregnancies associated with intrauterine fetal demise. Studies are needed to compare the efficacy of misoprostol with oxytocin in the induction of labour with live fetuses in our setting.Introduction : Le Misoprostol un prostaglandin E1 analogue est efficace dans le d\ue9clenchement dans le 2\ue8me et 3\ue8me trimestres des grossesses. Il y a une p\ue9nurie de l'information dans l'utilisation de misoprostol pour le d\ue9clenchement dans notre mileu. M\ue9thode : Proc\ue8s clinique non-randomis\ue9 R\ue9sultats : Trente-quatre patients cons\ue9cutifs avec le d\ue9c\ue8s de fetal intraut\ue9rinaire confirm\ue9 \ue0 travers un vrai utrasonographie \ue0 partir de 14 semaines de la gestation ont \ue9t\ue9 r\ue9cruit\ue9s pour cette \ue9tude. Douze patients avaient eu une administration orale tandis que 22 ont \ue9t\ue9 donn\ue9s misoprostol \ue0 travers la voie vaginale. L'\ue2ge moyen et parit\ue9 des patients \ue9taient 26,7 +- 6,8 ans et 3,2 +- 3,3 respectivement. La taille moyenne de l'ut\ue9rine pendant le d\ue9clenchement \ue9tait 24,5 +- 8,2 semaines. Moyen du commencement de la douleur de la contraction d'ut\ue9rine \ue9tait (5,02 +- 5,2 heures (groupe 0,5 \u2013 22 heures) tandis que moyen de d\ue9clenchement \u2013 accouchement interval \ue9tait 14,6 +- 10,4 heures. (Tranche \u2013 3 \u2013 46 heures) Le taux du succ\ue8s du d\ue9clenchement \ue9tait 100% en moins de 48 heures. D\ue9clenchement - accouchement interval n'\ue9tait pas dependant sur la taille ut\ue9rine/l'\ue2ge gestational. R\ue9actions secondaire \ue9prouv\ue9es \ue9taient peu \ue0 savoir : la naus\ue9e et vomissements. Il y avait plus de r\ue9actions secondaires sur l'administration orale. Conclusion : Le Misoprostol est tr\ue8s efficace dans la termination de 2\ue8me et 3\ue8me trimestres des grossesses ayant rapport avec le d\ue9c\ue8s de fetal intraut\ue9rine. On a besoin des \ue9tudes pour comparer l'efficacit\ue9 de misoprostol avec oxytocin dans le d\ue9clenchement avec des foetus vivant dans notre milieu

    Autologous blood donations and transfusions among patients undergoing elective orthopaedic, gynaecologic and elective caesarean section at a Tertiary Hospital in North Central Nigeria

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    Introduction: Allogeneic donor blood is becoming increasingly costly, scarce and associated with multiple risks; there is need for more conservative transfusion strategies, one of which may be adoption of Autologous Blood Donation and Transfusions (ABDT). Despite increased acceptance of ABDT by clinicians and patients in most developed world, awareness in this part of the world is still low.Materials and methods: this is a cross sectional survey of knowledge and acceptance of ABDT by patients scheduled for elective orthopaedic, gynaecologic and elective caesarean section surgeries using structured interviewer administered questionnaire on socio-demographics, clinical presentations, knowledge of blood donations and transfusions, and acceptance of ABDT. The study population comprised of 171 subjects.Results: Gynaecologic/obstetric patients were 120 (70.2%) while 51 (29.8%) of the subjects were Orthopaedic patients. Majority (43.95%) were within the age range 31-45 years, 38.6% were less than 31 years while 17.5% were older than 45 years. Females constituted the larger proportion (77.2%). Twenty one (12.3%) subjects had donated blood in the past, 45 (26.3%) had previous blood transfusions and 30 (17.5%) had knowledge of ABDT. Eight one (47.4%) of all subjects accepted ABDT for the scheduled surgeries while 123 (71.9%) subjects accepted to be voluntary blood donors after surgery. Pre-deposit is the commonest form of ABDT preferred by the subjects (66%), followed by Haemodilution (28%) and Cell salvage (6%). A significant number of the subjects who accepted ABDT were ready to become voluntary blood donors after surgery (90.1%).Conclusion: Acceptance rate as high as 47.4% was recorded in this study despite low awareness. This is higher than what was reported by most authors’ locally but similar to the findings from Europe and Asia. Pre-deposit form was the commonest ABDT acceptable to these patients.  Improving awareness on ABDT will boost voluntary blood donations and improve blood transfusion safety

    The burden and risks of pediatric pneumonia in Nigeria: A desk‐based review of existing literature and data

