1,148 research outputs found

    Diferensiasi Otak Laki-laki dan Perempuan Guru Taman Kanak-kanak Aisyiyah Nyai Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta: Studi Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini Perspektif Gender dan Neurosains

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    The male and female brains created by God are different. The existence of Islamic education specifically for men and women is a cultural construct. The existence of an attractive female-dominated teacher of Islamic Education Early Childhood (PIAUD) was investigated because it became a turning point in the formulation of gender studies between the emancipation of women and men. This study aims to explain the phenomenon of female teacher dominance in the perspective of gender and neuroscience. The research was conducted throughout 2017 at the TK Aisyiyah Nyai Ahmad Dahlan in Yogyakarta. This study used a qualitative approach, data collection techniques used obser­vation, interviews, and documentation, while the triangu­lation analysis was carried out descriptively, com­pa­ratively and interpretatively. The results of the study showed that culturally sociological PIAUD teachers of TK Aisyiyah Nyai Ahmad Dahlan were 100% female. But this female dominance is not a gender bias because neuro-physiologically the corpus callosum and broca and wernicke's Area in the female brain is thicker and wider than the male brain. This condition makes female teachers able to educate children more empathic and communicatively than men

    Diferensiasi Otak Laki-laki dan Perempuan Guru Taman Kanak-kanak Aisyiyah Nyai Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta: Studi Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini Perspektif Gender dan Neurosains

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    The male and female brains created by God are different. The existence of Islamic education specifically for men and women is a cultural construct. The existence of an attractive female-dominated teacher of Islamic Education Early Childhood (PIAUD) was investigated because it became a turning point in the formulation of gender studies between the emancipation of women and men. This study aims to explain the phenomenon of female teacher dominance in the perspective of gender and neuroscience. The research was conducted throughout 2017 at the TK Aisyiyah Nyai Ahmad Dahlan in Yogyakarta. This study used a qualitative approach, data collection techniques used obser­vation, interviews, and documentation, while the triangu­lation analysis was carried out descriptively, com­pa­ratively and interpretatively. The results of the study showed that culturally sociological PIAUD teachers of TK Aisyiyah Nyai Ahmad Dahlan were 100% female. But this female dominance is not a gender bias because neuro-physiologically the corpus callosum and broca and wernicke's Area in the female brain is thicker and wider than the male brain. This condition makes female teachers able to educate children more empathic and communicatively than men

    School Management of SD Mutual (Muhammadiyah Satu Alternatif) of Magelang

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    This paper has three aims. Firstly, it describes the characteristic of the management of educational personnel at SD Mutual (Muhammadiyah Satu Alternatif) in Magelang. Secondly, it elaborates the characteristic of the management of facilities and infrastructure in SD Mutual (Muhammadiyah Satu Alternatif) of Magelang. And thirdly, this paper intends to the characteristic of learning at SD Mutual (Muhammadiyah Satu Alternatif) of Magelang. It is a qualitative research with ethnography design. The study was limited to the Management of Mutual (Muhammadiyah Satu Alternatif) in Magelang. The main data obtained from informants such as principal, teacher and other support facilities. The method of collecting data by observation, in-depth interview, and documentation methods. Data analysis in this study is an Interactive Model of Analysis. The data validity of this study uses credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability test. After analyzing data, the writer gets three findings. The first finding is the characteristics of the management of education personnel at SD Mutual in Magelang has many things that become its characteristic. One of it is the school’s effort of improving the quality of SD Mutual Magelang. The effort is an effort to improve the professionalism of education personnel by using training and workshop. The second finding shows the characteristics of the management of facilities and infrastructure have a major impact on improving the quality of education at SD Mutual in Magelang, so that the management of facilities and infrastructure carried out together with all school citizens under the controlling of vice principal of infrastructure and facilities affair and the principal. And the third finding shows that the characteristics of the management of learning is the third factor of improving the quality of learning and education that is done by education personnel of SD Mutual Magelang. It is due to this school applies a PAIKEM GEMBROT method, therefore it can create a qualified learning condition to produce graduates that have a high competence

    Analisis Perbandingan Model Respon Spektra Desain SNI 03-1726-2002, RSNI 2010 Dan Metode PSHA

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    Seismic load rules for the building as outlined in the SNI 03-1726-2002 which divided Indonesianarea in the 6 (six) earthquake regions. It is different to that in RSNI 03-1726-xxxx, which dividedIndonesia area > 6 the seismic zone. In addition earthquake time period use 500 years, while theRSNI 03-1726-xxxx uses 475 years and 2475 years earthquake time period. In the arrangement ofPeak Ground Acceleration values (PGA) is also used different attenuation formula\u27s in bothstandard. That\u27s why research needs to be done to it by taking locations is Kalibalok intersection(Bandar Lampung) and Way Robok (West Lampung) as objects. The study focused on the shape ofthe response spectra design, in consideration seismic load can be analyzed with dynamic analysismethods which one with the response spectra. For add to the model, it was also use the methodPSHA calculations PGA for both locations. Based on the SPT test data that has been carried outby PT. Plato Isoiki, it turns out the two locations including the classification in stiff soil profile.Refer to result of the response spectra shape\u27s in both locations is different. At the Kalibalokmaximum value of acceleration response spectra if the design is made according to the results ofPSHA calculations with one sigma models. Whereas for area Robok Way maximum accelerationvalue is obtained if the design response spectra are arranged according RSNI-03-1726-xxxx. Thisis because when the earthquake time period, the attenuation function and seismic zoning isdifferent

    Perhitungan Kekuatan Spi Poros pada Pengujian Model Kapal

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    Pasak terbuat dari baja lunak (mild steel), berfungsi sebagai pengunci yang disisipkan diantara poros dan propeller agar keduanya tersambung dengan pasti sehingga mampu meneruskan momen puntir/torsi, oleh sebab kajian teknis tentang besarnya gaya, torsi dan tegangan diperlukan dalam memprediksi kekuatan dan umur pakai pasak tersebut. Untuk mendapatkan kekuatan pasak dan umur pakai pasak tersebut dilakukan analisa pada proses uji self propulsion dimana variabel yang dipilih adalah putaran mesin yang merupakan parameter sangat berpengaruh terhadap Perubahan gaya, torsi dan tegangan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa untuk proses uji self propulsion Kapal Patroli Cepat 60 meter, pada putaran mesin 2813 rpm dan 3043 rpm pasak beroperasi pada kondisi normal, sedangkan pada putaran mesin 1213 rpm pasak beroperasi pada kondisi ektrim dimana torsi yang timbul 43 Nm sehingga gaya yang dipikul oleh pasak 8601 N, menghasilkan tegangan sebesar 44.2 Ksi dan umur pakai pasak 70 hari operasional pasak atau 3.5 bulan kalender

    Kaji Eksperimen Kekuatan Tarik Produk-produk Berbahan Plastik Daur Ulang

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengindetifikasi kekuatan dan regangan plastik yang dapat didaur ulang seperti PET, HDPE, PP, dan LDPE, maka untuk mencapai tujuan itu perlu melakukan : observasi beberapa produk plastik yang ada di pasaran, mengelompokkan jenis plastik yang dapat didaur ulang agar dapat dicetak kembali, kemudian dirajang masing-masing jenis plastik tersebut menjadi serpihan agar dapat dilebur dan dicetak menjadi sampel uji tarik, dan yang terakhir melakukan pengujian tarik sampel plastik tersebut supaya dapat diketahui besarnya kekuatan dan regangan tariknya. Berdasarkan pengujian tarik sampel plastik non daur ulang (NDU) menghasilkan kekuatan atau tegangan tarik PET=62,48N/mm2, HDPE=21,73 N/mm2, PP=13,89 N/mm2,dan LDPE=10,05 N/mm2 dan regangan tarik NDU PET=19%, HDPE=4,5%, PP=21,75%,,dan LDPE=86%. Untuk pengujian tarik plastik daur ulang (DU) menghasilkan tegangan tarik PET turun 63%, HDPE turun 35%, PP turun12%, LDPE naik 44% terhadap tegangan tarik plastik NDU. Sedang regangan tarik plastik daur ulang (DU) semua mengalami penurunan terhadap NDU masing-masing PET turun 61%, HDPE turun 14%, PP turun24%, dan LDPE turun 66%


