27 research outputs found

    Modification of reinforcement learning processes in mood disorders in asthma patients

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    Az orbitofrontális kortex (OFC) integratív funkciója kiemelkedő jelentőségű a megerősítéses tanulási döntéshozatalban: • a mediális OFC a jel-kontextus kongruencia alapján kontextuskereteket azonosít • a laterális OFC hozzáférést biztosít a cselekvésválasztás-tartományhoz. Az anterior cinguláris kortex (ACC) a cselekvésválasztás fontos szereplője a korábbi művelethez kapcsolódó jutalomtörténet rögzítése révén. A megerősítéses tanulás proaktív modellje lehetőséget ad a kognitív pszichoterápia hatásmechanizmusának értelmezésére. A megerősítéses tanulás rendellenességével járó hangulatzavar az irisin/BDNF tengely működésének módosulásával társul asztmás betegek körében.The integrative function of orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) is crucial in the reinforcement learning decision-making: • the medial OFC identifies contextual frames based on cue-context congruence • the lateral OFC provides access to the action selection interval Anterior Cingular Cortex (ACC) has an important role in action selection by recording the reward history associated with the previous actions. The proactive model of reinforcement learning provides an opportunity to interpret the mechanism of action of cognitive psychotherapy. Distress disorders, known to be associated with altered contextual learning (a funamental process underlying reinforcement learning) are linked with changes of thethe irisin/BDNF axis in asthmatic patients.d

    Modeliranje čimbenika koji utječu na suradnju između prodaje i marketinga u farmaceutskim i nefarmaceutskim proizvodnim poduzećima primjenom PLS metode parcijalnih najmanjih kvadrata

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    Purpose – This paper aims to explore the manner in which cooperation between sales and marketing in pharmaceutical manufacturing companies (PMC) (n=16) and non-pharmaceutical manufacturing companies (NPMC) (n=31) is affected by selected indicators. It also attempts to demonstrate how the Partial Least Square (PLS) path modelling technique can reveal latent mechanisms in the interplay of the examined factors affecting SM cooperation. Design/methodology/approach – Data collection was carried out in the form of an online questionnaire. The rating scale data gathered was analyzed using PLS path modelling. Findings – Management culture (information exchange, coordination, vision, and communication) as the superblock of the model accounts for a high variance in SM cooperation in both PMCs (R 2=0.619) and NPMCs (R2=0.741). Out of the three variables determining management culture, in PMCs it is coordination (R2%=44), while in NPMCs it is information exchange (R2%=57) that accounts for most of the variance. The results clearly demonstrate that there are factors affecting SM cooperation that work differently in PMCs and NPMCs. Limitations – As the analysis in this research study was based on a convenience sample, its result should be interpreted with caution and cannot be generalized. Originality/value – This is the first time that the SM interface mechanisms were compared in PMCs and NPMCs using PLS path modelling. PLS revealed latent relationships and mechanisms that play an important role in optimising SM cooperation.Svrha – Cilj je rada istražiti kako odabrani indikatori utječu na suradnju između prodaje i marketinga u farmaceutskim (n=16) i nefarmaceutskim proizvodnim poduzećima (n=31). Isto tako, rad pokušava pokazati kako PLS metoda parcijalnih najmanjih kvadrata, kao tehnika modeliranja staza, može otkriti latentne mehanizme u međusobnom djelovanju istraživanih faktora koji utječu na suradnju između prodaje i marketinga. Metodološki pristup – Podaci su prikupljeni korištenjem online anketnog upitnika s mjernim ljestvicama. Analizirani su primjenom PLS metode parcijalnih najmanjih kvadrata. Rezultati i implikacije – Menadžerska kultura (razmjena informacija, koordinacija, vizija i komunikacija) kao superblok u modelu objašnjava veliki udio varijance u suradnji između prodaje i marketinga i u farmaceutskim (R2=0,619) i u nefarmaceutskim proizvodnim poduzećima (R2=0,741). Od tri varijable koje određuju menadžersku kulturu, najveću varijancu imaju koordinacija (R2%= 44) u farmaceutskim, a razmjena informacija (R2%= 57) u nefarmaceutskim prozvodnim poduzećima. Rezultati jasno pokazuju da postoje čimbenici koji utječu na suradnju između prodaje i marketinga, a djeluju različito u farmaceutskim i nefarmaceutskim proizvodnim poduzećima. Ograničenja – Analiza se temelji na prigodnom uzorku, stoga se rezultati trebaju interpretirati s oprezom i ne mogu se generalizirati. Doprinos – Ovo je prvi put da se uspoređuje međusobno djelovanje prodaje i marketinga u farmaceutskim i nefarmaceutskim proizvodnim poduzećima korištenjem metode PLS modeliranja staza. PLS je otkrio latentne odnose i mehanizme koji imaju važnu ulogu u optimiziranju suradnje između prodaje i marketinga

