88 research outputs found

    Increased Power for Detection of Parent-of-Origin Effects via the Use of Haplotype Estimation

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    Parent-of-origin (or imprinting) effects relate to the situation in which traits are influenced by the allele inherited from only one parent and the allele from the other parent has little or no effect. Given SNP genotype data from case-parent trios, the parent of origin of each allele in the offspring can often be deduced unambiguously; however, this is not true when all three individuals are heterozygous. Most existing methods for investigating parent-of-origin effects operate on a SNP-by-SNP basis and either perform some sort of averaging over the possible parental transmissions or else discard ambiguous trios. If the correct parent of origin at a SNP could be determined, this would provide extra information and increase the power for detecting the effects of imprinting. We propose making use of the surrounding SNP information, via haplotype estimation, to improve estimation of parent of origin at a test SNP for case-parent trios, case-mother duos, and case-father duos. This extra information is then used in a multinomial modeling approach for estimating parent-of-origin effects at the test SNP. We show through computer simulations that our approach has increased power over previous approaches, particularly when the data consist only of duos. We apply our method to two real datasets and find a decrease in significance of p values in genomic regions previously thought to possibly harbor imprinting effects, thus weakening the evidence that such effects actually exist in these regions, although some regions retain evidence of significant effects

    Identification of Cellular Pathogenicity Markers for SIL1 Mutations Linked to Marinesco-Sjögren Syndrome.

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    Background and objective: Recessive mutations in the SIL1 gene cause Marinesco-Sjögren syndrome (MSS), a rare neuropediatric disorder. MSS-patients typically present with congenital cataracts, intellectual disability, cerebellar ataxia and progressive vacuolar myopathy. However, atypical clinical presentations associated with SIL1 mutations have been described over the last years; compound heterozygosity of SIL1 missense mutations even resulted in a phenotype not fulfilling the clinical diagnostic criteria of MSS. Thus, a read-out system to evaluate reliably the pathogenicity of amino acid changes in SIL1 is needed. Here, we aim to provide suitable cellular biomarkers enabling the robust evaluation of pathogenicity of SIL1 mutations. Methods: Five SIL1 variants including one polymorphism (p.K132Q), three known pathogenic mutations (p.V231_I232del, p.G312R, and p.L457P) and one ambiguous missense variant (p.R92W) were studied along with the wild-type proteins in Hek293 in vitro models by cell biological assays, immunoprecipitation, immunoblotting, and immunofluorescence as well as electron microscopy. Moreover, the SIL1-interactomes were interrogated by tandem-affinity-purification and subsequent mass spectrometry. Results: Our combined studies confirmed the pathogenicity of p.V231_I232del, p.G312R, and p.L457P by showing instability of the proteins as well as tendency to form aggregates. This observation is in line with altered structure of the ER-Golgi system and vacuole formation upon expression of these pathogenic SIL1-mutants as well as the presence of oxidative or ER-stress. Reduced cellular fitness along with abnormal mitochondrial architecture could also be observed. Notably, both the polymorphic p.K132Q and the ambiguous p.R92W variants did not elicit such alterations. Study of the SIL1-interactome identified POC1A as a novel binding partner of wild-type SIL1; the interaction is disrupted upon the presence of pathogenic mutants but not influenced by the presence of benign variants. Disrupted SIL1-POC1A interaction is associated with centrosome disintegration. Conclusions: We developed a combination of cellular outcome measures to evaluate the pathogenicity of SIL1 variants in suitable in vitro models and demonstrated that the p. R92W missense variant is a polymorphism rather than a pathogenic mutation leading to MSS

    Systematic survey of variants in TBX1 in non-syndromic tetralogy of Fallot identifies a novel 57 base pair deletion that reduces transcriptional activity but finds no evidence for association with common variants

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    Background Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is common in individuals with hemizygous deletions of chromosome 22q11.2 that remove the cardiac transcription factor TBX1.Objective To assess the contribution of common and rare TBX1 genetic variants to TOF.Design Rare TBX1 variants were sought by resequencing coding exons and splice-site boundaries. Common TBX1 variants were investigated by genotyping 20 haplotype-tagging SNPs capturing all the common variations present at the locus. Association analysis was performed using the program UNPHASED.Patients TBX1 exons were sequenced in 93 patients with non-syndromic TOF. Single nucleotide polymorphism analysis was performed in 356 patients with TOF, their parents and healthy controls.Results Three novel variants not present in 1000 chromosomes from healthy ethnically matched controls were identified. One of these variants, an in-frame 57 base-pair deletion in the third exon which removed 19 evolutionarily conserved residues, decreased transcriptional activity by 40% in a dual luciferase assay (p=0.008). Protein expression studies demonstrated that this mutation affected TBX1 protein stability. After correction for multiple comparisons, no significant associations between common genetic variants and TOF susceptibility were found.Conclusion This study demonstrates that rare TBX1 variants with functional consequences are present in a small proportion of non-syndromic TOF

    COL4A1-related autosomal recessive encephalopathy in 2 Turkish children.

