147 research outputs found

    Nutritional quality of milk curd by adding avocado extract (Persea americana, mill) using gombong bamboo (Gigantochloa verticilata)

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    Curd is a traditional fermented buffalo milk from West Sumatra.Fermentation in curd making occurs spontaneously, meaning thatfermentation occurs naturally without the addition of a starter. This studyaims to determine the nutritional content of cow milk curd with the additionof avocado extract (Persea americana, Mill) various levels using Gombongbamboo (Gigantochloa verticilata).This research was conducted at the Analogy and Physiology Laboratory ofthe Faculty of Agriculture, University of North Sumatra in November 2018-December 2018. The design used in this study was a completelyrandomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 4 replications. Theparameters analyzed were Protein, Fat, and pH. The results showed thatcow milk curd with the addition of avocado (Persea americana, Mill)extract various levels using Gombong bamboo (Gigantochloa verticilata)significantly had different effects on the nutritional value of protein, fat andpH. From the nutritional value studied, the highest protein: P1 7.57% withthe addition of avocado fruit extract (Persea americana, Mill) 6%, fataverage: P1 7.08% with the addition of avocado fruit extract (Perseaamericana, Mill) 6%, pH: P4 5.30% with the addition of avocado fruitextract (Persea americana, Mill) 24%

    Nutritional Quality Of Fermented Oil Palm Press Fiber By Local Microorganism

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    Oil palm press fiber is a by product of the agro industry that has a low nutrient content. Nutrients of oil palm press fiber can be improved by fermentation using local microorganisms. The research was conducted experimentally using a completely randomized design (CRD) factorial pattern with 2 factors (3 x 3), namely first factor such as  dose of local microorganisms (D1  = 1%, D2  = 3% and  D3 = 5%) and second factor such as long of fermentation (L1 = 7 days, L2 = 14 days and L3 = 21 days), with 3 replications. The parameters measured were the nutritional content of fermented oil palm press fiber such as moisture, dry matter, crude protein, crude fat, crude fiber, ash, and nitrogen free extract (NFE). Based on the research results obtained a combination of 5% dose of local microorganisms and 14 days of fermentation time had a significant effect (P<0.05) to increased crude protein content but did not have a significant effect (P>0.05) on increased dry matter and nitrogen free extract (NFE) and decreased moisture content, crude fiber, and ash

    Sifat Fisik Daging Ayam Petelur Afkir Pada Perbedaan Waktu Marinasi Menggunakan Asam Potong (Garcinia atroviridis)

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    Garcinia atroviridis atau asam potong merupakan rempah yang berpotensi untuk meningkatkan kualitas daging ayam petelur karena kandungan senyawa antimikroba dan asam dalam buahnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui waktu marinasi terbaik menggunakan asam potong atau Garcinia atroviridis terhadap kualitas fisik daging. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan acak lengkap dengan 4 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan. Pada setiap ulangan menggunakan 3 ekor daging ayam petelur. Perlakuan terdiri dari P0 : Daging ayam petelur tanpa marinasi, P1 : Marinasi daging ayam dalam infusa asam potong selama 15 menit, P2 : Marinasi daging ayam petelur dalam infusa asam potong selama 30 menit dan P3 : Marinasi daging ayam petelur dalam infusa asam potong selama 45 kemudian daging ayam disimpan selama 24 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukan, perbedaan waktu marinasi asam potong pada P0 berbeda nyata (

    Interelasi Subsistem Komunikasi Pemerintah dalam Pengembangan Kambing Kaligesing di Purworejo

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    Government communication system encounter extension and selling complexity. The aim of the study is to know how interrelation of government communication sub system in encounter extension and selling complexity in Kaligesing goat farming in Purworejo regency. The theory of the study is communication system in perspective of Niklas Luhmann. The study was used explorative case study method. The result of the study showed that extension sub system and breeding sub system not optimal in interrelation. So, information which produced and reproduced not solved complexity effectively

    Peningkatan Motivasi Anak Makan Sayuran Melalui Metode Bermain Permainan Cooking Class Pada Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun

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    The background of this research is the importance of increasing the motivation of a child to eat vegetables to children at an early age, game cooking class is one way to do, As for how that is done in a way children are invited directly in the process of cooking vegetables. The method used in this research is descriptive method and form of research is Classroom Action Research. Subjects in this study were children who totaled 17 people and locations that have been used as research is RA Al-Muhajirin Rasau Jaya. The result of the research is to improve the child's motivation to eat vegetables can be done through the method of playing the game cooking class in children aged 5-6 years

    Egg Quality and Hatchability of in Situ - Reared Kedu and Cemani Hens Fed Diet of Farmer Formulation Supplemented with Vitamin E

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    The aim of study was to evaluate the effect of dietary vitamin E supplementation in Kedu andCemani hens reraed in situ and given farmer-formulated diet on egg performances. A total of 120 femaleand 24 male birds were equally divided into two groups of Kedu and Cemani, with average body weightof 1890+216.79 and 1830+396.23 g, respectively. Basal ration was based on the diet formulated by thefarmer (R1) consisting of corn (30%), rice bran (50%), protein concentrate (15%), and premix (5%).Dietary treatments evaluated were R1 (without additional vitamin E), and the other three were theinclusion of DL α-tocopheryl acetate into the R1 diet up to 2 (R2), 4 (R3) and 6 IU (R4). The experimentwas arranged in a Randomized Block Design with 4 treatments, and 2 different groups of hen (Kedu andCemani) were assigned as block. Parameters observed were feed consumption, hen day production, feedconversion ratio, egg quality, fertility, and hatchability. The result showed that vitamin Esupplementation did not affect whatever parameters, except egg fertility. Egg hatchability between Keduand Cemani hens was significantly different (p<0.05). Trend comparison test indicated significantlylinear (p<0.05) for fertility and hatchability. In conclusion, vitamin E supplementation up to 6 IUincreased linearly egg fertility and hatchability of about 5-8%, and egg hatchability of Kedu hens washigher (11%) than that of Cemani

    Study of Potential Development of Goat and Sheep in North Labuhanbatu Regency

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    North Labuhanbatu regency is one of the districts in North Sumatra Province that has the potential in the development of livestock and agriculture sectors. This research aims to find out the potential of agriculture and plantation waste as well as areas that can be used as a development area for goat and sheep livestock in North Labuhanbatu regency. The type of research used is descriptive research to describe the potential of agriculture and plantation waste in determining the development area of goat and sheep livestock using LQ methods combined with livestock density, waste support index, and capacity to increase ruminants livestock population. This reserach was conducted in North Labuhanbatu regency in February – April 2020. The results showed that North Labuhanbatu regency has development potential in supporting North Sumatra Province a producer of goat and sheep livestock. Regional strategy I (distribution area) namely Aek Natas Sub-District, Kualuh Hilir, Kualuh Leidong. Regional strategy group II (strengthening region) namely Na IX-X, Aek Kuo, Kualuh Selatan and Kualuh Hulu sub-districts. Group III strategy (supporting region) namely Marbau subdistrict. Alternative strategies for utilizing agriculture and plantation waste in the development of goat and sheep livestock one of them is the integration system in order to use crop waste as a source of animal feed in North Labuhanbatu regency

    Utilization of Kepok Banana Peels Fermentation on Rabbits Pellet Feed

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    The need for rabbit pellets is increasing along with the increasing maintenance of rabbits in North Sumatra. This study aims to determine the feed consumption (FC), avarage daily gain (ADG), and feed conversion ratio (FCR), of male local rabbits given fermented kepok banana peel (KBP) pellets. The fermentation used in this study was using local microorganisms based on KBP. This research was conducted by Dr. Hamza No. 5 North Sumatra Province from October 2020 to December 2020.The research design was used a randomized block design (RBD) with 3 treatments, 3 groups and each group consisted of 3 rabbits so that 27 male local rabbits were obtained. The treatments were P0 = 40% KBP without fermentation in pellets, P1 = 40% fermented KBP in pellets and P2 = 60% fermented KBP in pellets. Determination of groups based on body weight with the following groupings: K1: 418 g - 458 g, K2: 459 g - 499 g, and K3: 500 g - 540 g.The results of P0, P1 and P2 showed that the value of FC (g / head / day) were 83.76; 84.58; and 86.83 respectively. TheADG value (g / head / day) were 11.47; 12.79; and 15.01 respectively. The FCR value were 7.45; 6.78; and 5.93 respectively. The conclusion shows that the utilization of fermented KBP up to a level of 60% in the pellets is more efficient to use to increase Feed Consumption, Average Daily Gain, Income OverFeed Cost and reduce Feed Convertion Ratio of male local rabbits
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