81 research outputs found

    Tensor ghosts in the inflationary cosmology

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    Theories with curvature squared terms in the action are known to contain ghost modes in general. However, if we regard curvature squared terms as quantum corrections to the original theory, the emergence of ghosts may be simply due to the perturbative truncation of a full non-perturbative theory. If this is the case, there should be a way to live with ghosts. In this paper, we take the Euclidean path integral approach, in which ghost degrees of freedom can be, and are integrated out in the Euclideanized spacetime. We apply this procedure to Einstein gravity with a Weyl curvature squared correction in the inflationary background. We find that the amplitude of tensor perturbations is modified by a term of O(alpha^2 H^2) where alpha^2 is a coupling constant in front of the Weyl squared term and H is the Hubble parameter during inflation.Comment: 16 pages, no figure

    Hoffmann-Infeld Black Hole Solutions in Lovelock Gravity

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    Five-dimensional black holes are studied in Lovelock gravity coupled to Hoffmann-Infeld non-linear electrodynamics. It is shown that some of these solutions present a double peak behavior of the temperature as a function of the horizon radius. This feature implies that the evaporation process, though drastic for a period, leads to an eternal black hole remnant. Moreover, the form of the caloric curve corresponds to the existence of a plateau in the evaporation rate, which implies that black holes of intermediate scales turn out to be unstable. The geometrical aspects, such as the absence of conical singularity, the structure of horizons, etc. are also discussed. In particular, solutions that are asymptotically AdS arise for special choices of the parameters, corresponding to charged solutions of five-dimensional Chern-Simons gravity.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, Revtex4. References added and comments clarified; version accepted for publicatio

    Thermodynamics of third order Lovelock anti-de Sitter black holes revisited

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    We compute the mass and the temperature of third order Lovelock black holes with negative Gauss-Bonnet coefficient α2<0\alpha_2<0 in anti-de Sitter space and perform the stability analysis of topological black holes. When k=1k=-1, the third order Lovelock black holes are thermodynamically stable for the whole range r+r_+. When k=1k=1, we found that the black hole has an intermediate unstable phase for D=7D=7. In eight dimensional spacetimes, however, a new phase of thermodynamically unstable small black holes appears if the coefficient α~\tilde{\alpha} is under a critical value. For D9D\geq 9, black holes have similar the distributions of thermodynamically stable regions to the case where the coefficient α~\tilde{\alpha} is under a critical value for D=8D=8. It is worth to mention that all the thermodynamic and conserved quantities of the black holes with flat horizon don't depend on the Lovelock coefficients and are the same as those of black holes in general gravity.Comment: 15 pages, 22 figure

    Collider Production of TeV Scale Black Holes and Higher-Curvature Gravity

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    We examine how the production of TeV scale black holes at colliders is influenced by the presence of Lovelock higher-curvature terms in the action of models with large extra dimensions. Such terms are expected to arise on rather general grounds, e.g., from string theory and are often used in the literature to model modifications to the Einstein-Hilbert action arising from quantum and/or stringy corrections. While adding the invariant which is quadratic in the curvature leads to quantitative modifications in black hole properties, cubic and higher invariants are found to produce significant qualitative changes, e.g., classically stable black holes. We use these higher-order curvature terms to construct a toy model of the black hole production cross section threshold. For reasonable parameter values we demonstrate that detailed measurements of the properties of black holes at future colliders will be highly sensitive to the presence of the Lovelock higher-order curvature terms.Comment: 37 pages, 11 figures, references adde

    Constraints on Gauss-Bonnet Gravity in Dark Energy Cosmologies

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    Models with a scalar field coupled to the Gauss-Bonnet Lagrangian appear naturally from Kaluza-Klein compactifications of pure higher-dimensional gravity. We study linear, cosmological perturbations in the limits of weak coupling and slow-roll, and derive simple expressions for the main observable sub-horizon quantities: the anisotropic stress factor, the time-dependent gravitational constant, and the matter perturbation growth factor. Using present observational data, and assuming slow-roll for the dark energy field, we find that the fraction of energy density associated with the coupled Gauss-Bonnet term cannot exceed 15%. The bound should be treated with caution, as there are significant uncertainies in the data used to obtain it. Even so, it indicates that the future prospects for constraining the coupled Gauss-Bonnet term with cosmological observations are encouraging.Comment: 15 pages. v3: extended analysis, conclusions change

    Simple compactifications and Black p-branes in Gauss-Bonnet and Lovelock Theories

