8,311 research outputs found

    Rouse Modes of Self-avoiding Flexible Polymers

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    Using a lattice-based Monte Carlo code for simulating self-avoiding flexible polymers in three dimensions in the absence of explicit hydrodynamics, we study their Rouse modes. For self-avoiding polymers, the Rouse modes are not expected to be statistically independent; nevertheless, we demonstrate that numerically these modes maintain a high degree of statistical independence. Based on high-precision simulation data we put forward an approximate analytical expression for the mode amplitude correlation functions for long polymers. From this, we derive analytically and confirm numerically several scaling properties for self-avoiding flexible polymers, such as (i) the real-space end-to-end distance, (ii) the end-to-end vector correlation function, (iii) the correlation function of the small spatial vector connecting two nearby monomers at the middle of a polymer, and (iv) the anomalous dynamics of the middle monomer. Importantly, expanding on our recent work on the theory of polymer translocation, we also demonstrate that the anomalous dynamics of the middle monomer can be obtained from the forces it experiences, by the use of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem.Comment: 16 pages (double spaced), 5 figures, small changes and corrections, to appear in J. Chem. Phy

    Nuclear force in Lattice QCD

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    We perform the quenched lattice QCD analysis on the nuclear force (baryon-baryon interactions). We employ 203×2420^3\times 24 lattice at ÎČ=5.7\beta=5.7 (a≃0.19a\simeq 0.19 fm) with the standard gauge action and the Wilson quark action with the hopping parameters Îș=0.1600,0.1625,0.1650\kappa=0.1600, 0.1625, 0.1650, and generate about 200 gauge configurations. We measure the temporal correlators of the two-baryon system which consists of heavy-light-light quarks. We extract the inter-baryon force as a function of the relative distance rr. We also evaluate the contribution to the nuclear force from each ``Feynman diagram'' such as the quark-exchange diagram individually, and single out the roles of Pauli-blocking effects or quark exchanges in the inter-baryon interactions.Comment: Presented at Particles and Nuclei International Conference (PANIC05), Santa Fe, NM, Oct. 24-28, 2005; 3 pages, 2figure

    The lattice QCD simulation of the quark-gluon mixed condensate g<\bar{q} \sigma G q> at finite temperature and the phase transition of QCD

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    The thermal effects on the quark-gluon mixed condensate g<\bar{q} \sigma G q>, which is another chiral order parameter, are studied using the SU(3)c lattice QCD with the Kogut-Susskind fermion at the quenched level. We perform the accurate measurement of the mixed condensate as well as the quark condensate for 0MeV<=T<=500MeV. We observe the sharp decrease of both the condensates around T_c \simeq 280MeV, while the thermal effects below T_c are found to be weak. We also find that the ratio m_0^2 = g<\bar{q} \sigma G q>/ is almost independent of the temperature even in the very vicinity of T_c, which indicates that the two condensates have nontrivial similarity in the chiral behaviors. We also present the correlation between the condensates and the Polyakov loop to understand the vacuum structure of QCD.Comment: Talk given at the XXII International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE 2004), Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois, USA, 21-26 June 2004, Lattice2004(non-zero), 3 pages, 3 figure

    Field-theoretical approach to a dense polymer with an ideal binary mixture of clustering centers

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    We propose a field-theoretical approach to a polymer system immersed in an ideal mixture of clustering centers. The system contains several species of these clustering centers with different functionality, each of which connects a fixed number segments of the chain to each other. The field-theory is solved using the saddle point approximation and evaluated for dense polymer melts using the Random Phase Approximation. We find a short-ranged effective inter-segment interaction with strength dependent on the average segment density and discuss the structure factor within this approximation. We also determine the fractions of linkers of the different functionalities.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figures, accepted on Phys. Rev.

    Chain motion and viscoelasticity in highly entangled solutions of semiflexible rods

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    Brownian dynamics simulations are used to study highly entangled solutions of semiflexible polymers. Bending fluctuations of semiflexible rods are signficantly affected by entanglement only above a concentration c∗∗c^{**}, where c∗∗∌103L−3c^{**}\sim 10^{3}L^{-3} for chains of similar length LL and persistence length. For c>c∗∗c > c^{**}, the tube radius ReR_{e} approaches a dependence Re∝c−3/5R_{e} \propto c^{-3/5}, and the linear viscoelastic response develops an elastic contribution that is absent for c<c∗∗c < c^{**}. Experiments on isotropic solutions of FF-actin span concentrations near c∗∗c^{**} for which the predicted asymptotic scaling of the plateau modulus G∝c7/5G \propto c^{7/5} is not yet valid.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted to PR

    Doubly magic nuclei from Lattice QCD forces at MPS=M_{PS}=469 MeV/c2^2

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    We perform ab initio self-consistent Green's function calculations of the closed shell nuclei 4^{\rm 4}He, 16^{\rm 16}O and 40^{\rm 40}Ca, based on two-nucleon potentials derived from Lattice QCD simulations, in the flavor SU(3) limit and at the pseudo-scalar meson mass of 469~MeV/c2^{\rm 2}. The nucleon-nucleon interaction is obtained using the HAL QCD method and its short-distance repulsion is treated by means of ladder resummations outside the model space. Our results show that this approach diagonalises ultraviolet degrees of freedom correctly. Therefore, ground state energies can be obtained from infrared extrapolations even for the relatively hard potentials of HAL QCD. Comparing to previous Brueckner Hartree-Fock calculations, the total binding energies are sensibly improved by the full account of many-body correlations. The results suggest an interesting possible behaviour in which nuclei are unbound at very large pion masses and islands of stability appear at first around the traditional doubly-magic numbers when the pion mass is lowered toward its physical value. The calculated one-nucleon spectral distributions are qualitatively close to those of real nuclei even for the pseudo-scalar meson mass considered here.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, RIKEN-QHP-286, RIKEN-iTHEMS-Report-1

    Meson-Meson and Meson-Baryon Interactions in Lattice QCD

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    We study the meson-meson and meson-baryon interactions in lattice QCD. The simulation is performed on 20^3 * 24 lattice at \beta=5.7 using Wilson gauge action and Wilson fermion at the quenched level. By adopting one static quark for each hadron as "heavy-light meson" and "heavy-light-light baryon", we define the distance rr of two hadrons and extract the inter-hadron potential from the energy difference of the two-particle state and its asymptotic state. We find that both of the meson-meson and meson-baryon potentials are nontrivially weak for the whole range of 0.2 fm <= r <= 0.8 fm. The effect of including/excluding the quark-exchange diagrams is found to be marginal.Comment: Talk given at Particles and Nuclei International Conference (PANIC05), Santa Fe, NM, USA, 24-28 Oct. 2005. 3 pages, 2 figure

    Monoidal Hom-Hopf algebras

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    Hom-structures (Lie algebras, algebras, coalgebras, Hopf algebras) have been investigated in the literature recently. We study Hom-structures from the point of view of monoidal categories; in particular, we introduce a symmetric monoidal category such that Hom-algebras coincide with algebras in this monoidal category, and similar properties for coalgebras, Hopf algebras and Lie algebras.Comment: 25 pages; extended version: compared to the version that appeared in Comm. Algebra, the Section Preliminary Results and Remarks 5.1 and 6.1 have been adde
