25 research outputs found


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    The differences in growth and fruit quality between 4-year-old tissue culture and cutting 'Kyoho' grapevines (Vitis vinifera L. x Vitis labracana Bailey) were investigated in four locations. The growth of tissue culture vines, in terms of roots, trunk, arms, canes, shoots and leaves, were stronger than cutting ones. They berry size and skin color of tissue culture vines were larger and skin color of tissue culture vines were larger and darker than those of cutting vines. There were no significant differences in fruit firmness, total soluble solids and juice acidity.為探討巨峰葡萄組織培養植株之生長及果實品質與扦插植株之差異,本研究以4年生植株作為調查對象,在中興大學葡萄中心、南投縣竹山鎮、草屯鎮及彰化縣大村鄉等地,各選擇組織培養植株及一般扦插植林之葡萄園各一處,共8園。調查植株之生長情形及分別在夏季、冬季果實採收時調查分析其果實品質。 由調查結果得知,組織培養植株無論在根、主幹、枝梢、葉片之生長上,均優於扦插植株。在夏果及冬果之果實品質上,組織培養植株之果貴大小及著色皆明顯優於扦插植株,至於果實硬度、可溶性固形物含量及果酸度則無明顯的差異

    Nervous Necrosis Virus Replicates Following the Embryo Development and Dual Infection with Iridovirus at Juvenile Stage in Grouper

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    Infection of virus (such as nodavirus and iridovirus) and bacteria (such as Vibrio anguillarum) in farmed grouper has been widely reported and caused large economic losses to Taiwanese fish aquaculture industry since 1979. The multiplex assay was used to detect dual viral infection and showed that only nervous necrosis virus (NNV) can be detected till the end of experiments (100% mortality) once it appeared. In addition, iridovirus can be detected in a certain period of rearing. The results of real-time PCR and in situ PCR indicated that NNV, in fact, was not on the surface of the eggs but present in the embryo, which can continue to replicate during the embryo development. The virus may be vertically transmitted by packing into eggs during egg development (formation) or delivering into eggs by sperm during fertilization. The ozone treatment of eggs may fail to remove the virus, so a new strategy to prevent NNV is needed


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    本研究調查一'巨峰'葡萄變異株之園藝性狀與果實發育,並以'巨峰'品種作為對照。結果顯示,變異株之枝條及葉片型態與'巨峰'並無明顯差異,主要差異在於花及果實。變異株之花器及果形均較細長,子房內支胎座及胚珠數目異常比率高,多形成無子的橢圓形果。變異株之果實較'巨峰'小,且成熟期較'巨峰'早。There was no apparent difference in shoots and leaves between 'Kyoho' and 'Kyoho' mutant. The major morphological variations were the flower and berry shapes; those of the mutant were more elongate. Most ovaries of the mutant had abnormal placetae and ovules, which led to an abnormal unsymmetrical shape. Berries of the mutant were smaller and ripened earlier than 'Kyoho'

    Studies on Growth and Fruit Quality of Tissue Culture ''Kyoho'' Grapevines

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    摘要 為探討巨峰葡萄組織培養植株之生長及果實品質與扦插植株之差異,本研究以樹勢相近之4年生植株作為調查對象,在中興大學葡萄中心、南投縣竹山鎮及草屯鎮、彰化縣埔心鄉及大村鄉等地,各選擇組織培養植株及一般扦插植株之葡萄園各一處,共12園。調查前先檢測供試植株之病毒感染情形,再調查植株之生長情形及分別在夏季、冬季果實採收時調查分析其果實品質。 由調查結果得知,組織培養及扦插植株部份雖受病毒之再感染,但組織培養植株無論在根、主幹、枝梢、葉片之生長上,均優於扦插植株。在夏果及冬果之果實品質上,組織培養植株之果實大小及著色皆明顯優於扦插植株,至於果實硬度、可溶性固形物及酸度則無明顯的差異。另外由果肉組織之切片發現組織培養者之果肉細胞層數明顯多於扦插者。Summary The differences in growth and fruit quality between 4-year-old tissue culture and cutting ''Kyoho'' grapevines (Vitis vinifera L Vitis labracana Bailey) were investigated. Virus infection status of the plant material was examined before investigation. Most examined plants were infected with virus. However, the growth of tissue culture vines, in terms of roots, trunk, arms, canes, shoots and leaves, were stronger than cutting ones. The berry size and skin color of tissue culture vines were larger and darker than those of cutting ones. There were no significant differences in fruit firmness, total soluble solids and juice acidity. In addition, the number of cell layers of berry flesh that harvested from tissue-culture vines was significantly larger than thet of cutting vines.目錄 一、前言……………………………………………………………1 二、前人研究………………………………………………………3 三、材料與方法……………………………………………………7 四、結果……………………………………………………………11 五、討論……………………………………………………………43 六、中文摘要………………………………………………………48 七、英文摘要………………………………………………………49 八、參考文獻………………………………………………………5

    Transitions in smartphone addiction proneness among children: The effect of gender and use patterns.