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    We look for the existence of asymptotically flat simple compactifications of the form MDp×TpM_{D-p}\times T^{p} in DD-dimensional gravity theories with higher powers of the curvature. Assuming the manifold MDpM_{D-p} to be spherically symmetric, it is shown that the Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet theory admits this class of solutions only for the pure Einstein-Hilbert or Gauss-Bonnet Lagrangians, but not for an arbitrary linear combination of them. Once these special cases have been selected, the requirement of spherical symmetry is no longer relevant since actually any solution of the pure Einstein or pure Gauss-Bonnet theories can then be toroidally extended to higher dimensions. Depending on pp and the spacetime dimension, the metric on MDpM_{D-p} may describe a black hole or a spacetime with a conical singularity, so that the whole spacetime describes a black or a cosmic pp-brane, respectively. For the purely Gauss-Bonnet theory it is shown that, if MDpM_{D-p} is four-dimensional, a new exotic class of black hole solutions exists, for which spherical symmetry can be relaxed. Under the same assumptions, it is also shown that simple compactifications acquire a similar structure for a wide class of theories among the Lovelock family which accepts this toroidal extension. The thermodynamics of black pp-branes is also discussed, and it is shown that a thermodynamical analogue of the Gregory-Laflamme transition always occurs regardless the spacetime dimension or the theory considered, hence not only for General Relativity. Relaxing the asymptotically flat behavior, it is also shown that exact black brane solutions exist within a very special class of Lovelock theories.Comment: 30 pages, no figures, few typos fixed, references added, final version for JHE

    Inflation with a Weyl term, or ghosts at work

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    In order to assess the role of ghosts in cosmology, we study the evolution of linear cosmological perturbations during inflation when a Weyl term is added to the action. Our main result is that vector perturbations can no longer be ignored and that scalar modes diverge in the newtonian gauge but remain bounded in the comoving slicing.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    de Sitter thermodynamics and the braneworld

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    The de Sitter thermodynamics of cosmological models with a modified Friedmann equation is considered, with particular reference to high-energy Randall-Sundrum and Gauss-Bonnet braneworlds. The Friedmann equation can be regarded as the first law of thermodynamics of an effective gravitational theory in quasi de Sitter spacetime. The associated entropy provides some selection rules for the range of the parameters of the models, and is proposed for describing tunneling processes in the class of high-energy gravities under consideration.Comment: 16 pages JHEP style, no figures. v2: references added; v3: typo corrected in Eq.(3.1), supersedes published versio

    Lorentz-violating vs ghost gravitons: the example of Weyl gravity

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    We show that the ghost degrees of freedom of Einstein gravity with a Weyl term can be eliminated by a simple mechanism that invokes local Lorentz symmetry breaking. We demonstrate how the mechanism works in a cosmological setting. The presence of the Weyl term forces a redefinition of the quantum vacuum state of the tensor perturbations. As a consequence the amplitude of their spectrum blows up when the Lorentz-violating scale becomes comparable to the Hubble radius. Such a behaviour is in sharp contrast to what happens in standard Weyl gravity where the gravitational ghosts smoothly damp out the spectrum of primordial gravitational waves.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, REVTeX 4.

    Isolated horizons in higher-dimensional Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity

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    The isolated horizon framework was introduced in order to provide a local description of black holes that are in equilibrium with their (possibly dynamic) environment. Over the past several years, the framework has been extended to include matter fields (dilaton, Yang-Mills etc) in D=4 dimensions and cosmological constant in D3D\geq3 dimensions. In this article we present a further extension of the framework that includes black holes in higher-dimensional Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet (EGB) gravity. In particular, we construct a covariant phase space for EGB gravity in arbitrary dimensions which allows us to derive the first law. We find that the entropy of a weakly isolated and non-rotating horizon is given by S=(1/4GD)SD2ϵ~(1+2αR)\mathcal{S}=(1/4G_{D})\oint_{S^{D-2}}\bm{\tilde{\epsilon}}(1+2\alpha\mathcal{R}). In this expression SD2S^{D-2} is the (D2)(D-2)-dimensional cross section of the horizon with area form ϵ~\bm{\tilde{\epsilon}} and Ricci scalar R\mathcal{R}, GDG_{D} is the DD-dimensional Newton constant and α\alpha is the Gauss-Bonnet parameter. This expression for the horizon entropy is in agreement with those predicted by the Euclidean and Noether charge methods. Thus we extend the isolated horizon framework beyond Einstein gravity.Comment: 18 pages; 1 figure; v2: 19 pages; 2 references added; v3: 19 pages; minor corrections; 1 reference added; to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit