1,775 research outputs found

    Modular termination verification for non-blocking concurrency

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    © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016.We present Total-TaDA, a program logic for verifying the total correctness of concurrent programs: that such programs both terminate and produce the correct result. With Total-TaDA, we can specify constraints on a thread’s concurrent environment that are necessary to guarantee termination. This allows us to verify total correctness for nonblocking algorithms, e.g. a counter and a stack. Our specifications can express lock- and wait-freedom. More generally, they can express that one operation cannot impede the progress of another, a new non-blocking property we call non-impedance. Moreover, our approach is modular. We can verify the operations of a module independently, and build up modules on top of each other

    Regional climate change and harmful algal blooms in the northeast Atlantic

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    We investigated long-term spatial variability in a number of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in the northeast Atlantic and North Sea using data from the Continuous Plankton Recorder. Over the last four decades. some dinoflagellate taxa showed pronounced variation in the south and east of the North Sea, with the most significant increases being restricted to the adjacent waters off Norway. There was also a general decrease along the eastern coast of the United Kingdom. The most prominent feature in the interannual bloom frequencies over the last four decades was the anomalously high values recorded in the late 1980s in the northern and central North Sea areas. The only mesoscale area in the northeast Atlantic to show a significant increase in bloom formation over the last decade was the Norwegian coastal region. The changing spatial patterns of HAB taxa and the frequency of bloom formation are discussed in relation to regional climate change, in particular, changes in temperature, salinity, and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). Areas highly vulnerable to the effects of regional climate change on HABs are Norwegian coastal waters and the Skagerrak. Other vulnerable areas include Danish coastal waters, and to a lesser extent, the German and Dutch Bight and the northern Irish Sea. Quite apart from eutrophication, our results give a preview of what might happen to certain HAB genera under changing climatic conditions in temperate environments and their responses to variability of climate oscillations Such as the NAO

    Alterations in wall tension and shear stress modulate tyrosine kinase signaling and wall remodeling in experimental vein grafts

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    AbstractPurpose: Hemodynamic alterations have been implicated as major stimuli for the development of intimal hyperplasia in vein grafts that are implanted in the arterial circulation. Tyrosine kinase is known to mediate cell signaling. However, its role with in vivo mechanotransduction is not yet well defined. We used a novel bioprosthetic collagen tube to provide an external support to vein grafts and examined the subsequent changes in hemodynamics, tyrosine kinase signaling, wall remodeling, and vasomotor function. Methods: Carotid interposition bypass grafting was performed with the reversed jugular vein in New Zealand white rabbits. In the experimental group (n = 15), after the completion of the proximal anastomosis, the vein was passed through a 4-mm collagen tube and the distal anastomosis was performed. The tube support was fashioned to completely cover the vein grafts. The control animals (n = 14) had no tube support. After surgery, the blood pressure and flow rate were measured and the wall tension and shear stress were calculated in the vein grafts on day 3 or day 28 (n = 5 per group). Tyrosine phosphorylation was assessed with the Western blot test in vein grafts at day 3 (n = 4 per group). The intimal and medial dimensions of the vein grafts were assessed with videomorphometry on day 28 (n = 5 per group). The cumulative dose response curves of the vein grafts to contractile and relaxant agonists were determined in isometric tension studies on day 28 (n = 5 per group). Results: The use of tube support reduced wall tension 1.7-fold (P < .01) and increased shear stress 4.8-fold (P < .001) without altering the flow rate or blood pressure. The tyrosine kinase activity was reduced 15-fold (P < .001) in the tube-supported vein grafts. The intimal thickness was reduced by 45% in the tube-supported vein grafts as compared with the control grafts (46 ± 2 mm vs 84 ± 5 mm, respectively; P < .0001), and the media thickness was reduced by 20% (63 ± 8 mm vs 79 ± 4 mm, respectively; P < .05). Isometric tension studies showed preservation of contractile function and modulation of endothelial-dependent dysfunctional relaxation in tube-supported vein grafts. Conclusion: These results show that reduced wall tension and increased shear stress with an external tube support can effectively modulate the signaling, functional, and hyperplastic responses in vein grafts. We conclude that this simple strategy deserves further study and clinical consideration. (J Vasc Surg 1999;29:334-44.