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    OBJECTIVE: This study presents the neurologic phenotypes of 2 brothers with a novel homozygous COL4A1 mutation that was identified in a large Turkish consanguineous cohort of neurogenetic diseases. METHODS: Whole-exome sequencing and bioinformatic analysis of consanguineous families with children affected by early-onset, neurogenetic disorders was performed using the RD-Connect Genome-Phenome Analysis Platform. We also performed clinical, EEG, and neuroimaging analyses in unaffected siblings and parents. RESULTS: We have identified a homozygous missense mutation in COL4A1 (p.Gly1278Ser, NM_001845.5:c.3832G>T) in 2 siblings affected by small vessel brain disease with periventricular leukoencephalopathy and ocular defects. Presenting symptoms included mild weakness, hemiparetic gait, pyramidal findings, and seizures, whereas their intellectual and behavioral functions were normal. Both parents and 5 of the siblings (3 boys and 2 girls) were heterozygous for the variant. They did not show any clinical or laboratory signs of small vessel disease. CONCLUSIONS: COL4A1 has previously been associated with dominant small vessel disease of the brain and other organs, manifesting with high penetrance in heterozygous mutation carriers. Our findings provide evidence that COL4A1-related encephalopathy can be inherited in an autosomal recessive manner, which is important for counseling, prognosis, and treatment. Genotype-phenotype correlations remain to be established

    Novel insights into PORCN mutations, associated phenotypes and pathophysiological aspects.

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    BACKGROUND: Goltz syndrome (GS) is a X-linked disorder defined by defects of mesodermal- and ectodermal-derived structures and caused by PORCN mutations. Features include striated skin-pigmentation, ocular and skeletal malformations and supernumerary or hypoplastic nipples. Generally, GS is associated with in utero lethality in males and most of the reported male patients show mosaicism (only three non-mosaic surviving males have been described so far). Also, precise descriptions of neurological deficits in GS are rare and less severe phenotypes might not only be caused by mosaicism but also by less pathogenic mutations suggesting the need of a molecular genetics and functional work-up of these rare variants. RESULTS: We report two cases: one girl suffering from typical skin and skeletal abnormalities, developmental delay, microcephaly, thin corpus callosum, periventricular gliosis and drug-resistant epilepsy caused by a PORCN nonsense-mutation (c.283C > T, p.Arg95Ter). Presence of these combined neurological features indicates that CNS-vulnerability might be a guiding symptom in the diagnosis of GS patients. The other patient is a boy with a supernumerary nipple and skeletal anomalies but also, developmental delay, microcephaly, cerebral atrophy with delayed myelination and drug-resistant epilepsy as predominant features. Skin abnormalities were not observed. Genotyping revealed a novel PORCN missense-mutation (c.847G > C, p.Asp283His) absent in the Genome Aggregation Database (gnomAD) but also identified in his asymptomatic mother. Given that non-random X-chromosome inactivation was excluded in the mother, fibroblasts of the index had been analyzed for PORCN protein-abundance and -distribution, vulnerability against additional ER-stress burden as well as for protein secretion revealing changes. CONCLUSIONS: Our combined findings may suggest incomplete penetrance for the p.Asp283His variant and provide novel insights into the molecular etiology of GS by adding impaired ER-function and altered protein secretion to the list of pathophysiological processes resulting in the clinical manifestation of GS

    A de novo CSDE1 variant causing neurodevelopmental delay, intellectual disability, neurologic and psychiatric symptoms in a child of consanguineous parents.

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    Funder: National Human Genome Research Institute; Id: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100000051Funder: Broad Institute; Id: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100013114Funder: Horizon 2020; Id: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100010661Funder: Muscular Dystrophy Canada; Id: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100000223Funder: Evelyn Trust; Id: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100004282Funder: European Regional Development Fund; Id: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100008530CSDE1 encodes the cytoplasmic cold shock domain-containing protein E1 (CSDE1), which is highly conserved across species and functions as an RNA-binding protein involved in translationally coupled mRNA turnover. CSDE1 displays a bidirectional role: promoting and repressing the translation of RNAs but also increasing and decreasing the abundance of RNAs. Preclinical studies highlighted an involvement of CSDE1 in different forms of cancer. Moreover, CSDE1 is highly expressed in human embryonic stem cells and plays a role in neuronal migration and differentiation. A genome-wide association study suggested CSDE1 as a potential autism-spectrum disorder risk gene. A multicenter next generation sequencing approach unraveled likely causative heterozygous variants in CSDE1 in 18 patients, identifying a new autism spectrum disorder-related syndrome consisting of autism, intellectual disability, and neurodevelopmental delay. Since then, no further patients with CSDE1 variants have been reported in the literature. Here, we report a 9.5-year-old girl from a consanguineous family of Turkish origin suffering from profound delayed speech and motor development, moderate intellectual disability, neurologic and psychiatric symptoms as well as hypoplasia of corpus callosum and mildly reduced brain volume on brain magnetic resonance imaging associated with a recurrent de novo mutation in CSDE1 (c.367C > T; p.R123*) expanding the phenotypical spectrum associated with pathogenic CSDE1 variants