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    The knowledge of Indonesian Islamic education is still strongly influenced by Middle Eastern Islamic education, which is currently experiencing political turmoil and bloodshed due to the transnationalism and global Salafism movement. If this condition continues, Indonesian Islamic education will suffer the same fate. In such a situation, Islamic education with progress and Islam Nusantara education must appear prominent, becoming the mainstream (mainstreaming) as a stronghold of the NKRI. Although some studies deliberately make the difference between them, they have the potential for conflict, but the principle of caring for diversity must be put forward. Library research with this qualitative approach formulates the scientific mainstreaming of Islamic education with progress and Islam Nusantara education amidst the flow of transnational Islamic education. The findings of this study indicate that the scientific advancement of Islamic education with progress is Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan (AIK) while that of Islam Nusantara education is Aswaja. AIK develops knowledge that supports the local wisdom and diversity, while Aswaja maintains local wisdom and national character through science. Both represent the science of moderate Islamic education that is more enlightening than Middle Eastern Islam; thereby, it has the potential to promote Indonesia as a barometer of Islamic world education. Keywords: Islamic education, Kemuhamamdiyahan, and Aswaj

    Kepemimpinan Guru dalam Pembentukan Karakter Siswa

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    Lembaga pendidikan sekolah memegang peran yang sangat penting dan strategis dalam pengembangan karakter siswa. Sekolah menjadi sarana diseminasi nilai-nilai kebajikan (virtues) yang inungkin belum dilakukan di keluarga atau di masyarakat. Seluruh pengalaman yang dijumpai anak selama di sekolah adalah kurikulum yang sangat efektif dalam membentuk kepribadian mereka. Apalagi pada taraf perkembangan anak usia dini dan dasar yang masih pada tahap operasional konkret, mereka akan banyak be/ajar pada apa yang mereka lihat. Dengan perilaku imitatif tersebut, maka peran model guru sebagai seorang pendidik amat mutlak dilakukan. Maka tugas seorang guru adalah bagaimana berperan menjadi model teladan nilai sekaligus mampu menciptakan sus as ana kelas dan sekolah yang kondusif sebagai bentuk penguatan (reinforcement) bagi tumbuh kembangnya karakter yang baik pada siswa

    Pengaruh Cacat Las pada Sambungan Pipa Bawah Laut (Girth Weld) dengan Mengaplikasikan Failure Analysis Diagram (Fad)

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    Suyadi, An under sea pipe connection (girth weld) is an area that possibly will get defect. This weld defects have a potential for causing tension concentration, so that there will be preliminary crack. This crack will spread due to cyclic loads received by the structure. This final assignment research is performed for evaluating mechanical integrity and girth weld having weld defect using method of Failure Analysis Diagram (FAD) and it takes a sample of case for South Sumatra West Java pipe belongs to PGN Co.Ltd. FAD is a method, which is good enough for evaluating the integrity of pipe structure having crack like flaw upon the weld. FAD divides two areas, namely safe area and unsafe area constructed by two axis, namely x axis that is stress ratio (Lr) and y axis that is stress intensity ratio (Kr). Stress ratio (Lr) is a ratio between a ref and a yield, mean while stress intensity ratio (Kr) is a ratio (stress intensity factor) between Kl and KIC (fracture toughness material). ANSYS 8.0 software is used for modeling by considering that the defect is in the form of semi elliptic with a/2c variation, that is 0,0469; 0,0938; 0,01406; and 0,1750. The loading upon the pipe is considered as the minimum loading (pull = 8284.25 psi), medium (pull = 41421.25 psi) and maximum (pull = 82842.5 psi). From the analysis result, it is obtained that crack dimension with a/2c 0.175 is not safe upon minimum and medium loading, mean while upon the maximum loading condition, all modeled cracks dimensions cause the pipe is not safe