    Joint toxicity of cadmium and ionizing radiation on zooplankton carbon incorporation, growth and mobility

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    The risk of exposure to radioactive elements is seldom assessed considering mixture toxicity, potentially over- or underestimating biological and ecological effects on ecosystems. This study investigated how three end points, carbon transfer between phytoplankton and Daphnia magna, D. magna mobility and growth, responded to exposure to γ-radiation in combination with the heavy metal cadmium (Cd), using the MIXTOX approach. Observed effects were compared with mixture effects predicted by concentration addition (CA) and independent action (IA) models and with deviations for synergistic/antagonistic (S/A), dose-level (DL), and dose-ratio (DR) dependency interactions. Several patterns of response were observed depending on the end point tested. DL-dependent deviation from the IA model was observed for carbon incorporation with antagonism switching to synergism at higher doses, while the CA model indicated synergism, mainly driven by effects at high doses of γ-radiation. CA detected antagonism regarding acute immobilization, while IA predicted DR-dependency. Both CA and IA also identified antagonism for daphnid growth. In general, effects of combinations of γ-radiation and Cd seem to be antagonistic at lower doses, but synergistic at the higher range of the doses tested. Our results highlight the importance of investigating the effects of exposure to γ-radiation in a multistressor context

    Between the Natural and the Artificial: The Sublime Sexual Sensation of Car Crashes in J.G. Ballard’s Crash

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    At a time when technology progressively pushes back nature, the sexual act runs the risk of being denaturalised. The notion of the sublime, which I argue is how humans react to the machine as a surrogate for nature and as a sexual stimulus in Crash (1973), is therefore of central interest in this article. Ballard himself has described Crash as ‘the first pornographic novel based on technology’ (1973, 6). This engagement with a technologised sexuality is explored as a subjective narrative stance, which grants authenticity to the fictive alter ego, who can probe alternatives to an extra-textual reality. This narrative mode is notably potent in relation to the narrator’s estimation of the merge between sexuality and technology in the form of car crashes uniting Eros and Thanatos. I therefore suggest that Crash can be read as an attempt to localise the natural and human in a world dictated by artificiality and technology

    Acute toxicity of organic pesticides to Daphnia magna is unchanged by co-exposure to polystyrene microplastics

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    Daphnia magna were exposed to two pesticides in the presence or absence of microplastics (300 000 particles ml−1 1 µm polystyrene spheres) and to microplastics alone. The pesticides were dimethoate, an organophosphate insecticide with a low log Kow, and deltamethrin, a pyrethroid insecticide with a high log Kow. Daphnia were exposed to a nominal concentration range of 0.15, 0.31, 0.63, 1.25, 2.5, 5 mg l−1 dimethoate and 0.016, 0.08, 0.4, 2, 5 and 10 µg l−1 deltamethrin. Exposure to polystyrene microplastics alone showed no effects on Daphnia magna survival and mobility over a 72 h exposure. In the dimethoate exposures, mobility and survival were both affected from a concentration of 1.25 mg l−1, with effects were seen on mobility from 28 h and survival from 48 h, with greater effects seen with increasing concentration and exposure time. In deltamethrin exposures, survival was affected from a concentration of 0.4 µg l−1 and mobility from a concentration of 0.08 µg l−1. Effects of deltamethrin on mobility were seen from 5 h and on survival from 28 h, with greater effects on survival and mobility seen with increasing concentration and exposure time. Contrary to expectations, pesticide toxicity to Daphnia magna was not affected by the presence of microplastics, regardless of chemical binding affinity (log Kow). This therefore suggests that polystyrene microplastics are unlikely to act as a significant sink, nor as a vector for increased uptake of pesticides by aquatic organisms

    Modular termination veri cation for non-blocking concurrency (extended version)

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    We present Total-TaDA, a program logic for verifying the total correctness of concurrent programs: that such programs both terminate and produce the correct result. With Total-TaDA, we can specify constraints on a thread's concurrent environment that are necessary to guarantee termination. This allows us to verify total correctness for nonblocking algorithms, e.g. a counter and a stack. Our speci cations can express lock- and wait-freedom. More generally, they can express that one operation cannot impede the progress of another, a new non-blocking property we call non-impedance. Moreover, our approach is modular. We can verify the operations of a module independently, and build up modules on top of each other
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