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    ObjectivesThis study assessed the incidence of transitions in smartphone addiction proneness (SAP) among children and examined the effects of gender, use patterns (social networking sites (SNSs) use and smartphone gaming) and depression on smartphone addiction transitions.MethodsA representative sample of 2,155 children from Taipei completed longitudinal surveys in both 2015 (5th grade) and 2016 (6th grade). Latent transition analysis (LTA) was used to characterize transitions in SAP and to examine the effects of gender, use patterns and depression on SAP transitions.ResultsLTA identified four latent statuses of SAP: about half of the children were in non-SAP status, one-fifth were in tolerance status, one-sixth were in withdrawal status, and one-seventh were in high-SAP status. Both boys and girls had a higher prevalence of high-SAP and tolerance in 6th grade than in 5th grade, whereas in both grades boys had a higher prevalence of high-SAP and withdrawal, and girls had a higher prevalence of non-SAP and tolerance. Controlling for parents' education, family structure, and household income, higher use of SNSs by children, increasing use of mobile gaming and higher levels of depression were individually associated with increased odds of being in one of the three SAP statuses other than non-SAP. When all three covariates were jointly entered into the model, usage of SNSs and depression remained significant predictors.ConclusionBoth boys and girls tended to transition to tolerance or high-SAP statuses, while children's depression and their usage of SNSs increased the risk of smartphone addiction


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    Transitions in smartphone addiction proneness among children: The effect of gender and use pattern

    Carrying Capacity and Sustainability Appraisals on Regional Water Supply Systems under Climate Change

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    This study aims to appraise the carrying capacity and sustainability of four water supply systems which are in the same watershed under climate change. An integrated assessment tool, TaiWAP, which integrates the common procedures of impact assessment of climate change, i.e., downscaling, weather generation, hydrological model, and interface for linking system dynamics model, is used to evaluate the sustainability of regional water resources systems. The GWLF physical model is used to simulate surface water processes and Vensim (a specialized software tool) is used in a system dynamics approach to simulate Taiwan’s Danshuei river watershed supply system to analyze climate impact on sustainable water resource utilization, which are both included in TaiWAP. To understand the sustainability of water supply systems, definition of a sustainable index are necessary to reveal the effects of response strategy and climate change. The results of this study could support making governmental strategies to enhance adaptive capacity, mitigate the impact of climate changes on water supplies and achieve sustainable and resilient water supply systems for the future

    The Surgical Timing and Complications of Rib Fixation for Rib Fractures in Geriatric Patients

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    Rib fractures (RF) are a common injury that cause significant morbidity and mortality, especially in geriatric patients. RF fixation could shorten hospital stay and improve survival. The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the clinical impact and proper surgical timing of RF fixation in geriatric patients. We reviewed all the medical data of patients older than 16 years old with RF from the trauma registry database between January 2017 and December 2019 in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. A total of 1078 patients with RF were enrolled, and 87 patients received RF fixation. The geriatric patients had a higher chest abbreviated injury scale than the non-geriatric group (p = 0.037). Univariate analysis showed that the RF fixation complication rates were significantly related to the injury severity scores (Odds ratio 1.10, 95% CI 1.03–1.20, p = 0.009) but not associated with age (OR 0.99, 95% CI 0.25–3.33, p = 0.988) or the surgical timing (OR 2.94, 95% CI 0.77–12.68, p = 0.122). Multivariate analysis proved that only bilateral RF was an independent risk factor of complications (OR 6.60, 95% CI 1.38–35.54, p = 0.02). RF fixation can be postponed for geriatric patients after they are stabilized and other lethal traumatic injuries are managed as a priority

    The Current Diagnostic Accuracy on Free Peritoneal Fluid in Computed Tomography to Determinate the Necessity of Surgery in Blunt Bowel and Mesenteric Trauma—Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Traumatic bowel mesenteric injury (TBMI) is a challenge in trauma care. The presence of free peritoneal fluid (FF) in computed tomography (CT) was considered the indication for surgical intervention. However, conservative treatment should be applied for minor injuries. We conduct a systematic review to analyze how reliable the FF is to assess the TBMI. Publications were retrieved by structured searching among databases, review articles and major textbooks. For statistical analysis, summary receiver operating characteristic curves (SROCs) were computed using hierarchical models. Fourteen studies enrolling 4336 patients were eligible for final qualitative analysis. The SROC line was created by a hierarchical summary receiver operating characteristic model. The summary sensitivity of FF to predict surgical TBMI was 0.793 (95% CI: 0.635–0.894), and the summary specificity of FF to predict surgical TBMI was 0.733 (95% CI: 0.468–0.896). The diagnostic odds ratio was 10.531 (95% CI: 5.556–19.961). This study represents the most robust evidence (level 3a) to date that FF is not the absolute but an acceptable indicator for surgically important TBMI. However, there is still a need for randomized controlled trials to confirm

    An automated microfluidic chip system for detection of piscine nodavirus and characterization of its potential carrier in grouper farms.

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    Groupers of the Epinephelus spp. are an important aquaculture species of high economic value in the Asia Pacific region. They are susceptible to piscine nodavirus infection, which results in viral nervous necrosis disease. In this study, a rapid and sensitive automated microfluidic chip system was implemented for the detection of piscine nodavirus; this technology has the advantage of requiring small amounts of sample and has been developed and applied for managing grouper fish farms. Epidemiological investigations revealed an extremely high detection rate of piscine nodavirus (89% of fish samples) from 5 different locations in southern Taiwan. In addition, positive samples from the feces of fish-feeding birds indicated that the birds could be carrying the virus between fish farms. In the present study, we successfully introduced this advanced technology that combines engineering and biological approaches to aquaculture. In the future, we believe that this approach will improve fish farm management and aid in reducing the economic loss experienced by fish farmers due to widespread disease outbreaks