38 research outputs found


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    Mudharabah Muqayyadah is a form of cooperation between shahibul mal and mudharib, where mudharib is limited by limitations on the type of business, time or place of business. Fatwa of the National Sharia Council (DSN) on the method of income smoothing of third party funds DSN Fatwa No. 87 / DSN-MUI / XII / 2012 states that in the case of a Mudharabah Muqayyadah contract, a reserve fund (PER) may also be formed through an allowance for the benefit of a customer's right that exceeds the rate of return projected after being shared with the DPK customer's permission. In this contract shahibul mal and mudarib are asked to trust each other, where shahibul mal does not receive guarantees from mudharib and mudarib to run a business in accordance with the terms and conditions of shahibul mal. The risk that the bank avoids is the risk of problematic financing, there is a sense of concern that mudarib will take the money away. Especially because mudarib does not need to provide guarantees in this case, the losses borne by the bank are getting bigger. In the Mudharabah Muqayyadah contract, the bank finds it difficult to implement it based on the shahibul mall not only one person and each customer has different desires, terms and opinions

    Determinants of Sharia Banking Market Share in Indonesia

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    Market Share Ratio can be used to measure the performance of Islamic Banks which are relatively new in Indonesia. The greater the market share of Islamic banks in Indonesia, the greater their role and function for the national economy. Market share is often used as an indicator by companies to see the existence of strength in the market and how important the company is. This research method uses a quantitative approach with an associative method with a population in the form of data on Financial Statements of Islamic Banking in Indonesia during the period 2018 to 2022. The sampling technique was carried out using purposive sampling. The results showed that by using a significance level of 5 percent, the significance value was < 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05), the CAR, ROA, FDR and NPF variables simultaneously (together) had an effect on the market share of Islamic banks in Indonesia. And each variable Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Variable Return On Assets (ROA), Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR), Non Performing Financing (NPF) partially has a significant positive effect on the Market Share of Islamic Banks in Indonesia

    Relationship between Knowledge and Attitude of Employees towards Compliance in Using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at PT. Nusantara II Plantation Tanjung Jati Plantation in 2022

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    One of the obligations of the PTPN II Tanjung Jati oil palm PKWT Harvesting FFB workers is about knowledge of using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for occupational safety and health. From the initial survey conducted by researchers at PT Perkebunan Nusantara II Tanjung Jati, researchers found that several employees had accidents at work due to lack of compliance in using PPE. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between knowledge and employee attitudes towards compliance in using personal protective equipment at PTPN II Tanjung Jati. The method used in this study is an analytical survey method using a cross-sectional approach. The population in this study were all employees of PKWT Harvesting Palm Oil FFB at PT. Perkebunan Nusantara II Tanjung Jati, specifically for the harvest section. As of January-March 2022, there are 134 employees. The sample is part of the population of 20 respondents. In this study the sampling technique used is Simple Random Sampling. The conclusion is based on the research above with univariate analysis that more employees do not have good knowledge, negative attitudes and non-compliance, namely most of the respondents have poor knowledge totaling 28 respondents (56.0%), most of the respondents have a negative attitude which amounted to 26 respondents (52.0%), most of the respondents did not comply in using PPE totaling 26 respondents (52.0%). Meanwhile, with bivariate analysis that of 22 respondents who have good knowledge, there are 17 respondents (77.2%) who are obedient to the use of PPE, while out of 28 respondents who have poor knowledge, there are 20 respondents (71.4%) who do not comply with the use of PPE. using PPE and of the 24 respondents who have a positive attitude, there are 17 respondents (70.8%) obedient to the use of PPE, while from 26 respondents who have a negative attitude, there are 19 respondents (72.1%) who do not comply with the use of PPE. It is hoped that the company PT. Perkebunan Nusantara II Tanjung Jati to pay more attention to its employees in the use of PPE in carrying out work activities in order to minimize the incidence of workplace accidents. And more often socialize the use of PPE for the development of knowledge and attitudes so that they are more obedient to the use of personal protective equipment

    Analysis of Clean Water Distribution Network System and Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction (Case Study of PDAM Tirtanadi, Cemara Branch, Medan City, North Sumatra Province)

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    This study aims to determine the water demand in 2021 in the drainage area of ​​PDAM Tirtanadi, Cemara Branch, Medan City, to determine the quality of services provided by PDAM Tirtanadi Cemara Branch, Medan City in meeting water needs for customer satisfaction. In this study, the author uses descriptive research with qualitative data types, because this research seeks to explain a fact or reality of certain social phenomena as they are and provide a subjective picture of the circumstances or problems that may be encountered. This is in accordance with the type of research that is intended to provide an overview of the clean water network system and service quality of the Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAM) Tirtanadi, Cemara Branch, Medan City. PDAM Tirtanadi produces water for the spruce area of ​​215,878,752 m, and PDAM Tirtanadi, Cemara Branch distributes water of 82,050,000 m, with a total water loss of 75,949,349 m. Based on this data, the water balance of PDAM Tirtanadi, Cemara Branch, Medan City experienced a surplus, which means that the PDAM is able to meet water needs in the Cemara area

    Analysis of the Ease of the JKK (Work Accident Insurance) Claim Procedure on Service Satisfaction at BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, Medan Utara Branch

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    Ease in a procedure is certainly something that everyone really wants. One of them is the convenience in the process of claiming work accident insurance funds. If the claiming process is easy, it will improve the quality of service as expected by the participants of the northern branch of the BPJS Employment. The purpose of this study is to find out the ease of the procedures provided can increase satisfaction with the services provided by the northern branch of the BPJS Employment. This research was conducted with a qualitative descriptive method, by collecting data, interviews, observations and literature review. In the process of claiming the work accident guarantee fund (JKK) of course the northern branch of the BPJS Employment has followed the applicable procedures. This, of course, must be implemented properly and provide convenience for participants to improve the quality of services at the North Medan branch of the BPJS Employment

    Analysis of the Implementation of the Work Accident Insurance Program at the Office of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, Binjai Branch

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    This study aims to determine how the implementation of the Work Accident Insurance program at the Office of BPJS Employment Binjai Branch and its obstacles. The sample of this research is the BPJS Employment Office of the Binjai Branch. In this study, using qualitative methods with data collection techniques using literature studies, observation and documentation studies. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the Work Accident Insurance program at the BPJS Employment Office of the Binjai Branch has been carried out properly and in accordance with applicable regulations. However, there are several obstacles that hinder the smooth implementation of this program, such as time management, technology and the role of the community

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan nasabah PT Pegadaian (Persero) UPC Titi Kuning Medan

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    The aim of this research is to determine the effect of pawn service quality on customer satisfaction at PT. Pegadaian (Persero) UPC Titi Kuning Medan. The research object is limited to the service quality variable as the independent variable and customer satisfaction as the dependent variable. The sample taken was 86 respondents. The research method used by the author is the descriptive method, which is a method for researching the status of a group of people, an object, a set of conditions or a set of thoughts. The service quality variable is able to explain changes in customer satisfaction at PT. Pegadaian (Persero) UPC Titi Kuning Medan was 29.2% and the remaining 70.8% was explained by other factors not included in this research model. Based on the results of hypothesis testing with the t test, it was obtained that the t count variable for customer satisfaction with service quality was (5.879 &gt; 1.988) that Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected. So it can be concluded that service quality has a significant effect on customer satisfaction. It is recommended to PT. Pegadaian (Persero) UPC Titi Kuning Medan to maintain and improve the quality of service by influencing, encouraging and mobilizing customers to come back to Pegadaian

    Manajemen Aset Dan Liabilitas Bank Syariah

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    Peranan Dana Pihak Ketiga Dalam Kegiatan Usaha Mikro Kecil Dan Menengah Pada Bank Syariah

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    Third Party Funds (DPK) may affect the bank's budget. If third party funds increase, then the bank's budget will increase as well. If Third Party Funds decreases, it can weaken the operational activities of sharia banks. The growth of third party funds becomes very important, namely to provide greater financing to prospective customers and also for the development of people's economy, especially in the real sector. Sharia banks are expected to be contributors from financial institutions for economic growth as measured by the growth of the real sector. MSMEs in the Indonesian economy have a very important role in improving the competitiveness of microeconomics. The role of MSMEs is known as a sector that can absorb large labor nationally, accommodate the role of the poor in the economic structure, and is a potentially large sector that contributes to GDP. The government and related parties are obliged to take a leading position in encouraging this sector to grow better. So the economic development of society is getting better, poverty alleviation and unemployment problem can be solved well. Then third party funds in this case should be the concern of each sharia bank

    Analysis of Supervision Strategy on Company Operations in Achieving Good Service to Customers (Case Study at PDAM Tirtanadi, North Sumatra, Cemara Branch, Medan)

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    Regional Drinking Water Company Tirtanadi North Sumatra Cemara Medan Branch as one of the marketing branches of PDAM Tirtanadi North Sumatra Province which serves customers in the District of Medan Deli, East Medan and Percut Sei Tuan. The Cemara Branch, apart from serving clean water customers, also serves wastewater. The number of drinking water customers of the Cemara Branch to date is 18,643 NPA, clean water sales revenue until December 2021 is Rp. 2,787,032,554.5 and 495,548 M3 cubication. In achieving company goals, strategy as a way of maximizing company operations at PDAM Tirtanadi, North Sumatra, Cemara Medan Branch, in the field of supervision makes a good work program plan that is adapted to environmental conditions which will later become a race and target so that it can achieve good company operations and as well as customer service. The author examines how the role and supervision system implemented by PDAM Tirtanadi, North Sumatra, Cemara Medan Branch in achieving good service to customers? and What are the obstacles that often occur in operating supervision at PDAM Tirtanadi, North Sumatra, Cemara Medan Branch?. The research method used is descriptive research method with a qualitative approach which aims to describe and describe systematically, accurately about the facts and phenomena that exist at the research site, namely PDAM Tirtanadi, North Sumatra, Cemara Branch, Medan. Data collection techniques used in this study were obtained through interviews and literature studies from previous studies and documents. As resource persons, namely the head of the section and the staff in the supervision section. As a result of the research conducted, it can be seen that in the implementation of supervision and strategies carried out by the supervisory department it is good and running in accordance with the work program planning that has been determined, where the work program is one of the strategies that can be used as a reference to continue to run the company's operations in accordance with with the corporate vision and mission of PDAM Tirtanadi, North Sumatra, Cemara Medan Branch