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    Background: Pneumonia is a leading killer of children under‐5 years, with a high burden in Nigeria. We aimed to quantify the regional burden and risks of pediatric pneumonia in Nigeria, and specifically the states of Lagos and Jigawa. / Methods: We conducted a scoping literature search for studies of pneumonia morbidity and mortality in under‐5 children in Nigeria from 10th December 2018 to 26th April 2019, searching: Cochrane, PubMed, and Web of Science. We included grey literature from stakeholders' websites and information shared by organizations working in Nigeria. We conducted multivariable logistic regression using the 2016 to 2017 Multiple Cluster Indicators Survey data set to explore factors associated with pneumonia. Descriptive analyses of datasets from 2010 to 2019 was done to estimate trends in mortality, morbidity, and vaccination coverage. / Results: We identified 25 relevant papers (10 from Jigawa, 8 from Lagos, and 14 national data). None included data on pneumonia or acute respiratory tract infection burden in the health system, inpatient case‐fatality rates, severity, or age‐specific pneumonia mortality rates at state level. Secondary data analysis found that no household or caregiver socioeconomic indicators were consistently associated with self‐reported symptoms of cough and/or difficulty breathing, and seasonality was inconsistently associated, dependant on region. / Conclusion: There is a clear evidence gap around the burden of pediatric pneumonia in Nigeria, and challenges with the interpretation of existing household survey data. Improved survey approaches are needed to understand the risks of pediatric pneumonia in Nigeria, alongside the need for investment in reliable routine data systems to provide data on the clinical pneumonia burden in Nigeria

    Phenotypic and molecular characterization of Staphylococcus aureus isolates expressing low- and high-level mupirocin resistance in Nigeria and South Africa

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mupirocin is a topical antimicrobial agent which is used for the treatment of skin and postoperative wound infections, and the prevention of nasal carriage of methicillin-resistant <it>Staphylococcus aureus </it>(MRSA). However, the prevalence of mupirocin resistance in <it>S. aureus</it>, particularly in MRSA, has increased with the extensive and widespread use of this agent in hospital settings. This study characterized low- and high-level mupirocin-resistant <it>S. aureus </it>isolates obtained from Nigeria and South Africa.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A total of 17 mupirocin-resistant <it>S. aureus </it>isolates obtained from two previous studies in Nigeria and South Africa, were characterized by antibiogram, PCR-RFLP of the coagulase gene and PFGE. High-level mupirocin resistant isolates were confirmed by PCR detection of the <it>mupA </it>gene. The genetic location of the resistance determinants was established by curing and transfer experiments.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>All the low-level mupirocin resistant isolates were MRSA and resistant to gentamicin, tetracycline and trimethoprim. PFGE identified a major clone in two health care institutions located in Durban and a health care facility in Pietermaritzburg, Greytown and Empangeni. Curing and transfer experiments indicated that high-level mupirocin resistance was located on a 41.1 kb plasmid in the South African strain (A15). Furthermore, the transfer of high-level mupirocin resistance was demonstrated by the conjugative transfer of the 41.1 kb plasmid alone or with the co-transfer of a plasmid encoding resistance to cadmium. The size of the mupirocin-resistance encoding plasmid in the Nigerian strain (35 IBA) was approximately 35 kb.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The emergence of mupirocin-resistant <it>S. aureus </it>isolates in Nigeria and South Africa should be of great concern to medical personnel in these countries. It is recommended that methicillin-susceptible <it>S. aureus </it>(MSSA) and MRSA should be routinely tested for mupirocin resistance even in facilities where the agent is not administered. Urgent measures, including judicious use of mupirocin, need to be taken to prevent clonal dissemination of the mupirocin/methicillin resistant <it>S. aureus </it>in KZN, South Africa and the transfer of the conjugative plasmid encoding high-level mupirocin resistance identified in this study.</p

    Health system challenges for improved childhood pneumonia case management in Lagos and Jigawa, Nigeria

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    Background: Case fatality rates for childhood pneumonia in Nigeria remain high. There is a clear need for improved case management of pneumonia, through the sustainable implementation of the Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI) diagnostic and treatment algorithms. We explored barriers and opportunities for improved case management of childhood pneumonia in Lagos and Jigawa states, Nigeria. / Methods: A mixed‐method analysis was conducted to assess the current health system capacity to deliver quality care. This was done through audits of 16 facilities in Jigawa and 14 facilities in Lagos, questionnaires (n = 164) and 13 focus group discussions with providers. Field observations provided context for data analysis and triangulation. / Results: There were more private providers in Lagos (4/8 secondary facilities) and more government providers in Jigawa (4/8 primary, 3/3 secondary, and 1/1 tertiary facilities). Oxygen and pulse oximeters were available in two of three in Jigawa and six of eight in Lagos of the sampled secondary care facilities. None of the eight primary facilities surveyed in Jigawa had oxygen or pulse oximetry available while in Lagos two of three primary facilities had oxygen and one of three had pulse oximeters. Other IMCI and emergency equipment were also lacking including respiratory rate timers, particularly in Jigawa state. Health care providers scored poorly on knowledge of IMCI, though previous IMCI training was associated with better knowledge. Key enabling factors in delivering pediatric care highlighted by health care providers included accountability procedures and feedback loops, the provision of free medication for children, and philanthropic acts. Common barriers to provide care included the burden of out‐of‐pocket payments, challenges in effective communication with caregivers, delayed presentation, and lack of clear diagnosis, and case management guidelines. / Conclusion: There is an urgent need to improve how the prevention and treatment of pediatric pneumonia is directed in both Lagos and Jigawa. Priority areas for reducing pediatric pneumonia burden are training and mentoring of health care providers, community health education, and introduction of oximeters and oxygen supply