    The alteration of irisin - brain-derived neurotrophic factor axis parallels severity of distress disorder in bronchial asthma patients

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    Distress disorder (a collective term for generalized anxiety disorder and major depressive disorder) is a well-known co-morbidity of bronchial asthma. The irisin—brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) axis is a pathway that influences several neurobehavioral mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of distress disorder. Thus, the aim of the present study was to quantify the serum irisin and BDNF concentrations in order to investigate the possible link between the irisin/BDNF axis and distress disorder in an asthma patient cohort. Data of 167 therapy-controlled asthma patients were analyzed. Demographic, anthropometric, and anamnestic data were collected, routine laboratory parameters supplemented with serum irisin and BDNF levels were determined, pulmonary function test was performed using whole-body plethysmography, and quality of life was quantified by means of the St. George's Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ). Correlation analysis as well as simple and multiple linear regression were used to assess the relationship between the irisin level and the Impacts score of SGRQ, which latter is indicative of the presence and severity of distress disorder. We have found a significant, positive linear relationship between the Impacts score and the reciprocal of irisin level. This association was stronger in patients whose BDNF level was higher, and it was weaker (and statistically non-significant) in patients whose BDNF level was lower. Our results indicate that higher serum irisin level together with higher serum BDNF level are associated with milder (or no) distress disorder. This finding suggests that alteration of the irisin/BDNF axis influences the presence and severity of distress disorder in asthma patients

    Exposure to inhomogeneous static magnetic field beneficially affects allergic inflammation in a murine model

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    Previous observations suggest that static magnetic field (SMF)-exposure acts on living organisms partly through reactive oxygen species (ROS) reactions. In this study, we aimed to define the impact of SMF-exposure on ragweed pollen extract (RWPE)-induced allergic inflammation closely associated with oxidative stress. Inhomogeneous SMF was generated with an apparatus validated previously providing a peak-to-peak magnetic induction of the dominant SMF component 389 mT by 39 T m(−1) lateral gradient in the in vivo and in vitro experiments, and 192 mT by 19 T m(−1) in the human study at the 3 mm target distance. Effects of SMF-exposure were studied in a murine model of allergic inflammation and also in human provoked skin allergy. We found that even a single 30-min exposure of mice to SMF immediately following intranasal RWPE challenge significantly lowered the increase in the total antioxidant capacity of the airways and decreased allergic inflammation. Repeated (on 3 consecutive days) or prolonged (60 min) exposure to SMF after RWPE challenge decreased the severity of allergic responses more efficiently than a single 30-min treatment. SMF-exposure did not alter ROS production by RWPE under cell-free conditions, while diminished RWPE-induced increase in the ROS levels in A549 epithelial cells. Results of the human skin prick tests indicated that SMF-exposure had no significant direct effect on provoked mast cell degranulation. The observed beneficial effects of SMF are likely owing to the mobilization of cellular ROS-eliminating mechanisms rather than direct modulation of ROS production by pollen NAD(P)H oxidases